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I received telepathic messages in my sleep!

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Hi everyone!

Has this happened to any of you? It has happened to me for the fourth time now.

Early in the morning, in the deep of sleep, I have been sent a telepathic message. The first two were from a psychic friend, regarding music (we are both musicians; we met online). Both messages came in the form of dreams of telephone conversations with the person, in which the message was revealed.

The first time it happened, he told me that he didn't need a ride to his show. Later that day, I called him and asked him if he needed a ride. He replied "didn't I tell you? I got a ride from a friend."

The second time it happened, he told me something to the effect that he didn't want to be part of a music project with me, because our styles were too different or something to that effect. After that, his phone calls stopped, and so did his emails. Eventually, I emailed him about his feelings (not mentioning the telepathic message). He replied, stating that he thought I was more of a DJ (with turntables and all) and not so much a in other words, my music wasn't what he expected and my telepathy was confirmed again.

The third time happened with a different guy. This guy I was dating for a month or two. I had a dream that I was on the telephone with him and he told me that he wasn't physically attracted to me. Don't I get an email from the guy a few days later, stating that he enjoys my conversation, but he's not attracted to me!

The fourth time just happened yesterday morning. Another guy I am dating, only the dream/message hasn't been confirmed yet. He is also psychic; some interesting instances have occurred. This message came in the form of a dream of an instant message where he told me that he was attracted to my personality, but not my body. (Am I sensing a theme here?)  :x We have been dating for two weeks now...we met online, met up last week at a coffeehouse, and now he has grown somewhat distant (despite him telling me later the night of our date that he wants to see me again). He hasn't called, and when he's online, he always chats for a bit and has to run.

It won't be long before this one gets verified.  :|

Do the senders of these messages consciously send them? Who's to know, unless I ask them directly. I imagine they can come either subconsciously or consciously. One of the guys I am still friends with, so I will ask him.

The conclusions I have come to are:

• Telepathic messages can come in the form of dreams
• The sender may or may not realize they are sending them
• These messages usually come from people that are close to each other
• The messages usually have emotion attached to them

Do you have any similar experiences that you would like to share?


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Come to think of it, yes.

There was a girl I fancied for a while. I actually activated the telepathic link while awake, then while I slept I had a dream that she told me she was with another guy.

I didn't say anything about it (figured it wasn't real), but it turned out she was, which I had no physical evidence of until a couple months after the telepathic message. Only thing was, he was from a different city than what she had said in the dream.

But I write that off to my mind getting the interpretation (from reality to my perception) wrong, since I think similarly of the city he's from and where she-in-the-dream said he was from.

Silver Incubus

What was the point in deleting my well thought out and insightful post? Unless of course people cannot handle the truth, in which case I have to say, wake up and stop living in a fantasy land where everything is other peoples fault and never your own.

Anyways, to paraphrase my post from before, it's your subconscious/unconscious picking up on the subtle hints and body language given by those in the "link". The more you are in sync with someone the more apt you are to think similar thoughts and feel the connection.

For example I have had GFs that I knew they had been thinking of breaking up with me because I felt that the connection (represented by a feeling located where the heart chakra would be) felt like an empty gaping hole of pain. Then I find out that day, or a couple of days later, and I had already accepted this sign and they always had been surprised as I already knew. Now I am not going to claim that I have super pychic powers because it seems ridiculous for me to claim something so unprovable, (like saying I know there is a God when I can't), yet I can verify that my unconscious picks up on the subtler things that I may not become aware of and it decides when I should know about situations by telling me in its own certain way. It is just learning to hone into those signals that give people the delusion that there is such thing as Psychics, which unless you change the definition, is not a real life thing.
"Life is an Illusion that is painfully real" - me


Your previous post was verbally abusive, so I removed it. Read the AUP.

Choose empathy. It costs nothing.
Curious about #Welsh? Learn with us!


then how do you explain the fact that i "felt" an old girlfriend approach my door when i had no clue she was coming over. or text messages i get, i always happen to open my phone as i get one. or when my cousin calls me. i look at my phone, it rings and its him on the other side.

Silver Incubus

Quote from: SnakeDoctor on September 03, 2008, 03:45:37
then how do you explain the fact that i "felt" an old girlfriend approach my door when i had no clue she was coming over. or text messages i get, i always happen to open my phone as i get one. or when my cousin calls me. i look at my phone, it rings and its him on the other side.

Because your conscious mind is only a small percent of your total awareness of what is going on. I trust that you don't actively think about walking, talking, breathing, your heart rate or immune system etc.

People can actually get to the point where they can actually know what someone is thinking by feeling it as it were.

Just remember that the map is not the territory. I'll explain. You create internal representations of the real world inside your head based on the information brought to your brain by your senses. For example I can tell that your primary representational system you employ most is kinesthetic or feeling. I find this simply by noticing the predicates that you use to describe your reality. You use action words, combined with feelings to deal with the world and then to a lesser extent you use auditory or visual.

As for cell phones. For me, I know before my phone starts ringing because I actually feel the micro waves through my body. Its strange to describe by I can feel em. they actually make me feel a little sick tbh.

Also, don't dismiss the power of your own beliefs. Its like when some says they notice 11:11. Its not that it happens more frequently, its that you have trained yourself at an unconscious level to look at the clock at that time, because you may believe that it has some kind of meaning. The same goes for you thinking that you have a special sense of when something like that happens when its more then likely you creating that expectation, or simply remembering that event as something that may have only existed in your head to begin with.

Now, don't frett. I do not have all the answers, and it is very possible that on the bases that everything is energy and that it possible to detect that energy. If it is possible to pickup on that energy, then it is still at the unconscious level, at least for most people.
"Life is an Illusion that is painfully real" - me