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Astral Armory

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The Night Mist

Hello all !!!
In this topic I want to discuss about astral self defense and weaponry.
I want you all to share your experiences in this subject and I wanted to ask you what types of weapons and armor did you create in the astral?

And mostly(why I opened this topic) did you ever create that weapon from the game Legacy of Kain, the one that Raziel creates from his hand.
Here's a pic of it

It's really cool since it is made of energy and it looks like a sword...I bet it's real powerful too...

... :)  :)  :)


It would be only as powerful as your mind is, but it is worth to try anyway(looks cool)
When I have OOBE and find a neg or other entity, I create AK47 or AK74, and that's enough to fix the problem.


I do not understand how it's possible to create weapons.  I had read it was possible but when I tried to create a gun once the Astral Beings just looked at me a laughed and said 'Good Buy". I was really shocked it did not work.  I turned an ran away then.  Maybe my problem there is I am actually encountering Guides as I have never seen so called Astral Wildlife.  Once I did see what I thought form but he did not move or answer my questions.  I will not try again in the Astral to create weapons or manipulate my form.  To me the Astral appears almost a real as the physical when I am very lucid except to the most intense colors I have ever seen, as it everything glows.  I got this thing I will do now when I see an Astral being.  I will walk up and tell them they are not real and are just being created in my dream and when I awake they will cease to exist so to see what there reaction will be.  Most times I get a response like "Get a load of this guy, who does he think he is ?" Maybe when I actually die God will tell me I do not exist and am a dream he is having.


I saw the previews for that game, it's great.

It looks to me like he's holding a psi-sword, just made out of energy. Honestly, I doubt people would make something like that. If it's made visually, it'd probably look like any other weapon. It would only look like energy if made randomly without focus... I'm guessing. If you can't contain the energies of your sword into a specific shape, how would you wield it?

The Night Mist

Not really...look at this pic, you see a vampire holding a sword right?  

Well the "psi-weapon" you said is actually that sword in "ghost version" actually summon this sword, like a BIO-Weapon. You imagine circles of energy come down from your shoulder and through your arm down to your hand then you imagine the sword being created but in ghostly form with all that energy surrounding it
Look at this pic , it will give you and impression of how it should look:
...the energy surrounding it

or this pic:
Trust me when you create that yo' gonna break something with it.

I read your post and it seems you are rather disappointed and discouraged. Trust me with this when those NEG's laugh they do that to intimidate you, you couldn't create the weapon because you didn't concentrate enough but I am thinking that the weapon was about to be created, why did you think the negs went away? ...they are a bunch of cowards and if you let them push you around they'll just be back for more. It's time to stand up against them. Like Mr. Robert said in his book Astral all takes practice. Well that's what you have to do, practice practice practice....even in the psychical dimension, you can use your imagination to just feel the weapon. Don't try to create something complicated like a machine-gun or something like that...try a sword...the sword I was talking about in this thread....It's called The Soul Reaver, I just would LOVE to see the expression on the neg's faces when you raise your hand and extreme glowing powerful energy surrounds your arm and a cool sword pop-ing up....
NEG: -Hahahah...what is he trying to do?...ahahah
Sword building up!
YOU: -You were saying gentelmen?...aham, now if you'll excuse me I have some spirit-bones to break :wink:   :wink:   :wink:




ny1 made a lightsaber????? lol


Know your true form in the Astral and there is NOTHING to fear or anything that can harm you, except yourself.
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


And when you truly understand what a NEG is you realise they can't harm you at all.  If you Posture for defense, you invite attack.  If you fear, you will manifest that fear in the Astral.  As long as you clothe yourself in Armour and carry Weapons in the Astral, you will attract the very things you desire:  something to defend against and to attack.

You create/attract the NEG's out of your desires, you are creating your own reality.  Why not simply vibrate higher where they can't go?
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


Quote from: RastusAnd when you truly understand what a NEG is you realise they can't harm you at all.
So what is a neg in your opinion?
 If you Posture for defense, you invite attack.
This just plain and simply is not true. Negs will mostly avoid those who know how to defend themselves and pick on the ones who don't think psychic self-defense is needed or don't know about negs. They feed on human energy because they need it survive, not because people "posture for defense".
If you fear, you will manifest that fear in the Astral.  As long as you clothe yourself in Armour and carry Weapons in the Astral, you will attract the very things you desire:  something to defend against and to attack.
While your first sentence is correct the rest of what you said isn't. You can create your own fears on the Astral but then there are also Inorganic Beings/Astral Wildlife that have independent existences. It always amazes me how many New Age types will believe in spirit guides, Angels and Ascended Masters and all things good and fluffy but then go into denial about anything dark and nasty saying it's all in your head. And it always seems to be people who've never had a serious neg problem.
You create/attract the NEG's out of your desires, you are creating your own reality.
To a certain extent the "creating your own reality" is something I agree with. But what people who believe it 100% don't realize is that you are co-creating this reality with other beings that may not be as nice and fluffy as you are. Even Mother Nature knows more than the belief system you are selling. Look at the various animals that have bright colours or are poisonous to eat as a form of protection against potential predators. It would be laughable that a hedgehog is more intelligent regarding its own protection than some New Age type humans if it wasn't so sad that many suffer because of such ignorant beliefs.


A NEG is one authors term for something that spans many things.  From the equivalent of Astral mosquitoes to intelligent beings.  It is a generic term for an energy being you don't like.  I never said Negs didn't exist, I said you have nothing to fear from them.

I write this for those not locked into your reality.  I have seen negs.  Heck, saw several Friday night (joys of living in urban sprawl). 20 seconds of focus and energy raising and they were gone.  Like shooing away some pest.  I have also inadvertantly summoned them, when my thoughts aren't as high as they need to be during intesne energy work.  Same procedure, focus, cleanse and they are gone.

While it's extremely difficult to keep your thoughts higher all the time, it is possible to do it as needed.  With practice it becomes easier and easier.  A fully awakened human has nothing to fear on the astral or from astral entities they may encounter while in everyday life.  If you are 'constantly attacked' then that's the reality you have chosen.  Yes, you have chosen to make it your reality, so it is.  If you spent the same effort of manifesting some other desire, it could happen with the same results you get with negs.

Human beings are not animals.  Joys of an immortal soul and all that.  In fact we aren't like most life in the universe.  I do a lot of co-creating, and my duality is getting quite thin.  People have free will.  If you wish to battle things, then that is the reality you will manifest.  If you would rather live in a land of Fairie, then that too can be manifest.  The only limitiations are from within.  The energies have shifted so far, now all is possible.  HOME is now here with us, the time of the veil is almost over.

There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.

The Night Mist

Have you heard the mp3 interviews on the main page?....Mr. Robert talks about psychical protection against these types of NEGs and that this threat exists and we must be aware of it... try them, they can be downloaded or you can listen to them directly from there....
Here's the linky:

Or you can go to ---> Library ---> Audio/Video---Interviews

You'll see that NEGs are NOT to be dispatched as simple negative beings and that there are very powerful things out there that we have to be prepared to face...although not very frequent but there are possibilities.



Hm, well I will say whenever I am successful at projecting, I will create armor and some sort of weapon. Mostly just for fun though. I mean, who doesn't think that it is cool to walk around in armor? Has anyone in here ever played "Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind"? Now that has some nice armor in it. I would pick glass armor, because it has glass spikes all over it. I believe it to be rather intimidating. Especially the helm, because you cant see your face, and there are tree glass spikes right on top of your head. Then of course, another weapon from Morrowind (the game is RPG of the year, AND Game of the year). The Daedric Short sword. The only problem that I can find about this is the weapon. When I think Daedric, I think evil. Daedric is basically the devil worshiper sort of thing,but then again, the weapon is just refined ebony... no big deal I guess.


Quote from: runlolaexcuse me, I guess it's not important whether it works or not.


While playing around with creating beautiful armor and weapons, there is the small part of functionality. I am writing an article for another website on astral projection and i have a section dedicated to self defence. This is only a SMALL part of that chapter. Enjoy :)

Astral Sword, Armor & Self Defense

Like i said earlier in the Astral Ward chapter, there may be times when we need to
take a much more active role in the matter of self-defense. Here are some more
Active ways of defending oneself, and quite advanced I might add. I'd suggest that
you practice these methods with your spirit guide or with a seasoned Astral Projector
somewhere on the astral plane.

Astral Sword
In the Astral realm you have access to an astral sword. Sword is among many
Astral Projectors considered to be the best weapon. Depending on your skill in the
astral realm, any object that you create will be lasting for a period of time. The more
skilled you are, the longer the objects will remain solid. That means that your
Astral sword created before you were incarnated into your current physical
existence will still be available t o you.
Hold out your hand and call out for your astral sword. Either in your mind
or our loud. Personally I often shout out "Sword!".
That's enough for me to receive my sword. If after repeated attempts still haven't
received your astral sword then it is most likely because you don't have one. No
worries, you can create one.
Imagine a sword of your preferred design in your hand, or in the ground. If
you imagine it stuck in the ground, grab the hilt and pull it out holding it
firmly in your hand. Imagine all the details you want it to have.
If you know Runes, you can engrave it with your name – or with some other
alphabet. You can add Signs from fantasy books or films, or from some other source.
I have absolutely nothing engraved onto my sword. My sword is of the easiest
possible design. As i was surfing the Internet a few months ago (After i had begun
Projecting) i found of a coincident a Sword that was *identical* to my Astral sword. I
had never seen it before, but there it was.
After that you've created your sword, it must both be Charged and rooted in
the Astral so it does not loose its power or dissipate once you leave the
Astral or stop focusing on the sword. Hold up the sword in both your hands
and ask your god to bless it. Imagine Fire flowing down from above and into
your sword. Feel its heat and its warmth. Feel the energy flowing through it.
Next, grab the hilt with both your hands. Now you are going to root it to the
Astral so it won't fade away by giving it a part of you. You will now send a
small portion of your own energy into the sword. Imagine golden light
flowing through your arms and into the sword. Feel your hands becoming
warmer and warmer, until you feel you have charged it enough.
Now we will take the sword to your Safe place. Hold it firmly in your hand,
and will yourself (Instant Travel) to your Safe place. As soon as you find
yourself there you will go to a place that you feel is particular welcoming.
In the Following steps, it might be good if you have your Spirit guide with
you. Imagine an Altar in the chosen place. My own is a natural one made of
stone. If you have your spirit guide with you, ask him to show you where
your power symbol is located. He will point at a spot and there you will find
a symbol. This is your very own symbol, your power symbol. Place your
Astral Sword on the Altar, and stand close to the altar. Now see how a circle
of the purest lights you can imagine forms around the altar. This is the
universal circle that will guard your sword from others who have
accidentally stumbled onto your safe place. Now see how threads of gold
shoot out from the Power symbol on your Altar and into the circle. The
Table now is controlling the energy to the circle. Put your hand on the table
and charge it just like you did with your sword. The Table is now connected
to your own life force without drawing from it. As you are an Eternal spirit,
so will the table and the sword be eternal as well.
Whenever you need your Astral Sword, call out for it or focus on its symbol
and it will appear to you and only you. The Altar is a sacred place dedicated
to the Divine yet at the same time a good place to place your Astral Sword
on. The Circle protects it from all energies and beings that try to steal it or
misuse it in some way. Through the act of charging the sword with your
own energy, you have also sealed it. By sealing it you have made sure that
the only person that will ever be able to use the sword is *you*. Nobody else
can wield it without harming themselves. But then, this will never be the
case as it is well protected in your safe place.

Astral Armor
This is really not very different from how you receive or create your own Astral
Armor. When you are in the Astral, call out either loudly or in your mind "Armor!".
Just like with the Sword, you will either receive it or you will not. Try this a few
times, and if it doesn't work we'll create an Astral Armor and prepare it. When you
call out to your Astral Armor, you will find yourself immersed in a light. I do not
know what color it will be of, as I have only observed the light around me and in my
case it was Bright white & Gently Gold colored. When the light disappears you will
be wearing your armor, unless your amour is one of light. I have heard this from
several sources however I have not had the pleasure of ever seeing one. On a
theoretical level it is possible that higher spiritually developed beings wear these
armors when they are forced into Physical Astral conflicts. The color white is quite
often associated with purity and the divine, symbolizing the higher beings
connection to god.
If you don't receive your armor, force it to be created by willpower. Onto this Armor,
Imprint your Personal Power symbol next to your Religious symbol. It can be a cross,
a Pentagram, David's Star (Salomon's Sigil), a crescent or whatever. Now
immediately will yourself to your Safe place. Once you are there, walk through the
Circle. You can do this, but no body else will not be permitted entrance
Negative beings will not be permitted entrance, and higher beings will certainly not
intrude on your safe place. Place the Armor onto the Altar. Once placed on the altar
place your hands on the power symbol on it, and share some of your energy. Now
the Armor has been sealed so it may only be used by you, by sharing your energy
with it. The Power symbol on it connects it to your Sword and your Altar with the
same symbol, which draws power from you. From this moment on, when they have
connected to one another and to you they will be everlasting in the astral. They will
be there for you whenever you need them. Remember that in the Astral dimension
time and space has absolutely no meaning and you can call at them at any time
should the need arise. Another important thing to know about the armor is that it is
of an energetic nature. When you are forced to engage in Astral Combat it will
protect your Astral body from getting hurt (In such a manner normal armor would
be capable of) so you do not leak energy. This goes both for the energy the astral
body is made of, and of the Prana (or etheric body) that your physical body is
covered in.


The Article is for training purpose at a website called the forceacademy. It is a Starwars based jedi community....NON RPG!

Who knows, maybe i'll see you around there?
If you do pop up, my nick is paladin Mikhail over there :)


lol - MTFBWY as well :)


As far as I'm concerned.
Armor is only an illusion.  Whether it is used as a tool for confidence or whatever the reason.  All the is necessary is to be consumed of love, faith, and light.  With these, negs will generally not think to bother you.  It is like this even in the physical plane.  If you think negatively/egotistcally so will the people around you--at least those of the same freq/ or lower.  And if you lose faith, you gain fear.  So as long as you hold more than they do, you are fine.  However, I as many, am still on the path as well.  There may very well be entities beyond my comprehension.


What i find best is to make use of alchemy in the astral...
Works better then here. Don´t even need a link. But as everything it is not the power of the thing is the power of your mind


try to have war with dark astral beings with your astral weapons and armor... you'll definitely get exhausted upon awakening... I've been battling dark energies for a long time... the first time i lost i was bedridden for almost 3 days... that was when i was still ignorant of NEW! now no more exhaustion :)


Now this is something I'm a little confused about myself even.  But if negative entities are classified as entities that "attack" and you yourself are "attacking" astral entities then doesnt that automatically classify you as a negative entity.  Now I'm not calling any of you negs.  I myself was confused about that for a while as well.  But keep going and surely you'll find what you are looking for.