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Psychic Attack

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can you avoid visiting the place?

or try talking to the person who is attacking and try to reason with him/her.

otherwise, goto and check out the list. you don't neccessarily have to go for any that are expensive, just pick a few that you can find quickly and hide about your body easily. there are other ways, and i'm sure others will be able to post some methods.


Mathias Jonsson

I recommend you to start doing a warding rite such as THE TOWER OF LIGHT (first relax, breathe long deep breaths, then you visualize a deep-blue elliptical form all-encompassing your aura, as well as the sphere of the higher self shining brilliant-white 15-20 cm above the crown of your head, after that you imagine sparkles of healing white light showering down on you).This ritual only takes a few minutes to do.

Other rites to recommend is THE SETTING OF THE WARDS OF POWER (SWP)/or THE LESSER BANISHING RITUAL OF THE PENTAGRAM (LBRP).These rituals should be done at least once a day, as their durability are 24 hours.
THE ROSE-CROSS RITUAL (of The hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn) is also a ritual that can be used.


I got a question. do you have to astral project to do these rituals?


criminalmind63, no, you don't have to astal project to do any magical stuff, unless that stuff is MEANT to be done on the astral. i've never heard of anything that is only meant to be done on the astral, though, so you'll probably never have to worry about it.



Hello Fluffyone
  I would suggest that every time you go anywhere that you put a spot of ground cinnamon on your breastbone and then pray for protection. Another thing that can be used is rosemary oil, carrying herbs upon you in a small bag such as garlic, rosemary, or any of the herbs that are protective. A list of them was just posted in another topic. All herbs should be prayed over before you carry them for protection.


HI!  I am a trainee psychic i have been attacked on a psychic level by someone whom has a grudge against a place i visit.  This is not a personal attack rather i have been caught up in the circumstance.  The problem is i know very little about protection against these issues seeing as its something i do not practice myself.  I don't like being a sitting duck for a twisted mind can anyone offer some form of defense against these attacks.  I had been using a spirit guide and they were powerless in this incident.  I have ordered the book but its going to take 2 weeks to get to me.  In the meantime i am open to another attack of which the first was quite serious,  Any advice would be welcome thanks.