The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: shedt on April 20, 2004, 20:12:49

Title: Astral Police
Post by: shedt on April 20, 2004, 20:12:49
I would think that if you need something like that you could will them to you or imagine them... but I do not know.
Title: Astral Police
Post by: wendi on April 20, 2004, 23:23:53
If you need the power of Good on your side, Lockmar, pray for it.

Christ cover me, Christ guard me, Christ keep me, Christ the King.
Christ deliver me, Christ guide me, Christ teach me, Christ the King.
Title: Astral Police
Post by: James S on April 21, 2004, 00:33:27
There are no astral police as such. There are two things that do tend towards "policing" your activity when in the astral, and these are:

1) your own energy vibration levels which will tend to either prevent you from going too high or too low, that is, keep you at a level within the astral consistent with your level of energy / vibration.

2)higher beings, angels, etc, who can and will act as guides or helpers within the astral.

Kind regards,
Title: Astral Police
Post by: dreamosis on April 22, 2004, 21:07:18
I have heard of "Cosmic Cops"--astral being that are assigned to individuals like guides who watch over individuals (either protectively, or protecting others from the individudal).

I have definitely ran into Gatekeepers both in my APs and lucid dreams, but more in my lucid dreams.  They're right on the threshold of another astral area and I've had to ran past them, fly past them, fight them, etc.

Title: Astral Police
Post by: pegun1 on May 20, 2004, 12:06:42
hello Dion Fortunes book psychic self defence has reference to the psychic police
hope this is of some use to you
Love& Light
Title: Astral Police
Post by: Ken on May 20, 2004, 21:04:36
I have read anumber of books by experienced astral projecters who mentiont he astral police. Just don't expect them to look like cops in this dimension.
DJ Conway has also mentioned them.
Title: Astral Police
Post by: ImmuredSoul on May 20, 2004, 21:14:23
Sounds interesting . . . if it's not too much trouble, Ken, can you send which books (if you remember, that is [:P]). I'd like to read up on that.
Title: Astral Police
Post by: Sentential on May 27, 2004, 22:27:27
From my experiences, the Astral is far to vast to have such a measure. Especially considering the small number of pplz that actually travel it.

IMO the Astral void is *far* too dangerous to travel... stay the hell away from that place. Thats how I ended up being possesed.

To make my point brief... excorsising yourself is quite painful, not to mention that it may not work.

Thank god it worked for me... otherwise my family would be dead and I would be in a loonie bin.
Title: Astral Police
Post by: Nay on May 27, 2004, 22:54:52
Actually Sentential, everyone travels the astral every night, they just do not remember it, well dreams are a form of astral travel, just a different level of it.

Funny that I just came across this thread, because I was just reading in Astral Dynamics about this very thing...[:D] don't cha just love how things click like that?

while there are no actual laws governing OBE, there are some natural energetic repercussions to consider, as James pointed out.  But repeated, deliberate invasions of privacy and other types of antisocial behavior will quickly generate negativity in the sensitive out-of-body enviroment.  This will progressively worsen until a more civilized approach is taken to OBE.  Invading the privacy of others accidentally or through well-intentioned exploration, and not for self-gratificaton or unethical gain, will not generate any negative repercussions at all.  In laymans terms...don't peek in on your neighbor..LOL..[:P]

Title: Astral Police
Post by: Sentential on May 27, 2004, 22:57:05
Very interesting.... Im still learning quite a bit. I feel somewhat pressured to do so lol. Thats interesting. I always thought as the astral as being a place where the dead linger... not a dream world.
Title: Astral Police
Post by: majour ka on May 28, 2004, 07:15:17

Is there an astral police? If so, how are they contacted?

Why dya need the a.p.d has some one nicked ya astral boots?..Just kidding [:o)].

Ive been told its time to go back, and found my self in bed, Is that astral police'ing?
Title: Astral Police
Post by: Mathias Jonsson on June 02, 2004, 07:26:04
Dion Fortune in her book PSYCHIC SELF-DEFENSE give the method: as I recall it was visualizing a equal armed red cross on a white background.
I've tried it out once and got a reply, though probably not from the astral police, I assume it was the higher self, as I found a sort of re-enactment of the LBRP take place around me, just as if the higher self set out the astral wards.

Fortune in her book, also mentions this happening to her once; e.g. her higher self taking control of the situation.
I don't know if there was a line-up of occultists patrolling (or trying to patrol) the Astral Plane in her days, but I don't know if this is valid for today. Still it gives some hope to all haunted souls.
Title: Astral Police
Post by: bloodsword on June 14, 2004, 00:12:46
There are laws within astral space, but quite often they are not being respected. The enforcement of these laws is not organized. One day it might be. On the other hand, it might not.

If you need help, say so. Here is as good a place as any.
Title: Astral Police
Post by: Lockmar on April 20, 2004, 12:23:46

Is there an astral police? If so, how are they contacted?
