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drainage through attached energy chords

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Try here:

This is the website to John Zaffis, he is the nephew of Ed and Lorraine Warren, the people who investigated the Amityville house. John is a demonologist and helps people with your kind of problems, even has contacts across the country that perform exorcisms.


Thank you again for the responses and suggestions. I have recently contacted John Zaffis and co-workers. I am in the process of getting help. I am struggling a great deal to even get to the computer to read information. But I appreciate so much that others have tried to help. I'll keep you updated on the progress and may feel strong enough this weekend to get on the forum for longer. Take care and all be well.


These prsne people sound interesting. Please let us know what they do for you! Thanks.


I got very good help (in the form of removing entities,healing etc. ) from the person who created the following web site.  
she mentioned that she is going to help me to  getting rid of energy chord.

Li Yun

in reply to your question yes...i have that kind of thing going on, energy draining and attachment. I too am getting it sorted by going to a shamanic healer down south...he was recomended to me through this advise is...get info to work out what your problem is (which you seem to have done) and make moves to sort out (again looks like you are) and then don't allow your mind to wallow in the situation anymore than you must. ie don't give these negs the time of day! they like attention...just accept it and believe it will be sorted and things will subside! hope all goes well olly


here update on my situation.I did some exercise or procedure along with healer ( distant healer) over the phone.  I should say that I feel lot better than before. I hope this situation lasts long.


I am under some sort of attacks form quite some time , but could able understand only after reading bruce's psychic self defense.  I had symptoms of energy depressions on physical body  at seconday storage centres like subnovel, below the heart on front side , on hips, back of the body ( bruce call it secondary storage location) . I had long history of involunatary kundalini raising even when I just concentrate . For some reason, every method I tried failed. I might have prematurely used primary charka with no energy body development.

I took psychic help from a healer which she did  good amount of healing work on me and  cleared lot of entities  and it helped me lot.

Now I feel drained of my energy in sleep . healer  saying I have some energy chords attached to body at the root charka which they are using to harvest and consume my energy I am very sensitive with lot  of out of control interest in spiritual matters ( matrix matters , meditation etc. ) thus making me vulnerable.

Does any body has any experience like this type of drainage ?. Any possible solution