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Even in death, they kill you again?

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Well, nothing exists outside of the Divine, so I don't think someone can be doomed for all of eternity. For every lock, there is a key. I think your question leads into something deeper: What kind of god or gods is/are responsible for creating and ruling the Universe?

Dark Knight

No, I don't think so...

I spoke to Robert Bruce about this once because I was afraid, if I died as my attacks were still going on, would I go to heaven or would my attackers get me?

Robert told me that he has a friend who wrote a book all about the death experience (I lost the title when my hard drive crashed). From what he says, death is a far more complex experience than we even realize. No, you won't be taken. The only way they can take you is if you willing go to them.

James S

Hi Askeltal,

As much as none of us really know what goes on after death without first going there, there have been a few who have "visited".

With regards to your question, do a search on this forum for topics posted by either Frank or Ginny about astral rescues. These are two highly experienced astral projectors who have made themselves available to the higher powers to help release souls out of prisons they have made for themselves in the afterlife.

More often than not these souls are of people who have died traumatically, and are stuck in a lower astral region in a cage of their own making. Their consciousness is not able to let go of certain aspects of thier lives, so they end up stuck in some kind of loop, kind of like a ghost that remains in the house it was killed in.

Skilled Astral projectors can be called on by higher beings to help people stuck in these loops because these souls are looking for someone else - another person, kind of like a familiar face to help lift them out of their trap. After that its a matter of helping these souls to realise that there is an entire universe waiting for them, and they are free to go on to wherever they want to.


Not exactly the same but: Castaneda talked about some entities tricking you into becoming one of them (to get your energy)... It's no that you die and are doomed for eternity but it's that your "humanity" dies and you live for 1000 times longer than a human life in this new form...
If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?


Hi, just a question not regarding my own works but i'd like to know if you think it's possible for someone to die and then be doomed for eternity because of negs or even more powerful entities?  If it is the case.. would it means that people who aren't powerful enough to protect themselves would never find peace in eternity?  I find that thought quite disturbing and I prefer to think not...  What do you think people?