The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: Kristen on December 30, 2002, 20:51:54

Title: child possesion
Post by: Kristen on December 30, 2002, 20:51:54
Hi jkvoelk -

What a truly heartbreaking situation for your friend and for her son -  it is so hard to parent a child with needs like this.  I am not surprized she has had anxiety attacks.  I hope that your freind has lots of support from friends and family, especially given that she has lupus.  It sounds like she has a shoulder to lean on with you ; ).

People with ADHD often are described as behaving as if they have no conscious, even psychopathic in the sense that that means having no regard for others and being extremely hurtful in word and behavior; and, of engaging in and drawing others into very risky, even life threatening behavior.  

The effects of Fetal Alchohol Syndrom on behavior is in my understanding not well exemplified by a child who is capable of talking others into doing risky things...  ADHD people can be very charismatic and daring, and FAS is more about "following" not leading and provoking.  If his intelligence is at least normal than I would not look at FAS as a primary diagnosis.

Obsessive Compulsive behavior can be very indicative of ADHD - not by itself, but included in a host of other behaviors.

Do you know if her son is on medications?  If so, what are they?  Finding the right medications can be a process with a capital P.  There are a variety of drugs out there for ADHD, but depending on the severity, drugs are not going to stop ADHD - they only diminish its "range."  All medications have their drawbacks.  Ritilin is the first one everyone thinks of .  Antidepressents are also used - albuteral is one that comes in various dosages and release forms

If I were your friend I'd read up on ADHD and the other diagnosies as much as possible if she hasn't already.  Having a feel for what others experience is can be very relieving - knowing she's not alone.  I'd find a support group, I'd talk to my child's teachers with the goal of creating a positive communication process around my son's issues as well as creating a community of support for him and for her at the level of the school.  I would take my son to a clinical psychotherapist with experience in ADHD, and have communcation between the therapist and the school a priority where appropriate.  I would provide full time supervision - not just Mom -  time to give Mom room to breath and to rest.  I would enlist and educate Dad and/or uncles or a tried and trusted friend - male role models who can provide appropriate boundaries and model appropriate behavior.  I would find out what interests him that is positive - what is he good at - exite his mind with projects that are full of input and manual necessity - fine and gross motor dexterity, and noise (seriously - positive noise:  instruments, things to bang, things to sing, things to talk about), and not get upset about mess.  I'd turn off the TV, throw out any video games, and keep him active with positive people and postive fast moving structure - SPORT - if there is a place where he can run and jump and go nuts - hiking, playgrounds, strict supervision is paramount - I mean llike right on top of him.  Structure is crucial - but a structure that is capable of incorporating the ADHD attention span, and not fighting against it at this phase of his life....  preadolescence is so crucial.

As for possession - well, I believe that possession is a thing that is possible with people.  I would send an email to Robert and to Nita - their addresses are posted on the site.

What is the boy's first name?  Mom too.


Title: child possesion
Post by: jkvoelk on January 02, 2003, 17:10:07
Thanks for the reply.  
Patrick has been seeing psychiatrists since he was 4 years old.
He has been on various medications including Ritalin with no improvement.
I believe his mom took him off of the drugs about a year ago because they werent helping.
His mom has researched the ADHD problem and has tried just about everything.
One psychiatrist thought there was really nothing that could be done with him and suggested that putting him in some kind of a facility for kids with severe problems might be the answer.
I am giving her the Psychic Self Defense book to read and then see what she thinks.  

Title: child possesion
Post by: Kristen on January 02, 2003, 19:48:09
Hi Janice,

First of all I have to correct myself - I mentioned Albuterol - when I should have said Adderall.  I don't want anyone to read this and then try to get Albuterol for ADHD.  Albuterol is for asthma, bronchiolitus and like conditions  - something I use at my work quite a bit.  Adderall is an antidepressant.

I want to say I'm feeling this story in my heart of hearts - I'm a wife and mother, and my husband and son have ADHD - and there have been other incredibly difficult psychological/spiritual issues for myself and my family beyond that too.

I think emailing Nita and Robert with this would be worth a lot - I hope that your friend is open to what Robert has to share in his book and to distance healing.  Posting your letter under the healing forum would be good too - there are a lot of caring people here.

I'll keep Patrick in my thoughts and prayers.  


Title: child possesion
Post by: jkvoelk on December 28, 2002, 21:29:35
After reading Psychic Self Defense I think I am convinced of something that I suspected for quite some time.  I believe a friend of mine has a child that is possesed.  I have known this woman for many years, long before she decided to adopt this child. (best friends)  She is a good parent and loves both of her kids.
The son that she adopted has been peculiar since he was a baby.  He is now 11 years old.  
Ever since he was little, he has had severe nightmares and foot cramps almost on a nightly basis.  He is of normal intelligence and has been taken to psychiatrists of whom have given diagnoses of Attention Deficit Disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, hyperactive, fetal alcohol syndrome, just to name a few.  He has been on a variety of drugs, none of which help.
He behaves as if he has no conscience. Does something and has no remorse.
He bullies other children and adults as well,  he does as he is told sometimes but not usually.  He does things such as setting fires, daring kids to jump in front of  cars and trains, urinating in the back of a strangers truck.
she has found him in the middle of the night standing over her bed and telling her that someday he was going to hurt her.
she has caught him talking to unseen people but the minute she tries to sneak up on him and hear what is being said, he shuts up and somehow knows that she is there.  Those are just some of the things I know about, but there are many many odd things.
My friend over the last year has been having anxiety attacks and reocurring nightmares.  She has been in a state of declining health for the last few years, diagnosed with lupus.
I havent told my friend what I think yet but I thought I would send her Psychic self defense.
My concern is that her health is too poor to be able to withstand much more.
If this child really is possessed and the entity realizes that my friend knows, she could have an even bigger problem.
I would appreciate some advice as to how best to approach this.
Thank you