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willing to pay someone

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Okay try explaining what the problem is in ENGLISH please[:P]

I don't think anybody here can really understand what's wrong. Just because some of us are psychic doesn't mean they know EVERYTHING!!

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.


go into meditation, and just start beating the hell out of all bad things that you feel. it may help.



btw, fat_turkey, brooklyn explained what was happening in another topic: "damn neggies... stealing my precious energy!"

brooklyn, if you can find a sacred type place, that may give you an advantage with using protection, or just trying to get rid of whatever is bothering you.

is anything helping so far [?]



Buy the book Practical Psychic Self-Defense.

If you already have it then I highly suggest you try the countermeasures - do it in a sacred place if possible. Try putting a hose around you in as perfect a circle as you can and then turn it on, then jump in the circle. Then clear your mind, delete core images, and ask the higher powers for protection. Damn I just made that up on the spot...I should try it sometime! Oh I forgot - I can't clear my mind :(.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

No amount of rigorous training, sitting and doing nothing, and clearing one's mind can help a man who hasn't overcome his doubts.


Maybe you shoudl type out the problem while they're not on your head and whatnot.  

What are you offering payment for?

Mystery Ninja

Dear Willing-to-pay-someone,

The solution is as simple as it it obvious.  Simply shout "argle bargle soogle woof"  thrice while standing on your head in a fountain naked in public. Most people find it best to do this at a mall.

Now send me a million dollars.


that's not very nice mystery ninja.

brooklyn, has there been any progress?


Mystery Ninja

I meant it as a joke - but in re-reading it this morning I guess maybe it was not all that funny.

Appologies to you Brooklyn, hope you get yourself sorted out.


Focus a wall of energy in the middle of your head, split it into two parts and bring them though, basically pushing them outa your head, and then just use regular energy to blast them when they out.

At least it should work, that's how I clear headaches (eg think of the pain as a type of energy, and do same thing).


its like they are all over my head now or something..
what the hell