Designing and building a protection chamber / room

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   I am new to these forums, and was wondering if anyone has made any rooms or chambers specifically for protection while astral projecting?

    I know people say negative entities can not cross running water, but cant they just go really high above or below it, essentially come in from straight above or below? People also say that having a water fountian or little water fall will protect the room.  

    When I try to project I am usually mostly under covers to block out any noise and light. However it is uncomfortable to be totally under cover since it is hard to breath. I am thinking of building some kind of ventilated pod with some kind of protective devices and features built in, I just need to find out what these are.

    Other than for protection I just want a perfectly dark, perfectly comfortable, totally quiet place to medatate without being distracted by traffic and other loud noises.


Silicone putty earplugs and an eyemask do the trick for me. If you get an eyemask avoid the cheapie ones.

Alternatively you could sleep in a casket, I hear they're pretty restful.

Sign #23 that you're a redneck vampire:
If you sleep in a casket that sits on top of another, non-working casket.
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I actually prefer my casket to be on cinder blocks.

I wasnt thinking a casket so much as a lazyboy recliner with some sort of sound / light proof enclosure over it. After reading some of R. Bruces articles on self defence, That the best water protection system would be a circle with spirals towards the center recirculator pump, and the outflow going in spirals in the oposite direction, so that they over laps and form many regions that the neg would not be able to pass. Since Robert Bruce says that a neg could still project into the circle but not pass it, i figure if it gets into one of the intersecting regions that if a rotating loop of PVC pipe filled with water circulating, would effectively cut these regions to zero size, according to him doing great damage or even destroying the neg.

Now how protected would someone be if they lived on a houseboat on a river? Wouldnt that be the ultimate flowing water protection system?


That is a good point. How about a boat in the ocean. Salt is a repellent as well and plenty of water, how about it?
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Hello Rocketman and Mustardseed
  I have never lived on a houseboat but I do believe that the water movement would help. You would still need to do protective measures or symbols to help out the vibes in the boat.
  Crosses over entryways will help. Herbs between the mattress's or in the corners of the rooms would add extra protetion. You should feng shui the inside of the boat if you want an ultimate meditation room.


Dear Nita
I have a question I have been thinking about maybe you can help me!. I have seen before that you advise many folks to use a variety of herbs as counter measures, and while I am sure that for many this might work I am wondering if it does so by the same principle as placebo medicine. Or do you believe that there are actual energetic properties in these herbs or symbols?. As a Christian having lived in India for a decade, I have seen a variety of amulets herbal protection ad infinitum but it seems evident that the country of India is still teeming with neg activity. In other words do you see the herb as powerful in itself or does it become an aide through the faith that is placed in it. This could of course be the question about everything else apart from actual energy dispensed through prayer meditation etc

Regards Mustardseed
Words.....there was a time when I believed in words!


Hello Mustardseed
  Herbs of certain sorts have an affinity with certain purposes. Prayer will charge food and herbs with the energy. Prayers are basically supplicating energy towards a certain goal. Spells and rituals basically give a set pattern saying if you do a certain sequence of events then you will get this desired reaction.
  This holds true for any church rituals even if they are seen as prayers to God. The reason for this is the pattern of energies used still are to get a desired result which is a manipulation of energy.
  Negative activity is normally highest in areas with the most people. The reason for this is all of the peoples hopes, fears and energies will draw them because that is what they need to exist. Negative patterns of energies such as despair, hunger and hopelessness will bring them really quickly. I know in India and a lot of other countries there is a high population with a lot of these problems.
  Every religion on the planet uses certain forms of prayer, movement and energies to bring about results. They basically are all magicians because their faith can bring about miracles. Mind you in some areas of the world these comments would be looked upon as heresy.
  Anything alive can be charged with the energies of faith, belief and prayer. It is the energetic intent to change the conditions of the area or person that does this. A person must give permission before the energies will stay with him and this is what allows the change in the persons life that herbs can cause. They have to believe in the changes and the energies ability to help them.