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Classes on Shielding

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That is a wonderful idea Nita!

I do hope that you remind everyone before March 26th though.  Actually, remind me..I have a bad memory problem..[:P]

I think it is a great idea to get more live chat going on around here!  Maybe we can get Adrian or jeff to give a "class" on OOBE's? me thinking here, Nita!



yes, that would be nice nita. thank you :)

if i can be there at that time, i'll try to show up for it ^_^



Thanks Nita, I'll definatly be there if I can (and if I can remember)
We are not truly lost, until we lose ourselves.



Yes, i definitely think that a class should be in session for those who need the protection.


Hello Nay
  I will put the class materials up before the Chat. I do feel that classes like this can be really interesting for everyone. I also see that a lot of the information needs to have a background of knowledge. I will be sure to remind everyone.
  I have heard about all the people feeling attacking something first is the way to stop things. They do not realize that such things can be reversed and come back on the person doing it. You then have the person attacking you energies and your own energies attacking you. It is just one tip.


Thanks for this thread Nita! [:)] I think the shielding classes would be an excellent idea, and I know a good many members will look forward to them, as I know I will.

All the best,
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


Hello Everyone
  I have been reading and helping people in this forum for a while. I thought that it would help everyone if I taught the basic principles that make shields work. I will also mention the basic types of shielding and ways to do them.
  I will post a lesson on this forum and the Magic forum. I will then be available upon the Astral Pulse chat for people to talk too and ask questions at times I will announce. I hope this will help a lot of people.The first class using the Chat function will be on March 26th.