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I discovered energy sensations while meditating around the end of year 2000. Eversince I've had many serious problems that nevertheless have come with improvements in my life.

Today I face a situation where I fear to suicide unwillingly.

Recently I felt unexisting things that seemd to work on me while I was falling asleep, like hundreds of little tools that would touch me on the torso, belly, and head. It was fascinating, but was it good? or bad?

Sometimes I would really prefer to sleep peacefully, that's part of my point, But also one day it seemed to finish its work and my body started to move all by itself (especially head). I suppose this can be called possession. Strangely though, the thing that moved my head seemed to point out very interesting ideas, by illustrating them with objects present in front of me.

I also feel something touching my head, and now even during the day I feel like there is some kind of being sitting above my head and touching me. I tryed the egg exorcism from robert bruce's book, but although it seemed to work with other problems, this one seemed to stay.

Two other elements are negative in the balance: my daughter (3yrs) who never heard of this story told me that I had a monster that was eating my hair. Also I was diagnosed psychotic and am forced to eat pills.

The only solution that seems to work is not so practical, it consists in trying not to pay attention to it... which sometimes can become very difficult.

I wonder if these sensations are related to my own energies, to other beings, and I wonder if these beings are dangerous to me, if they might influence my ideas, like it seems, toward suicide. I want to find a way to know what it is, what it wants, and why it is there.


Hello Frere
Robert Bruce has a self-exorcism in his book. I always find it more powerful in a swimming pool or moving water. It may help. I also have methods upon my website that may help you out.
You can write me at if you have any further problems and I will do my best to help.


I will go to the swimming pool, we have such plans with a friend of mine.

if you think you want a photo, I can send this to you! (would an email photo work?)
Now tonight there is something new: I woke up and saw an insect on the wall, but it was not clear, so I came closer, Then I saw it clearly, but after a while the insect vanished.

I feel these horrors are from my previous apartement, where I spent 4 years. there were rats and loads of insects, I also had a neighbour that I suspect was talking with entities. her name was Françoise Tixeuil She was supposed to be schyzo, but I felt like she was playing with all that, and she seemed much like possessed... although maybe she likes that.
Also some month ago I was seeing rats in my new appartement, but not clearly, the result, is that true mouses have come to appear in our building, while it was very clean when I came.
I feel like I spoil the place... but don't know how or if it's really me!


Frere, what sort of energy development have you practiced? Do you or any family members have a history of magic and/or occult work? i'm not sure of what is happening to you, but it does sound like you have attracted an unwanted astral entity. As to how and why i don't know, but there ARE means to be rid of it permanently.  This other woman you speak of, would she have any reason or inclination to seek harm toward you?
If but we knew the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.


Quote from: narfelluswhat sort of energy development have you practiced?
the sort of I probably shouldnt have: I experimented pleasing sensations with breath and conciousness quietly in my bed... and got some energy surge.
Quote from: narfellusDo you or any family members have a history of magic and/or occult work?
Not that I know of
But the girlfriend I had then had a mother very profoundly drawn in these matter

Quote from: narfellusThis other woman you speak of, would she have any reason or inclination to seek harm toward you?
yes I had a very noisy way of life being a rock musician, and she happenned to be incapable of having a lawful attitude to stop me... I'm sure she hated me, deeply... although her hatred was diproportionned compared to the harm I felt I was doing to her. She attaqued me several times by yelling nonsense and rolling her crazy eyes... actually I feared her, but didnt realise she could curse me!


Quote from: Frère
Recently I felt unexisting things that seemd to work on me while I was falling asleep, like hundreds of little tools that would touch me on the torso, belly, and head. It was fascinating, but was it good? or bad?

Wow, this exactly describes my experience.  The only thing else that happened to me is the addition of frequent unsolicited sexual arousal that prevented me from going to sleep.

Before I knew what this was, and had any idea that possession was real, my mind began coming up with insane explanations for the whole thing.  This eventually led to partial possession and me becoming schizophrenic and partially insane.. if you want to call it that.  It took quite a while and many bad experiences I don't feel like going into before it finally left.  Why it left I do not know, but it was nothing I did... I guess rather than lack of caring anymore.

I can tell you from my personal experience that it is a BAD thing, and many tricks might be made by the entity to convince you otherwise.


One of the techniques I was taught was to draw up energy from the ground and then to push it out in the shape of a sphere, starting small and filling the room or the entire building or however large you can make it become. It does not take much energy to give an entity a big shock.


I have been experiencing the same exact thing.  After doing a month and a half of energy work with the NEW system, I feel 50+ little things crawlling around in me.  This is amplified at night, but I can feel them all throughout the day as well.

Is it normal to have 50-100 of these things in you?


Hello Humbled
I believe it is not the energy ways. Everything in life occurs to us in patterns and at times we manifest these patterns in our aura as thought forms or things that we give a life of their own. I know everyone has things in their life that they wish they had done differently. Many people are more creative than they believe about guilt triping themselves. It is also why Robert has core image work.
Those repetitive images are part of the problem. We multiply those patterns and keep them in our energetic system and energy storage systems. The brushing is supposed to push out and make it so you are rid of them. Yet some people have problems.
The problems come from not being able to release the energies and forgive ourselves. The energy raising always connects us to a higher force and our higher selves. The problems become more noticable and some of us really have our guilts take on a life of their own. I think the awakening of the part of us that wants to correct these problems is what gets these effects. We can see them for the first time. I know that I have had things associated with songs and what I felt about myself that I had to clean out over the years to remove the blockages.