The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: missym on February 10, 2013, 22:31:32

Title: Have you ever had a stronf feeling of intuition before a big event
Post by: missym on February 10, 2013, 22:31:32
I'm not sure why but I Have a very strong 'sense' that soon something is going to happen to me . I feel like I am being called to from my higher self or the 'Creator', a strong sense of peace is within me and I feel something big coming my way. Has this ever happened to Any of you before a big event ? I almost feel as if Its my time and that worries me. It happened out of nowhere. I'm hoping perhaps I am undergoing a spiritual awakening or something of the sort
Title: Re: Have you ever had a stronf feeling of intuition before a big event
Post by: Astralzombie on February 11, 2013, 00:01:51
Is this intuition you have negative as in you think something bad may happen?

Regardless, sometimes these 'gut feelings" are hard to ignore and that in and of itself is a good reason to pay attention. Remember that any prophecies or premonitions are not set in stone. Whether the future event is negative or positive, the actual future is always subject to change and any predictions is just one possible outcome.

I heard a good analogy recently. Consider your arm to be the path your life has taken. Your actual hand is the present day. Your fingers are the different paths that are your possible futures.

For example if you think you will be in a car wreck, there are too many variables that are out of your control or influence. You can't prevent other drivers from causing the accident that you think you may be in.  What you can do, is to look at your own driving habits and see what you are able to control. For instance, do you speed or maybe tend to run red lights when you think it's safe. If you do, then you can change these habits and decrease your chances of being in an accident.

My limited understanding in all this tells me that you shouldn't worry yourself sick over this feeling you have but you shouldn't ignore it either. I know I didn't say anything here that you didn't already know or think but it can't help to have someone else hope the best for you. So missym, I'm putting it out there in the universe that I hope the best for you. Good luck and have faith that things will work out for the best.
Title: Re: Have you ever had a stronf feeling of intuition before a big event
Post by: Szaxx on February 11, 2013, 04:37:52
If you have a feeling thats all it is. If you know then it will happen but only from anothers perspective. I get this constantly and have found its whats on someone elses mind at that time. It can change too. On occasion its exact, this you know 100% and nothing can change it.
Theres plenty of things happening all the time around you and some are bound to be 'seen' most of the time it appears bad but never is.
You simply say to yourself " oh yes, I remember seeing this"
Don't worry its something you get familiar with.
Title: Re: Have you ever had a stronf feeling of intuition before a big event
Post by: majour ka on February 11, 2013, 20:38:47
Sounds good just go with it, but I guarantee its not because your going anywhere. I don't believe we know that objectively about our death unless we are enlightened saints and then you wouldn't fear it anyway.

Life is full of unexpected joys. That is probably what you are sensing, happens to me :)