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Have you seen this "person"?

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Risu no Kairu

Anybody still seeing "Freddy?"
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/

Mystery Ninja

"Black on black clothing, it is almost a suit but at the very least dressed nicely. With vest and long over coat. Like a trench coat but not quite the same.

Black brimmed hat, some what like a cowboy hat but not the big 10 gallon jobbers. Same rough shape but smaller brim with a curved shape to it, and it is not as tall as a regular cowboy hat.

The hands almost blend into the out fit when in front but are visibly a different shade when out reached or not directly in front him.

I would as like to know if any one has noticed a small hole or mark about 1 inch down from where the neck meets the chest plate."

I doubt anyone wants to hear this, but I know this person.  Or at least I know a person who dresses exactly like this on the physical plane and projects exactly like that in the astral.  

The coat is called a frock coat.  The hands are in fingerless gloves.  That is not a hole, that is a circular pendent on a short chain.  

However, considering that there have been so many sightings reported in these messages on the forum over such a long time I doubt this person is responsible for all of them.  Nor have I any idea why this image should be a "type".  

Perhaps this is the dress code of a magical order.  The High Plains Drifters?

And if I am right, this person probably does read this message board.

Don't ask me what this is about, however, because I don't know.

Well, good luck with it. . .


Stop talking about me! [}:)]

[:D] He must be a matrix agent or something [:o)]


Firstly, I'd like to announce that I'm new to this board, and that I still have a lot to learn about these matters, so feel fre to correct me if I'm wrong.

1. It would be interesting to know if this really is one man, or perhaps a secret society who has a certain dress code. Because Ninja mentioned knowing a man in the physical world who dressed like that.

2. What I think is that this person is on 'entity,' and that he watches over some people for whatever reason. From what I hear he is probably not malevolent, simply mysterious. Although I could easily understand being scared of him, not knowing who or what he is.

3. What I wonder is: Is the entity a long dead person, or perhaps a part of the astral plane as a concious being? A concious part of the astral plane...? Somewhat akin to the concept of father time or something - only not.

4. I think that too many people have seen him here for this to have been simply coincidence. Also, the child is probably quite significant to his identity.

I'd like to apologize for stating anything obvious.



Why don't you just go near the man and say "Hail mighty one! now tell me somethings i want to know!" or why don't you ask other people about him, or why don't you do some stupid things to call attention ?
Sorry if what i am saying is immature or if that kind of behavior is not allowed, i just think that you should be more "active" and not so "passive".


I have lost what litle contact I had with this entity just before I came to The Astral Pulse.  I have tried many things to attract the attention of this thing but have yet been unable to.  This in a way fall into some of my ideas as to what is going on.

Ralakk Majere

don't know if this is the same thing or not, but i and several people i know have seen a creature similar too this.  He is tall, and dressed similar to how the creatured discussed herein, but wrather than a cowboy hat, he is instead, wearing something like an old 20s 30s style dress hats like mobsters and rich guys wore during the time, but with a MUCH wider brim, kinda like they wore in the old spy vs. spy cartoons.  he wears a trenchcoat and there isn't ANY color he is simply made of shadow, you can't tell where the trenchcoat ends the his shirt/skin begins.  he hasn't attacked magickally, but he's been sited in California, texas, miami, ohio, and somewhere in england as well.  he attacked someone i knew on a physical level while that person was in a Tai Chi class, 28 students, all beaten badly including the master, my friend attempted to cast a spell on the creature but somehow he lost control and knocked himself out, the spell got rid of the creature(or the creatured decided it was finished either way it left).  Oh he's also been sited in northern missouri too, and the only thing i know is that he has a feeling of being old, well not old, more like ancient and powerful.  assuming that he's as old as we guess(and we're underguessing if anything) then he probably isn't a ghost, because the style of clothes would have had to change, after all they didn't exactly dressed in 30's style clothes in Jericho at 3000 b.c.e.  By the way, cainum, this is the same Ralakk from Trinity Towers forum.



  It's good to see you here.  I was going tofix the problem with my ez-board account butthenlater thought, screw it.  I have got other things to work on instead.

Any how, I have been going over some of the numerous posts on shadows and entities and I have working on grouping every thing together into a single topic.  Or even a database on my web site........Yeah that's even better.

Another individual, who is in an Astral Worrior House, descibed a very similar being as the one that I have seen.  He calls them High Plains Drifters.  He has only encountered very few.  They seem to be in essance a person, aware or not, who is an astral worrior of sorts.  They don't seem to belong to any house and never has he seen them working in groups.  His full thoughts on this have brought up several questions about the entity that I have seen, but I won't post anything about that just yet.  Not until I have the answers.

Anyhow by his description of the HPD type entities and my own description, I may be dealing with one.  

There is only one thing with similar looking entiies, the HPD's don't attack people.

The hooded watcher type entity also described in this thread is under investigation by several of the worrior houses.  This seems to be a relativly new entity and most seem unsure of its/thier motive.

Mystery Ninja

The "High Plains Drifter," so-called because of their appearance, have always seemed to my Warrior House, at least, to be the etheric body (etheric appearance) of a certain class of Astral Warrior.  They seem to be loners, and very powerful.  I can not vouch for other astral warrior houses, but none of us have ever heard of this class of Astral Warrior attacking people.  Their cause seems to be against a certain type of transdimensional non-physical being.  There are many beings/entities/people who have some sort of a black clad appearance, either by nature or by choice, in the etheric.  So it is easy to confuse one black clad being for another.  However, to those who have worked with a "High Plains Drifter" astral warrior, there is no doubt about who and what there are.  

Your description is very much of a "High Plains Drifter" Astral Warrior.


Mystery Ninja,

I do have a question for you.  Would you consider the HPD type entity an extension of a physical person, knowing or not, or are they considered a "free" etheric body, as in not attached to a person?

I have some imput on this already but I am always looking for more.

Mystery Ninja

I have always understood them to be the etheric body of a real human being.  Often the person wears the same or similar outfit in the physical plane.  I would imagine however, that such a person may well choose to stay in the etheric for awhile even after the loss of the physical body if there were a pressing reason.  

Beyond this I don't know much.  Their work seems to be focused on tracking down a certain class of transdimensional entity and destroying them.  We only cross tracks with them on those occasions that we are also combating such entities.  I don't know how a person becomes such a person, but I would imagine that they have ways of recognizing their own and bringing them into the fold.  

- mystery ninja


I remember my mother telling me about her seeing a man standing next to her bed that matched your description when she awoke one morning. Except for she said that his eyes were totally coal black, and that she got an negative feeling from this entity. She is not a spiritual person really, like I am, but she does believe in christ. That's how she dispelled of him by saying I believe in Jesus Christ the lord, and some other stuff of that nature, and then he just faded away and dissapeared. Oh yea she also said that he was standing at the foot of her bed also.
But I personally don't believe in Christ, but I believe that whatever deity you believe in offers some form of protection when summoned upon for protection. But thats another topic.


So many people see a "man in black"...

There are many stories that tell of monks and other shrouded people that appear to certain families as omens of impending death and/or calamity.

Here are some stories from a newfoundland ghost website:

I was about 12 years old and my Mother and I had just moved in with my step-fathers Mother.  I woke up very early in the morning, it was still gray outside, even though you could tell it was going to be a clear day. I went into the living room and happened to look out through the venetian blinds and noticed a small manlike shape sitting in the tree about 5 to 7 feet in front of the house.  The creature appeared to be about 4 foot high and was dressed very dark monk robes, I couldn't see its face.  I moved away from the window I was afraid but I wasn't terrified.  I opened the door to the house and looked out of the door and the creature was still there,  only this time it had moved and was facing my direction.

I closed the door and was trying to figure out what my next step was, my mother came out of her bedroom and was somewhat angry, she asked me what in the hell was I doing up at that hour? I told her the story which just seem to irratate her further.  She then also looked out the window, she turned slowly toward me, she was not only white, but green at the same time, and simply said in a low and hushed voice "Go to bed" which I did.  I am now 47 years old and telephone my mother
once a month, I live and work in Europe, last month, April 98 I asked her about the incident and if she saw something, she said yes and added she did not ever want to talk about it again.

I awoke to see a man kneeling beside my bed and he appeared to be illuminated and I felt that he was not of this earth. he appeared to be in prayer, I was not afraid, but I felt that he was praying for me. My daughters bedroom would begin to have a horrible smell and it would not go away. She would stand on the centre of her bed and would circle with her hands out. if we tried to wake her she would cry that her legs were hurting her. My husband slept in her bed and his legs were pinned to the bed by an unknown force while the smell was in the room. We found an old statue of Mary and put it in the room. The activity stopped.  

On further research we have discovered that a former occupant had starved herself to death in my daughters bedroom and also that the house was used for catholic mass years ago when people would gather locally.  

I saw a monk in the hallway of our townhouse twice, in 1989. We moved to another townhouse after that and i saw it once more, this time in the furnace room. This was in 1990 or 1991. It was VERY scary to witness but it never did anything to me... it just walked by like I wasn't even there. I never did see it's face, but it was about 4 ft. tall hunched over. It was wearing a black hooded robe with a brown rosary around the waist. It was walking, but at the same time it looked like it was floating or gliding. The total sighting time for each experience was only about 10 seconds, but that was enough to last me an entire lifetime.


Hi, I walk the planescape in the outfit you mention...I mean no harm, i'm just curious about other walkers. The other creatures that look sorta like me are the Watchers or your High Planes Warriors, they are indeed neutral. There is also a very powerful Neg that wears black, you can always sense malice from him and he hunts whoever he thinks he can hurt. He tends to have black or sorta glowing blue eyes, where as I have greenish eyes. I do not use the same methods as Robert Bruce, I admit mine are probably crude. I remember coming across these boards while they were in it's infancy, just reciently i have come back to read these boards. If you want to find me in the planescape bother Zirent or enter the Realm of the Dead or as you call it..focus 23.


I had something similar in my house near my bathroom door, but it was a neg as far as i could tell.  I wasn't the only one that noticed it.  My friend tom and heather both noticed it.  Well it started to scare me so asked god to make it go away, it hasn't come back since and I don't want it to.  It wouldn't have been so bad, but the thing was actaully sucking in the light.  It wasn't just black, it had a aura around it of sorts and just sucked the surrounding light.  It was always "darker" in that area, if that makes any sense.



I'm curious at your' uses of "Warrior."
Do you guys use the term as a protector class in the astral which is the most popular meaning of the word?
As an elite individual with strong skills?
As a person who accepts responsibility for their actions which is the native meaning of the word?



Wow the second topic I look at in this forum and it pertains to my own experiences!!

I've seen this entity in my dream workings several times!  He is exactly how you describe him.. I feel really comfortable around him, and always he is just waiting, patiently.. sort of an enigmatic look on his face.  ^^  

I don't know who he is but that is very interesting that others have seen him too.


What are these "Warrior Houses"? What is a "Warrior"(I assume he battles neg's?).
Thanks in advance.


Mystery Ninja

Originally posted by Willoc

I'm curious at your' uses of "Warrior."
Do you guys use the term as a protector class in the astral which is the most popular meaning of the word?
As an elite individual with strong skills?
As a person who accepts responsibility for their actions which is the native meaning of the word?

Willoc –

All of your definitions could pertain as warriors in my experience are very individual.   The warriors I have known are real people with real warrior skills in both the physical and etheric realms.  Usually they are dedicated towards guardianship, and maintaining balance and harmony in the etheric.  However, they are quite capable of precision astral combat if there is a true need for it.  When there are real problems in the etheric, these are the people who are in the thick of it going toe to toe with negative forces.

Although warriors as I know them are primarily focused on their warrior arts in both the physical and etheric realms, there is a prominent warrior path called "warrior-sage," which places a high level of emphasis on wisdom and self knowing.  The accepting of responsibility for ones actions that you mentioned is very much an important part of the Path of the Warrior-Sage.  

I hope this clarifies your question

- mystery

Mystery Ninja

Originally posted by TruthSeeker

What are these "Warrior Houses"? What is a "Warrior"(I assume he battles neg's?).

Truth Seeker –

A Warrior as referred to in these pages and in context of warrior houses is an individual trained and adept in the warrior arts of both the physical and etheric realms.  Often there is a significant spiritual focus to the Warrior Path involving self-knowing and striving for wisdom.  (The etheric realms being what they are, it is disastrous for a person to engage in warriorship there if they have not clear on their owns selves.  Otherwise they will be misled into fantasy and illusion.)  Yes, warriors do battle negs, but more often then not, they battle the negativity within themselves.  However, a true warrior is fully adept at astral combat and can engage in such if it is truly required.  Above all, warriorship is a Spiritual Path of self-knowing, self-discipline, and mastery of such arts as vril-power & the luminous body, and extensive training in weapons use, both etheric and physical weapons - and, on those rare occasions, astral combat.  Both men and women are warriors.  

A Warrior House is a term for a formal group of warriors working together.  There are very few real warrior houses, and they often keep a very low profile.  Known Warrior Houses are Soth House of the Astral Alliance, Abode of the Lion, and the Tolemac Warriors (no relation to the computer game).  Warrior Houses provide training for new warriors, and a place of haven and fellowship for those already adept in the arts.  Warrior House campaigns typically target certain unbalanced etheric situations with an eye towards balancing them, however, when astral combat is actually required, a real Warrior House is a force to be reckoned with.  

Does this answer your question?

If anyone has further questions I would be glad to answer them.  If anyone has an interest in becoming an actual warrior or joining an actual Warrior House, you may wish to email

- mystery


This sounds like somthing I would love to be a part of! Thank you for introducing this to me. But I do not think it is time for me to join a House yet. Allthough I have been training martial arts my whole life(with and without weaponry), I have only been able to consciously project(into the astral) twice. I think I need more practice at this before I take the step to join.
Thank you very much Mystery Ninja!



Mystery Ninja

Originally posted by TruthSeeker

Allthough I have been training martial arts my whole life(with and without weaponry), I have only been able to consciously project(into the astral) twice. I think I need more practice at this before I take the step to join.

Truth Seeker -

It may interest you – and others following this thread – to know that most Warrior Houses are more interested in people who have a martial arts background than an astral projection one.  This is because most Warrior Houses prefer to teach their own special  techniques of non-physical travel rather than the classic astral projection ones.  Classic full astral projection is not seen as entirely desirable among experienced warriors because such a state is far to vulnerable to physical repercussion.  Most warriors prefer to use a different technique that provides the least exposure with the maximum effectiveness.  

It is easier to train new people than try and retrain people using incompatible or undesirable non-physical travel techniques.  

Also, experience in martial arts as viewed by a Warrior House could include any such disciplines as archery, riflery, fencing, wrestling, body building, paint ball, boxing, military or police experience, street fighting proficiency – as well as the traditional eastern forms such as Judo etc that usually come to mind first.  Even such forms as Tae Chi are considered a fine physical compliment to astral warriorship.  

For those interested, further information may be obtained by writing  

- mystery


Pretty creepy.  I've seen something this before as well but not in a projection.  And there were several of them on a flat boat of some kind going down a river.  I only saw them from behind as they were moving away from me and it was more like a vision that came to me during hypnogognic dreaming.  However, the image or vision was VERY clear to me which is unusual for me during hypnogognic dreams.

Not to scare anyone but from behind, their dress style reminded me of the minister in the Poltergiest movie.  As a matter of fact, I had a dream about that movie fairly recently.

Okay, I'm freaking myself out now.
Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a  well  preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting,

". . . holy sh*t . . . what a ride!"


I am looking for information on a single entity that at least three of us have seen of different occations, locations, and times.


6 foot tall (182 cm)

Black on black clothing, it is almost a suit but at the very least dressed nicely. With vest and long over coat.  Like a trench coat but not quite the same.

Black brimmed hat, some what like a cowboy hat but not the big 10 gallon jobbers.  Same rough shape but smaller brim with a curved shape to it, and it is not as tall as a regular cowboy hat.

The hands almost blend into the out fit when in front but are visibly a different shade when out reached or not directly in front him.

No major facial features but visibly a small nose.

Other features include.
Feels really old.
Feelings of high emotions accompany his presence.
Seems to be inquisitive, curious, possibly about what some of us can or are doing.  An observer.
Seems to avoid actual physical contact.
No aversion to light.
Seems to be able to feel a persons fear.
I personally believe him capable of crossing water with little difficulty, Given locations where I have seen him. (Negs over water Topic)
Does not give off any light almost seems to absorb it.
Can move extreamly fast.  But seems to like to walk.
Sighting times include times or deep meditaion, sleep paralysis, and for me being fully awake.

A couple of us have seen an entity that fits this description.  I have added to it from my personal experiences but believe that the other will concure.  I also believe that this is a singular entity, and I am looking for more information if available to satisfy a hunch.
On a personal note I feel a very deep connection with this.  He was a very much a part of my life for some time but I have since lost contact with him, as in I have not seen him around for a long time.  I do not know if he has actually gone or if I just can't see him anymore.
The more I think about this the more I think that there is a larger situation here.  That there is more to this than I am aware of at least.  And I feel that this is some thing I most know and figure out.

Thank you in advance for any information any one might have.

David Rogalski