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Help im being haunted

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Help, im being haunted by demons.  Someone working for the dark path manfested them in my room.  He is messing with my life.  What am I supposed to do!
These are the ones that were they're in the hall already.


this was the last ghosts that came up on the film, caught behind my back, I nearly shat myself


These ghosts were put in my room the next day.
This ghost was really disgusting, it made everything in my room look and feel alive.  Objects in my room came alive and felt really disgusting and disturbing to touch.  It kept poking me and making me feel like disgusting slugs were crawling all over me.


Nothing showed up in the rest of the films when I took them.  In this one there is a picture of my head which shouldnt be there along with the wall and bedpost which also werent there.


This ghost that wasnt there when I took the picture looked like my bedsheet.


I asked for someone to send a demon to kill the disgusting thing, coz it was freaking me out.


The demon didnt make it go away.  It had already possessed by bedsheets by now.  They looked really sick.  Look at the eyes formed out of the phone and pen on the bed.  Also note the eye made out of newspaper at the back.


I asked the disgusting ghost to show its true face.


I was really freaked out by the disgusting ghost.  I dont generally care about scary ghosts and am not really bothered by them.  This one was the first to really try and bug me though, it kept possessing my clothes and putting ectoplasm on me.  I was so bad over this, it kept making all my stuff look alive and I didnt know what to do about it.  And I was not going to bed in that slime to save my life.

I really wanted to relax around it.  




It went away after that!  :lol:  so much for the demon guy.


is this a joke topic, there is no images of any ghosts (orbs or otherwise) that could not of personally be done with you.

edit: well there is a circle like thing that could be an orb in the 2nd pic so i was wrong


I can see ghosts in nearly all of them.  MAn I have never seen sh*t like this.  Dont know about those people working for the "government", but most people can see ghosts that low in vibration to the physical plane.  I can sense energy coming off them all, thats bad news. There are definitely ghosts to point out in all of them except the second last one, thats The Thought  :wink: , in my mind...

In the first one is a ghost up the top of the stairs just off the camera, hard to see.

In the second one there is and orb just above the bottom of the banister.

There is a ghost just under the paper.

Could be a dark orb by the door.  Count the posts on the staircase, one of them is a ghost.

That is one of the brightest orbs ive seen, it feels pretty nasty.

There a blue light over your stuff beside the bed.  Looks like two, maybe three entities.  They look like ugly faces.

Theres an eye looking at you inside the plastic bag on the floor.  The blue stuff under the bed looks like a face.

Your face.  Do get a bad vibe there, as do with all of them.

Looks like someones under the bedsheet.

The bedsheet.

Theres a pinkish orb in the bottom right corner.  Has like a slugs eye coming out of it.  Thats scary dude, really scary.

hmm.. I can see the eye at the back with a red eyelid.

The bedsheet looks creased to make a face.

lol. u sure taught him a lesson lol.  

Theres that demon.  Looks hairy in this one.

Thats some messed up material man, you should get an exorcist or something, I knew there was stuff like that in this world but I did not know for sure.