The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: Cole143 on April 15, 2007, 08:13:39

Title: Help me please
Post by: Cole143 on April 15, 2007, 08:13:39
see ever sense i was little i have been able to see and hear things
like when i was little (around 3) i was able to see a man that i described to my mom and she said that sounded like my great grandpa but the thing is he died before i was born. then around 6 years old i was able to predict the future and i was good at it then after that my mom started to send me to a shrink thinking i have a problem. around 9 my grandma died  :cry: and i went to her funeral i knew that she was dead because i understood what happened but when i was at her funeral and i was so sad that my great grandma's nurse took me out side and when i was outside i thought i saw my grandma in the window so when i felt better the nurse brought me into the funeral home and then standing in the corner of the room was my grandma and i walked over to her and i started talking to her she told me to tell my mom that she loves her and that she will always will be with her but people thought i had a problem because i was standing in the corner and it looked like i was talking to my self even though i wasn't. then when i was 12 or 13 i was noticing i was able to see spirits i think. then when i was 15 (last summer) i started to see a little boy i asked his name he said Jake i think hes around 4 or 5 but when i asked why hes here he said he needed help to find his mommy. now I'm 16 and have been seeing them everywhere at school and home on the streets and in the stores. like last week i was walking through the halls of my high school and i saw this scary old looking man and he walked up to me and asked me if i could talk to this high school girl for him so i did he said he name was Cassy so i walked up to her and i said hi and i described the man to her i said that he has gray hair and a rounded body and gold rimed glasses and he had a scare on his left hand and she yelled out thats my poppy and then she turned to me and said how do you know i was to scared to tell some stranger so i just said he wants you to know and he loves you and hes not mad that you lost his ring then i just walked away. then i have been seeing them at school and they bother me when I'm doing my school work the spirits there anything i can do and i have been seeing bad things that are going to happen lately like for the past month and 1/2 with a little mix of good things.and i don't like seeing the bad things but the thing thats bothers me the most is seeing and hearing spirits at school don't hear me wrong i like seeing and hearing them to help them but it bothers me at school when they come up to me when I'm doing my work anything i can do, please help 
Title: Re: Help me please
Post by: AndrewTheSinger on May 01, 2007, 19:40:02
I'm not sure I understand exactly what you want to do. What did the shrink say? Do you have a pet?
Title: Re: Help me please
Post by: Jelal67 on May 01, 2007, 19:54:43
Some would say you are extremly gifted, that you have an ability to help others beyond almosy anyone I've ever heard of. I'm not sure how to help you though, since you didn't specify what you need help with.... but your not crazy, similar things have happened to me...