hey got a problem, could be apirit myself or a 'neg'?

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:roll:   rrr okay i am new here, basically i have got this problem and i just now have gotten so sick of it that i am very ready to take action everyday---somebody tell me how to get this damn thing to go away...everytime i go lucid in my dreams which is nightly for me its just something I've always done, nowadays i will spot a character in the dream, and realize it is not me...or there is just something weird about it really, and then suddenly it becomes very angry and starts attacking me and just all it wants me to do is stop whatever it is that i am doing...no matter what...at first i couldn't figure it out why it hated everything i initiated, but now i had read that maybe it wants to inhabit and control me, which explains the pressing sensation i feel which is painful, and causes me great fear and distress, especially as every morning i have a beginning obe because i am apparently ready to separate from body--i 'wake up' and see the real world with incredible accuracy, then start to wasn't to move but the entity presses down on me hating my very being and bombarding me with 'shocks' to my energy -once i was able to climb out of bed, but it knocked me to the floor...this thing is like evil i am thinking! i have tried everything but i am afraid that it can prompt insanity and it is very threatening to me...okay i guess you can tell its kinda scary to me, but the thought of clearing it from my body and surroundings is very exciting because i am still an energetic person despite these er 'bully' beatings! i am already more familiar with it and less afraid, but i need strength in my energy body...and confidence...what is it, and like, how do i become strong spiritually? how do i destroy it basically?


well i mean, i have not tried everything but i surely have cussed it out and told it to leave me the hell alone, really...i guess i want a hero to send it permanently packing but like i gotta develop the strength to send this crazy thing out myself..but like how, is what i am saying? i am not a meta physician a witch or anything, just a lowly skateboarder who is tired of waking up tired...shew! help?


um okay, this is the last post but its totally relevant, my grandmother and my mother have both suffered from insanity and still do, they have delusions to the max and schizophrenia as it is called but my mothers started after something totally unfortunate happened to her, meanwhile,  my father is deteriorating emotionally, as did my uncle who has already died from committing suicide at forty after struggling for years with insanity and depression, so like what I'm saying is...this is a big deal and i sorta feel like i need the big guns, cuz after reading the little blip i read written by that exorcist lady, um, I'm dealing with maybe more than one or it is a familial deal or something.... whew! okay I'm done.


Destroying energy isn't something to persue.

You have 2 basic options.  1 is fight it, which doesn't really do much except maybe lower it's energies (which might make it more desperate?).  Or 2, change your energies so it is no longer attracted/attached to you.

#2 is actually easier.

The 'How To' can fill a book.  The 'Why' it's happening can also fill a book.

Short answer is to get the fear/hate out of your energy body and raise your energies so the thing can no longer affect you.  This in turn affects your enviroment as well.  I call it a thing, it can be any number of things from 'real' to 'not so real'.

So, look into your own soul and ask yourself what needs changing?
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


I don't know much about this stuff, but since not many people responded, I'll tell you what I've learned about these things. Ok, I would first try to obe and face it in the obe enviroment. Now, I would clear my thoughts and try to show no emotion toward, it actually, try to love it, that is suppose to scare them off. Anyway if truely trying to love it doesn't send it away, you can kick its butt. In this book Im reading, Astral Dynamics, Bruce says the Obe body is an extremely strong entity/being that has an near endless supply of energy. So apparently, you can kick its butt easily. I guess you could do things like make weapons, and increase your size greatly and just step on it. Or maybe not, I'm not entirely sure. But its better than not doing anything the next time you see it in an obe.


Well hey, try this thread:


It has some basic countermeasures and a prayer of exorcism.

Some negs can access the human nervous system and cause things like paranoia and circular thinking. Don't panic, if you understand what is happening to you, that's step one in being able to deal with it. Sounds like you found a troublemaker, maybe.

Do you believe there could be a connection between said creepy thing and your family's mental and emotional problems? Or are you concerned about your own situation?


According to science it's impossible to destroy energy, just change it.

Does this apply to the psychic realms of energy as well?


Quote from: vunderbal:roll:   rrr okay i am new here, basically i have got this problem and i just now have gotten so sick of it that i am very ready to take action everyday---somebody tell me how to get this [edit] thing to go away...everytime i go lucid in my dreams which is nightly for me its just something I've always done,
What you are experiencing is similar to what people call a "Dweller on the Threshold" experience. It sounds like this entity is afraid of the fact you are opening up on the Astral and is trying to stop you from doing so. It will be trying this because once you come proficient at Lucid or Astral Projection you are actually quite a powerful being there. Negs like this are quite frightened of Astral Projectors/Lucid Dreamers. Oh, it will act all angry and attempt to intimidate you but for the most part this is all psychological because its own power is much weaker than yours is once you know what you are doing.
nowadays i will spot a character in the dream, and realize it is not me...or there is just something weird about it really, and then suddenly it becomes very angry and starts attacking me and just all it wants me to do is stop whatever it is that i am doing...no matter what..
Yes, it is trying to stop you from being a potential threat to it. Next time you are Lucid or Astral hold your hand up and ask reverently to the Divine/Spirit/God/Goddess (you choose, it doesn't matter which) for your sword. I.e. Say a short prayer in your mind perhaps like, "Dear Lord, I ask thee to give me the strength and Knowledge to protect myself and my loved ones from the evil that is bothering me. I ask the Light humbly for My Sword in order to vanquish this darkness."

Try it and let us know what happens. If that doesn't work then you can create a weapon yourself with your mind by intensely visualizing in your mind the weapon you want appearing in your hand. Try for a sword first as that may be easier to make. Another thing you may like to try is finding a fighting computer game to give yourself ideas of things to try out in the Astral environment. Playing the game for any length of time (especially just before sleep) will have the effect of imprinting on your mind the various fighting moves etc. You then copy these actions when you're Lucid in a dream.

The other option to fighting it is to run from it in your dream environment (spinning around or flying off at a fast pace etc) but if it is already around you constantly this will only be a temporary remedy. You're going to have to show it who is boss so it thinks twice about bothering you in future.
.at first i couldn't figure it out why it hated everything i initiated, but now i had read that maybe it wants to inhabit and control me,
That is possible, but initially it is probably because it is afraid of you becoming proficient on the Astral.
which explains the pressing sensation i feel which is painful, and causes me great fear and distress, especially as every morning i have a beginning obe because i am apparently ready to separate from body--i 'wake up' and see the real world with incredible accuracy, then start to wasn't to move but the entity presses down on me hating my very being and bombarding me with 'shocks' to my energy -once i was able to climb out of bed, but it knocked me to the floor..
Yes, see, it is trying to stop you getting OOBE because it knows it will then stand no chance against you if you know what you are doing. It uses intimadatory tactics because it isn't powerful enough to do much else but try to weaken you by getting you to fear it. You will have to work through any fear you have of it. Take up Karate or something.
.this thing is like evil i am thinking!
Well, it's probably just a kind of parasite. Negs are fond of getting their victims to believe they are far more powerful and evil than they actually are. It is like a bully and as with all bullies once you face up to it in a strong way it will probably leave you alone.
i have tried everything but i am afraid that it can prompt insanity and it is very threatening to me...okay i guess you can tell its kinda scary to me, but the thought of clearing it from my body and surroundings is very exciting because i am still an energetic person despite these er 'bully' beatings! i am already more familiar with it and less afraid, but i need strength in my energy body...and confidence...what is it, and like, how do i become strong spiritually? how do i destroy it basically?
I'm not sure whether it is possible to destroy it per se, but you can certainly make things so difficult for it that it will leave you alone and go to find easier prey elsewhere. Some advice for now:

Don't smoke.
Definitely NO DRUGS.
Don't open a conversation with it.
Show it no fear or any other emotions if you can.
Use the Force ;)

You might want to read two of Robert Bruce's books "Astral Dynamics" and "Practical Psychic Self-Defense" www.astraldynamics.com  If you can't afford them you should be able to get your library to get them in if they don't have them already. There's some good reading material at this thread:


And yes, it sounds like your family has neg trouble. Which may be another reason why any resident neg will be trying to stop you from becoming a threat to it as an Astral Projector.


Quote from: McArthur

And yes, it sounds like your family has neg trouble.
I would also advise that, unless certain family members already know about this kind of thing, not to tell them you are seeing, hearing or feeling spirits attack you. Most peoples family members who know nothing of the spiritual may jump to the conclusion that one needs to see a psychiatrist for medication....  it happens. A lot.


o my gosh! thank you so much for your quick responses...every single one of them seemed to really cover alto! I am so thankful that you took your time to write me...seriously...just having your momentary attention on the topic , it feels just awesome! lots of love from over here...well the other day i started staying awake at the end of  every 90 min sleep interval i had to see what was happening while i slept..i noticed that i had sort of 'light' and superficial dreams that were sort of just filler, they were cloudy and i was obviously avoiding dipping down into deep sleep because i didn't want to be attacked really..its sorta a deal where one might habitually not walk where an electric fence used to stand they shocked themselves on once but i could tell when i was already starting to go deeply in and knew instinctively that it was going to get ticked in the next dream....and i have not been going lucid the past few nights really, i suppose because i am resting...wierd really, my dreams are rather interesting...not perfect, but i don't know where that thing is as some of my dreams have become very positive sort of really(?)....
 well , the night i posted i went home early to go to bed early and to get started early so could sleep later as i knew i would be tired from recording every hour what was happening....i wrote down some goals for opposing the 'neg' in a manageable gradient..not hatefully, i mean but things for me to master, such as 1)move anything...2) sit up....3)do not fear...4)stand further up...5)walk....and tried to see how the neg might make me stronger really by learning how to move with a weight on, once it is thrown i may be stronger really..like strengthening of the immune system fighting off a virus or something....
 That night before i went to sleep the second dream in could feel myself going deeper and knew the next dream would prompt a visit from the bad boyfriend, ol neg-i dream i was flying through a hall of ghosts at my parents' house and this all because when i intended to switch a light of it was off when i got to it, an anti-will sorta deal, so i accused the neg of being present in my dream and it was not one but many...so maybe it was a dream and just a dream...i dunno....but then, i sorta felt silly yelling crazy pentecostal things...like what? you know so i didn't know what to do and i felt like laughing...all i can do is fly back and forth through their vaugeish magnetic static cling feeling forcefields of nada and go get out in the name of god! But all they were doing was just being there. so i said shoot, whatever. then i went to switch off the light switch and it of course stayed ON. and i started laughing because there was something seriously childish about it all...like, okay you can thwart my will to shut off a light i guess...haha...then threw my hands up over it and went to 'sleep' then woke up to the thing and this happened next-
the best i could do was (i was sleeping chest down) turn over and put out a hand to push the neg back...it pushed me out of sleep but i went right back and did the same thing but then then-i have NO idea where i came out with this one...but....i pulled out a bottle and threatened to blow air into the bottle that would suck the neg inside? and i started whistling into it...it pushed me out of sleep finally. i feel ever more certain that i will get it to leave as a simple part of my development and i wonder how good things will become when it leaves because a lot of things have become better in my life despite this thing....i will try all of your suggestions as best i can over the next week, thank you again.


omg! hey i just remembered something!!! sorry if i write a hellofa lot but this is THE place i talk about this....okay, i remember at about age um, 18 i started becoming very strong because i spent hours and hours making art and things of that nature then also took really good care of myself physically or excercised a lot and i got to the point where i could have more endurance by projecting slightly out of my body....omg! okay so i must have been slightly doing that.....but THEN, i dated this one boy that just totally messed me up-after that i was nothing almost of who i once was in that i would try rather hard to be endlessly excited like i used to be really, but i was sorta tired no matter what i did and became utterly prone to nonproductivity and spinning my wheel sactualya dn could never seem to move smoothly and work endlessly like i used to. then at that point about that time, these dreams started....with he entity pushing me back into my body or teasing me by messing in my head and my dreams literally...the odd thing, when that boy left me it also made me feel pretty angry becuase it felt like he took part of me with him literally, a part of me that it too a long time to grow to become that happy-as happy as i was before i became involved with him actually. hm! so it is really related to projecting seriously and nearly all the problems i have had over the last four years really. yah. gotta get rid of that thing foh shoh.


rastus, i have a very humble suggestion to you. you can make statements of what i should pursue...useless for me in what i do-no where did you say why...if you are certain that i am competent oughtnt you simply provide me with some truth? you obviously have a LOT of knowledge....now know that i only make decisions on what i should pursue from simple information it pops off as rather superior of you-if you intend to help commands derserve explanation-i only tell you this becuase i think you are not aware of how your message comes across and i am certain you absolutely intend to help others, not irritate them.  The only person who could take from what you had said with no trouble is a person who will always come back for more, a dependent person who doesnt wish to understand nor have the responsibility of making their own decisions...i want you to be able to convey what you know-the truth isnt you or what you believe should be done....so just give the truth! already!...haha! your want to care after hinders your ability to help!  i think! :)you remind me of a boy named nicholas i used to know! fare thee well! if you want to talk more please do so!


hi there yesterday i started off with some physical acts to alleviate the trouble and let me rest very comfortably in the evening...i burned cinnamon garlic and dragons breath sealed it with sandalwood, and i noted that the mix smelled wonderful to me really sort of like thats what i was hungry for? the smell was very satisfying and i burned it in my house thickly my neighbors thought i was nuts but i was very much digging on the tranquility and this awesome feeling that the incense was very purifying...um-i also took a bath with some crystals crushed in a glass...very purifying in itself...i have not uttered any wording but very calmly conducted my little cleaning out and i have found it to be very relaxing of the tension in my home! yay!-whatever it is is sorta shocked or it spent the night elsewhere really, my place is much nicer now actually, energetically and i love it. (if anybody is reading this,  i sorta think nobody is anymore- but ill keep posting and waiting for input i guess) my darling spent the night over so i wasn't very concerned about any spirits there actually not especially after burning the Cinnamon nd garlic etc.....hmm wonder what percentage of neg attacks occur when the person lives alone really? next i will try and get the prayers going to further clean it and say the prayer of protection before carrying on to the prayer of exorcism. things are well here and improving very rapidly...i am going to start studying the obe 'stuff' here shortly-January. gosh i also noted something else-a weird Little scuff or misconception i had about my brother was exposed the other day and we are closer now psychically-he means a lot to me, and i was having queer dreams that we were not friends anymore really-that he hated me or didn't know i existed or something- a neg's good idea to bother me and disenfranchise me emotionally? very probably. the other day we communicated again (my brother and i) and the whole trouble i was perceiving turned out to be very reckless emotional thinking....wierd! and VERY uncharacteristic of me as well....to be very fearful of trifling occurrences between me and my brother i mean. I hadn't been absolutely insecure about our friendship before this last little bit. I think our clear up can further dislodge the hold of the neg on me....no what else needs cleaning in my thinking i am wondering.....:)