The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: sam.maguire on April 05, 2013, 13:19:35

Title: I have started to see auras
Post by: sam.maguire on April 05, 2013, 13:19:35
Recently I have made a couple of posts about auric sight. Recently after a series of chakra meditations and learning from peoples thoughts on my posts it came to me. It was as if it just turned on. For those of you new to auric sight or are working on developing it, it really is just awareness of the auras existence. It is also tied to your third eye chakra as are most things we see. I would not say do third eye meditations unless you are comfortable with the state of your other chakras especially those below the third eye. But to read a persons aura it requires me to focus on that third eye both the color of the chakra and its location until I can feel it physically, I then open myself to the frequencies of the plant life and/or person whose chakra I am trying to see. Plant life and animals take much less focus then people. But just encouragement to those who are working on this ability as it is attainable for anyone.
Title: Re: I have started to see auras
Post by: Dean01 on April 05, 2013, 14:24:29
Hey maguire, I'm glad that you're continuing to learn and become more in tune with your ability of auric sight!!  :-) Have you had any relevant, interesting experiences as of late?
Title: Re: I have started to see auras
Post by: Xanth on April 05, 2013, 14:29:24
Here's a tip... and it's really for everyone.

You're ALWAYS seeing auras.  You're just not always paying attention to them.  :)

Your eyes don't just take in the visual portion of spectrum of light that we humans see... our eyes take in the ENTIRE length of spectrum of light  Visible or not.
You're always seeing everything... you just don't know how to interpret that which you're looking at mostly.
Title: Re: I have started to see auras
Post by: Dean01 on April 05, 2013, 19:02:31
Yeah, I agree. I referred to this in a prior discussion with macguire. It won't hurt to become more aware of what we're perceiving... focus or pay more attention on what we're always seeing... especially if it's worth interpreting what you're perceiving. The actual auric sight comes into play when we're taking notice to these auras. I'm not really sure how to interpret the colours, but I'm certainly able to feel auras and interpret them in that way. Quite intriguing, all of it  :-)
Title: Re: I have started to see auras
Post by: sam.maguire on April 06, 2013, 07:14:28
actually I have had some very strange phenomena recently. the past week or so I have been having very vivid nightmares, but that's not what interests me, what interests me is that they did not begin until I started meditation sessions before bed. No all that seems like standard stuff, not just trying to give you my life story, BUT in these dreams if I ever converse with anyone I know, all they will ever say to me is a single sentence or two and ALWAYS and I mean always whatever it is they said to me in my dream they say to me the next day, word-for-word.

But what you guys mentioned about auric sight are all great thoughts! Thanks for reading :)
Title: Re: I have started to see auras
Post by: Dean01 on April 06, 2013, 10:51:07
Very interesting! You seem to be developing/refining your psychic abilities. You may receive nightmares if you meditate, at night time, before you go to sleep due to the reality of duality... day and night; light and darkness; good and evil. In other words: meditation in the day will open you up to more positive energies while meditation in the night can open you up more to negative energies. This is my belief, anyways... and obviously a strong belief in numerous cultures. If you decide to meditate at night time, do it under light or safely before a candle flame or safely burn frankincense and myrrh to repel negative energies, which do indeed attempt to deter you from meditation (i.e. spiritual growth).  :-)