The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: Terry B on May 28, 2003, 01:30:37

Title: I hear voices
Post by: Terry B on May 28, 2003, 01:30:37
First, is the pain is like a feeling of pressure or compression like a tight ball inside your head? Well if this is the case, I do get it sometime when I'm totally relaxing my face when I'm going to sleep/project. I guess this feeling of pressure is related to relaxation. Maybe others could add more about this.

Second, hearing voices whether it makes sense or not is fairly normal pre-projection symptoms. I have heard heard many thing on nearing projection/sleep, some make sense, some don't. Yeah, I do admit that sometime I'm also freaked out by that but now I'm been trying to be more bold.  

Sensing presence is quite common and I have my share of experience. I've seen thing that doesn't make sense like my friend coming in my room (which actually doesn't happen). More usually I will feel some sort of presence. Sometime I get the sense of movements and one time it even brushes my hand while passing. Getting pulled out of my body while trying to project has also startled me a few time.

You might want to keeep in mind that when we project, what's "inside" us tends to manifest "outside" us. You might like to check this post:

It might help if you project in the day or with the lights on. At least until you're more comfortable with it.

Title: I hear voices
Post by: goingslow on May 28, 2003, 04:49:35
the sucking sensation could very possibly be your third eye becoming very active.  I had a deep pressure there for a long time.. often I wake up with that feeling when Im having a lucid dream.  I actually woke up with a strong "sucking" on my forehead this morning.

Hearing things while projecting or right before sleep (astral hearing) is very common.  Especially when you're first starting to project.  I dont know if you've read Astral Dynamics but he states its a barrier for many projectors.  If you're not ready to project due to fear it will make sure you dont end up in the astral environment where thought=reality.  It stopped me from consciously projecting for a very long time.  Even before I had read about this phenomenon I remarked to a friend right before sleep i sometimes hear voices.  It isn't uncommon at all.

Fear and suspicion could lead you to believe it is something trying to harm you.  I would read up on it more and realize almost every single new projector has experineced the same thing.  I've heard of people who hear screaming, Robert B. heard dragging and other noises.  I heard voices that I knew weren't speaking english but they appeared to be from outside.

Another thing you could have been sensing was your own projectable double. Thats happeend to me countless times usually involving sleeping paralysis.
Title: I hear voices
Post by: Tyler on May 28, 2003, 06:31:03
Thanks folks, nothing to be sceard of yeah agreed, it just it makes concentration very difficult, can't relax and knowing there is this pain ... maybe its my eyes, sometimes it happens. oh well, i have to keep trying [B)]  [:o)]
Title: I hear voices
Post by: Terry B on May 28, 2003, 19:46:52
Goingslow can you tell me more where do you found out that the "sucking sensation" or "forehead pressure" is related to third eye becoming active? I always thought they're related but have not read anything that says about that. Sometime when I get to sleep paralysis the feeling of pressure starts from the area in the forehead and spreads from there.

In my history of sleep paralysis I have many times sense my projected double like you said probably related to mind split effect. Shamefully, some time I was scared of myself.[:I]
Title: I hear voices
Post by: Tyler on May 27, 2003, 08:37:16
For the past week i have been feeling this weird pain in the area between my eyes and somewhere deep in my head as something is sucking on it.

Well it could have been stress i thought, too much reading, tired eyes but last night something happened.

Whenever i tried projecting for the last week i found myself in pain whenever i try to close my eyes and relax, this painful feeling would grow stronger, and in a "on / off" fashion.

Last night i was about to fall asleep when i found myself floating just above my head, unconsciously for about 10 seconds. As soon as i became conscious i jumped back in my body :( BUT during this short obe i could distinctly remember hearing this weird inhuman voice or sound. No words can describe it, maybe the closest thing to compare it to is sounds made by a sea lions, but not quite so.
I must also add that i saw colourful sparks in the darkness of my room with my side vision.

I freaked out, i tried switching on light, eating garlic, playing classic music, swearing at it and waving my fists (lol) i wasn't sure if it went away, i remain awake until 3 am then i just fell asleep.

Absolutely bizarre, i've never heard that sound before but i could tell it was very close to me and although i didn't detect any movement while OBE i sensed someone's presence.

What do you think it was?