The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: personalreality on December 10, 2012, 16:27:38

Title: Inter-dimensional Specter Photograph
Post by: personalreality on December 10, 2012, 16:27:38
Shades.Of.Consciousness  ( [My Blog]
Inter-dimensional Entities! ( [The Post For This Topic]

I've been a little absent lately.  Had a lot going on in my life keeping me really busy, and the pulse is a luxury I can't afford right this second.  I have been posting regularly in my blog, so everyone ought to go read it.

Shades.Of.Consciousness  ( [My Blog]
Inter-dimensional Entities! ( [The Post For This Topic]

Anyway, I wanted to share a post and some photographs from my trip to Colonial Williamsburg last Friday night.  Among other things on our itinerary Friday evening and Saturday morning was a "Ghosts of Colonial Williamsburg Tour".  The tour guide told us that every building in Colonial Williamsburg had exhibited some sort of paranormal activity, some more than others, but all of them nonetheless.  So, on the tour the guide took us to about 6 or 7 of the "most haunted" sites [naturally, one of them was the tavern we were staying in, The Brick House Tavern; my little sister in law didn't sleep much that night, she's terrified of paranormal activities of any kind].

The guide suggested that we take photographs because it wasn't entirely uncommon for guests to get pictures of "ghosts" or other paranormal type things.  So...I took pictures.  I'll post them here so that you don't have to go to my blog to see them if you don't want too.  But let me preface the photos [as I did in my post] by saying that I do not believe in ghosts.  For me, once you're dead, you're dead; I have to specify that I mean on this Earth, I do believe that your consciousness and even self-awareness lives on in some form.

In my post, I expressed that my opinion is that spectral entities seen by people and interpreted as ghosts are actually inter-dimensional people that can cross into this dimension.  There is a lot more to my theory on this subject, which you can read on my blog post if you want to hear more of my opinions. 

Shades.Of.Consciousness  ( [My Blog]
Inter-dimensional Entities! ( [The Post For This Topic]

All of that aside, let's get to the exciting part, THE PHOTOS!  I must say, these are two of the best paranormal type photos I've ever gotten [except for maybe a shot I got at a Mayan Fire Ceremony of a field absolutely FULL of orbs, hundreds of them.  And when you zoomed in on some of the bigger ones, you could almost make out figures that looked like sprites or faeries].  The first is what I consider to be a person/being/whatever from another dimension, making an appearance in our dimension.  So, here it is:

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I admit that I did adjust the contrast on this photo to make the form stand out a little bit more.  Nevertheless, as soon as I took this picture, me and my fiance immediately saw the light and then the figure.  If you don't see the figure, look in the middle of the picture, directly between and below the windows.  To me, it looks like a head, shoulders and then a torso that fades into a wisp that blows to the left with the light.  I know that there was no light leak in the camera [it was an iphone] because I took tons of pictures and all the rest were fine.  The flash was on, but there was nothing around me to create a reflection of light, nor was there anyone else taking a picture at that time.  So, I don't know, you tell me what you see. 

Now, the second photo is a bit different.  Here it is:

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This one is not as explainable by my inter-dimensional person theory.  I think this falls into the category of an energetic imprint.  Some event leaves some imprint in the electromagnetic spectrum and plays out like a movie until the energy dissipates and the "apparition" fades away.  So let me explain what's actually happening in this picture.  I was standing by a brick wall, leaning on the wall for support to get a steady shot.  I wanted to just shoot this mostly empty yard, hoping for some orbs or something.  It may be a little tough to see, but in the center of the picture you can just barely see a white building with some dark rectangles on it, which were windows.  What you can't see is that this building continues all the way to the right out of frame.  But it was dark, foggy and I had the flash on, so it's hard to see the building period because of how far away it was.  All the way to the right you can see a lantern/candle in the far right window.  So here's the paranormal bit.  In real life, there was no light.  None.  There were no lights anywhere in the area of that building.  It was "late" by Colonial Williamsburg standards (about 6pm or so) and so all of the side streets and back buildings were closed down for the night.  The only place to find lights were on the main drag of the town.  This building was about 100 yards down a side street and my shooting was facing away from the main road that still had some street lights.  Both my fiance and her little sister came over and witnessed the area after I showed them the photo because they didn't believe it and they saw the same thing as me, absolutely NO lights in the area.  So there was essentially a "ghost candle" in the window that I can't explain.  I don't know, what do you all think?

Anyway, I just wanted to share these cool shots I got with you guys and see what you thought of them.  If you want to read my full theory on the specter and the energy imprints, along with a few other related topics [like explaining what I mean by "energy" and my description of consciousness as a form of electromagnetic technology that can perceive things our modern instruments can't; provided one's mind is disciplined or in the right state of mind at the right moment].

Shades.Of.Consciousness  ( [My Blog]
Inter-dimensional Entities! ( [The Post For This Topic]

-PR [sorry for all the shameless blog promotion, but I want you guys to come read it]
Title: Re: Inter-dimensional Specter Photograph
Post by: majour ka on December 10, 2012, 17:00:25
Ive seen pics of spirit manifesting on photos through the energy available via certain mediums that provide the energy for that phenomena. But when I see pics like this im personally not convinced that there is anything but light refractions on the lens etc.

I like my spirit people to look like, well people.

Just my personal feeling.

Title: Re: Inter-dimensional Specter Photograph
Post by: personalreality on December 10, 2012, 17:35:53
Hey, I have no argument with you there.  Like I said, I'm not into the paranormal (in the mainstream) and whenever I can debunk something I do.  But, I really couldn't explain the light in this photo.  There just wasn't anything around the camera that could cause that kind of light refraction.  I argued this picture forever with myself, but I took other pictures right around the same area and got none of those same effects.  It was an iphone camera, so the chances of light leaks and lens refraction are significantly lower than a nicer camera with a larger lens. 

But again, this really isn't my thing.  That's why I left it up to the viewer to decide what they believed was in the picture.  I'm kind of biased though because I was taught to "read faces" in photographs by a Venezuelan medium.  Basically he taught me to see faces in photographs, like in the background and such.  So I see figures in abstract forms a lot. 

I feel you though.  I really like that picture either way.  I really believe that there was some sort of energetic flash in the picture regardless of whether there really is an "entity" there.  I think the camera caught some electromagnetic energy of some sort.

But the candle in the window picture...I've got nothing for that one.  I've never had a picture like that.  I've got lots of pictures of orbs, energy coming off of crystal skulls and other things, all sorts of lights that just aren't artifacts of the camera, but I've never gotten a picture like that candle/lantern/light.  That one actually spooked me a bit.  I mean, I'm standing there taking pictures in this random yard, just to see if anything pops up, looking at this building that is completely dark and simultaneously looking at this picture on the phone that clearly shows a light.  It's like I knew the light was there, but I was looking at it and it wasn't there.  Total cognitive dissonance. 

Whatever it is, I thought these pictures were neat.  You may be entirely correct.  Who am I to say anything different?  I mean, I have been staring at it for 3 days.  I may be seeing what I want to see by now.


Title: Re: Inter-dimensional Specter Photograph
Post by: Szaxx on December 10, 2012, 19:28:58
And the ghostly image in the bottom left corner?
Zoom in a little, I can see it using a phone. Looks cool seeing a candle not there. Could it be a reflection of a reflection?
Title: Re: Inter-dimensional Specter Photograph
Post by: MistyW on December 11, 2012, 00:47:50
Often times these pictures could be just reflections or a trick of the light..after all, there are many different explanations for why there could be an "orb" on the picture. But then again, perhaps it really is some kind of otherworldly or interdimensional entity manifesting through just photographs..and any humans that takes these photographs are just too unobservant to catch the orb when they are taking the picture? Perhaps we will never know. But there have been many eyewitness accounts of seeing orbs as well, not just in photographs but in reality, certain areas of the world the orbs or "ball of light"s are so renowned for occurring that they are considered local legends.
Title: Re: Inter-dimensional Specter Photograph
Post by: majour ka on December 12, 2012, 21:14:17
well then that is interesting! it really looks like some kind of lantern!  :-o

maybe you should go back and see if you get more  :-)