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Last night I stayed up really late and didn't decide to AP since it was like, 4 AM. I was laying in my bed when I got the feeling that I was being watched. But, I always get that in my room, so I dismissed it as nothing. But, it got worse. I was about to doze off when I saw a demonic face... It had horns, and as soon as I realized what it was, it disappeared. This was with my eyes closed. I heard a growling noise in the back round twice, and it could have been my Dog the first time, but the second time it was too weird. Then, I went to role over, and I looked out from under the covers ( I like to be completely covered) and I saw the outline of a head and shoulders. I was scared shi*less. I turned on my TV for light and noise and went to sleep. Ever since I started trying to AP, I've been getting weird heartburn, and wake up from at least 10 hours of sleep, and still feel too tired to move.  Plus, sometimes I feel like I'm being watch in other places but my room. I think I could be being stalked, but what do you guys think? Thanks.


Hell, I get the feeling that I'm being watched... (since I am scared out of my mind of seeing apparitions... when I haven't seen one up close) but nothing like that has happened to me... maybe your house might be demonically possessed... or... you could have been attacked psychically...
I am a person with so much rage you couldn't even imagine.


My house isn't even 20 years old, and only one family has been in it, besides mine. I don't knkow though. Is there a way I could find out?

Wizard of Light

Quote: "Ever since I started trying to AP, I've been getting weird heartburn, and wake up from at least 10 hours of sleep, and still feel too tired to move."

Do you mean ever since you very first began to AP?  Or just since this particular experience?

What other energy work do you do other than AP?
And he said "Let there be light", and so there was.


I think that such things are attracted by fear. If you will learn to control it (Vipassana meditation is best for it) problems should gradually disappear. At least for me this was the case.


Yeah that sounds pretty bad

This one time I was about to AP and right before I dozed I heard the most terrible laughing sound that repeated and kept getting louder and louder as my fear increased... I woke up terrified looking around in a panic attack

Fun stuff if you are sadistic


I haven't APed yet. But I think something might be trying to stop me... Everytime one kind of bad thing goes away another comes along

Example: I had not been able to find my headphones, I listen to Techno music when I *try to AP, I thought "OK, f I find them, I won't try to AP." About 5 seconds after that, I saw that they had fallen down behind something.

My primary reasons for AP are to learn, explore, and se my Mom who passed away on April 29th. I only 13 too. And all of my other deseased family...

W T F?


The King of Hearts

You will be tired if you get too much sleep


These same things happened to me.  Finally, I discovered...when in that state, I wasn't powerless.  I could turn myself into an even fiercer monster and just dice their heads off. It was a good exercise.  Finally, I was able to stop all that and just travel.

(hope that in some way that helps)

Philly Bob

Quote from: KitsuneMy house isn't even 20 years old, and only one family has been in it, besides mine. I don't knkow though. Is there a way I could find out?

It doesn't matter.  The house I live in is less than 15 years old.  And it's definitely haunted.  Apparently, there was another structure on or near this site at some time in the past.  Or perhaps a small graveyard.

Also, all the houses in this neighborhood were built at around the same time.  Recently, I found out that at least one of the other houses is also haunted.



I think it was the time, 4:00 in the mourning is late. With a lack of sleep you may encounter things like this. I notice that when I loose sleep strange things happen, even scary things.

It's all in your head, nothing is going to hurt you.

Tara Star

Personally I think AP is quite dangerous.  I can do it but hardly ever do. The lower astral plane is a pretty dark place, full of scary, yucky and even very dangerous beings.

When I travel I go way above the astral plane. It's hard to do though and takes practice. Quite frankly I am just happy for a good night's sleep when I don't go anywhere!

Unless you live a very pure life and have tremendous mental and spiritual discipline and strength, I think AP can be quite dangerous.  I often see cases (I work as a professional psychic and energy healer) where something comes into a person who is checked out during AP. Usually through the solar plexus. Habitual AP'ers seem to have problems with caved in and collapsed solar plexus chakras. I have often wondered if AP creates an energy body wound that then leaves one vulnerable to invasion.

(I am sure you can find a way to AP safely if you really want to, it's just look at all the risk you take before you figure out how to!)

Perhaps an idea is to make sure you are very, very protected before you jump out. Try a ring of salt around your bed at night. We are soooo vulnerable when we are sleeping!  Conscious APers even more so.  AP with a cross on or sleep with the rosary in your hands or some other power object. Burn incense.  Put wards under your bed. Especially cover your solar plexus. But a crystal on it. Put crystals all around your bed.

I know many of you will have different experiences and opinions then I in this matter, but I have seen over and over in my clients that when you check out, something else can check in, or follow you back home. AP seems to be a red flag, attracting the lower astral entities to you. Yuck. Go hang out with the angels instead!  

In my mind AP is in a "high risk" psychic activity right up there with Ouija Boards, seances and getting stoned and sleeping over night in the abandoned mental hospital just to see if ghosts are real.... Yikes.

Just my 2 cents...

Stay in the light, it's nicer over here....


Personally I think AP is quite dangerous. I can do it but hardly ever do. The lower astral plane is a pretty dark place, full of scary, yucky and even very dangerous beings.
Every evil being I encountered in astral projections was completely harmless, or generated by my mind. There's completely nothing to be afraid of.

Unless you live a very pure life and have tremendous mental and spiritual discipline and strength, I think AP can be quite dangerous.
The only thing that can do harm is the fear. Being afraid is like inviting problems, without fear AP and OOBE is perfectly safe. Also the belief that OOBE/AP is dangerous is like inviting evil things to happen.

Perhaps an idea is to make sure you are very, very protected before you jump out. Try a ring of salt around your bed at night. We are soooo vulnerable when we are sleeping! Conscious APers even more so. AP with a cross on or sleep with the rosary in your hands or some other power object. Burn incense. Put wards under your bed. Especially cover your solar plexus. But a crystal on it. Put crystals all around your bed.
I am sure that your protection methods work for you, but only because you believe that they do. Isn't it easier to just be safe without any methods? And what you will do when all protections fail?
AP seems to be a red flag, attracting the lower astral entities to you. Yuck. Go hang out with the angels instead!

I am sure that fear is the flag, not AP.


I agree with what Cacodemon said about beings being harmless or generated by someones mind.

In my experience at least I encountered a couple hostile beings.  After I encountered about 2 or 3 and was a little scared, I decided it was time for me not to be scared anymore.  And the next hostile thing I encountered I ran straight at them and the disappeared.

And eventually I realized how to create bright lights(usually blue, orange or white) come out of my hands and repel any negative entity/thought manifestation.

I personally wouldn't be overly concerned about this "demon" in your room.  If there were actual demons in your house you would know.  You just need to let go of your fear.  And when you see it again run straight at it, or simply laugh at it and walk off.