The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: Child of the Forest on February 04, 2003, 15:10:02

Title: life threatening psychic attack-Robert help me
Post by: Child of the Forest on February 04, 2003, 15:10:02
Good name, it can say alot, don't lose hope. Remeber this one thing, it is what is on the inside that makes you... you, not external appearence. YOu are still the very same person you were before all these psychic attacks started happening. It is not your pysical appearence that makes you who you are. I never ever look in a mirror, the only image I have of myself is a spirirual one. You are who you see yourself as in your own minds eye. I heard a similar story to yours in a book By James Van Prague where a woman's appearence started declining at the hand of someone who told her it would. James told her to use the "Deflect" method where whenevr you even start thnking about the attack or what the poerson has said to you, you say in your surface moind, "Deflect Deflect!" do this everytime the thought approaches you... YOu can not be attacked if you close off the opportunity to the attackers. Do not believe in the negativity or what the negativity says to you, you know who your spirit is, and that is all that matters. Shield yourself with white light, like a bubble of radient love around you, try clearing your mind, meditate, quite your surface mind, for as Robert says, if you silence the mind, attackers have nowhere to hide. Think of yourself as a spiritual being, the physical aspect of your life means nothing, you will suffer no more, and do all the things that bring innocent joy, free of all forms of destruction. Focus on the forces of pure simple love. Remeber, you are the same spirit you were before all these attacks. Listen to what your spirit has to say, not what the attackers have to say. I will ask that light surrounds you.
feel better.
~Child of the Forest  
Title: life threatening psychic attack-Robert help me
Post by: hope1973 on January 31, 2003, 13:10:29

 I am a 29 year old female living in london.About 14 years ago my mother went to visit my uncle's wife who had been badly treated by my uncle to try and see if she could help save their marriage.Unfortunately she took me with her.My aunt was so angry at my uncle and even though my mother or I had nothing to do with my evil uncle this aunt turned to me and with screamed "I hope that you suffer as much as I did at the hands of your uncle!".I forgot about it -I was only 14 years old after all.Soon after I remember a "force field"or presence go slowly though my body head to toe,I dismissed that too.It really started for me in march 1989 when I was 15,my lovely thick hair started to fall out-I don't mean stress related ,a small amount,but now I've lost 95% of it.I'd lost more than half within months.I used to be stared at by girls at school just before this as they were always going on about my hair being so thick and beautiful,they were so jealous!I used to be followed sometimes by guys because I was beautiful,then suddenly I lost it.At the same time I started to feel so very uneasy but jittery also so very sad.I lost interest in things my concentration went as well.
   Anyway 14 years on,things have gotten worse.The doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me(they tried thyroxine ,antidepressants ,iron,everything).For the last four years things have become unbearable because of the extra"bad luck" that has happened to me -people used to compliment me on my pretty face,then suddenly the left side of my face became distorted and assymmetrical overnight,my eyes were complimented constantly then suddenly my left eye developed a deep dark baggy socket underneath and so now at 29 I avoid mirrors whereas before I really loved(and was grateful to God for and never showed off about)the way that I looked.My face and hands suddenly darkened as well.My weight keeps falling-no matter what I eat.In the last year I've been getting drilling on my head and neck(the drilling on my head has led to bald spots),I smell "vomit" on my head.I had a six inch scar appear from my belly button downwards overnight,I close my eyes and can see moving figures,I feel breezes on my face,I've even shrunk 2 inches,now I've started choking at night,for the last two months I've been getting horrible sexual interference around the genital area.What more, God!  Derek Acorah,a wonderful British Medium confirmed to me that all of this was due to me being open to negative earth bound spirits but his prayer doesn't work.My relatives hate my mum brother father and I and we know they are involved in religious magic.Another psychic,Judy bloom confirmed that a couple of curses had been put on my family which have backfired on me.Apparently,I am psychic,I am constantly told.
 All I want to know,my dear friends, before I end this out of desperation is can I get better,can i get the old me back?I'm so very tired.I miss me so much,my spirit,I am a decent person.Please help me,Dear Robert,dear compassionate friends,I can't do this alone.