The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: Ssaammmm on October 22, 2004, 06:40:35

Title: Negative Energy
Post by: Ssaammmm on October 22, 2004, 06:40:35
I think its been there almost all my life, I just ticked it off one night.   The sensations with no apparent physical reason.  It was months ago I was meditating and was paying attention to the top of my by the crown and felt almost a dirty disc and started to burn it.  I had just gotten it to burn good when it seemed like it erupted and I felt dust falling on my face and in my eyes where it burned, but there was nothing there (physically).  It felt good to wave my hand rapidly by my face, but as soon as i stopped that dust feeling was there.  It feels like I am constantly in a cloud, except when in a car, its almost like my head is in a fish bowl.  Months went by and it felt as if they dust settled on my head and then something it felt as if there were tiny tubes being pushed past my eyes sometimes.  Any time I try to gather energy is disappears or when I focus on white light in my head the tubes seem to suck it out.  One time I was at work and it felt as if dust was being dumped down my forehead down my face and then it I saw something I thought was a hallucination, it was transparent but visible like if light bent around it (it reminded my of that movie "Predator" of that camouflage used) it came from they top of my head and they look like long, thing mushroom like tentacle thing that slowly kept trying to push through by my eyes where the tear ducts are.  Nothing I could do would stop them except for holding my hand at my eyebrows.  It didn't hurt but it felt disgusting and now I have chronic redness but the tear ducts and deep red lines else where and eye drops don't really work.  It constantly feels as if the skin is crawling on my face and my eyes hurt like thin copper wire through them and is very, very annoying.  It feels like the top of my head is being slowly torn, my hands and feet feel like they in gloves and I the only technique working to raise Ki is breathing but I'm afraid to let any negativity in my center.  I thought energy was energy like light, is this real? How is this possible? Does anyone know ?! Am I just cracking up?!???!  I feels like there are roots wrapped around my body and inside to and I feel drained.  Its been months now and feels like hair is constantly in my face, but nothing is there.  any response is greatly, greatly appreciated.  I'm sorry for such a lengthy description it's just really makes me want to scream sometimes.[/u]
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: Sare on October 22, 2004, 19:49:30
What I would do is to clean your house.
And play some posetive trance music or other music that makes you happy. And I would also clean your energy space by spinning you aura around and the energy in your room If you dont know how to do this I sugest Imagning a whit tornado wher you are. This will cleans you.
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: Sare on October 23, 2004, 21:33:34
Please check back on how you are doing.
Title: Re: Negative Energy
Post by: violetrose on October 23, 2004, 22:20:54
Dear Ssaammmm,

Which of Robert Bruce's counter measures have you tried thus far?  Just want to know where we are starting from in terms of finding solutions.

Please note that Robert's NEW method ie. brushing and energy work will help.  The NEW method can help heal the energy body and at least keep things at a tolerable level till the appropriate countermeasure is found.  

Hope to hear from you soon,
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: Nita on October 27, 2004, 03:25:47
Hello Ssaammm
  Roberts methods are a worthwhile read and very effective. I also suggest herbal shampoos. A handy one I use is Rosemary and mint and is made by Aura. It can be bought in Sally's beauty supply stores. Another good one is Angelica which is in one of the Clairol herbal cleansing formulas.
  Robert has a self exorcism that can be done in the shower also in his book. Herbal teas that have been prayed over can be used before shampooing to rinse the area that is being affected. I would suggest hyssop tea for what you are describing.
  These simple methods do help until you can find a method that does work.
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: cprince on October 30, 2004, 14:49:38
I feel that Sam deserves an explanation or a diagnosis of his experience instead of jumping in remedies.  I had a similar experience, when the maid was still in my house.  But unlike Sam, I felt a dark shield or dark cloud (energy) covering my third eye up to my entire forehead.  I felt enclosed and difficulty breathing.

Tried shooting beams from my third eye to dissolve that shield, tried pulling in white light from my crown and direct it out from my third eye, tried holding my reiki hand over my forehead, and eventually visualizing myself in my third eye pushing the shield like I am opening a wide window and jumping out of it.

Well, I cannot say the problem will never return but if it did, my solution is limited to my creative visualization.
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: aleshah on October 31, 2004, 13:35:50
first of all energy is like magik, it s not negative/ positive as n/p is judged by the mind.

Negative and positive is just misundestood, as this descibes, which direction the energy is mind fooling, to put in negative/positive by imagination.

Look this expample:

Holy energy
Holy magik
Holy body
Holy words
Holy numbers
Holy actions
Holy world
Holy face
Holy death
Holy birth
Holy book

neutral energy
neutral  magik
neutral  body
neutral  words
neutral  numbers
neutral  actions
neutral  world
neutral  face
neutral  death
neutral  birth
neutral  book

Bad energy
Bad magik
Bad body
Bad words
Bad numbers
Bad actions
Bad world
Bad face
Bad death
Bad birth
Bad book

stolen energy
stolen magik
stolen body
stolen words
stolen numbers
stolen actions
stolen world
stolen face
stolen death
stolen birth
stolen book

destroyed energy
destroyed magik
destroyed body
destroyed words
destroyed numbers
destroyed actions
destroyed world
destroyed face
destroyed death
destroyed birth
destroyed book

mighty energy
mighty magik
mighty body
mighty words
mighty numbers
mighty actions
mighty world
mighty face
mighty death
mighty birth
mighty book

small energy
small  magik
small  body
small  words
small  numbers
small  actions
small  world
small  face
small  death
small  birth
small  book

dark energy
dark  magik
dark  body
dark words
dark  numbers
dark  actions
dark  world
dark  face
dark  death
dark birth
dark  book

light   energy
light   magik
light   body
light   words
light   numbers
light   actions
light   world
light   face
light   death
light  birth
light   book
Title: sending love and support
Post by: Anonymous on October 31, 2004, 17:03:54

I said a prayer for you--sent you love and light.  I think it's safe to say that nobody understands what is happening to you, what has happened to many others (including myself) in dealing with non physical or non human energies.  When they attack, it is mystifying.

But you are not alone--and you are still here.  You will make it through and things will get better.  I am sure you have tried everything, from sending weapons in defense to sending love, so I won't patronize you with naive philosophical drivel.  

Try to think positive no matter what, and if you feel yourself being sucked into a vortex of despair, fight it with every positive thought, experience and memory in your arsenal.  

Good luck.
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: Covelo on October 31, 2004, 20:21:42
Hi Ssaammm,

I would ask the question:  What is your background training for becoming aware of these things and what kinds of obstacles were you 'taught' you might encounter on your path of discovery?  I have found that most of the time any attack on someone has to have some kind of link to the person's former knowledge or thoughts on something.  The best defense for me so far has been to simply watch my thoughts closely and make sure I don't dwell on neg thoughts or actions, as this definitely gives them "something to go on".  Also not to ponder what kind of attacks might happen next.

I have also learned that some negs know your past lifes and maybe have learned that you may have suffocated in the dirt, or something like that, and are using this subconscious fear that you may have of suffocating.  It might do you well to get some past life readings done and see what turns up.  But the most important thing I would say for now is to watch and train your thoughts to be progressive and positive as possible, no matter the conditions... good thoughts attract good results as well as the opposite.

All be well...
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: Anonymous on November 02, 2004, 01:49:15
All negativity can be traced back to fear. Whatever it is, don't be afraid of it. Work on it. What do you fear? Whatever you fear, face it, conquer it. In a situation like this, I would ignore it, and I would do whatever it took to keep going as if it weren't there. But then again, I am a stubborn person and I would not allow some neg to get in my way.

The tactics of this neg seem obvious to me. It wants you to feel helpless and scared. The countermeasure here would be to refuse to feel either.

Your neg probably doesn't like coldness, since warmth is a sign of vitality. If there is no 'food' for it, how can it consume? This entity is feeding on your life force. That is why you feel tired and drained all the time. You could try qi gong in order to overload it. Or you could try to keep as cold as you can while still being comfortable, and drink a lot of water if you don't already. Water can store energy and information. Before you drink your water, you should try putting a label on the glass such as 'auric and bodily purity,' or you should say some sort of prayer over your water. This should clean out anything that's in there (and when you drink it, anything that's in your body or aura). In the meantime, process your shadow and your fears. Those aspects of people seem to attract negs, and I have found that I encounter less negs because I have processed a good deal of my shadow and my fears.

Think of this neg as a beacon to show you where you need strengthening. When you strengthen those areas, it will go away.
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: aleshah on November 04, 2004, 09:36:45
only by training weak points to more strong ones, i guess this would not solve this problem.
As negs astral forms, they are no *assholes*, who need your energy to survive, this are also guides , whatever energy, there is enough for evryone.They  kick them out by higher vibes.
It is just a mind fooling of state to "mantra" you, that energy is not reproductive or pure, and you need to protect it and to buy new, if you lost it. lol

Fears open doors to draw energy out of you.
Also attention/attraction to them draws your energy to them.Even beliefs of them is drawing energy to them.
Whatever, your energy can be manipulative to them, if you are used in manipulation of energy. Evrywhere you lost your psi sig, it will travel back.
You can add several list items, to comlete it.
As you are more advanced, you can create astral tought forms do diffrent tasks.
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: Li Yun on November 10, 2004, 11:07:12
Hey sam i read this and thought of me...!!
Basically I have been suffering form this for a long time too...i allowed my self to be attacked by spirits from taking dissaccaiative drugs when at uni...not the best plan but I did and have had to sort my self out a a tad. I found this forum at christmas when I too thought i might well be going mad but luckliy i was reassured that I was not. There are many bit of advise you can get onthis forum as everyone has there own way of seeing things..the things i found helpful was the practical side...the things you can actually do to help..There are all the protection symbols and verious methods (garlic does help! try eating a clove at bed) leaving the light on when sleeping, music...but still you want rid of this don't you? Some one helped me with advise such as this but i soon realised i needed to go and see someone who can help with great effect. So from a reeference off this site I went to a shamanic healer named took me months to build up the courage but I made the trip and saw him...he was very friendly and...i explained my situation as i too have had treouble with my eyes and saw this snake like think just out of sight as you said...from one look at me he told me i was 'blown wide open' at the brow and base chakra...this made some sense....expeieneces from drugs or just astral expeorineces tend to be strored in the base chakra so I lay down, he got his dragon's pearl crystal and wispered let go while molving his hands over my bass chakra...within a second a was feeling a spasoming down there which was the neg fighting bck apparently....over an hour he drew it out through my head, and fixed the two hole in my aura...i could feel him knitting it back up!! amazing...i could go on and on but you get the gist...he told me i had had the eqivilent of spiritual major sugary...its not to say you have a hole in your aura but you might have picked this up as a child (children are pretty vunereble to negs)
my advise...sure use the techniques discribed to you for ridding ngs but if you think its been a long time i would ask around on this forum for someone you performs entity removal, (you'e abit to far away form the uk!! although this guy can do it remotley on the astral) there will be someone near by its just a question of research...
i too felt like screaming at times but state of mind is really have to give of the vibe to it that you dont care what it does and in fact you hardly notice (even if you do) I hope this helps, I just feel that nailing these things on the head is better, and then use protection to stop prevent it happening again.
Take care Li yun
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: aleshah on November 10, 2004, 11:22:28
It is just a mind fooling of state to "mantra" you, that energy is not reproductive or pure, and you need to protect it and to buy new, if you lost it
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: Anonymous on November 10, 2004, 21:12:49
Li Yun

What is the full name of the shaman you saw in the UK?   Just curious.

I have spoken to an "entity clearer" as well, and she called on the Christ, archangel Michael, etc and had me repeat things like "I void all contracts in all dimensions of time and space" etc.  She was a woman of faith (I am more agnostic) and I was impressed with her faith and the depth to which she tried to help.  But the entities treated the whole session like a joke (one saying "uh oh" and then I feel him withdraw, only to come right back).  They seemed particularly amused by the idea of calling on the Christ or Holy Spirit.  They mocked this as much as they mock me sometimes.  

Have not met many people--shaman or otherwise--who have had the kind of experiences I have had--of projected holograms and such (many contactees report similar events however).  I know I am dealing with something powerful--but I know that I am powerful as well.  And still I am being challenged by this.
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: Li Yun on November 11, 2004, 12:41:57
Hi kaili,

his name is peter aziz, he is a from a a shamanic bloodline and his practices have nothing to do with religion. Yes i'd imagine a an entity to mock something such as that as they know it might cause some distress and there fore help them...He knows what he's doing and he can work remotley apparently a photo helps him concentrate...look him up on google he has a web site which explains things...I have to say my instinct when i met him was total trust...he was very nice and not at  all patronising and down to earth...think the matrix  and the oracle and you might get the idea.

Good Vibes to you...what evers up there is always some one who can help if you scratch the surface!!

Li yun
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: Anonymous on November 11, 2004, 20:15:48
Thank you.   :)

I will let you know if I contact him, what happens.  Am going to check out his website now.  I appreciate your response.
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: Chimerae on December 12, 2004, 09:14:44
Quote from: enderAll negativity can be traced back to fear. Whatever it is, don't be afraid of it. Work on it. What do you fear? Whatever you fear, face it, conquer it. In a situation like this, I would ignore it, and I would do whatever it took to keep going as if it weren't there. But then again, I am a stubborn person and I would not allow some neg to get in my way.

The tactics of this neg seem obvious to me. It wants you to feel helpless and scared. The countermeasure here would be to refuse to feel either.

Your neg probably doesn't like coldness, since warmth is a sign of vitality. If there is no 'food' for it, how can it consume? This entity is feeding on your life force. That is why you feel tired and drained all the time. You could try qi gong in order to overload it. Or you could try to keep as cold as you can while still being comfortable, and drink a lot of water if you don't already. Water can store energy and information. Before you drink your water, you should try putting a label on the glass such as 'auric and bodily purity,' or you should say some sort of prayer over your water. This should clean out anything that's in there (and when you drink it, anything that's in your body or aura). In the meantime, process your shadow and your fears. Those aspects of people seem to attract negs, and I have found that I encounter less negs because I have processed a good deal of my shadow and my fears.

Think of this neg as a beacon to show you where you need strengthening. When you strengthen those areas, it will go away.

This is good stuff, especially the suggestion about using the water, but I need to say that NOT all negativity can be traced back to fear.  Negativity is just . . . negative . . .  

ALMOST always, the human opening for negativity IS fear . . . but if you happen to be one of the few who have it come in through another door, you have to deal with where ever it got in.  It's hard because negativity, once lodged, throws open all doors -- especially fear -- to let more flood in.  

Also "stubborn person and I would not allow some neg to get in my way" can describe many people who for whatever reason find themself in this situation.  It's not weakness that attracts this sort of thing.

Categorically "refusing to feel" has always been a path to disaster in my life.  I have found instead that choosing to feel something positive in addition to whatever else I was feelings has been most helpful.  Also, in the depths of dispair, to postpone feeling fear, hate (et cetera) until a specific time with boundaries -- sometimes with support there, sometimes I just use "tonight at 8" and postpone the negative feelings to feel them all at one time for 15 minutes.  In times of extreme duress, I have used "three minutes" every hour to express and ground the negative

Karla McLaren (my hero) says that some of us just manifest sacred space where ever we are and whatever we do.  She goes on to say that there's a serious misunderstanding in our world about the nature of sacred space . . . that sacred space is a boundaried area where that which has been made unholy can be drawn and manifest to the point where it can be made sacred again.

It's big work and some of these very people are carrying the biggest load.
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: Andromache on December 12, 2004, 09:17:33
Garlic is a great idea Li Yun, and listen, if taking a clove is not ideal for some of you out there, you can do what I do, take garlic tablets or garlic oil soft gels. Those work great.
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: yothu on December 12, 2004, 12:54:56
Quote from: CoveloI have also learned that some negs know your past lifes and maybe have learned that you may have suffocated in the dirt, or something like that, and are using this subconscious fear that you may have of suffocating.  It might do you well to get some past life readings done and see what turns up.

Who does such readings and do you know anybody in Central Europe who does it? I'm really curious.
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: McArthur on December 12, 2004, 14:28:58
Quote from: Chimerae
ALMOST always, the human opening for negativity IS fear . . . but if you happen to be one of the few who have it come in through another door, you have to deal with where ever it got in.  It's hard because negativity, once lodged, throws open all doors -- especially fear -- to let more flood in.  
The biggest thing that attracts negs is someone who is leaking prana/lifeforce. And certain states of mind cause people to leak more energy than in others. If you are being bullied by someone you are afraid of you will tend to project energy towards them as an instinctive reaction without realizing it. This is why some people become hooked on bullying, they get a "Buzz" out if it because they are unconsciously vampirizing other peoples energy. So having a balanced and calm mind is important because then you're not leaking any energy and is also why bullies don't pick on people who seem confident and self-assured (i.e. these types of people don't have scattered energy). This is a fairly similar situation with negs that generally won't pick on an experienced Astral projector/Lucid dreamer if given a choice.

One of the main problems is if you have holes in your aura. This isn't really so much to do with fear or other emotions (negative or otherwise) because you're leaking prana anyway. This will attract feeder type negs like blood in water attracts sharks. You can be the most positive and loving person in the world, but that won't stop you getting a neg problem if you have holes in your aura and you're leaking prana.

Of course, once a neg has attached itself to you it will then try to stimulate you into various states of mind that it thinks tastes best or makes you release the most energy for it to feed on. These then tend to be the more "negative" type of emotions because when we are happy and joyful our energy is more centered and harmonious rather than scattered and leaking.

It seems from what I have learnt so far, although one can't be 100% sure about it, that the two main causes for negs getting into ones aura are traumas and strong mind altering drugs. These somehow create an opening for the negs to get in. There may be strong indications that negs are involved in drug addictions and during rape or child abuse. The abuser has a resident neg that is influencing his/her actions to create more victims with trauma that the negs can then attempt to invade more easily. And the cycle can often repeat itself. It has been documented that those who have been abused as children may have a tendency to abuse others themselves as adults. This is neg related IMO.
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: yothu on February 27, 2005, 16:03:48
Quote from: McArthurIt seems from what I have learnt so far, although one can't be 100% sure about it, that the two main causes for negs getting into ones aura are traumas and strong mind altering drugs. These somehow create an opening for the negs to get in. There may be strong indications that negs are involved in drug addictions and during rape or child abuse. The abuser has a resident neg that is influencing his/her actions to create more victims with trauma that the negs can then attempt to invade more easily. And the cycle can often repeat itself. It has been documented that those who have been abused as children may have a tendency to abuse others themselves as adults. This is neg related IMO.

This is an interesting opinion, McArthur! I do feel and notice my fear of certain things and situations lately. Maybe a trauma is a kind of valve for the feelings of fear which negs feed from. Just my 2 cents.
Title: Negative Energy
Post by: Nita on February 28, 2005, 01:07:18
Hello Yothu
  I have stated this a number of time myself. The abuse of trauma whether neg related or other types of abuse tend give the negs something to stick to and feed off of on a person.
  The reason people suffer from having multiple attacks and things attaching to them is they may get rid of the entity but they do not get rid of the cause. It can make it so entities attack them again and again. The only thing left to do is to work upon the traumas and problems.
  I have had a lot of people perceiving this was attacking the victim. It is not but it is removing the way the problems keep reoccurring.
Title: Injury is opportunity
Post by: Chimerae on February 28, 2005, 08:54:52
"Injury is opportunity" is not just about negs

Bacteria takes opportunities in open wounds from an abrasion or cut.  

Embroyonic  cells gather at the local of any injured tissue and increase the likelyhood of cancer -- hence the long list of carcinogens.

A family under stress from job loss or a host of other sources is an easier target for all kinds of perpetration.

In all things, it is possible to grow stronger at the broken places, turning the "crisis" of the "attack" whether it is negs or illness or whatever into an opportunity

I frequently see the sort of spirits that I beleive you refer to as "negs" in people who are experiencing no difficulty.  As long as the person is whole and their ego is intact, the spirit just hangs around and affects whatever it can reach.  

Just a thought, but you might take a look and see if it's not that trauma and alchol/drug use create an opportunity for negs to manifest in a way that they are more noticed.  In the world I see, they are as common as virus and carried by "healthy" people.  

It's built in and part of our social mechanisms.  When someone has serious trouble in their lives, even someone quite beloved, watch how they are attacked and isolated by those around them, even people who genuinely love them.

Lets grow stronger in the broken places.
Title: Re: Injury is opportunity
Post by: yothu on February 28, 2005, 13:08:16
Quote from: Chimerae
It's built in and part of our social mechanisms.  When someone has serious trouble in their lives, even someone quite beloved, watch how they are attacked and isolated by those around them, even people who genuinely love them.

Lets grow stronger in the broken places.

Especially this part of your posting I find is very true and accurately observed, Chimerae! Congrats for this!

Why is it that people scent psychological imbalances and use them as a basis for attacks?

@nita: You mean mowing the lawn doesn't keep bad weeds from growing tall, right? You literally have to pull it up?
Title: Re: Injury is opportunity
Post by: Chimerae on February 28, 2005, 18:16:39
Quote from: yothu
Why is it that people scent psychological imbalances and use them as a basis for attacks?

It's not just psychological -- people who have a death in the family will tell you what when grief really kicks in there's nobody there for you.  Cancer, job loss . . . you name it.  

As a specific example, there's a place in Texas called the Richardson Early Childhood Center that treats families with early intervention because their research has discovered something they call "fussy baby syndrome"  Something as simple as a "fussy baby" alienates the entire family from their support system and ends up in all kinds of social, emotional, financial, psychological, physical problems for EVERYONE in the family.  Richardson ECC targets families with "fussy babies" and provides extra support and treatment at no cost -- and they can document the cost savings to the community in just 3 years.  30 years later the cost savings are astronomical.  

Personally, I think the negs are part of a social mechanism that help shove anyone "not okay" farther out into the fringes, loading those people down with as much of the "garbage" of the social order as possible, so that if and when they fall off the map they take as much of the culture's baggage with them when they go.  I think it's the latent "neg" in allegedly healthy people (like bacteria and virues on the physical level) that cause "in" people to attack the potential "outs"

It's not all bad news though.  It really is possible to just walk away and leave the culture to deal with is own baggage.  I'm serious about the growing stronger in the broken places.  

Consciousness is the key.  I'm just not sure of all the doors it matches up with to open up and "get out of the asylum" that's our culture.
Title: Please delete
Post by: Sparkwielder on March 04, 2005, 11:54:16
Please delete this post.
Thank you
Title: Re: A living example....
Post by: Chimerae on March 04, 2005, 12:16:00
post deleted.  

(Sorry, gang, but I don't know how to do this correctly)
Title: Re: A living example....
Post by: Chimerae on March 04, 2005, 12:18:05
post deleted