The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: kakkarot on May 24, 2002, 12:34:35

Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: kakkarot on May 24, 2002, 12:34:35
never had an obe, but i will try to fake plausible explainations based on the things i have read regarding obe and "stuff".

1. it may have been drawing off your energy. did it feel like it was? did it feel like it was touching your spirit in any way? it may have been an astral insect, but from what i can decipher of the posts on this forum there is still much debate as to whether astral animals even exist.

2. it may have been your imagination: something about your subconcious creating an illusion based upon a feeling of fear.

3. it may have been created by someone who doesn't like you, or who was just creating illusions/spiritual entities to attack random people. this last one makes little sense unless you realize that sometimes people just do evil and chaotic things for no good reason. just like some people do good and lawful things for no good reason.

4. ssdf-*/sfdgdf-rgwARG}{PAG:G[;eg.   the best explaination so far, no? ;)

sorry that i can't help you based upon personal experiences or factual based knowledge, but this is the best i can do and i hope it helps somehow.


Secret of Secrets
Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: Tyrone on May 25, 2002, 08:08:51
Daniel, I'm not sure how much time you spend roaming the higher astral levels.  You may or may not have realized that insects are really some of the only 'creations' that are in the physical that do not cross over.  There is every animal and every type of beautiful entity, just no insects and well for that matter pests, unless ofcourse you have a beloved beatle for a pet..  From this I can only surmise that insects somehow really draw our attention, there really is something about them.  I'm not squeamish to any extent of the word, but when you see these thing magnified, ugh!  So I again I can only guestamate that there really was a big hairy spider coming to say hi and maybe pick some food from the corner of your mouth.   :P   .. and you just happened to notice it, just on a different level of conciousness.

These types of things don't feed off of your energy..  There are certain astral pests, but they sit on you aura, because that is what they are interested in.. right?  energy emenation, not flesh and blood...  I think people create a terror out of these little nuances that rarely come within a foot of our bodies.

hope this helps.. unless ofcourse the spider winked at you!


Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: Rob on May 25, 2002, 13:38:21

Snakes and spiders seem to be relatively common entities to see, and they are usually not very nice. Many people have attacks/sleep terrrors when they are younger and snakes and spiders have to be up there as some of the most common forms to scare the hell out of people. I have a friend who sees large spiders (size of fist) crawling around sometimes when he wakes up in the mornings, but to date he doesn't seem to have experienced any attacks. I have another friend who used to have night terrors in which snapes and spider would be crawling all around him, falling through the ceiling etc and obviously, he hated it.
Personally I have never seen a spider but had a snake bite me in a dream and I felt it in my upper leg - ouch!

The spider was possibly getting ready to feed off you while you slept. Maybe it noticed you could see it and so puffed itself up to look big like so many animals do when confronted.

Oh and for what its worth, I remember reading some channeling on UFO's on Spiritweb (thought it was "Mission of the One Star" but can't find anything in it now), and one of the ET civilisations was spider creatures. Reminded me of what you said. They were on the whole negative in nature, like huge spiders. If I remember correctly they destroyed their planet by playing too much with black hole technology, or something.

I know it is damn hard not to be scared when you see something like that - I would be rushing adrenelin too - but unless it hurts you....
Gold is a good colour too. Maybe it has been reformed?!

Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: Hephaestus on May 26, 2002, 04:56:42
Originally posted by Inguma:

I know it is damn hard not to be scared when you see something like that - I would be rushing adrenelin too - but unless it hurts you....
Gold is a good colour too. Maybe it has been reformed?!

If a Lion was stood in front of you jaw open wide would you not fear it because of its golden coat.

I would have to say the spider was probably ready to feed off your energy like most negative entities that seem to be everywhere like to do.

I have a hard time keeping calm seeing a palm sized spider, god help me if I OOBE'd and saw a man sized one, i'd have a heart attack and it'd turn into a POOBE (Permanent Out of Body Experience.)

Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: Tyrone on May 26, 2002, 16:44:06
I just want to say one more thing.   One of the largest problems with this board is that people go way overboard with their explanations.  They pick and pick, and excavate and excavate, they add little bits and pieces from star trek, from some ufo megazine from some channeling, and next thing you know we have a nasty little slurry of untruth.  Even if there was any bit of truth in anything that was said or explained, it is pretty much lost.

I think, as most of the great people in the human race have said, Sidharta (Buddha), Mohammad, and ofcourse Christ,  "If you are like children you will understand."   Simplicity is beautiful and full of answers onto answers.  Just look at our society and how poorly it is functioning, and we call ourselves modernaized and advanced??  We are probably one of the farthest behind groups of people of each earth cycle (10,000years) to date.  The Atlantians could even teleport, for you trekies.  They had advancement like we cannot even begin to fathom.  

I mention this only as a warning that many times the answer is much simpler then most people would want to accept.

ONe more thing, I couldn't live with myself If I didn't touch this, Inguma;  It may be hard for you to believe me, but there is absolutely no species in the entire universe that is not of humanoid descent.  There are no huge cyclopse, there are no three fingered salamanders, there is non of that.  There are literarly millions of other planets that inhabit life (I welcome you to visit them) and there are non that you would say that are not human.  Some are taller, some are shorter with little larger eyes and noses, and some are little different shades of brown and red. (funny thing this is the only planet that has white skin tonned inhabitants.  In the galactic field we are known as the albino planet!)  Just like if you stood a seven foot African beside a Pygmy, you would say they are both human, regardless of their differences.  As far as the 'greys' go with their cold black eyes..  Our atmosphere is much different then theirs, so naturaly they have to wear something!  If you were oobe'ing on the moon and you ran into an astronaut with a huge silver suit on and his black, cold, smooth, face shield, you would go home and tell everyone that they only have on cold black eye,  these 'silvers', right?

Hephaestus;  before I would begin to panic about spiders from other worlds, that are negs, coming all this way only to feed on your body's energy, :)  I would exercise a little common sense.  If you take a spider, ordinary daddy long legs, and hold it within two inches of your face, and take a really good hard look at it, and then close your eyes.  See if you can remember what size the spider was, and what size is resonating in your memory.  Since when you project you do not travel with the shape of your body, and naturaly don't see with your eyes, it is just a single point source view point.  Thats all that happened, you came within inches of the spider and you had nothing to compare its size to, as in your hand, or even two eyes to ascimilate a field of depth.  That is why things are sometimes a little deforemed from reality, even though it is real.

We should all try to stimulate each others common sense and simplistic analysis, not fear.  People already live in such great fear.  


"People are so afraid to die, and even more affraid to live."  -- Sylvia

Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: Rob on May 26, 2002, 17:26:29
from some ufo megazine from some channeling, and next thing you know we have a nasty little slurry of untruth.

We are probably one of the farthest behind groups of people of each earth cycle (10,000years) to date. The Atlantians could even teleport, for you trekies. They had advancement like we cannot even begin to fathom.

Almost all "info" on Atlantis comes from....wait!! New age channeling!!!!
Purely contradictory statements Tyrone.

btw you cannot prove that something doesn't exist without knowing everything that has ever existed. Therefore you cannot say negs do not exist, only that you have never met one. To say you are right and everyone else is wrong is to call everyone who has been unfortunate enough to come under psychic attack liars, fools and to demeane us to basically being under you in some inneffible way.

Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: Tyrone on May 26, 2002, 18:56:18
Wow, thats some krusty stuff.  Sometimes I wonder if any of you people really do project.  If you do project, and you see your body as inanimate as car stereo speaker, you go exploring further.  Once you've been thus far, pandoras box doth open.  Neg's (as you put it) is something a little different then psychic attacks.  I never said I never believed it, I went quite deep into trying to explain the metaphysics behind it.  Anyways, new age channeling is nothing new, everyone is entitled to infusion, and to keep their memory intact of it.  

Once you actually project, and once you can travel through the different levels, including time votexes, and you have enough of a reson to visit the akashic reccords and go through what was, has been and is (all the same) then you can put together a logical argument for me.  Until that time, do not negate what I tell you, I am not selling you anything, I'm just trying to ease some peoples minds and imaginations (which ofcourse are things).

So, in a nutshell, if you truelly truelly truelly can project, then to know everything that has ever existed is just a thought away, try it and come back and tell me what you saw.


Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: PeacefulWarrior on May 28, 2002, 01:42:43
Tyrone, I don't mean this to offensive at I love to hear everyone's opinions, but up to this point Inguma has been a reliable source of info and I must admit his opinion wieghs a little heavier than does yours in my book.  

A lot of what you seem to do is pick apart the foundations on which others build their opinions and because you don't seem to provide a great deal of evidence for this it kind of hurts your theories...just a thought.  Anyway, one thing I disagree with you wholeheartedly about is the fact that all beings in the universe are humanoid...there are definetly intelligent beings that range from small animals to gigantic, stupendous creatures.

Much love to you and everyone!

fides quaerens intellectum
Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: Tyrone on May 28, 2002, 18:22:34
Daniel,  I'm not at all offended, the reason anyone posts here is to add their little bit of truth to the great truth, a piece of which we all cary.  My point was being that sometimes we really have to look at it from a somewhat 'grounded' perspective.  No offense to Iguana, but if we start talking about extraterestrials coming here to feed off of peoples energies (an energy I guess they have no access to) and they come in the form of giant spiders??  Thats all I mean, I'm not bashing at all, I'm just trying to be objective.  If one has an argument it should be worthy of a trial, if not then..

When I mean humanoid, I mean of the same essence as we are.  Obviously you know there is no transmigration, you don't see people becoming dogs, and you don't see dogs becoming lawyers, righ?  I haven't heard of one regression with a animal in the past life.  There are many entities, animals which we do not have here, but they are only animals.  They are much more inteligent, and they are much more intune to our thoughts, but they are just that, animals.  They have personalities, but they do not live out the array of lives, with the focuses that we have.  So, yes there are a lot of interesting entities, but there is non of that horror stuff acting as an advanced civilization.  That was my point, sorry if it got confused.

As so for my evidence, I appologize, sometimes I think that everyone here projects and has access to the same vistas of knowledge.  I do not mean to sound aerogant, its just that when you do find the truth, you really do know its the truth.  I hope I can explain further in my other posts.

Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: PeacefulWarrior on May 29, 2002, 13:27:12
Tyrone- thanks!  I respect you and your views...I look forward to hearing what you have to say about other topics!

fides quaerens intellectum
Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: nitetravler on June 02, 2002, 14:48:47
An interesting point.  I think most of us have fears of  one kind or other when we astral project, even if subconscious.  What you describe Daniel, sounds like a 'thought form', or rather images conjured up by your own imagination - and fear.  If however you have NO fear of spiders, and consequently don't think about them when OOB, then perhaps it could be an elemental, or some other low entity.

A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or else what's Heaven for?

-Robert Browning
Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: splice on August 07, 2002, 23:13:51
My 4-year-old son has been scared of a big gray spider, he says that it's crawling around in his room. After several nights of this is there any way to get rid of it? He is really scared of it and no it's not a real spider what I can tell.

Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: Tisha on August 08, 2002, 12:06:09
Now 4 year old children  . . . (I'm flashbacking to my childhood here) . . . (OK now I'm recalling my college days) . . . all the data in my head is telling me that the boogymen (and spiders) of childhood are manifestations of fear and anger.  Then again . . . I guess you could say that of adults too.  Most of OUR boogymen are manifestations of our own fear and anger too. HM.

Not to say there is nothing in your son's room (or your room, Peaceful Warrior!).  It could be a random energy pattern, or an actual bug or spider with a larger energy pattern, even if you can't see it during the day.  Or it could be a "neg," and you put a spider's face on it.  Any of these things could be true!

All "authoritative" back and forth on phantom spiders (or any topic) should raise red flags in all of our minds.  HELLLOOOOO!!!   Are ANY of us authorities on what's going on in another person's room, let alone the Astral?  I'm an irritating know-it-all (read my bio!), and even I can't pretend to say what's what here.

But here is how to find out:  Focus on your feelings.  Peaceful Warrior, once you cut out your visceral reaction to the spider in your room, or your opinions on spiders in general, what was left? ( in terms of your feelings?).  Did it feel vampiric or bad?  Neutral?  Buggy?  Human-like?  Did it have a personality?  The answers to these questions will probably lead you to better answers than what you are reading here.  When it comes to matters of the mind we can share our experiences and our opinions and learn from them, but in the end, we are the only authorities on our own minds, and on our experiences.  

For the 4 year old child, rather than trying to psych the poor kid out, or try to figure out where the little spider beastie came from, endeavor to "kill" it.  Fill a plain spray bottle with colored water and label it "spider killer."  Let your child spray it about his room until he is satisfied that he is protected. Let him keep the spray bottle next to his bed so he can use it at any time.  If he has no more spider panics after that, you may be sure it was just his little mind playing tricks on him.  If this doesn't work, then check back in with us do that we may move on to "Plan B."

peace to all -


"As Above, So Below"
Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: Tia on August 08, 2002, 16:24:20
I also had a spider visit the other night, and a reference to it today while meditating, I was hoping for some advice but I can see I am not going to get it here.

Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: naphere on August 15, 2002, 20:28:33
what do you mean by spiders dont cross over?  They dont have souls?
or they go to some other dimension when they die.

Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: General-Army on August 15, 2002, 21:17:12
Tyrome, im trying to astral project, but im having trouble with it because of fear of dwellers, could you plz give me your email? I am very interested in knowing about these aliens and other aliens you talk about.

Every man has their fear of dieing, whether it be of pain or not knowing where you are going, however, mine is the family, memories, and good times i leave behind.
Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: Adam Kadmon on August 15, 2002, 22:59:50
Spiders are sacred to Kali. They are a symbol of the Mother Goddess. If you look at pictures of Kali you'll notice she has six arms and two legs, which is eight limbs. She has black skin and tusks, which is reminiscent of arachnid colorations and the front pedipalps which their fangs protrude from. Kali is the  ofter considered the creator of Time, which she makes of herself and draws back in at the end of a kalpa, like a spider creates silk to make a web and eats it to remove it. The weaver analogy in relation to time is common in many cultures, the Norns are one example. Also in spiders the female lives many times as longs as the male, is quite larger then the male, and commonly eats the male after breeding. They also eat their young, another thing said of Kali. These are not things I've read, but things I've put together myself through intuition and synchronistic coincidence. The similarities are striking. The black widow in particular is holy to Kali.

If you are having dreams about spiders the Mother Goddess is influencing your life. Spiders infiltrate my life continuously, every significant event in the last five years for me has had a little spider crawling in the background. My ex-wifes S.O. collects tarantulas and has the Kali mantra tatooed on his arm, but doesn't make the connection. My ex went by Kali as a nickname in her goth days. My little boy is obsessed with spiders and dressed as a spider last Halloween. Here recently Shakti has ascended my spine, another manifestation of the Mother Goddess.

In summary, don't be afraid of spiders, they are holy creatures. They are creepy and weird looking, but that is probably due to the strange incomprehensible force they represent.

Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: anteus on August 22, 2002, 10:59:57
I tried to figure out whether OBE or lucid dreams interpretable... The answer seems to be yes. They can be connected to as it is possible to connect to normal dreams...
At least it is true for me.

I met the spider symbol as well but in a normal dream...
Currently, I am considering couple of meanings.
First, the spider is me, it is an survival instrinct. Manipulative,possesive,trap maker, illusion creation.
Another suggestion I heard that it is my mother. Mothers can be also possesive.
In other places, the spider may represent a fault/weakness. E.g. overeating The bigger it is , the stronger the dependency is.

Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: alpha on August 25, 2002, 04:14:50
usually I dont come to this forum,But my mouse strayed tonight and your thread caught my eye.Did not read all the way through.Too long,Got to get some sleep!

But I just wanted to say that I have seen a huge spider also.And it happened alot like your incident.Except it didnt bother me as much,but it was kinda spooky I admit.I just assumed that there are probably insect like creatures  on the astral as well.I dont really see why not.After all we cant be imagining it right.]

It could be the way I look at bugs on the physical.If someone mentions to me there is a bug crawling in my house.Ill tell them to leave it alone.Its one of my pals.And I will let it roam around and forget about it.So I have the same views when I come across diff. things on the astral.

I really do not think I had anything that the spider wanted.
                                                                                                Good night all!

Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: amed_h on August 25, 2002, 12:14:08
couple weeks ago, i woke up with sleep paralysis.  upon fighting the urge to panic, i looked on my wall close to my bed and i saw a lone spider crawling up the wall.. i was a tad bit frightened.. because i knew i was in astral sight and i knew that the spider was not a real physical one.  it was probably an energy feeder, which would explain the negative conotation usually surrounding it.

Title: Not exactly SPIDERMAN...
Post by: PeacefulWarrior on May 24, 2002, 09:38:00
Not too long ago as I was fallnig asleep I became clairvoyant, or in other words gained astral sight- just for a few seconds- and saw what looked like a spider, a HUGE spider, crawling accross the bed frame.  It was black with glowing golden markings- it scared the heck out of me and I woke up completely and with a huge jump (and not this doesn't have anything to do with the movie SPIDERMAN!- it was before I saw the film).

Does anyone know anything about astral spiders, insects?  Could this thing possibly have been feeding on my energy?

fides quaerens intellectum