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sexual dysfunction - entity attack? HELP!

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Hey Baby snakes. That is very sad to hear mate but there is plenty of things you can do mate. Now i wont jump to conclusions but i think there is a chance its just natural things causing your sexual problems. I dont understand Oigi boards but do you think there wasa chance that it was your friends playing a joke on you? That is exactly the kind of thing one of my friends would do lol.

Anyway im not sure what sexual problems you have but there are plenty of cures these days. I suggest you go see a physician. If it is a neg then take the mofo down. I would kill any negative energy in a 1 million mile radius if it was threatening my manhood.

One last thing, have you ever done kegel exercises? They are good for both women and men at all times. They strengthen the PC muscles that are in the genitals. I know it sounds odd but these exercises have a multitude of beneifits from stronger woodys :P, to more sexual feeling downstairs. Furthermore, they can be done at any time of the day!!!!! next time u take a wee, try to cut it off in mid stream. The muscle that you use to do that will be your PC. It might take a few tries but its really easy to try. If you cannot completely stop the flow of pee, START KEGELS NOW!! :) all u have to do is clench the muscles as much as you can each day. I do around 400. Do it in the car, waiting in a queue, in a test, watching tv. Anywhere

Hope that helps slightly,



James S

Hi Babysnakes,

I wouldn't be too quick to jump on the neg attack bandwagon without first looking at some more down to earth things. My wife has been suffering from sexual dysfunction now for a few years, so believe me, I KNOW what can cause such problems, and what cures have been suggested. With my wife it has been finally positively confirmed as being due to post traumatic stress resulting from her mothers death some years back. My wife is now starting to recover with the help of a counsellor.

So before looking into spiritual causes, though I don't dismiss them entirely, think about the following things.

Firstly, three very important things to remember:
1) Don't blame yourself in any way, its not your fault.
2) Don't blame yourself in any way, its not your fault.
3) Don't blame yourself in any way, its not your fault.
Get the hint?
This is actually VERY important. Blaming yourself in any way here WILL have a negative impact, and slow the healing process.

Second, get some advice from a naturopath NOT a GP, unless you have one that you trust implicitly. None of the GP's my wife went to were any use at all. They couldn't begin to diagnose the problem and floundered for answers. A naturopath almost immediately diagnosed my wife as being very low in Zinc, which apparently is a mineral necessary to the reproductive system and can greatly affect your libido.

If that still doesn't help, do see a counsellor or psychiatrist. My wife rejected this course at first. What she later found out is that sexual dysfunction in women is actually very common, and psychiatrists DO know how to get results here.

I hope you can be cured of this soon, but please try not to let it get you down. My wife and I still have a really wonderful, fun, loving relationship despite the lack of sex. WE both look forward to being able to put this back into our relationship, but we're not letting it affect us in a negative way. This was a problem at first, but I had to learn not to put pressure on my wife to find a cure, and she also had to learn not to put pressure on herself, as either only made things worse.

All the best,


well, sometimes the body just does that. i know that a couple of months after i hit 20 my sex drive just turned off. it was strange because one day i still had my really strong sex drive, and then the next i could barely even keep interested in the idea of sex.

it wasn't any sort of being doing it to me, it was my own body. a few months later i jump started my sex drive again but i realized that it wasted a lot of my energy so i let it shut down again.

i don't think there is anything to worry about. besides, if you are happy with the person that you are with at any given time, do you really need to have sex? (sure sex may be good (pfft, like i'd know[B)]), but love is much better [|)]).



Ya know, my sex drive is quite week throughout the year other than the summer, during the summer my sex drive goes into hyper drive. I swear, all through summer im a total sex maniac, every little thing turns me on in a woman.

James S

It would be worth considering here that what affects a male's libido is more often than not completely different to what affects a female's

A man's sex drive is very largely physically / physiologically driven.
A woman's is far more mentally driven.

Women will find it very easy to become sexually aroused in the early stages of a new relationship. Men tend to latch on to this and then expect it to set a standard for a long term relationship. Unfortunately we men are sadly mistaken here, and need to be very understanding when in later stages of the relationship, the womans libido subsides. At this point the pressures of a mans sexual desires can often have a negative impact on their partners libido.

Yes I speak from experience here. I hope any of this information is of use to others. It's a lesson I learned, but not easily.



Actually the opposite is true. A male's sex drive lessens and a woman's increases with age.  A guy hits his sexual prime around 17 and a woman in her 30's.  I've heard women who are 40 talk about how much more they enjoy sex.  What happens on either side is lack of interest after a while.  But its not fact that a woman's sex drive decreases after a relationship like as if its some kind of physical thing.  

Lots of guys have more sexual dysfunctions as a relationship goes on.. but most opinions you'll get are anecdotal evidence meaning "this is what has happened in my relationship" but every relationship is different.  Its like saying one sex gets less interested in the other after a while.. it depends on the people.  And sometimes its medical.


If you have had only one of these dreams, there may not be anything to worry about, but I know from personal experience that negs can cause lucid dreams which involve sex and/or just the feeling of stimulation.


James S

My point wasn't so much about the sex drive of particular age groups, as much as it was about how men's and women's sex drives are triggered or affected by different things.

You've made a good point about every relationship being different. This is indeed very true, and my situation should in no way be viewed as the standard. Though in speaking with councellors and other couples our age there does seem to be a lot of common ground in our relationship to many others.
You're also correct about the typical sex drives of older women and younger men. Is it any wonder why you so often hear about older female divorcees and their "toyboys"? The advent of Viagra has somewhat turned this around though, as I'm sure many of you out there have been told any number of times by numerous spammers.

Despite me being a ripe old 36, The research and experiences of my wife (who is 26) and I (- ok no cradlesnatching jokes here please [:)]) definitely fall into the category of younger couples where it has been found more common for the female's libido to wane before that of the males as the relationship goes on.
There's actually nothing wrong in this, at least not as far as the woman is concerned, as they are looking to more in a long term relationship than just the physical aspect. It's more often than not the men that have a problem with this.

Sexual dysfunction in women of the 18 to 30 age group is actually far more common than a lot of women consider. This is why I think it is important for someone in this bracket to not be worried that they are really the odd one out.

Unfortunately so many women's magazines such as Cosmopolitan or Cleo do nothing at all to help women here. They always seem to portray the fact that there must be something wrong with a young couple if they are not having sex at least once a day.


My wife has sexual dreams from time to time. She finds these to be encouraging more than frustrating.


i agree with james. but in my own words, the human body is just plain weird [:D].



Well I see your side of the argument too.  And in a way it makes sense since its true women are more mentally stimulated and men obviously more physically and visually.  It seems they'd need more to keep the same amount of excitement but i really dont know much on the subject at all.

James S

Thanks Goingslow.
Actually, from what my wife has told me and what I've learned on the subject elsewhere, your thoughts are quite accurate.

She says that it does take a lot more energy for a woman to stay sexually aroused. This is at least one reason why she finds it a lot easier to be put off having sex than I do. I wonder if the reason women reach their sexual peak much later than men is because they become more "practised"?
Men don't need to - its more basic instinct. (grunt...grunt...drag knuckles on ground...grunt...hit something with big stick....grunt...scratch groin...)

Having said all this, to the ladies of the forum - I'm by no means any kind of expert on womens issues. I just pay attention and try to learn when the women in my life have problems. If anyone thinks I'm going way off track instead of actually providing any kind of useful info, please tell me now before I dig myself in any deeper.[:)]



a few years ago I was playing with the ouija board (I know, stupid idea) and was asking about the future of a new relationship I was just beginning.  The reply was that I would become frigid and have sexual problems.  I was really surprised since I've always have had a very strong sex drive (and especially so at the time!).  However, a few months later I lost all sexual desire and have remained the same way since.  After reading Robert Bruce's book I'm wondering if this could have resulted from some sort of entity attack?  If it is possible that an entity has been draining me of my sexual energy?  Strangely, the only time I have had strong sexual desire since was during my only experience of lucid dreaming (I have not learned how to astral travel consciously).

Has anyone heard of such a thing or have any advice?