The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: NodesOfYesod on October 12, 2005, 14:20:34

Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: NodesOfYesod on October 12, 2005, 14:20:34
Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: Legion on October 13, 2005, 06:31:39
Sounds unpleasant, to say the least  :?

Do you know why they want to be your little brothers? Have they asked for anything else? Did the say why they want you to join them?
Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: st_eidderf on October 13, 2005, 10:57:01
cripes! :shock:

out of all the ghost archetypes that i have heard and read about, it's the stories that speak of people waking up and finding a ghostly child by their bed that spooks me out. i've never been all that fond of children, but that kind of tale is always guaranteed to put the wind up me!

you have my sympathy Nodes!
Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: Souljah333 on October 15, 2005, 10:35:02
21 years no rest!!!

a lot of babies for me lately. trying to figure that out?!? starving, mutant babies trying to burrow into my flesh, and they're so angry and desperate, and i try so hard to comfort them, and then there are more each time. astrally i think i'm the matron saint of mutilated infants! :shock: rough job, but i don't see where anyone else would be better suited then I. i can look past the evil into the little dark hearts of the creepiest creatures. as NOY the end of the day...they're all gods creatures!!!

also been noticing a ton of shifty, flash-by-my-sight stuff...the last few weeks. tons! barely catching the tail end of little glowing bodies, dark little tails and whisps of strong black energy. very interesting. moving in and taking barrings i assume! all you people that don't buy into any of this, think it's a twisted joke, think it's all in our heads, have never been descended upon in the astral, and haven't seen this are y'all in for the trip of a lifetime!!! :twisted:

when the veil is finally lifted. then we can see who's patronizing who!??!
naw we aren't that heartless. we'll be there to do battle as usual.

Nodes! How come you haven't honored us with your presence over @ Mystic Mysfits?!? I'm insulted!

Love Soul
Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: knightlight on October 15, 2005, 19:05:42
Quotealso been noticing a ton of shifty, flash-by-my-sight stuff...the last few weeks. tons!

Actually I have been experiencing the same things recently.  Not only moments where I am trying to OBE and something will flash in my vision and pop me awake but things off to my left and right when awake and if I am looking at something casually something will pop up for a split second over it and dissapear.  Never there long enough for me tell what it is but seems to be a sigel or pattern or something.  

I was laying in bed and I hit a mind awake body asleep state and I could hear someone talking really quietly in the distance and I got kind of freaked out because the last time it happened the more I focused on it the louder it got until it turned into a deep animal growl in my head so I tried to wake up but I was paralyzed.

There was some kind of writing on the wall, I could only see every other word but it was like it was cut into the wall with a sword, long straight lines making up all the letters.  

I have also seen a child recently.  I was laying in meditation working up an OBE and suddenly I was face to face with a child about 8ish but was muscular like he had gone through some kind of extreme physical training but the muscles where strange because he was so young.  He was missing his two front teeth and was like 5 inches from my face screaming at me silently.  Woke me up real fast.
Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: Souljah333 on October 15, 2005, 20:17:17
don't blame that on me! :wink:

sorry 'bout being such a beeyotch in my other post, but you have to understand how long i've been at it. astral projection that is, not only attacks. as long as people are going to see emily rose, watching horror-fiction, and the sci-fi channel, and reading stephen king...i refuse to take the blame for generating the dark stuff. i know that's not exactly what was being said, but either i'm getting full credit or i'm not?!? personally i don't want it, but to say i'm part of the part of the problem. if that makes any sense.

Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: James S on October 16, 2005, 22:57:24
Yup! Can relate fully to the flashing by (usually in peripheral vision) thingies. I get that a lot. Mind you I also get a lot of the to stand right in front of you and talk to you thingies too. They've never worried me at all though.

It's just your mind learning to percieve more of the energies (and entities) around us. So often spirits come to us as we pre-percieve they should.

I recently pulled out of my regular psychic circle to spend a bit of time deconstructing my preconceptions. I was starting to listen too much to others in my circle who'd say "it's a angel , it's Arch-angel whatshisname," "it's a dragon", or "it's a fairy". You listen to that enough and thats what you start expecting to see. Since spirits can be a very obliging lot, they won't try and convince you otherwise if all they want to do is communicate with you.

So when I go for my morning walk at the local botanical park, which used to be a quarry 100 years ago, I see a number of spirits pass by my vision.
Could they be nature spirits? or angels, or demons? Well, one of them was just old Bob who was killed in a quarry accident, and comes back to the place because with all the trees and flowering plants there now, he really likes what they've done with it.

So the point? Read my signature.

Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: Souljah333 on October 17, 2005, 12:59:33
yeah...a lot of in my face stuff as well. doesn't bother me either...was just noting an increase. i sometimes think of all the people that are so quick to call "crazy"...or the people that somehow (and i don't how they do it) believe in angels, but not demons...or believe that angels are all honest and caring and full of glittery love. Ha!!! the more and more i quiet the banter around me and listen...the more everything to points to the veil being lifted.

i just want to see the look on the "others" faces when the sh*t starts coming out of the woodwork. i really look forward to that. :twisted: (i know)...:roll:

Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: knightlight on October 17, 2005, 19:02:08
Quotedon't blame that on me!  
:P  :D

Quotesorry 'bout being such a beeyotch in my other post, but you have to understand how long i've been at it. astral projection that is, not only attacks. as long as people are going to see emily rose, watching horror-fiction, and the sci-fi channel, and reading stephen king...i refuse to take the blame for generating the dark stuff. i know that's not exactly what was being said, but either i'm getting full credit or i'm not?!? personally i don't want it, but to say i'm part of the part of the problem. if that makes any sense.

Its what I expect from you Souljah.  :lol:   I dont take it personally and generally its just a case of over-react-itis on both our parts.  A few posts later its all good.  

Quoteyeah...a lot of in my face stuff as well. doesn't bother me either...was just noting an increase. i sometimes think of all the people that are so quick to call "crazy"...or the people that somehow (and i don't how they do it) believe in angels, but not demons...or believe that angels are all honest and caring and full of glittery love. Ha!!! the more and more i quiet the banter around me and listen...the more everything to points to the veil being lifted.

i just want to see the look on the "others" faces when the sh*t starts coming out of the woodwork. i really look forward to that.  (i know)...


I agree 100%.  I can feel something changing, some days its more, some less.  Sometimes I will be walking along at work or driving in my car and suddenly its like I am OBE, my awareness peaks really hard and it is like I am a sphere of consciousness an inch in front of my eyes still controlling the body a few inches back.  Very strange feeling and happening more and more lately.  

As evil as it seems to say I agree that it would be nice to just get it over with and open the flood gates.  I am prepared (atleast 100x more than most people) and I am ready to just get it over with.  I have never been one to agree with the whole "shift of densities" talk or needing to attain higher vibrations to survive but it does seem things are changing.  Either that or I am going crazy!  :lol:
Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: Ybom on October 17, 2005, 21:08:11
Quote from: NodesOfYesodI think they want me to think of them as my little brothers so I stop trying to kill them maybe....But if that happened I would not be able to be so nice to people and that would be selfish wouldent it.
This is what I'm replying to. Do you believe you might be part of a test with these two? You are so focused on getting rid of them, but they seem to have powers beyond what you do. They are probably there for your use, but are you scared to learn to control them? Do you not believe that you can turn them into beautiful creatures with a bit of work? Would it not be worth spending a life to master this skill of conversion? For me it would be worth it.

If this seemed condescending in any shape or form, I will do my best to redo it, as I just am trying to help. I swear I am!
Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: Ybom on October 18, 2005, 03:10:45
Then I dare you to. I don't believe in the limitations you impose on yourself, and neither should you.
Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: Souljah333 on October 18, 2005, 10:09:30
we have always seen through very different eyes on this subject of good & evil. this will, under such harsh light sound very belligerent of me, and just plain strange, but you and your two hags, and nay and her little incubus affair  isn't even a drop in my bucket. if i were to estimate the number of molestations by demons, incubus, and dark would be in the neighborhood of 8,000. and that's leaving out the "lighter" beings & aliens :wink:

i'm not trying to one up y'all, but the numbers speak for themselves. i'm just claiming to understand...deeply!

you might not wish to hear it from Ybom...but you will be hearing more of it from far as integration is concerned. your power does not come from one side only. there is no depth of field when seeing through only one eye. you and i are going to work on "balance". whether you like it or not! :twisted:
gonna move that inner conflict out, buy learning to embrace the other half of yourself. this needs to be done to come into a fuller, more complete function. holy does not mean absolute means WHOLE-y!!!

but i'll get back to you on that!
Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: Ybom on October 18, 2005, 14:38:50
Quote from: NodesOfYesodalot can happen in 2555 days mate think about it. infact dont worrie about it Id rather you dident have to understand :D

ignorance is bliss

If you don't want help, then don't ask. Since you did ask, I expect you're lying to yourself. You throw numbers around, so I'll fight fire with fire if you insist. I have been alive for 24 years 9 months and 26 days. Almost exactly 12 years ago I was given a divine message through a close friend to change what I was doing or suffer greatly. Since then I have challenged myself to change this character flaw, and in doing so I've suffered so much, but it's uncomparable to the amount I've gained. 12 years is 4383 days, including the leap years. If you even attempt to suggest that because I've gained something out of it that it wasn't true suffering, just think to yourself about what you have gained in the past 7 years. I'm sure you can't say "oh I didn't learn a thing!" because that's a cop out and you know it.

How have I suffered? Well I always get visions that won't go away till I accept them, no matter how twisted or vile, sort of how a song gets stuck in your head. I have no idea why I do this, but I'll guarantee you it's because it involves some level of restraint on my part. It makes me think that I'm some kind of evil person trying to get out and cause havoc, and I won't let that happen because I know that doing things on that level is impatient and silly. I've grown to accept many inappropriate things in my life because of what goes on my head, to the benefit of others. It has made me a better mediator and a much nicer yet reserved person. I can explain things as detailed as I want to, and I can approach it from many different angles as well. I also take things very emotionally, and you should look for an emotional charge to my writing.

The above paragraph says you can use your demons as well, to benefit you, as long as you are willing to. You don't want to, although you are seeking help. I don't believe you will be granted the power to snap your fingers and be rid of them, although I have been wrong before. It just ticks me off that so many people want this though, and I really don't like the fact that even beyond my level of respect for you, you would be willing to go to this level of resolution. I'm disappointed in you.
Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: Souljah333 on October 18, 2005, 15:46:24
my mother use to have these terrible visions all the time with my sister when she was first born. she never had them with me. there weren't any car seats back then (might remember)...ah the good ol' days when kids use to get to ride up front :D  anyway...she'd have these very vivid visions of throwing my sister out of the window into the middle of traffic, esp. on the freeway. or tossing her off balconies, or putting her in the oven, etc.

it freaked her out big time. to the point where she didn't want to be alone with her. there was another time she envisioned placing her on the chopping board and hacking her up...that was so bad...she gave her to me & told me to run into the woods with her and hide, and not come out no matter what.
:shock: i was eight! but that involved some magic shurms, so i don't think that counts.

anyway...she went for help and the doctor told her it was completely normal. esp. with new mothers (an aspect of post-partum i guess) (maybe also with highly empathetic people?!?) anyway he said that it's the people that never have the visions (or have the ability to visualize) who are the ones that actually perform the acts. that playing it out in your mind, even subconsciously is far healthier. i'm not saying this guy was 100% correct, but it helped my mom immensely. didn't stop her from continuing to freak the sh*t out of me though?!? and that understanding established a certain logic in my mind that it was far healthier to get angry, then to keep it bottled up...amityville horror (1979) & then the shining (1980), and my focus turned towards my mild-mannered father...who i swore was going to butcher us all in our sleep bcuz he never got upset about anything!:shock:

word to the wise...don't sneak your under-age children into horror flicks if you want them to be normal later in life. :wink:
Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: Ybom on October 18, 2005, 17:13:23
Quote from: Souljah333word to the wise...don't sneak your under-age children into horror flicks if you want them to be normal later in life. :wink:
I swear if my kids are normal I'll kill them!
Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: Souljah333 on October 19, 2005, 14:29:32

keep your place, exchange with us. be patient with your say
don't turn your back on differences when there's another way
little bumps along the path, and monsters in the hall
hags atop your bedposts, swirling shadows on the wall
no one here's discrediting the knowledge that you share
don't grab a side in difference & widen still the tear
you know very well of battle & much in fast eschewing
but somewhere in the middle there is lots of work worth doing

important work...worth your while
don't get so easily dis-couraged my sweet!
love soul
Title: Ones company three is a croud
Post by: mactombs on October 20, 2005, 15:14:30
QuoteHow have I suffered? Well I always get visions that won't go away till I accept them, no matter how twisted or vile, sort of how a song gets stuck in your head. I have no idea why I do this, but I'll guarantee you it's because it involves some level of restraint on my part. It makes me think that I'm some kind of evil person trying to get out and cause havoc, and I won't let that happen because I know that doing things on that level is impatient and silly.

I relate to this. I don't get them much anymore, but you're right about what you say about making it a strength instead of being hampered by it.