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What moon phase were you born

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On my birthday this year there was a full moon. Then that made me think, well the year I was born on that date what phase was the moon. I discovered that the phase was Waning Phase. Then I searched if there is correlation between the personality and the phase of the moon on the day you were born. Below is the description and it fits me perfectly. You can check yours and see if it matches. Share here if you would like to see if there are trends among people like us who are curious to explore the inner selves.

"The first stage after a full moon is the waning gibbous moon. During this stage, the moon is still mostly lit but is starting to shrink. Babies born under this moon phase are often intellectually sophisticated and tend to learn quickly from their experiences. This is why they seem so full of knowledge and wisdom, even at a young age. These characteristics also make them excellent teachers and communicators.
The wanting quarter moon is filled with a sense of nostalgia. You cherish the past and recognize how your experiences have impacted your life. You find yourself combing through fond memories and organizing pictures. A song or smell can trigger vivid memories in you more so than the average person.
If you're born during the waning crescent phase, you may often be considered full of wisdom that seems to transcend the physical world. You may feel as though you have an inner third eye and are deeply intuitive. This isn't by mistake. The energy of a nearly completed moon cycle and the "old age" of the moon allows you to be more in touch with your spiritual side than most individuals. You may be more likely to have visions or be in touch with angels, or at the very least, have a stronger ability to tap into your creative side."
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Apparently there was no moon when I was born. Figures I would be born on the darkest of nights. Starting to sound more and more like I truly am a Witch, lol.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Quote from: Nameless on June 08, 2023, 10:43:12
Apparently there was no moon when I was born. Figures I would be born on the darkest of nights. Starting to sound more and more like I truly am a Witch, lol.

Oh, I never realized there is one day per month with no moon. Very interesting! Maybe you came here undercover and your true identity is not to be revealed to the earthlings :)
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I was born 3 days prior to the full moon.  :-)


Quote from: omcasey on June 08, 2023, 21:34:38
I was born 3 days prior to the full moon.  :-)

Because one of their great gifts is to communicate, they want to share and pass on their knowledge and information. They want others to benefit from what they have learned through their experiences and often take on the role of teacher. They are also often the "psychologist or therapist" of the friendship group.

At the same time, those born on a Waxing Gibbous Moon can be what they want to be, and, as long as they believe in their goals and dreams, they will certainly achieve them.

They guide their lives by solid principles and values that ensure popularity, success and easily create influential relationships. However, they tend to be slightly radical and do not accept compromise in any form. They hold their views to the hilt and sometimes cannot reconcile their own views with the needs and opinions of others.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Quote from: Nameless on June 08, 2023, 10:43:12
Apparently there was no moon when I was born. Figures I would be born on the darkest of nights. Starting to sound more and more like I truly am a Witch, lol.

No Moon is actually a new moon phase. Here you go

"Those born under a new moon are often quite successful. Your heart and mind are in harmony, whereas most people experience the war between the two. When you follow one, you automatically follow the other, too.

This beautiful balance extends to other aspects of your life, as well. It gives you confidence because you are in tune with what you want in life and won't be deterred by darkness or uncertainty.

You take a forward-looking and forward-thinking approach to all things in life, keeping your eye on the horizon and rarely looking back. You're often the first to try a new idea or visit a new place, which is why most people would consider you creative. You can usually tell whether you're going to like something because you know what you want and expect from people and experiences. As a result, you're also quick to take action because you're certain about what you want in life."
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Oh thanks LB. Although their description is a bit glossy it sounds pretty much like me.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.


Tides2dust posted the below

"I'll play along! According to this moon phase calculator

Crescent Moon (Waxing Crescent)
66°58' (Moon Phase Degree)
Libra (4°29')"

Here is the description of your traits, tides:

"Babies born on the waxing crescent moon are curious spirits that have a thirst for adventure. They want to learn and explore new things, and given this is the first phase of growth in the moon cycle, it's common for individuals to have a growth mindset in life, too.

When the first quarter moon appears, you're under a harmonious balance of light and dark. This balance can work in your favor in terms of growth, but it can also hold you back. For example, you might have all the tools and knowledge you need to move forward with your life goals, but might also need some extra motivation and encouragement from family or friends. The good news: you love a challenge and have accepted early on in life that you are the main character in your story. You thrive on achievements and have a tendency to get things done. Many people turn to you for help in this regard because of your proactive nature and ability to solve problems.

Last but not least, waxing gibbous birthdays are just shy of the full moon and its peak energy. You're likely a nurturing, caring person that naturally guides others. Leadership is in your DNA and you push yourself and others to go after goals and make life what you want it to be."
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Thank you LightBeam! =)

That's very interesting description and I am also told to have been born on a cusp with water and fire elements at play.

I am appreciative of the fact that I have been born, and equally important, with an affinity towards spirituality.

It is clear to me this life is about understanding and experiencing God!

And with loving disposition. =) A important choice in the equation.

I do feel very strongly that this month, June 2023, is a opportunistic month for anyone interested.

The energy, which has been reflected back to me through the unified consciousness, is fire and growth.

I still keep some water by my side, it's just too hot. =P

But I have heard others say the same to me, confirming my intuition and/or collective mind.

So I hope others are feeling the expanding magic, and putting in the work/engaging with their interest towards their spiritual disciplines or deepest desires. I think this month is also magical with regards to UFO's and understanding beings from higher dimensions. Or maybe better phrased, evolving towards divine nature/out of the customary 3D model of human experience.

There's so much for us to learn, and that growth feels like an ever-unfolding process. A continual pour, and a continual thirst.

God is GREAT!

Much LOVE!


Great, tides! I have also felt a huge shift since Mid March. I have never in my life received so many "downloads". The main theme about the type of knowledge has been to absolutley know that we/higher self create every challenge that comes our way. And not that I didn't know that before, but this time it got really heavy with truly understanding and feeling its validity with every breath and thought, it becomes a constant. We have to ask ourselves when problems arise "What are you teaching me, what do you want me to learn". And we MUST LISTEN to understand, get my consciousness out of the way, listen to my higher self, because it sees the bigger picture and is trying to send me messages through body pains, clues, sends me sign posts along the way, but I have to recognize them. The higher self is the controller and the programmer of the game, and my fragmented avatar sees limited things, but it has the capability to connect to the controller and ask for guidance, which steps to take, what are the best ways to go to the next level. Once we understand we have to take actions to correct our behavior/thinking, and take accountability without blaming external people and circumstances. We have to walk the walk, because many people preach, but do not live by it. I find myself doing that as well at times. But now the duration of catching myself is a lot shorter. For example, if anything challenging happens suddenly, I may stay in the fear/concern state for several minutes and then I would snap back and start examining the fear immediately, stare it right in the eyes and ask why. Then I affirm that what is not desirable to me is an illusion, start thinking on how I want to feel, accepting it as real. And of course to understand All That Is, how is everything connected to the ultimate Source, what is the Oneness, how to understand that there is no failure. Everything is just experiences to gain knowledge and everyone is exactly where they need to be to create their controlled environment to learn things of their own. We can not judge their actions or what we perceive as failures. We must not judge ourselves either of what we perceive as failures, because this is the nature of learning. All points of consciousness are equal. And where some characters may seem to be more enlightened than others, we are still all equal, because what we perceive is but one fragment of infinite probabilities. In one reality I am the angel, in another I am the villain. What a game :)

My favorite quote I share with many friends is by Capitan Jack Sparrow "The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem".  :)
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Wonderful and succinct description of the forces at work, LB! The personal, action-reaction-understanding process seems to be accelerating recently with significant realizations becoming increasingly available...much learning is occurring.

Me...I'm a three nights after New Moon, Waxing Crescent...which, I guess, fits with my stopping by Earth every several thousand's always a kind of fresh beginning, and as clean a cycle as I could ask
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde