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possed by NEG

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neg removal5

Hi Alpine9

    Do you know how the "neg" got on you in the first place.  Do you know how long it has been attached to you.  I've heard some people on the site say that kava kava can help weaken a "neg" that is attached to the person and give the person some relief.  It can't detach the "neg" but it's suppose to be able to weaken "negs" or activate certan centers in your mind that in a way kind of block the torment of the possession a little bit.

Keep in touch because I have a couple of friends of mine that I'm trying to help to, and I'm doing a lot of research to try to find counter measures against negs.  You can look at my profile and get my e-mail address.  Also under "Psychic self-defense" find the site that is authored by "neg removal5", the site mentions a number of techniques that still need to be explored.  I myself would like to know where there is a strong underground stream, like the type that helped Robert Bruce break free from that situation that he was in.  Please feel free to ask any questions on this topic site that you've drawn up, or by emailing me.

You are right it's very difficult to survive and try to make a living, while at the same time you are fighting a neg.  One of these days we will come up with some easy sure way techniques for detaching those son-of-a-bitches when they are messing with somebody.


What's up neg removal5,

Man, it feels good to finally be able to comunicate with someone who uderstands things like posession and knows that its real.I was in denial for a while until I saw more and more evidence that were signs of posession.

 I'm not exactly sure when I got it but I thing it might have showed up when I was a child and was a progressive type. It wasn't until this time    last year that I read PPSD and became aware of the "Unseen Influences".I belive I was drawn to the book because I had prayed to God for an awnser to why strange  things were happening to me and why I felt so low and weak.


   OH yea, I've taken kava before and it did make me feel better. BUt GNC took it off of their selves because it supoesd to cause some type of health  problems, so I've been using valerin root which is like the same thing.

 I'm going to check out the site you mention and see if i can find anything there that will help me.I also what to share some of the expriances I've had with some of the techniques i"Ve used.

 thanks for the tips.


I don't know much about posession but I have been seeing a hypnotherapist for some time now.  We have removed 2 attached energies in the time that I have been going.  One it seemed was the main reason for my lack of sleep and dream activity.

From my experience with hypnotherapy thus far it seems that it is largely dependant on the individual.  It took 6 or 7 sessions to remove the first energy.  It did not want to surface at first and when it did I would get lost in the experiance, thus making it more difficult to deal with.  Then one time while my hypnotherapist was working on removing this energy I kinda just snapped out of it and forced the removal of the energy in question.

The second one that was found previous showed no signs of being there at all.  We just kinda happened accross it one day, and removed it in the same session.

Hope that helps.


Boy, I don't know were to start I've been try to get in to this chat for the longest.Anyway I'read PPSD and know from the evience in the book that I am possed. I've been tring to rid myself of it months now with the advice from PPSD with no sucsses.Im aslo being attacked by an enegy feeding neg from sun down to sun up,but my main concern is the one in me. A couple of days ago I talked to 2 hypnotis who clam they can do spirt/entity relesess, but Im a little skeptical and want to do more reserch before   spend my money.If you have any advice please share because this NEG is getting stroger every day and ruining my life.

 Thank you.