The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: vaget on February 02, 2005, 22:06:35

Title: Projection or attack?
Post by: vaget on February 02, 2005, 22:06:35
Hi everybody! I hope you can help me to sort it out. I'm not sure what was it, but here we go.

I was reading Astral Dynamics and Psychic self-defense books and kept trying to project myself, but have not had a success so far. But last night, I have a dream --

The whole dream was broken on several pieces which I don't quite remember and they don't make sense anyway. But from one point I remember leaving my old grandma's house, back in Ukraine, which my family sold long time ago. Somehow, I was there with another grandma, which rarely happened in the real world. Anyway, it was night and dark and I was leaving the house and walking by a trail next to the house to a little gate when I saw a dog running toward me. I like dogs and I was not scared, just surprised. How could the dog be here? The building was surround by a fence and a gate should be closed. The dog did not attack me, but just walked/ran next to me, heading in opposite direction. It was something like a German shepherd or a mix. As it came alongside it turn its head and caught my pants-leg on a height of my ankle. It didn't bite, just caught my pants and made me fall. For some reason I could not move my legs to shake the dog off. It seems that I could move my arms, but I could not reach the dog. I found that I have my new camera with me. With a lens it was heavy enough to make the dog change its mind. I fell I have to do something with the dog or it will get me. I don't remember if I tried that time.

Somehow, in the next moment I was in my bed. Still could not move my legs, and I had the camera with me. I thought I still saw a dog's ear next to my feet. (I'm not sure anymore, because it could be a plant that stays there). Anyhow, I decided to try to hit the dog with the camera (again?). I put a ribbon around my wrist, swing it back and suddenly sit up, aim the dog with a camera.

There was not dog. The camera did not hit anything and, I think disappear. As I was looking where the dog could go, I looked right and I saw half-transparent semi-sparking contour, it had a shape as a shade of a human. It was standing or may be floating next to the bad.

At this point I got REALLY scared all the sudden. For some reason, I did not think about OBE or a projection. I felt that I was attacked. So, that's why I'm paralyzed, that what the contour was. I thought its a Neg. An image of a torch and a sword crossed my mind but I did not have a chance to do anything with it. I felt a pull in my chest and my heart-bit rate went really high. At this moment I thought "wait a second! may be it's a projection. i just need to relax and the fear will pass." But it was too late. I was breathing really heavy and woke up in my body. I even heard a moan, may be that woke me up. My wife, sleeping next to me made a noise but did not wake up.

I opened my eyes and looked around. I had exactly the same view as I did in my dream. The half-transparent contour is gone. A contour of dog's ear still was there, but now it looked more like a plant. The one thing that changed was lighting in the room. It was a little darker in this early morning that was my the dream. I went over the experience a couple times in my head, and went back asleep.

Now, can somebody tell me, please - what was it? OBE? Projection? A Neg? Both? I'm lost in conjectures. Please, help!

Thank you!

PS. Sorry for the long story and broken English.
Title: Projection or attack?
Post by: EnderZ on February 02, 2005, 22:19:13
I've waken up from startling dreams before, seeing the dream even though I had woken up. Kind of like waking up, opening your eyes, and seeing the dream slowly dissolve away and have it replaced with reality.

Just sounds like an odd dream to me.

I doubt it was a neg.

Title: Projection or attack?
Post by: vaget on February 03, 2005, 15:35:48
what about that contour? what was it? my energy body? then all those symptoms of a projection - heart beat, pulling feeling in my chest, walking paralysis?