The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: AmbientSound on March 25, 2009, 22:45:40

Title: psychedelic visions
Post by: AmbientSound on March 25, 2009, 22:45:40
From time to time I get psychedelic visions (no, I don't do drugs). They usually charge me with energy and a desire to manifest them. Often times they are fractals, or gateways, or dimensions so far from this plane that I have trouble describing them. They remind me of very high-level mathematics that only a handful of people might understand (and I'm not one of them). I often see beings, usually they are geometric shapes. Some of them are humanoids but very psychedelic. One is a woman with wild hair. I think she is a deity of Buddhism. She has four arms. She is green and orange.

People also seem to have some of these psychedelic experiences associated with them. Sometimes when my focus is on a person I know, a particular pattern appears in my mind that somehow identifies them. So this is apparently not limited to my visions.

Can anyone explain this? How is this information useful?
Title: Re: psychedelic visions
Post by: zareste on March 25, 2009, 22:53:02
Seems very useful - perhaps an active pituitary gland. It could probably be used for telepathy and projection and all sorts of things.

When do these trip-outs usually happen? Any occurrences you can associate with them? Do you have any health conditions?
Title: Re: psychedelic visions
Post by: AmbientSound on March 25, 2009, 23:00:54
No health conditions, they seem to happen at random. Caffeine, like from a cup of coffee, will often initiate such an experience while I am at work, but not always. The thing is, I can see my visions with exceptional clarity but I also see my physical surroundings with that same clarity, simultaneously. It is difficult to focus on both, but I am trying to expand my awareness so that I can cope with this more easily.

I am also told that synesthesia, which is considered a rare gift, produces similar experiences through music as a stimulus (though it is not isolated to one particular sense, and I know I have synesthesia because I have experienced most of the symptoms).

If you have iTunes, you should download the Project-M music visualizer (just google it). It's about as close to what I experience as I can describe.
Title: Re: psychedelic visions
Post by: zareste on March 26, 2009, 00:22:46
Interesting. It catches my attention because it sounds similar to a DMT release - something caused by the pituitary gland during altered states of mind, apparently important to psychic phenomena. You might consider something like, asking a question during these states and seeing if you get a response.

I'm looking up 'Synesthesia', and sure enough there's a site saying it can cause the 'sensation of separating from the body'. That's how primitive atheists say 'remote viewing'
Title: Re: psychedelic visions
Post by: Lighten on April 01, 2009, 00:26:38
There is a condition called synesthesia. Most people have it from birth. For example a type of synesthesia is when a person associated letters numbers and whole words with a color. I met one of these people are its quite interesting, my name is a yellow to her.

there are many different types of synesthesia. In some more rare cases, people claim to see sound or hear color.

It has to do with the membranes and fluid in the brain that separates out different senses. When these walls are broken you get synesthesia. If you take large amounts of mushrooms (the magical ones) you can sometimes get this affect. During a trip the membranes that separate each sense in your brain 'loosen'. The permeability becomes greater and once in a while an electrical signal will 'leak' through the wall and you will see sounds or hear color.

Ok, why am I saying all this. Well, you could have a slightly damaged membrane and be associating mathematical pictures with people much like a person with synesthesia associates people with colors.

I know its a bit of a stretch but its possible. Also when you drink coffee your brain activity increases, increasing the amount of electrical impulses permeate the damaged membrane.
Title: Re: psychedelic visions
Post by: AmbientSound on April 02, 2009, 00:18:32
These visions are as clear as day, and depending on how much I focus on them, I can see as much or as little as I want. So, on some level I can control it. But they are always there to one degree or another.

Also, I mentioned previously that I have synesthesia.
Title: Re: psychedelic visions
Post by: Lighten on April 02, 2009, 23:19:14
oh =), sorry I didn't read the whole post I guess.

Have you talked to your doctor? Maybe its within the norm?
Title: Re: psychedelic visions
Post by: AmbientSound on April 03, 2009, 14:25:27
Yes, as a matter of fact, I was seeing a therapist for career advice and I mentioned this to her. She was the one who brought synesthesia to my attention after I described this phenomenon to her. Later on I checked out Wikipedia and got even more information about it. As a kid it seemed to happen a lot more to me. I guess I was able to build up my membranes in my brain because it is less now than when I was a kid. My mom thought I had Aspergers syndrome which is a form of autism, but everyone else I know disagrees and so do I. As a kid my experiences were counterproductive and would often distract me in the classroom.

I have always been creative, and I wondered whether these experiences had anything to do with it. When I was very young, under the age of five, my dreams were both very vivid and psychedelic, I would find myself flying around in other, very colorful and mathematical dimensions, and I was not alone in my travels. There were other humans present about my age.

EDIT: Also, I was told by my therapist that synesthesia is considered a gift by researchers in the field that concerns that phenomenon. She did not say it was abnormal but said that it doesn't happen to everyone. So depending on your definition of normal, I'd say that it falls within normal parameters for someone who has synesthesia. That is my interpretation of my therapist's response.
Title: Re: psychedelic visions
Post by: Vibra on April 03, 2009, 19:15:23
I am by no means doctor and have no explanation on this but it is very intriguing. Your experiences as stated above sounds just like a DMT release from your pituitary gland. There is an interesting book Written by Dr Rick Strassman you might want to look into. He did controlled experiments on injections of medical grade DMT. The book is called DMT the Spirit Molecule. There is also a website I hope this will assist you in your search for an answer.
Good Luck
Be Well
Title: Re: psychedelic visions
Post by: Vibra on April 04, 2009, 08:27:26
Not pituitary gland but the pineal
Title: Re: psychedelic visions
Post by: AmbientSound on April 05, 2009, 12:05:38
I have never, ever taken DMT in any way shape or form but I know that the brain produces it naturally. I wonder if I can get testing done to see how much my body is producing. Anyway, thanks for the information.
Title: Re: psychedelic visions
Post by: Vibra on April 06, 2009, 15:34:22
The book actually gets into how the tested the levels in the blood after injections. It is quite interesting and was a legitimate research study done by a credible doctor.
Good luck
Title: Re: psychedelic visions
Post by: AmbientSound on April 17, 2009, 21:27:20
Yeah, it looks like a really cool book and I am sure the Doc is a very intelligent person. Personally I'm against the war on drugs, but for the forum's sake I will refrain from elaborating.