The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: Makoto on January 30, 2004, 18:19:44

Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Makoto on January 30, 2004, 18:19:44

Way to take it up a notch ,I guess.

No ive never tried similar and those do seem to be rather non coincidental effects so keep it up(though possibly withought hurting or influencing others would maybe be nice).
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Nay on January 30, 2004, 18:32:27 sound proud to have possibly caused these things.  My opinion, you shouldn't. [xx(]  Another opinion, you might want to change your signature, to "Wewt, I recently turned 18! Someone is turning into a big bully" if you plan on continuing down this road..[^]

Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Anonymous on January 30, 2004, 19:11:05
Read what I say carefully. I am not accusing you of anything or trying to imply anything, so don't take this personally, I am just offering my views:

I am able to do this, but choose not to. I learned how to do this accidentally, but I never actually hurt anyone, and I realized the danger that this could cause people. I am a warrior and I follow a path of honor. Also, I never attack humans because (1) we are all here for a reason, and (2) it has some pretty serious karmic repercussions. What goes around comes around. Make sure you aren't being controlled by a dark force. People are sometimes controlled and don't even know it. Evil (true evil, anyway) is very subtle. Watch your actions carefully and determine what your goal is. If you choose evil, you will face enemies. If you choose good, you will also face enemies. Just don't compromise your beliefs or who you are as a person. The weaker humans tend to fall to the dark side. If you believe something, then live by it. But always seek guidance. Making people getting into car accidents and falling down stairs is not a very nice thing to do. Have you considered what would you do if they died? How would you feel? If you wish to be honorable, then know you have the power, but do not use it unless you really have to use it for self-defense, i.e. when someone is about to push YOU down the stairs. Psychic offense gets you enemies very quickly. Don't resort to it.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: acidmax120 on January 30, 2004, 20:04:05
Originally posted by EnderWiggin

Read what I say carefully. I am not accusing you of anything or trying to imply anything, so don't take this personally, I am just offering my views:

I am able to do this, but choose not to. I learned how to do this accidentally, but I never actually hurt anyone, and I realized the danger that this could cause people. I am a warrior and I follow a path of honor. Also, I never attack humans because (1) we are all here for a reason, and (2) it has some pretty serious karmic repercussions. What goes around comes around. Make sure you aren't being controlled by a dark force. People are sometimes controlled and don't even know it. Evil (true evil, anyway) is very subtle. Watch your actions carefully and determine what your goal is. If you choose evil, you will face enemies. If you choose good, you will also face enemies. Just don't compromise your beliefs or who you are as a person. The weaker humans tend to fall to the dark side. If you believe something, then live by it. But always seek guidance. Making people getting into car accidents and falling down stairs is not a very nice thing to do. Have you considered what would you do if they died? How would you feel? If you wish to be honorable, then know you have the power, but do not use it unless you really have to use it for self-defense, i.e. when someone is about to push YOU down the stairs. Psychic offense gets you enemies very quickly. Don't resort to it.

Karmic repercussions? Never happened.

Dark forces? They seem to not force anything, but rather listen to my commands always.

Evil? Lest I make it so, its not evil.

But I understand where your getting to.

I dont do this all the time, as I am a good boy. [:)]
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Anonymous on January 30, 2004, 20:23:47
I don't think I understand where you're coming from on this one... how is making someone get into a car accident, making someone fall down a whole flight of stairs, and making another get broken ribs, bruises, etc. not evil? Keep in mind that karmic repercussions don't need to happen right away. What if it's waiting for you later on down the road? And don't associate with dark forces and/or entities. They won't be around long with people like me getting rid of them.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Anonymous on January 30, 2004, 20:26:53
One other thing: Interfering with another's free will IS evil, whether you make it evil or not. So don't use mental influence. I suggest you read about some of the very unpleasant things that are happening to many people on this forum. Use your abilities in a benevolent way, not for malevolence.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: acidmax120 on January 30, 2004, 20:35:40
Originally posted by EnderWiggin

I don't think I understand where you're coming from on this one... how is making someone get into a car accident, making someone fall down a whole flight of stairs, and making another get broken ribs, bruises, etc. not evil? Keep in mind that karmic repercussions don't need to happen right away. What if it's waiting for you later on down the road? And don't associate with dark forces and/or entities. They won't be around long with people like me getting rid of them.

Dark entities? Forces? Evil? You coming up with labels for what you think something is.

Those kids who did insults to me, didn't they recieve their "karma?"

You think you are a warrior, attacking sources you call evil? Right, whenever you say that you are proving they exist.

I have contact with an infinite source, that does everything I say. And its not evil![:D]
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Life_afterdeath on January 30, 2004, 21:31:21
I personally don't think he's evil, I just think he's got a meanstreak like me.  Of course I wouldn't cause car wrecks or bruised ribs, but I would use psychic power only if I were being mugged or if a group ganged up on me just to cause me pain.
Hell, I can't even channel any psychic power.  I remember my reason for getting into any type of Metaphysics was to do so...but yeah.
I've gone nowhere with that.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Anonymous on January 30, 2004, 22:44:07
>>"Dark entities? Forces? Evil? You coming up with labels for what you think something is."

Actually, these are common phrases and names given to such things. I am not making them up. Did you read any other posts by other people?

>>"Those kids who did insults to me, didn't they recieve their "karma?"

Do you think you are the only one who gets insulted in high school? If you are not popular then you're a freak or a geek, and since that covers the majority of people, I'd say it's the popular kids missing out on all the fun. I'm an outcast and proud of it. Why do you let them get to you? don't you see that by retaliating you are letting them win? If they are on your mind all the time, then they are doing what they set out to do: make your life a living hell.

>>"You think you are a warrior, attacking sources you call evil? Right, whenever you say that you are proving they exist."

What is that supposed to mean? Those two phrases don't really make sense...

First off, yes, I am a warrior, and I belong to an occult group. I'm 23 years old and have no reason to make such a thing up. I don't attack what I call evil, I attack what I believe the majority calls evil, and that includes all of the religions excluding Satanist or devl-worshipper religions. If I were evil, then I would serve vampires and litches, not the Source, angels, and other beings of Light. Well, to tell you the truth, the source is neither good nor evil. Well, since it created us, I call it good.

I don't really understand what you're trying to communicate with that next sentence. Are you asking me to prove something or are you saying that evil doesn't exist unless we say it does?

>>"I have contact with an infinite source, that does everything I say. And its not evil!"

The "source" you have contact with is not infinite. There is only one infinite source, and from it everything else stems. It has a will of its own, and a nature to it. It follows the plan of the Creator. It flows through all things. It is all around you, and it is within you as well as every other person in the Universe. It can be drawn upon for energy, and it can also tell you things. What else would you like to know about the Source?
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Blackstream on January 30, 2004, 22:48:18
Dude, that's not karmic retribution you did.  All they did was draw a picture of you getting beat up, they didn't actually get beat up.  You on the other hand got someone into a car accient, falling down the stairs, and broken bones.  You actually did beat them up.  Maybe if they had actually beaten you up, then we'd be like nice comeback.  At worst maybe you should have scared them a bit.  But this is akin to punching someone out and breaking their nose for giving you the finger.  Then spitting on the twitching body.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Life_afterdeath on January 30, 2004, 23:01:16
Guys, I'm not choosing sides here, but lay off of him a little will you?  I think he's learned his lesson.  If Karma it is, then Karma it will be.  He'll get what he'll get.  Leave the combat to the Karma, that's all.
I just hate to see this place turn into a big arguement.  I know what it's like to go at it me vs. everyone else.  That's probobly about how he feels right now.  You guys have some good points, but who cares.
Being right isn't THAT important.  Just let it go, for me, please?
Just drop it like a bad habit.  Let this thread collect dust.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Blackstream on January 30, 2004, 23:30:09
I hope you are right Life, but this is a tad bit more serious than your typical garden fight.  I had my say and I'm done, though I would be happier with an admission, though I won't get one.

At any rate, welcome to the forum life:)  This kind of stuff happens all the time.  Doesn't mean we are all going to hate each other:)
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: kakkarot on January 31, 2004, 01:10:45
NOT evil? i'm sorry, but causing other people pain IS evil. REGARDLESS of the reason why. there is no real "justified evil". and if you think that breaking someone's wrist and ribs is not evil, i think you need to think about how you'd view the situation if someone did those things to someone you cared about.

do these things or not, it's not up to me to tell you what to do, but don't delude yourself into thinking that hurting others isn't evil. even if "they started it".

Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Life_afterdeath on January 31, 2004, 02:00:10
Kakkarot, I'm sure he gets the point by now.
He understands that he did wrong.  Though he may do it again, all that needs to be said has been said.  It's not may say, but I believe he's been scolded enough.  He probobly doesn't feel too good about it anymore, and he probobly feels like a lesser person because of what you and Ender have said.  He's gotten his verbal "spanking" I'd say.
I don't mean to sound like a grandma-bear or anything, I just know that he's feeling it now.  You may keep on, but I just wish you and Ender would lay off of him for now.
( man I hate the grandma-bear feeling )
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Anonymous on January 31, 2004, 11:40:24
I've already explained to him why I believe what he has done is evil, and he denies it. I told him in my first reply that I didn't mean any offense by it, but then he claimed I didn't know what I was talking about. so I felt it necessary to explain myself further. What I do not understand is on what he bases his beliefs. It certainly doesn't sound like reality to me. I do not recall him citing instances that explain or "justify" his actions.

I appreciate your efforts to keep things fair and balanced, but I do not understand why you defend this person, as they have not shown any regret for their actions. I'd respect him more if he admitted that he was wrong rather than try to say that what he did to those people was fair or that they deserved it.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Makoto on January 31, 2004, 13:51:22
Well I feel when it comes to evil you should read my signiture.

As I said b4 way to take it up a notch kid i'm glad to see some vulgar effects goin on.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Nay on January 31, 2004, 14:35:56
I feel so much more safe in the world now, knowing you guys are in it...*rolls eyes* [^]

Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Life_afterdeath on January 31, 2004, 14:45:43
Originally posted by EnderWiggin

I've already explained to him why I believe what he has done is evil, and he denies it. I told him in my first reply that I didn't mean any offense by it, but then he claimed I didn't know what I was talking about. so I felt it necessary to explain myself further. What I do not understand is on what he bases his beliefs. It certainly doesn't sound like reality to me. I do not recall him citing instances that explain or "justify" his actions.

I appreciate your efforts to keep things fair and balanced, but I do not understand why you defend this person, as they have not shown any regret for their actions. I'd respect him more if he admitted that he was wrong rather than try to say that what he did to those people was fair or that they deserved it.

He's got his own wars, and in his own way, he's sure they deserved it.
Like I said before, Karma will give him his dose.  That's all I'm saying in this thread.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: acidmax120 on January 31, 2004, 16:29:39
If there were any karma it has been channeled away from me. I am fully protected.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Makoto on January 31, 2004, 18:12:39
"If there were any karma it has been channeled away from me. I am fully protected"

Howdja manage that.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: acidmax120 on January 31, 2004, 21:35:29
Originally posted by Makoto

"If there were any karma it has been channeled away from me. I am fully protected"

Howdja manage that.

Simply contact the source.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Life_afterdeath on January 31, 2004, 21:49:40
Originally posted by acidmax120

Originally posted by Makoto

"If there were any karma it has been channeled away from me. I am fully protected"

Howdja manage that.

Simply contact the source.

OOOOkay...this thread has taken a doosie.  This kid should be called Magneto or something, because he's developing this evil sound...
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Sam on February 01, 2004, 01:12:58
Good or evil aside, I can only think of these questions...  How can you best describe the source?  How do you get in contact with it?  What does it feel like?  How do you channel it?

Title: Psychic offense
Post by: acidmax120 on February 01, 2004, 13:16:09
Originally posted by Sam

Good or evil aside, I can only think of these questions...  How can you best describe the source?  How do you get in contact with it?  What does it feel like?  How do you channel it?


The source is God. It doesnt feel like, it IS FEEL. If that makes sense.

God and higher beings dont use "words" to resemble feelings. They USE FEELINGS to communicate. When I go deep into my state of being, I perfectly understand what is being told me to.

I can't channel it, I can only be "ONE" with the source, then control it. The source is infinite, so how can I channel itself to itself? I can only command itself, to do certain things.

Now don't you see how I can control things?
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2004, 13:17:38
If there is no karma, then someone else will come along and give it to you.[;)][:(!][B)]

I'm still skeptical of this so-called "source" of yours. Must be a pretty malicious source aiding people who cause serious injuries to others.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: acidmax120 on February 01, 2004, 13:23:11
Originally posted by EnderWiggin

If there is no karma, then someone else will come along and give it to you.[;)][:(!][B)]

I'm still skeptical of this so-called "source" of yours. Must be a pretty malicious source aiding people who cause serious injuries to others.

EnderWiggin, To God, there is no such thing is Good and Bad.

Remember God is infinite? He is everything he is and everything she is not.

Again, you insist of this interesting Karma belief.

Let me further explain. I recieved my karma. But it wasn't what I sent. I transmuted my "karma" into something I would want.

But in my case, I didn't send my energy! I recieved their "bad" energy, and rejected it. So it naturally comes back to them. Thus I am not getting karma.

Think, what was that drawing they sent to me? It was me, getting "beat up" now what happened to them?
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Sam on February 01, 2004, 13:41:01
Okay so how would I get into the correct state of mind to have control over this source?  Is there any kind of trance work or meditation, you know how people can explain the events leading up to an astral projection, can you describe the techniques and steps on the path to accessing this level of awareness?  If it is pure emotion or energy (if they aren't one and the same) then how do you command it to say affect a person in the physical?  Do you focus the power into a ball or an intention and then direct it at your taget by simply "willing" it?
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2004, 13:41:58
I still disagree with you. You have no connection wih the Source. I, however, can tell you anything you want to know about it, because I've been connected to it forever.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2004, 13:46:27
Wouldn't it be more highly evolved of you to cause something that would teach them better ways in life than simply reflecting their bad intentions back at them and getting them hurt? What you say implies that you were in fact not the cause of the things that happened to these people.

If you really want to stop people from hurting you, then get rid of the bad energies behind them.

You are right about one thing... the source will give you exactly what you ask for.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: acidmax120 on February 01, 2004, 13:50:48
Originally posted by EnderWiggin

I still disagree with you. You have no connection wih the Source. I, however, can tell you anything you want to know about it, because I've been connected to it forever.

lol...I dont need you to tell me about the source. Your right I am not connected to the source, rather I am the source.

If the source isnt connected to me than it isn't infinite.

EnderWiggin, you make little to no sense, you are starting to lose respect very quickly.

It is impossible not to be connected to the source. Didn't you know that?
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Sam on February 01, 2004, 14:01:43
Insulting people isn't going to get anyone anywhere, I feel.  Why don't we try and focus on a positive outcome for this thread rather than an I'm right, you're wrong, no IM right, no YOU'RE wrong...  idiot...  loser....  moron... dum-dum head...  etc.

Enderwiggin has a point, in that even though you (acidmax) may have had some revenge, the people you acted it upon didn't learn anything, they're still gonna keep hassling you because there was no lesson in what you did to them other than don't stand in front of busses, don't fall down stairs, etc.

I'm genuinely interested to see what acidmax has to say about the source, because up until now he hasn't had a chance to properly explain it.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: acidmax120 on February 01, 2004, 14:22:42
Originally posted by Sam

Insulting people isn't going to get anyone anywhere, I feel.  Why don't we try and focus on a positive outcome for this thread rather than an I'm right, you're wrong, no IM right, no YOU'RE wrong...  idiot...  loser....  moron... dum-dum head...  etc.

Enderwiggin has a point, in that even though you (acidmax) may have had some revenge, the people you acted it upon didn't learn anything, they're still gonna keep hassling you because there was no lesson in what you did to them other than don't stand in front of busses, don't fall down stairs, etc.

I'm genuinely interested to see what acidmax has to say about the source, because up until now he hasn't had a chance to properly explain it.

Time doesn't exist. The future is happening right now on another plane. The past is happening right now on another plane. And everything in between. God wanted everything to happen right now.

The source knows everything and is everything. So what else could the source possibly want? Not to know itself, but to experience itself again. How can it experience being God? By being everything other than God and being everything including God in every possible combination of experiences at the same time.

Kinda like finding yourself over and over again. Everyone in the world is the source, we know everything, EVERYTHING. You sam, exist on infinite planes. You are asking me about God in this plane and in another plane I am asking you about God. But then imagine infinite different combinations of experiences between infinite amounts of people.

We are all God, we know everything. We can't die. We just choose forget who we are and start over and over and over in different combinations of experiences times infinity. Thats how we experience who we are.

But the source is the WHOLE, not any single part. So once you are everyone and everything and all experiences in every possible combination combined, you are God, fully self-realized at a rate of infinity.

So we are starting over and over and over again, we forget who we are and find ourselves anew! Over and over. Then when we die, we find out how great we REALLY are, then experience what its like to be God and it great. Then we want that feeling again, so we come to a plane of existance and start it over again :)

So in a sense all of us are creating experiences, so we are "creating" the source and the source is creating us.

None of us is greater than the other, because we are all one. Someone on this plane can't say they they are better than another. How can you be better than yourself, if you yourself is God the infinite?
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: kakkarot on February 01, 2004, 14:29:52
you're not tapping into God, acidmax. God wouldn't help you hurt people like that. you're likely merely tapping into the source energy of existance, but not God (especially with they way you are describing it).

Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2004, 16:07:05
Okay Acidmax

How exactly am I losing respect by bringing it to your attention that hurting people is not a good idea? I think I'd lose more respect if I told you to experiment on people and see if you can inflict the maximum amount of suffering on them possible.

This isn't even about the source. My whole argument is based on the fact that what you did was not very kind. Not only that, but you didn't teach anybody you hurt one thing by hurting them.

I think we'd have a problem if the people in this world were as malevolent as you. Why would you try to justify such actions?
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: acidmax120 on February 01, 2004, 16:13:23
Originally posted by EnderWiggin

Okay Acidmax

How exactly am I losing respect by bringing it to your attention that hurting people is not a good idea? I think I'd lose more respect if I told you to experiment on people and see if you can inflict the maximum amount of suffering on them possible.

This isn't even about the source. My whole argument is based on the fact that what you did was not very kind. Not only that, but you didn't teach anybody you hurt one thing by hurting them.

I think we'd have a problem if the people in this world were as malevolent as you. Why would you try to justify such actions?

You are losing my respect for you, because you said I am not "connected" to the source.

About my Psychic offense, I understand what you said. You are correct.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2004, 16:17:21
When I said you were not connected to the Source, I meant that you were not connected on such a level as to understand its desire. We exist to carry out that desire (IMO).
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2004, 16:18:59
By the way, we can all strengthen our connection to this source, and you are right that we're all connected to it. Some of us are just connected on what I like to call higher levels. In other words, we are more intimate with it than others.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: acidmax120 on February 01, 2004, 17:47:35
Originally posted by EnderWiggin

By the way, we can all strengthen our connection to this source, and you are right that we're all connected to it. Some of us are just connected on what I like to call higher levels. In other words, we are more intimate with it than others.

You are partially correct.

EnderWiggan, I know you completely and you know me completely, as well as we both know everyone and everything completely. But on this plane of existance we choose to forget what we know and start over so we may experience what we already know.

Thus everyone is equally connected, infact we are completely one with the source which is all of us combined. Thus the source isnt infinite without even a single one of us as a member of it. Thus what you call "higher-levels" it actually is REMEMBERING what we already know and you REMEMBER who you are, which is you and I are one with everyone and everything equally and completely. So if you hurt others you technically hurt your extended self.

There are infinite copies of me and you. As well as everyone else.

We are all completely most infinitly connected to the source. Just we choose not to remember and experience not being completely one when we REALLY are one.

If if the impossibility were to happen where someone was "more" connected to the source than someone else. That would mean everyone else is equally connected to the source, because the person more connected IS ONE with everyone else.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: shedt on February 01, 2004, 17:54:29
Originally posted by acidmax120

EnderWiggin, you make little to no sense, you are starting to lose respect very quickly.

I think it is the other away around. If you truely were "connected" to the "source" then you would rise above these lower things.

You would not care about someone drawing a picture of you.

and there is probally more to this then this guy is letting on.

why did they draw the picture in the first place ?

maybe you think you are connected to the "source"

but i think it's more likely your connected to a lower spirit being. it's feeding of your negative energy and anger. and it rewards you by hurting others.

if you were really serious, then you would rise above this. the strong people work hard too improve themselves. they don't come up with excuses to justify things of a service to self nature.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Makoto on February 01, 2004, 17:57:15
So are these all your own suppositions or did someone/thing explain it to you.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: acidmax120 on February 01, 2004, 17:58:44
Originally posted by shedt

Originally posted by acidmax120

EnderWiggin, you make little to no sense, you are starting to lose respect very quickly.

if you were really serious, then you would rise above this. the strong people work hard too improve themselves. they don't come up with excuses to justify things of a service to self nature.

I didn't ask for them to get hurt, I just contacted the source, to reject those images. I didnt request God to hurt someone. I rejected their energies, so they naturally returned to them.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: acidmax120 on February 01, 2004, 18:00:28
Originally posted by Makoto

So are these all your own suppositions or did someone/thing explain it to you.

The source explained it completely in most detail to me, infact I experienced it myself multiple times.

Thats how I OBE on command :)
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Anonymous on February 01, 2004, 18:34:45
Ahh, I see at last... then in fact you were not the CAUSE of the injuries.

You are right in many ways. It sucks that those people got hurt though. I hope that you at least feel bad for them a little, even if you consider them enemies. I make it a point to teach my enemies better ways, or to learn from them. The enemy can be a very great teacher, if you are willing to listen (if you know what I am getting at here). Always consider what they have to say to you, and be like a young tree in a hurricane- Unlike an old tree, which resists the wind of the hurricane and as a result gets knocked over, be like the young tree and bend with the wind of the hurricane. Keep your roots firm (this symbolizes your belief system), and nothing else matters.

I have been the target of many peoples' insecurities in high school, because I have Asperger syndrome, which is a very mild form of autism. Because of it, I was socially inept in some ways (and still am in others), but other people thought I was simply a "nerd" or a "geek" or a "dork," when in fact I consider myself more of a freak (being different from others), and I'm proud of it. People are very cruel sometimes, but I made it a point never to be cruel myself. It is below my standards. I believe in the concept of heaven on earth but it will take very extreme changes. I don't know who or what will make that change, but God (a.k.a. the Source) will turn all bad into good in the end.

You might be interested to read Jewish mysticism as well as the Tao Te Ching, Tibettan Book of the Dead, and Zen Buddhist concepts. Your ideas are somewhat similar to them. Also, just for the heck of it, read the Bible. Some parts of it seem kinda stupid but it is worth reading because so much Western literature makes references to it. I am taking a course right now called "Loopholes in the Bible." Very amusing course. I'l let you know how it goes.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: shedt on February 01, 2004, 19:17:59
I just want to know, did you have any intent too hurt these people ?

do you think connecting to the "source" with the intent too harm someone is right or wrong ?

I should ask these things first, sorry/
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: acidmax120 on February 01, 2004, 20:54:52
Originally posted by shedt

I just want to know, did you have any intent too hurt these people ?

do you think connecting to the "source" with the intent too harm someone is right or wrong ?

I should ask these things first, sorry/

I had some intent to hurt them, I think its partially wrong to use the source to harm someone.

But to the source there is no right or wrong [:D]
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: rhinegirl on February 01, 2004, 21:30:00
Based on this and your thread that you have infinite knowledge of God lead me to believe you are an egomaniac like Hitler was. He too was fascinated by the occult and had dark powers assisting him.

I would like to state that many egomaniacs simply confuse coincidence with assumption that they have actual power.

I shall query my Gods in regards to you Acid. you are either an egomaniac or a genuine force of darkness. Perhaps the Gods led me here not because of darknight but because you are the genuine threat.

I and my people have magically bound many little Hitlers, shall you be next on my list??

Jessica (Daughter of Odin))

Originally posted by acidmax120

I have very advanced psychic psychotechnologies.

I go to school to test this out. I do my technique and then the personal almost always turns to me. They feel the back of their neck and stare at me. (like a burning sensation)

I have tried this in class with people (esp girls hehehe) I have used mental influence, and its working very well.

For defense, nobody can touch this. Recently someone drew a picture of me getting beat up. I got mad, did my technique.

come back monday.

Kid #1 = car accident
Kid #2 = broken glasses, cd player, failed 3 exams, tripped all the way down the stairs infront of me.
Kid #3 = broken wrist, multiple bruised ribs. (football)


Has anyone tried similar?

Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Risu no Kairu on February 01, 2004, 21:34:36
So, some kids drew a picture of you, then you felt it necessary to take action which caused extreme pain to befall these people.

And you're 18 years old...?

:/ Your parents must be so proud of you.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: rhinegirl on February 01, 2004, 22:24:26
Originally posted by Risu no Kairu

So, some kids drew a picture of you, then you felt it necessary to action with caused extreme pain to befall these people.

And you're 18 years old...?

:/ Your parents must be so proud of you.

Extreme insecurity is a sign of egomania. Did you know Hitler was insecure? Hitler also had only one testicle.

Jessica (daughter of Odin)
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Nagual on February 02, 2004, 05:29:29
Just wanted to remind people that many kids dream to have super-powers to get their revenge when some other kids bully them...  Don't take everything they say for granted.

Also, some people enjoy posting things like "I have super powers and I enjoy hurting people" and just wait for other members reactions...  I guess they like when everybody pay attention to them.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Nay on February 02, 2004, 10:17:01
Hitler also had only one testicle.
I could have went a whole life time without knowing that. Now I am going to have to stick a ice pick in my ear to get that visual out!!  Dang, sometimes being a artist really has its down sides.[:(]

Nay [;)]
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2004, 12:29:35
Well, he finally admitted that it was wrong to hurt those people. That's the problem that I had with his actions. They just seemed kind of pointless.

attack <---------------> Retaliate

It's a cycle that will not end until someone is the bigger man (or woman) and admits to their wrongs and does not proceed to do more.

The problem I had with Acidmax's actions was that if those kids found out that he was the one that caused this (though his recent posts imply that he was in fact NOT the cause, only wanted to see them get hurt), they would go after him and do something worse, then he would retaliate, then they would retaliate, etc. Nobody's learning anything from this!! Unless he's expecting an all-out war with them, he might consider not doing it again.

If we are all the source, then so too are the people he hurt, and that would mean he attacked the source. So if there isn't a right or wrong, maybe the source will attack him, because it wouldn't be wrong, according to him.

Anyway, I've already resolved my argument so there's no point in me continuing it.

And yes, what Hitler did was something so purely evil that there are no words that could ever convey just how evil it was.

I hope people will wake up and realize that yes, we can do anything we want in the world, but if we want to make the world a better place, then we should be careful about what we do.

So the question for Acidmax, then, is what kind of a world does he want to live in? What would it be like? Acidmax, do you care to respond? This isn't an argument anymore. This isn't about right or wrong. This is about having a goal and how one goes about reaching it.

I am willing to share with anyone what kind of world I'd like to live in as well, but I will do that when I am asked.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: kiauma on February 02, 2004, 14:05:45
I am willing to share with anyone what kind of world I'd like to live in as well, but I will do that when I am asked.

I am asking.  :)
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: Anonymous on February 02, 2004, 16:35:34
I want to live in a world where the currency is honor and benevolence, and the goal is to make sure that there is a roof over everyone's head, food on everyone's plate, good friends in everyone's circle, and respect for everyone's differences, without taking advantage of or exploiting one another. It doesn't mean you have to like their differences, but they should be respected. I want to live in a world where there are enough differences that people will always find what they seek. I want to live in a world where people are willing to work hard to reach their goals and where we can all agree on the same definition for each thing, and where people do not try to mislead one another. There should be truth and justice for all people, not lies and deceit. People would also strive to educate themselves and help themeslves with their own problems instead of relying on others to do it. I want to live in a world where people are not afraid of the unknown. If there is a problem, then people would come together to solve it and not divide themselves on the issue over who was right and who was not.

In this world, we should get as much as we have given.

That is why I try to act in ways that will help achieve this.
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: kiauma on February 02, 2004, 17:31:42
That's a sight better than what we've got!  Thank you.

Also, thanks for the Mata link.  :)
Title: Psychic offense
Post by: acidmax120 on January 30, 2004, 17:35:11
I have very advanced psychic psychotechnologies.

I go to school to test this out. I do my technique and then the personal almost always turns to me. They feel the back of their neck and stare at me. (like a burning sensation)

I have tried this in class with people (esp girls hehehe) I have used mental influence, and its working very well.

For defense, nobody can touch this. Recently someone drew a picture of me getting beat up. I got mad, did my technique.

come back monday.

Kid #1 = car accident
Kid #2 = broken glasses, cd player, failed 3 exams, tripped all the way down the stairs infront of me.
Kid #3 = broken wrist, multiple bruised ribs. (football)


Has anyone tried similar?