The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: Falken on March 17, 2002, 16:38:58

Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Falken on March 17, 2002, 16:38:58
*by dark people* and *geniality is gone*
excuse the mistakes

Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: PeacefulWarrior on March 17, 2002, 21:59:22
Ciao Falken,
Ho appena letto il tuo messagio e siccome studio l'italiano (sono della California) ho pensato di rispondere nella tua lingua.  Mi dispiace del fatto che altre persone ti hanno fatto del male...pero non ho capito come te l'hanno fatto.  (mi dispiace se il mio italiano non e' proprio buono..e' da tanto tempo che non parlo in italiano)

Prima vorrei sapere un esempio di come qualcuno ti ha fatto male.  Forse perche sei una persona "buona" e hai avuto fede nelle persone, e poi ti hanno fatto male, ora stai male (ovviamente e' piu' complesso).  Siccome ho vissuto in Italia, capisco come sono le persone li.  O sono proprio innocenti o sono (al meno nella mia esperienza) cativissimi.  Ovviamente non sei uno o l'altro...sei una persona buona, ma intelligente...pero hai avuto contanto con quelli che ti hanno fatto male perche, come hai detto tu, ti hai aperto e poi hanno entrato e poi fatto del male.

Se mi puoi dare piu informazione, forse ti posso dare del consiglio che potra' aiutare.  Per me quando le cose non vanno bene o ci sono dei problemi sprituali grossi, rivolgo sempre alla preghiera sincera, e anche la meditazione.  Aiutano tanto le persone buone che ascoltano ai problemi.  

Spero di sentire da te.  My email:

Grace by grace, principle by principle, we strive towards perfection.  

Il mio Maestro e' colui che ha vissuto la vita perfetta, il stesso che ha datto la sua vita per noi.
Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Kristen on March 17, 2002, 22:04:28
Luca -

Are you saying that you have put your trust in some people and they've betrayed that trust and stomped on your heart?

And if you don't mind my asking Luca - how old are you?

About being too open, I'm with you my friend - so many people are completely thoughtless and downright cruel.  It is too bad that as individuals we have to protect and maintain our personal boundaries and to not leave it up to others to respect or even sense those boundaries.  There are too many people without respect for other's dignity - there are "vampires" in the world who will take advantage of and hurt others without a second thought.... people can be negative "entities" too.

Hoping to hear from you soon!

- Kristen

Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Kristen on March 17, 2002, 22:20:18
Hi again Luca -

Oops, I see you are 22.  I should read your profile before asking silly questions.

Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Mobius on March 18, 2002, 03:52:58
G,day Falken, cheer up mate, the more negative energy you feed it
the bigger it gets & you will end up digging yourself a deeper hole.
Looks like there,s a few issues here, so I will give you a little
advice & I,ll leave my own spiritual beliefs out of it.

1.You started your post with "I think my soul has been torn to pieces
by dark people(vampires)" .Very negative outlook on life & its
obvious your pretty miserable at the moment.
From today onwards you need to have a positive outlook on life, no
more giving energy to people you dont want to, I know this will be
hard but I have been through a similar thing myself when I was your
age.When I came to this point in my life I received a book that
several of my family members owned & is now a much loved book in my collection, DR Wayne W.Dyer,s "Your Erroneous Zones".
Its a book with a thousand little psychiatric tips & good practical
advice in the "physical" world,& all the things you would love to
ask a psychiatrist.I had seen it before on the shelf but when I saw
the cover & this guy just grinning at me I put it down! stupid me!
It was about 2 years after that it found its way into my collection.
If you have not allready got it heres some topics & issues it
covers:A/ Do you believe that your mind is your own?
      B/ Are you capable of controlling your own emotions?
      C/ Are you motivated from within rather than without?
      D/ Are you free from the need of approval?
      E/ Can you accept yourself & avoid complaining?
      F/ Are you free from hero worship?
      G/ Do you welcome the mysterious & the unknown?
      H/ Can you love yourself at alltimes?
      I/ Are you free from ever feeling guilty?

These are just some examples in the book & there is things you can
quickly turn around in your life.

2.The above will help with your depression, dont take the easy way out
(suicide).As to your dreams , for starters dont lie down with your
head facing the ceiling for the moment as it promotes mental & dream
activity, especially nightmares if you are plagued with negative
events in your life.

3.You said near the end "that evil willed people have put into my mind".You are the one in charge of you , you validated their
opinion by telling yourself that they are somehow more important
than you & their opinion of you somehow had more value than your own
opinion.For instance if I said to you " Hey Falken, you are an idiot"
(I dont mean it of course)& you said back to me
" Hey Mobius! you make me feel bad & you hurt my feelings" is all
assuming some one else is responsible for your life, so you need to
take back control & say " I , made myself feel bad & I hurt my own
feelings because of what I told myself about your reaction to me.

Anyway I,m sure you will get some good advice in here, keep us
updated & if things continue downwards, see a doctor mate it wont
hurt,there could be a medical reason.

All the best on your journeys


Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Falken on March 18, 2002, 10:34:16
I'm really in a bad condition now.This is the email i sent to Daniel too.It all began when I was 15 , I became very aggressive and violent and began to destroy furniture in my home and doing 'crazy things' like constantly washing my hands and continually having showers even in the middle of the night (3a.m.), That brought the attenction to social workers' -which actually ruin peoples lives- and my mother asked them to put me in a 'correction house' for some time.
There I was with handicapped people, ex-heroinomans, mad people and that ruined my psyche further.Moreover im gifted
Let me consider: when I was o.c.d. actually i feared germs and contamination, maybe an unconscious part of me was telling me about something wrong.
In the same period i continued going to high school and there was a guy in my class that was addicted to hash and drugs, very manipulative towards other people and more with me.Seeing me as weak empowered him to take control of my thoughts in part.In my 2nd year I smoked hash and drank lots of beer in a school trip, afther that experience I fell down a hell,  a mental hell.It was like he(my classmate) was sucking all my energies and the drug consumption was the last shot to make me literally 'crush down'.In the following years I have been more and more confused and depressed , very negative even without wanting it.
A physician prescribed me the wrong medications (antipsychotics) and ruined my adolescence and i think- my brain.I was a 16 years old zombie.
Others in my class exploited this period of further weakness for sucking me more and more energy, thus ruining me to the bone.
I was an old person for the final exam.This period of weakness broke my psychic defences almost at all and i attracted all kinds of energies and misfortune.
Now Im 22 and still cant do an university exam because I fear going where there are so many people and cant put together my pieces of mind, literally thorn by all these events , my self confidence is gone and I dont know anymore who i am, im an empty shell.
My psychologist told me that 'work creates being' yeah but i cant and dont want to show myself the misery i have become.I think all the years under the wrong medications ruined me too .Im diagnosed as 'borderline' and im taking antidepressants .Antipsychotics are given to psychotic people or bipolars with agitation to my knowledge.
My psychic defences are so low that I feel im vulnerable to every people and situation.I cant continue living in such a way
Daniel thats how I feel and how life ruined me.They murdered me.


Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Violet on March 18, 2002, 17:57:03
Dear Luca,

It is interesting that I find that families that have psychically gifted people seem to also have a streak of emotional breakdowns and other mental and emotional disorders. Among several relatives my mother suffers from manic depressiveness. I learned that this type of genetic disorder does not need to ruin your life and I have TREMENDOUS RESPECT for my mother.  My cousin on my fathers side suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder. One time I met a girl who was playing her violin in the psychiatric ward.  I asked her if she knew any pieces by....and then I stop and was trying to remember the name of the composer.  Out of all the huge number of composers she picked out of the air who I was trying the remember and he was not a really famous one.  I was stunned.  For some people opening up to the psychic side can be very uncomfortable and end greatly harming their lives.

I have a few thoughts.
(1)I hope you do not discount the medical profession completely.  Like all professions there are real idiots and truly gifted people.  The idiots unfortunately are more common then the gifted.  I see it every day in the engineering field.  Try a lot of doctors until you find a competent one WHO has good references.  

(2) Until you find an appropriate doctor stop judging yourself so harshly.  You are worthy of love and respect.  Never let anyone or anything tell you otherwise.  If you start thinking about negativity try to distract yourself.  Many disorders cause one to worry excessively about things and the more one thinks about it the worse things get.  Try to find something to short circuit the thought.  I heard from one very good psychologist that doing eye exercises is very helpful.  When we move our eyes to the upper right we access old memories, upper middle present thoughts, upper left creative thoughts. By moving out eyes up and down into different quadrants we can stop fears, worries and stop excessive worrying.  It is a very effective shorterm tool.  

(3) Remember always that you are loved.  The most important thing we can do in our lives is to respect and love ourselves.  The people in this forum are really wonderful and deeply care.  If you need moral support we will always be here and will respect and care about you dearly.  

All the very best for you Luca.
Love and Light to you,

Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Anon on March 18, 2002, 19:17:15
Greetings All!

Hiya Luca,

I empathise with you and your situation.  I can relate to much of your story, including the 'correction house'.  It seems to me this is very much an issue of regaining strength, and therefore a sense of individuation.

Throughout your posts there is a common thread of being weak, easily influenced, and therefore manipulated.  All of your problems, and hence your curent situation, relate to this 'weakness'.  To fight this you must strengthen your mind, but in order to do that, you must first accept a little resposibility.

"How life ruined me", and "They murdered me", are comments that clearly indicate you have shifted all blame entirely.  This may sound harsh, but 'everyone else' is NOT to blame.  You must accept part responibility for your current life situation (just a small part) so as to realize you must improve it.

You have certainly had a rough time.  It is my opinion that life 'tests' us, giving us the opportunity to develop ourselves further.  Life is NOT intended to ruin anyone.  "What doesn't kill us, maketh us stronger!"  You will get through this and become a very strong person indeed.

You say "...I don't know anymore who I am, I'm an empty shell."  This my friend, is rock-bottom.  The only way to go from here is up.  It is time to say "I've had enough!  I'm going to get my life back!"  This is your life, take control of it.  Try not to dwell on the fact you have been 'hard done by'.  Try and see this as a turning point, a catharsis for reclaiming your life and making it worthwhile.

Please feel free to email me ( and I will use my own experience to help as much as I can.  There are many similarities between your situation and mine, and hopefully the way I am dealing with mine caould help you find a better way to deal with yours.  If that's all too much, you still have a friendly ear should you need one.

I hope you will soon gain a sense of direction my friend.  Try some affirmations.  "I am strong and totally in control of my life." etc.

Take care, Love Light and Peace to you All.

A word on diagnosis and medications.
B.P.D. (Borderline Personality Disorder) is a difficult illness to live with.  The diagnosis guidelins for BPD are broad, and more often than not it is simply a label.  But please continue taking your medications.

You are right when you say antipsychotics are given to psychotic people and bi-polar patients with agitation.  You said you became agressive, violent and began to destroy furniture.  Your physician could have prescribed anipsychotics for this reason- quite understandibly.
Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Mobius on March 18, 2002, 22:05:17
Hi Falken, there is some good info in all these posts so take some
serious thinking time out for yourself & re-absorb the details.
I,m starting to see a lot of us here on Astral Pulse have been
down a similar road to yourself, so hang in there mate, there is
light at the end of the tunnel & its not an oncoming train my friend.
Like Violet said, dont discount the medical profession completely,
there is a lot of morally defective physicians/doctors out there who
just want to (a)make money  (b) avoid malpractice suits &
(c) meet his/her obligations.While legally these people are not
acting immorally there is something in their characters that is
morally defective & they are detatched plus lack compassion.
But there is a lot that really want to help you, I know this from
personal experience & still visit a mate of mine that is always
in & out of mental health wards, so let me guess what sort of a
coctail of drugs they have you on.
Zyprexa 30mg & Prozac 75mg or Zoloft? by any chance?

I have had many conversations with patients in mental health wards &
I know what you mean about their beliefs, rantings etc.
But really, you are your own person & you dont have to be rude &
tell them to shutup & you dont have to be so open as to believe all
data being recieved through your senses either.You can listen to
what anyone says but be objective until you have more information
as to be able to decide whats right & wrong for you.

Sounds like as stated before you have a few illnesses that have had
all tags like : depressive, psychotic, manic depressive, excessive
compulsive & Agrophobia, quite a bundle you have created for
yourself.So try another doctor, physician, hospital, medication,
but try something! as what you are taking & what you are doing is
not working.But now your on it, like stated before dont stop
taking them suddenly whatever you do.

Good luck mate, dont give up & try to laugh, find somethings that
will make you laugh out loud, the endorphins released will help
you a lot.

All the best on your journeys


Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: PeacefulWarrior on March 19, 2002, 02:30:54

(lo so che parli l'inglese, pero ti scrivo in Italiano perche ho bisogno della pratica, ok?)

Ciao!  Spero che le parole che gli altri hanno scritto possano aiutarti.  Nella fine SOLAMENTE TU puoi cambiare la tua vita e come ti senti.  Non dare tutta la colpa alle persone che ti hanno fatto male. . .ovviamnete loro riceveranno cio che meritano, pero tu devi cercare dentro la tua anima.

Non ho tanto tempo per scrivere ora, pero ti dico questo: in Italia le persone giudicano molto e mi dispiace per te perche persone come noi (tu, io e le persone in questo <>) siamo diversi...e in Italia c'e' un gran desiderio di essere come gli altri (to conform).  Uno delle cose piu importante di ricordare e che Dio ci ha datto delle debolezze e pure dei talenti.  Focalizza la tua mente e il tuo cuore su quelli talenti e cerca di dimenticare le tue debolezze...e' difficele, pero e anche possibile.

Grace by grace, principle by principle, we strive towards perfection.  

Il mio Maestro e' colui che ha vissuto la vita perfetta, il stesso che ha datto la sua vita per noi.
Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Mobius on March 19, 2002, 04:12:18
Hey you two italianos, just put your post through the translator
Daniel, they must be missing a few words or something though, so
what in the world is Pear tree & Owiamnete?

Good luck Luca
All the best on your journeys


Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Falken on March 19, 2002, 13:20:36
Hi All Thank you very much for the advices in this my crisis period.

Kristen, yes its true I'm exercising to 'close' my chackras when I'm with strangers, especially in crowded places, but should one also close his brow chackra and crown chackra?I red that the crown one should remain open since it connects one to his guidance(s)?
I'm carrying with me a black tourmaline and an hematite to deflect negativity , are there any other more powerful stones to offer protection?I've got an Atlantis ring which should help too, but of course real protection comes from the inside.I'm attracted by 'rubys'.

Sometimes I happen to feel a strange and unpleasant sensation at my solar plexus like if the person i was talking with were pushing some kind of 'energetic tie' to me, could it be possible?The fact is I feel that when Im with my grandmother, so that may be why I have fallen in depression so badly while she at age 87 still outscores her younger (70-74 years) sisters when playing cards!
How can I cut all ties that bind me to bad willed people and either suck/try to motivate me based upon their will, like a parasite could do indeed?
I have to resolve this problem as soon as possible, because I need my own pure frequency and energy back.I also use an Herkimer diamond which I read helps cleanse the subtle bodies, is it true or are there any more effective methods/stones etc..?

Mobius, "You said near the end "that evil willed people have put into my mind".You are the one in charge of you , you validated their
opinion by telling yourself that they are somehow more important
than you & their opinion of you somehow had more value than your own
opinion.For instance if I said to you " Hey Falken, you are an idiot"
(I dont mean it of course)& you said back to me
" Hey Mobius! you make me feel bad & you hurt my feelings" is all
assuming some one else is responsible for your life, so you need to
take back control & say " I , made myself feel bad & I hurt my own
feelings because of what I told myself about your reaction to me."

When self esteem ends, you have little awareness about who you really are (and was) then other people can drive their way inside your mind easily.Remember it was like being 'blackened' inside ,to give the idea.Of course Im regaining a little strenght as time passes but it took many years and detaching from people whom I felt addicted to.
I fighted and still fight to keep the boundaries form me and others but since my identity was so impaired I couldnt fight, like being trapped.Im my own judge, that goes without saying,

Violet, Im sorry for your mother, I havent got a supposedly 'biological' disease like clinical depression or bipolar disorder, BPD has an emotional trigger maybe 'fired' in the infancy, its a psychological problem.My BPD level is low too and I will 'heal' I think soon.
Yes fortunately I found the right psychologist and medician and wouldnt change them with anyone else, some other psychologists/psychiatrists are instead 'bad' apples in the medical community and should be fired from their profession.I would bring them to the tribunal if I only had the money...  My brain is me.
Ill try the eyes exercise buy I should find one for left-handed people like me since brain function/areas are different.Im gifted in an IQ sense, even if I had some premonition dreams, unfortunately about bad things.Im trying to explore this part of myself.

Yes Anon Im working on myself and trying to re-establish order in my mind and regain self esteem.
But I have a weak form of borderline so to speak.Antipsychotics are dangerous drugs which were given me by unprofessional medicians.
I would have liked to be put under a ton of Valium instead, you see the difference.According to both my psychologist and psychiatr. I shouldnt have been given these filthy medications,In fact im on a mood stabilizer and 2 antidepressants now.

Yes Mobius thank you all very much I feel your love
Im on Effexor 150mg/day,prozac 10 mgs day and neurontin 600 mgs per die.
NO, "Sounds like as stated before you have a few illnesses that have had
all tags like : depressive, psychotic, manic depressive, excessive
compulsive & Agrophobia, quite a bundle you have created for
yourself.So try another doctor, physician, hospital, medication,
but try something! as what you are taking & what you are doing is
not working.But now your on it, like stated before dont stop
taking them suddenly whatever you do."
They misdiagnosed me and Ive never been neither psychotic and/or manic depressive or whatever they labeled me until last year.
Borderline and stop.Neither 'agoraphobic', sorry but you invent things.Yes 'they' put these tags on me.Im already safe with the competent phisicians Im seeing now, thanks,

Once again thank you all for this warm welcome ;-)


Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Falken on March 19, 2002, 13:22:11
Hi All Thank you very much for the advices in this my crisis period.

Kristen, yes its true I'm exercising to 'close' my chackras when I'm with strangers, especially in crowded places, but should one also close his brow chackra and crown chackra?I red that the crown one should remain open since it connects one to his guidance(s)?
I'm carrying with me a black tourmaline and an hematite to deflect negativity , are there any other more powerful stones to offer protection?I've got an Atlantis ring which should help too, but of course real protection comes from the inside.I'm attracted by 'rubys'.

Sometimes I happen to feel a strange and unpleasant sensation at my solar plexus like if the person i was talking with were pushing some kind of 'energetic tie' to me, could it be possible?The fact is I feel that when Im with my grandmother, so that may be why I have fallen in depression so badly while she at age 87 still outscores her younger (70-74 years) sisters when playing cards!
How can I cut all ties that bind me to bad willed people and either suck/try to motivate me based upon their will, like a parasite could do indeed?
I have to resolve this problem as soon as possible, because I need my own pure frequency and energy back.I also use an Herkimer diamond which I read helps cleanse the subtle bodies, is it true or are there any more effective methods/stones etc..?

Mobius, "You said near the end "that evil willed people have put into my mind".You are the one in charge of you , you validated their
opinion by telling yourself that they are somehow more important
than you & their opinion of you somehow had more value than your own
opinion.For instance if I said to you " Hey Falken, you are an idiot"
(I dont mean it of course)& you said back to me
" Hey Mobius! you make me feel bad & you hurt my feelings" is all
assuming some one else is responsible for your life, so you need to
take back control & say " I , made myself feel bad & I hurt my own
feelings because of what I told myself about your reaction to me."

When self esteem ends, you have little awareness about who you really are (and was) then other people can drive their way inside your mind easily.Remember it was like being 'blackened' inside ,to give the idea.Of course Im regaining a little strenght as time passes but it took many years and detaching from people whom I felt addicted to.
I fighted and still fight to keep the boundaries form me and others but since my identity was so impaired I couldnt fight, like being trapped.Im my own judge, that goes without saying,

Violet, Im sorry for your mother, I havent got a supposedly 'biological' disease like clinical depression or bipolar disorder, BPD has an emotional trigger maybe 'fired' in the infancy, its a psychological problem.My BPD level is low too and I will 'heal' I think soon.
Yes fortunately I found the right psychologist and medician and wouldnt change them with anyone else, some other psychologists/psychiatrists are instead 'bad' apples in the medical community and should be fired from their profession.I would bring them to the tribunal if I only had the money...  My brain is me.
Ill try the eyes exercise buy I should find one for left-handed people like me since brain function/areas are different.Im gifted in an IQ sense, even if I had some premonition dreams, unfortunately about bad things.Im trying to explore this part of myself.

Yes Anon Im working on myself and trying to re-establish order in my mind and regain self esteem.
But I have a weak form of borderline so to speak.Antipsychotics are dangerous drugs which were given me by unprofessional medicians.
I would have liked to be put under a ton of Valium instead, you see the difference.According to both my psychologist and psychiatr. I shouldnt have been given these filthy medications,In fact im on a mood stabilizer and 2 antidepressants now.

Yes Mobius thank you all very much I feel your love
Im on Effexor 150mg/day,prozac 10 mgs day and neurontin 600 mgs per die.
NO, "Sounds like as stated before you have a few illnesses that have had
all tags like : depressive, psychotic, manic depressive, excessive
compulsive & Agrophobia, quite a bundle you have created for
yourself.So try another doctor, physician, hospital, medication,
but try something! as what you are taking & what you are doing is
not working.But now your on it, like stated before dont stop
taking them suddenly whatever you do."
They misdiagnosed me and Ive never been neither psychotic and/or manic depressive or whatever they labeled me until last year.
Borderline and stop.Neither 'agoraphobic', sorry but you invent things.Yes 'they' put these tags on me.Im already safe with the competent phisicians Im seeing now, thanks,

Once again thank you all for this warm welcome ;-)


Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Winged_Wolf on March 19, 2002, 18:20:07
Solar plexus--I'm thinking "empathy", at this point.
Standard answer--if you feel that others are manipulating you psychically, or that your own abilities may make you vulnerable to manipulation, then learn shielding.

--Winged Wolf
Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: MJ-12 on March 20, 2002, 00:22:23
Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: travrai blue robes on March 20, 2002, 08:16:22
Falken, part of the trouble when you feel down low, or like you have 'soul loss', is your own view of it. You or may not have energy problems, but you can't fix them as long as you're feeling victimized or like you're not perfect anymore. Perfect is not an option and not real. Don't think you need to magically hop out of your problems and be on top of the world again. You don't. You need to accept yourself, accept imperfect but real progress. If you're feeling loss and dis-integrated... do things that require structure, practice and knowledge! You will learn again what growth is, it is not conscious examination of the world all the time, a lot of it is unconscious acceptance of the world.

Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Falken on March 20, 2002, 14:32:23
Why life has taken its toll on me?
AT 16 hells' gates opened to me and I still have to find an exit,

Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Kristen on March 23, 2002, 17:09:52
Hi Falken,

Closing chakras, opening chakras - I don't know, I'm not an expert on energy work/chakras (I only know what I do for myself).  

But, by boundaries, I mean the kind of behavior we allow in our space - what behavior we are willing to accept or not accept from ourselves and others.  I think energy most certainly is involved, because everything is about energy...  our feelings/emotions can pick up on the energy.  Its important to pay attention to how people/situations "feel," and if they don't "feel" positive - or if something "feels" wrong, then we should pay attention to that and respond appropriately.  Knowing when and how to respond appropriately can take positive human guidance and practice.  In other words, a positive, constructive support system of people who care about you and who you can trust to support you, to perhaps help you learn what is ok and what is not ok for you to accept from others, or from yourself.  *dignity is the key*


Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: SteppenWolf on March 25, 2002, 21:41:03

Sometimes I happen to feel a strange and unpleasant sensation at my solar plexus like if the person i was talking with were pushing some kind of 'energetic tie' to me, could it be possible?The fact is I feel that when Im with my grandmother, so that may be why I have fallen in depression so badly while she at age 87 still outscores her younger (70-74 years) sisters when playing cards!

Hi Luca -

That's quite amazing as someone was only just explaining that whole concept to me after midnight on Friday night!  Yes, there is "Light Emerging : The Journey of Personal Healing" a less-common book by Barbara Ann Brennan (famous spiritual author) where there are exact pictures of what happens when someone steals your energy.  This person will send out first a thin tentacle from their solar plexus to your solar plexus and start sucking out your energy, leaving you drained.  If you spend regular time with this person, you will feel terrible!  These "sappers" as they are called are usually quieter people who find socialising difficult but keep hanging around.  She outlines a technique for cancelling it, but I can't remember it exactly!

I will try to find it out and get back to you.  In the meantime - does you library have this book?

Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: SteppenWolf on March 26, 2002, 04:04:16
Hey -

Have a look at Violet's second posting about psychic vampires at this message:

It goes over the whole thing pretty well.  Note that anyone who takes your energy is often regarded as a vampire, even though they don't bite your neck and suck your blood.  They are life-force vampires, which as far as I know is the true meaning of the word.

Richard :)
Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Qui-Gon Jinn on March 30, 2002, 09:20:00
Some very good advices and points made already by many warm hearted people in here, I would want to add "one" though who hasn´t been mentioned - as far as I could see - it is something majority of people don´t understand the enormous importance of, and yet very simple.
DIET AND PHYSICAL EXCERSICE!!   They may not be able to "cure" all illnesses right of, but they will guaranteed play an immensely important role in getting well, whatever the imbalance may be, physical or mental...  

  What are your diet and physical training habits Luca??

I have had my share of problems related to my perceptions and believes about who I was/am and the world around me, such as low self esteem, confidence and the like, feeling as a victim of outer circumstances...  ..soon after I went over to a strict vegetarian diet (born in a every-day-meat-eating-family), I gradually felt I grew stronger in all sides of the multidimensional entity being me, knewing I now did not harm or directly and intentionally take  advantage of any being from any walk of life, and so I could relax and have nothing to be ashamed of... (of course not saying meat eater SHOULD feel bad about themselves)

- As long as you don´t harm anyone, you have ultimately nothing to be ashamed nor worried about, because the being being you cannot be destroyed -

... and of course the quality of the food I consumed played a major part in the equation as well - after all diet is contributing to most it not all depressions/energy blockades.
   Of course there were other elements in the mix as well, not only my new diet habits, but the realization that I had to look over everything I thought, and thought I knew - in a fresh non-predjutive look empty of previously subjectively created beliefs.

You said you felt like an empty shell, sounds like a terrible feeling indeed!!  But every problem has its very own solution, believe it or not!  DO this, picture yourself being a master of the art of positive thinking, and take this "opportunity" (every moment and situation is an opportunity) of feeling lost and empty, not knowing who you are anymore - and start over, slowly "buidling" the YOU as you feel you want to be and finding yourself once again.  Accepting the past totally, and living in the now.  I have had big big problems with accepting the past without feeling bad about things I´ve wanted to do completely different and so forth, but now I´m beginning to really see myself as the master I´ve pictured myself to be.
Tell yourself, and feel yourself, being "blessed" (in lack of better words) with this opportunity, how obsurd it may sound.

And as for medication, I would take them but not give them any thought, and not giving attention to the tensionraising thoughts
that will arise reffering to them.

 Maybe you want to contact a physician and get him/her to help you thrue a 2 week long fast, clensing your body of physical and energetic "contamination".  People report the most amazing effects from fasting, their body and mind becoming immensely clear and powerful...   Im as old as you are, and I´m going on my first fast ever this tuesday, if you are interrested in that I may report my experience from it..  I´m doing it out of curiousity and cleaning the system...

As for physcial training, it helps one to relax and feeling good about oneself, as well as buidling up your physical temple which you inhabit.

 Sorry if all this was confusing and hard to follow, I just wrote right of what came to mind...  take care Luca, you are an chosen (otherwise you wouldn´t be here) extremly strong spirit - and remember, it is never to late to "change"..

   Be well //Qui-Gon

- Your focus determines your reality -
Title: psychic ties led me to almost suicide
Post by: Falken on March 17, 2002, 16:37:00
I think my soul has been 'torn to pieces' by dark
Geniality people(vampires) and depression led me to almost suicide.My identity is gone.
I want my hopes and true self back now and forever, many people are
parasites and dont care on how much pain they inflict you by
'taking' a part of you when you're instead loyal and very open as a friend.My fault is to have always been too open, I have very often nightmares and disturbing dreams, my life isnt anymore the same.
What can I do to discover 'unconscios links' that evil willed people have put in my mind now that im very less aware of myself, given the premices?I want to be free and only the idea of being 'controlled by people abhorres me.I feel 'tapped' always and also when I'm at home.

I dont know any shaman in my zone, do you know other ways to bring back these lost parts of myself?
Thanks very much

Luca from italy