The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: earth on July 14, 2004, 14:40:21

Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: earth on July 14, 2004, 14:40:21
Do you want to be a psi vamp? If so, why? And if you don't want to be one shouldn't you try to find out how to stop taking energy from other people around you?
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: roni on July 16, 2004, 15:36:10
some people like stealing from others.

that's all.
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: pyro4571 on July 16, 2004, 16:04:34
actually you are not entirely correct lilone your being heat sensitive may have something to do with it, psychic vampires typically prefer temperatures that are up to 10 degrees lower than normal people, or up to 10 degrees higher than normal people prefer.

also, it is nothing to be pleased about,being a psi vamp is not a blessing, or something to be happy about. it is a curse.

i know because i myself am one, i try not to talk about it a lot, and you should do the same. keep feedings to a minimum, and feed off other things besides humans as much as posssible. try storms, wind, water, earth, fire. those kind of things.

it is possible to make it so thet you no longer HAVE to feed, but you will always be able to feed. that is what i have done. i do not like my curse at all, and have done everything in my power to combat it.
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: beavis on July 16, 2004, 19:54:14
Pyro vamped me when I asked him to. He's good at it. I wanted to know what it felt like. Its like he becomes attached to some of my energy, stays with it not moving while I get used to his presense, then leaves and the energy goes with him. I took about 2/3 of it back in a few seconds.
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: Dorian on July 16, 2004, 22:31:38
What a sad notion, to so contritely consider yourself a vampire of anykind, especially of energy.  As if feeding off another could ever really quell your hunger for life.  Real feeding only comes from within YOURSELF, real nourshment for the soul demands cultivation from your own spiritual garden.  Plucking vegetables from your neighbors garden will leave you with the remnants of last years harvest a best, enough to keep you alive perhaps, but not to keep you going. If you wish to savor the sweetest energies you must first sacrifice your own, lay it at the feet of your neighbor and he or she in return will give you a part of this years crop not the dried up rotten scraps of years past, you once had to steal. And together you both can share them at the dinner table of life not scarf them down in shadowy recesses of hatred, ridicule and fear.  
   I have met these kind of people a few times and they are the easiest things in the world to deal with.  I always literally throw positive energy their way.  Smother them in it.  Even as they gorge themselves, the greedy little fish think its going to disappear like they will soon eat it all away.  But soon they lose taste for what never ends.  A healthy dose of understanding and endless giving of these energies and they start to realize it is safe for them to give as well and stop taking from that which they are better off creating for themselves.  Lesson learned in the Twilight Zone, har har
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: beavis on July 16, 2004, 23:01:17
runlola, connection to somebody in that way does last some time, but is not permanent. If pyro tries to do it without my permission, he wil incur my wrath!
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: ImmuredSoul on July 17, 2004, 04:30:26
What would you call someone who forces their energy into others? Such as all your negative energy. Would this be pretty much the same as a PV (psychic vampire)? Only asking, because it's usually ten degrees hot or cold in the house, because my mom's a strange one. I also notice that I feel weak a lot, and have the strange feeling that something's being forced into me, not like anything's being taken out. Maybe it's something different that's happening to me? Do others actually feel the energy beings drained from them, or could you quietly do it to them?
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: Moonburn33 on July 17, 2004, 07:34:39
it's called parenting, immuredsoul.

if you have trouble then learn to shield yourself and voila!  all gone.
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: Rastus on July 17, 2004, 07:37:16

Now I like a good summer storm, I draw power from it.  The smells and the sensations I find energizing.  In fact as teenager I was a storm chaser (tornado spotter in the MidWest USA).  Perhaps that explains multiple lightning hits over the years around my house???

So, metaphysically speaking, what's the difference between a PV and a healer working with a group?  Both have people willingly(?) giving up energy for someone else to use?  I mean I know the real difference is intent (healing versus self fullfillment, and willing versus unwilling?).
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: Moonburn33 on July 17, 2004, 07:53:48
the difference is intention.  psychic vampires use it as psychic food.  healers use it as psychic bandaid.
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: Risu no Kairu on July 17, 2004, 10:34:12
I would think that having negative energy pumped into someone would be a psychic attack.

And I see the difference between vamping and healing as the vampire is stealing the energy (at least most of the time), the group is willingly giving up their energy.
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: Moonburn33 on July 17, 2004, 20:08:53
everyone needs to eat
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: pyro4571 on July 18, 2004, 13:16:14
lol... wow, runlola, you dont need permission to enter, how do u think they would survive? and beavis....what wrath? and i gave you all that energy back after i took it, because i didnt want it. i like my energy, and usually dont want others.
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: pyro4571 on July 18, 2004, 18:37:37
wow...i REALLY REALLY hope you are just joking cause if not....dang you know absolutly nothing about vampires. you dont need permission to get anything from them, especially if you are skilled at it. and beavis didnt have any energy before i vamped him. and garlic doesnt work...not at all. i love garlic. you really should learn the differance between stupid storys and reality. and you cant turn someone into a vampire by vamping them once, you cant even do it by vamping them 10 times. it just doesnt work that way.
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: Moonburn33 on July 19, 2004, 10:11:25
there might be reality behind the madness though, lola.  a theory states that an extra-cosmic entity was called here by a priest/shaman a long time ago to help his tribe.  this entity attached itself to the priest because his energy(human) was the most similar to its own.  

and voila!  you have an energetic lineage of "vampires" that have a symbiotic connection with an alien energy.  the accepted place of attachment is at the heart area.  essentially, when a person "follows their heart" they get confused by the energy and think that by obeying this alien thing they are on the right track.  very very clever.
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: Moonburn33 on July 19, 2004, 12:16:41
energy has a source.  he feeds from something and not in the manner other people do.  if he's a vampire he is an energetic predator- you can't escape that.
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: daem0n on July 29, 2004, 12:34:54
he'll get sleeeeeeeepy (tested on humans[B)])
try blocking, that'll teach him[}:)]
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: daem0n on July 30, 2004, 01:38:55
it's really no big deal, if you can make a psiball you can block him (although i tried it only on neg that was draining me for 3 nights, i was in the middle of psipog articles and started to get paranoid, so i had everything they decribed at hand, except force bubble, i TK poorly, well make a reversed marshmallow shield, or reflect, if you're feeling devious [}:)], and program it to absorb all energy manipulation from the inside( you should also be able to block him telepathicly, if you are good telepath, but's only my theory), the more he tries, the stronger the shield should be, and if he/she's unconcious will definitely keep trying [}:)] so make a psi ball, program it to turn into marshmallow ball on hit, and  enjoy (if he/she has shields take out the shields first obviously, or hide the ball in constructs that will eat through his/her shields), dunno if it really worked on that neg, but i don't have trouble since that day (or maybe becouse of 5 shields around me, hmmmmm[:D])
well, if he/she's a psion/mage/whatever they would get ticked off so watch out, of course i have countermeasures, but that's longer ...
it all depends on skill of the individual, and i'm not really into psychic combat [B)]
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: daem0n on July 30, 2004, 13:55:22
if you heard anything obout shields blocking TK i would be grateful, hmmm..., is TK form of energy manipulation, i mean, you extend a tendril of energy and move the psi wheel/shake the pencil ?? or what, anyone ??, beavis ??
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: beavis on July 30, 2004, 19:20:53
pyro i said if you vamp me without permission (i dont think you would) you will incur my wrath, but if you dont think i am capable of wrath, bring your vamping and you will see. thanks for the energy
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: Moonburn33 on July 30, 2004, 20:43:17
i am "vamping" you at this very moment.  i don't see no wrath.

you have a very odd flavor of energy that i can't quite place.  i get red.. maybe ariesish .. that's the image that it's making in my head... something firey and smelly, like a klingon warship.
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: Moonburn33 on July 30, 2004, 20:47:01
i'm probably way off.  i don't have a very big energy vocabulary yet.

if you have a problem then i can send you reiki to make up for any perceived deficit that you think  you might have.

truth is is that most "vampires"(that's me) can't hold the amount of energy it would take to have an effect on the supplier(that's you).
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: pyro4571 on July 30, 2004, 20:48:27
sheesh...could you guys quit talking about me like im not here...
i dont vamp people any more ok get over it. quit bein jerks please.

moonburn, you are wrong. i may still be a vamp, theres no escaping that, but i dont have to feed anymore. i feel thats its morally wrong, and i would appreciate it if you people would quit talking about me like im a monster. thank you

as for vamping a vamp, i wouldnt recomend it. very bad idea. the vamp will typically get angry, and possibly do something bad to you. i know, cause i have tried to vamp a vamp before, it becomes a battle of the wills. not fun

blocking doesnt work deam0n, i know how to dissoulve them, and so sould most other vamps.
remember that shields are made of energy, so a skilled vamp can drain the shields as well.

the psi construct idea doesnt work either. its made of energy remember. a vamp will absorb it and change the energy to a useable form.

as for being careful with that technique, i would second that. most vamps that have any skill at all are also psions to some exent. also, its very very easy to get around shields. i have to get through shields all the time to make armor for people. i personally would not recomend that anyone mess-with/tinkle off a vamp. they usually attack back.

a shield blocking tk would be largely useless. even askilled telekenitic would have a lot of trouble doing any damage with telekenisis. so theres really no point.

and beavis. no problem dude, if i get any more large energy sources, ill keep them for ya. i dont need them, i make my own.

let me know if i overlooked anything that someone wants answered.

Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: daem0n on July 31, 2004, 06:51:52
pyro, i know what you mean
well, if he/she's a psion/mage/whatever they would get ticked off so watch out
read carefully, that technique is exclusively for unaware vamps, i doubt that a skilled vamp would bother draining shielded individual when he has a lot of unskilled "meat" around, we can retaliate in some way, and a fight is an energy loss for both sides
well i'm a vamp too but i'm on a diet[:D], why should i drain people if i can make tons of energy compared to them, i find it morally wrong, possible karmic debts ?, in the past i was unaware what i was doing, i was drained first for a long time so maybe legends about persons bit by a vampire turning into vampire have a grain of truth in them...
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: pyro4571 on July 31, 2004, 09:00:16
runlola, that is true. but even an unskilled vamp will lash out to some degree. of course, its subconsiously, and you may not be the target, but if you steal an unskilled vamps energy, they will get it back. ususlly from a non.

that is true about draining a shielded person. but what i was saying was that they would do it if someone ticked them off. normally, they wouldnt bother. too much hassel

that is me as well. i used to drain, then i reasised that it was bad, and it also was hurting me in the long run. so i quit. i make my owwn energy now.

i have heard of a technique to turn a non into a vamp. but it takes a long time, and isnt very good for the person.
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: daem0n on July 31, 2004, 09:50:58
i've read a book about psychic vampires (scientific way), it was written there that long exposure to psi draining caused not only health problems (mind and body), but also turned the victim into a vampire in desperate way to replenish lost energy (talk about relationships [}:)]), there is also self-vampirism, when you invest energy into negative feelings(i'm worthless, i hate jews, and such) forming kind of energy body and in the end  it's acting on it's own accord (stupid, but unsatiable) forcing to feed on others even more
mostly vampirism is caused by insufficient energy raising, that's why we needn't to drain anymore after training [8D]
Title: Psychic Vampires
Post by: StrangeLilOne on July 12, 2004, 10:55:21
I realized not to long ago why I am so weird!!! These people, who happen to hate eachother, both kept telling me that they believed I am a psychic vampire. I did some research on the subject. Turns out, you could catagorize me as an "unintentual psychic vampire." That means I do not make enough of my own psychic energy to feel well, so I drain others unintentualy by sight, touch, or being in close proximity. Yea, it's weird, but it explains why people feel drained around me & why it helps to be around people when I have one of my major headaches. My being heat-sensative, however, has nothing to do with it. Be excited for me!!! I'm not really all that strange, except maybe when I have explinations.