The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: CRIMINALMIND63 on September 27, 2003, 13:02:00

Title: Psychic Warfare - How to Psychically Battle (Long)
Post by: CRIMINALMIND63 on September 27, 2003, 13:02:00
Very interesting. I'm glad your are here. There are several of us here that are having major attacks. You talk about your chakras, that the spin can reversed. How is that done. I Had someone have me hear balls running through my head. Call it tones or for a frequency, something having to do with sound. He also had me see colors in my head. I'm not sure what order the colors come in but I know they where the color of the chakras. What this person has done I would assume has taking over control of my chakras in some way. I also seen him put his hands to my feet waist area and heart area.
I know who my attacker is and i experience telepathy with him. As do most here that have attacks. He appear before my third eye alot especially when I'm trying to visualize.
Lately I have been trying the force of energy you speak of. It does appear to work. If anyone can get a book Magical Passes by Carlos Castaneda it shows the stance and others.
Thank you for the information.
Title: Psychic Warfare - How to Psychically Battle (Long)
Post by: The Sapphrite on September 27, 2003, 22:16:17
You are welcome. Thanks for accepting me as a new member. Well about chakras, the spin can be reversed and it is very dangerous. It will cause you a lot of problems, depending on what chakra it is. Sometimes you can get problems like insomnia, panic attacks, insanity, etc.  Usuually the cause of this is either psychic trauma from a negative attack, energy repression, or just being exposed to negative energy on a daily basis.  If your chakra is spinning incorrectly, or not at all, you can fix it either by feeling your chakra spin and physically make it spin in the right direction. You can visualize the chakra spinning, or try to feel the actual chakra.

If you a really having a problem with this psychic invader, here is what you can do. It is obvious that he is using his third eye in a negative way to cause you to experience visions. From my belief he is retaining negative energy in the third eye. If you want to try and stop it try this - close your eyes very tight, as tight as you can, and squeeze your head and neck muscles. If you do it right your whole head will shake. Do it for as long as you can. When you release the tension, feel your heartbeat right where your third eye is, and at the same time feel the third eye of the attacker, if you can. It will take away the negative energy, which is giving him power to attack you. If you feel it didn't work totally in one try you can try it over until it is done completely.

Another thing you can do is put a quartz crystal over your third eye while you are having this attack. This is incase the other person is using crystals, it will absorb and dissolve the energy of his attack.

Oh yeah, I need to ask you something - when you get these weird attacks / visions do you get any feelings that go along with them? Do you feel afraid, or pain in your chakras? If you do this may tell you something about how the attacker is attacking you.
Title: Psychic Warfare - How to Psychically Battle (Long)
Post by: AurorisBoreala on September 29, 2003, 13:23:27

The Sapphrite -

You have actual knowledge and are not just repeating stuff from a book – this much is obvious.  

To say the least I find your perspectives and writings of considerable interest.  Have you had actual training in an Astral Warrior House or an esoteric tradition?  Or did you learn all this first hand in the trenches?  

In any event, welcome aboard the forum, brother.

Title: Psychic Warfare - How to Psychically Battle (Long)
Post by: The Sapphrite on September 29, 2003, 15:32:13
Hi AurorisBoreala
Thank you very much for the comment
Everything I learned is basically from the trenches, I was never trained by anyone. I read a couple good meditation books and started meditating intensely, and that is what basically pushed me over the edge. Thanks for welcoming me! I appreciate it.
Title: Psychic Warfare - How to Psychically Battle (Long)
Post by: CRIMINALMIND63 on September 29, 2003, 17:56:52
Hi, Sapphrite
Yes I get pain in all my chakras. My attacker like to send pain and make my root chakra burn. Last night I got bad pains in my uterus. He also sends pain to my solar plexus. He pumps my heart chakra. I get pulsations in my temple areas. He uses the Egyptian magic with the ears. I hear frequencies or tones. One you hear when you have a hearing test. I come to believe this is a program he runs through the night when he sleeps. I have a lump on the back of my right shoulder. He sent me pain there last night. I think he may have something inbedded in me. I found it within a year after I met him. He has sent me pain in my wrist and elbows and knees. He has made them break out in a rash.What are the physical ways you can make your chakras spin the correct way? Thank you
Title: Psychic Warfare - How to Psychically Battle (Long)
Post by: Mick on September 30, 2003, 03:25:58
Originally posted by The Sapphrite

Well about chakras, the spin can be reversed and it is very dangerous. It will cause you a lot of problems, depending on what chakra it is. Sometimes you can get problems like insomnia, panic attacks, insanity, etc.  Usuually the cause of this is either psychic trauma from a negative attack, energy repression, or just being exposed to negative energy on a daily basis.  If your chakra is spinning incorrectly, or not at all, you can fix it either by feeling your chakra spin and physically make it spin in the right direction. You can visualize the chakra spinning, or try to feel the actual chakra.

Did you fix your problems at ?
I would be interested in hearing what the cause and solution is.
Title: Psychic Warfare - How to Psychically Battle (Long)
Post by: Metal Ice on September 30, 2003, 09:15:22
I shall read your suggestions tonight.
Glad you're posting here.
Title: Psychic Warfare - How to Psychically Battle (Long)
Post by: AurorisBoreala on September 30, 2003, 09:47:35

Sapphrite -

Learning in the trenches is fine experience.  In fact, there is no better way to get real expereince.  I really am very impressed with your posts.  I'll say it again: you are one of the very few posting here who has something real and of value to say. Thank you.
Title: Psychic Warfare - How to Psychically Battle (Long)
Post by: ross on September 30, 2003, 15:06:41
The Sapphrite;
i have been looking at these types of posts for a while and i have become very interested.  I don not have any friends who do or know of this so, i was wondering if you could tell me if there is a book i could read or something like a site i could go to.
                      thanks, ross[:)]
Title: Psychic Warfare - How to Psychically Battle (Long)
Post by: The Sapphrite on October 01, 2003, 12:47:42
Hello everyone. Thank you for reading my posts. I am glad there are a lot of people interested.

For Criminalmind63: It seems like these attacks you are suffering from are extremely severe. It is very new to me. Well, about the pain attacks, from what i've seen the attacker most likely has very resistant blocks in his chakras. This is what is causing you pain. You can try to neutralize the chakras, but it might be difficult for you at this time. To make your chakras go the right way you can either try to feel the chakra spin with your body and correct it by feeling it go the right way. You can also use a quartz crystal. Hold it up to the chakra, about 1 to 3 cm away, for a few seconds until you feel the magnetism of the crystal. When you feel it, move the crystal around in a circle. You can move it first counter-clockwise for as many turns as you like, then move it clockwise as much as you want. You can keep alternating back and forth until you feel your chakra is moving the right way. Make sure you make complete circles and do not stop in the middle of the circle. Also, do not move the crystal left and right repeatedly without making circles, as this will probably make your chakra stop spinning.

To Mick: I have been working intensely to try and figure out the cause and solution to my chakra blocks. The blocks I have are not bad for the most part, except for one in my sexual chakra. The reason it is so bad is I was a rape victim at a young age, and the chakra has been imbalanced ever since. Well, I first tried to remember exacly what happened, to feel out the problem, and that helped a little. What helped even more is that I psychically connected to the person that did it to me and I psy-attacked them. I know it sounds like revenge, but while it was happeneing I felt part of the block open up. So, now I think I know exacltly what to do to get rid of it completely. It basically consists of psychically attacking my own chakra until the energy opens up.

To AurorisBoreala: Thank you very much!!

To Ross: There are a lot of books you can read. You have the option of reading the book by Robert Bruce, who is the originator of this website. I have not read the book so I don't know anything about it. I am also writing a small book that talks about all the things I have posted here plus more. If you want to see a preview of it, as it is not complete yet, you can email me your email address and I'll send it to you.
Title: Psychic Warfare - How to Psychically Battle (Long)
Post by: Mick on October 01, 2003, 13:26:41
Originally posted by The Sapphrite

To Mick: I have been working intensely to try and figure out the cause and solution to my chakra blocks. The blocks I have are not bad for the most part, except for one in my sexual chakra. The reason it is so bad is I was a rape victim at a young age, and the chakra has been imbalanced ever since. Well, I first tried to remember exacly what happened, to feel out the problem, and that helped a little. What helped even more is that I psychically connected to the person that did it to me and I psy-attacked them. I know it sounds like revenge, but while it was happeneing I felt part of the block open up. So, now I think I know exacltly what to do to get rid of it completely. It basically consists of psychically attacking my own chakra until the energy opens up.

Interesting! I have had situations where I have picked up on objects (for linking etc) having been placed in my space. Having isolated the signature and tracked it out to a source, then set about removing it. It is interesting that as the source is removed so the object in my space disintegrates at the same time. First time this happened it created a bit of a surprise in that it appears that one is attacking oneself ;) More used to the experience now, what the mechanics might be presents some interesting thought exercises.
I ISTR that someone else posted something similar in the last week or so on this forum.

Title: Psychic Warfare - How to Psychically Battle (Long)
Post by: Nita on October 07, 2003, 11:40:46
Hello Sapphrite
  I have found that when you have an energy blockage in the chakra that you can destroy the connection to the bad event. It is what you are doing attacking that point. You should not attack the person. It will link you to that person through hatred and revenge and the blockage will stay.
  The best things I have found so far are the core image removal by Robert Bruce. The article is able to be read on this website on how to do it. The other thing is forgiveness of yourself and removing all feelings from that time period. You then think of the person who did the evil to you and say I forgive you because it is in your nature. I refuse to be linked to you and the evil that is you anymore.
  You then let loose all of the hate, anger, revenge, betrayal, upset and just plain torment. It will clear out the blockages better. Psychic attack is not the thing to do because it will link and bring in the same energies that are natural to those trying to harm you. Reversals also will make it so you end up battling yourself.
Title: Psychic Warfare - How to Psychically Battle (Long)
Post by: The Sapphrite on September 26, 2003, 23:36:59
Hi. I am new to this forum. I have had a lot of psychic experiences recently in the last few years. I have also had a lot of experiences with psychic attacks. I am now going to explain some things about psychic battling that I hope you will like, and maybe it will help you too. I know some things about psychic self-defense, but I have never read any of Robert Bruce's books, and his approach and information are probably a lot different than mine.  So bear that in mind.  Ok - I will explain to you what I have learned, and you may agree with it or not, but my main purpose is to help people so they are no longer victims and become strong not only for themselves but so they can make a difference and change the world. Also, I know this is a very long post but everything I write here is important so bear with me.

Knowing and being aware of psychic attacks:  
There are a few ways to know if you are being psychically attacked. The first and foremost is fear. Beings of evil will use psychic fear as a tool to control others. I do not know where it started but it has been going on for a very long time.  You will know you are being attacked when you feel extreme fear for no reason, and your heart will beat very fast and uncontrollably.  It may also make your body shake.  Sometimes, in my case, I feel pain when other beings attack me.  There are other types of attacks that can happen to you besides fear, but that is the most common.  Anxiety is another one. These are just basic psychic attacks, and you do not need to be near the attacker to feel them, although when they are closer to you physically it will be easier for you to be attacked. Some people may also yell or use anger to attack, which can generate fear and other negative emotions.  

Defending against attacks: A lot of people will say that some of the best ways to protect yourself against attacks are to visualize a white light to build up your aura, and this is good but it will not stop other beings from attacking you. Building up your aura may help you to not be so intensely affected by attacks, but they may still be damaging to you, especially when dealing with experienced and powerful attackers. Negative attackers will usually take no mercy, and from my experience the best defense for an attack is a good offense.

Before we talk about how to battle enemies, first we have to talk about where this negative energy comes from. When a person sends fear into your heart, it has to come from somewhere. Otherwise, nothing would happen. Since you feel fear in your heart, it is logical that this is where fear emanates. This is the truth - fear resides in the heart. So when you are being attacked with fear, the most accurate conclusion would be that the fear is coming from the attacker's heart (or heart chakra). This is caused by a chunk of extremely vile energy that is being stored and held with the attacker's heart chakra.  I do not yet know how this type of energy is developed, all I know is that it is there, it is dangerous, and it can be eliminated.  Now to the point. When you are being attacked, there are steps.  It is definitely important to know who your attacker is, but it isn't always necessary to know. You may be able to attack the person simply by attacking. OK - How to attack. First you must be sure that you are being attacked - it is dangerous to initiate an attack with someone head on when you are not experienced, because unless you know what kind of power that person has you may get yourself into a battle that you cannot finish, and it will hurt you.  In the beginning, I recommend only fighting when you are already being attacked by someone. It is good if you want to save the world, but unless you are strong going around and starting fights is dangerous. OK. First, when you are sure you are being attacked, make two fists and hold your arms up. You do not have to hold them in any particular way, but when I do it I bend my elbows, hold my arms up to my chest (not against the chest) and I make fists. Now comes the hard part. You will have to psychically connect to the person in order to send them your attack. This is done with the 3rd eye. Visualize, or imagine the person who is attacking you (sometimes just imaging the feeling of the attack you just felt will work) and squeeze your arms with all of your might. You should not move your arms around, just squeeze as hard as you can while you are holding them in place. It is basically an isometric exercise. That means tensing a muscle and holding it in a stationary position while maintaining the tension. That is exactly what you have to do. With all of your force and strength that you have (I mean all of it!) squeeze the muscles in your arms and chest and hold them there. You should hold this for about 10 to 20 seconds, but it does not have to be exact. Just hold it for as long as you can. When you release the tension in your muscles, you may feel a little weird. Your heart will start beating faster than usual (don't worry, its not a bad thing), and you may feel kind of light headed, like there is a lot of energy flowing though you. Now is the important part. You will have to psychically send this energy you created to the being who is attacking you.  Like I said before, this is done with the 3rd eye. If you feel you are having trouble connecting psychically to the attacker, it may be easier for you to connect after you have squeezed your arms and generated the energy. It may even happen automatically. The easiest way is to visualize, or imagine, your attacker, and try to feel their energy. Now when you are connected to the enemy, feel your heartbeat. It is important for you to also feel the negative energy that the attacker is sending you. Put your focus on the heartbeat, and at the same time feel the negative energy. It may take you some time to be able to do this successfully. When you feel this negative energy, your heartbeat and the energy you have generated from the arm squeezing technique will purify and dissolve the attacker's negative energy. This is because the heart and the heart chakra have the power to purify negative energy, especially when the chakra is well developed. You will know that the negativity is being dissolved because you will feel it in your heart. It may feel like little bubbles, or it will feel like part of the heart is clearing out and being emptied.  It may take a lot of focus to successfully dissolve the negativity. When your heart stops beating fast, and you feel you are no longer connected to the enemy, you can attack again from the beginning to continue to purify the negative energy.  It may take several attacks before the fear energy is completely gone. That is basically all there is to it, for starters. It may take you many tries before you successfully attack and purify your attacker.  It is also possible for more than one person to be attacked at a time though psychic connections. It is also possible for you and a friend, or multiple friends, to attack the same target at the same time. When more than one person attacks at a time together the group becomes more powerful and capable of stopping the enemy.  It is also possible to attack purely spiritual beings though this method.  If you are afraid of starting battles with unknown beings and want to practice, you can ask a friend to practice with you and attack each other without doing much harm.  This technique is designed to generate positive energy only, and to dissolve negative energy, never the opposite.  Most people who attack using fear and other types of negative energy will never attack in this way. I believe that most of the time the fear is willed out using the mind.  Here is a summary how to do the attack for you so it may be easier for you to use as a quick reference.  

- Feel the attack coming from the enemy.
- Focus on your 3rd eye and try to imagine, or visualize the enemy.
- Hold up your arms, with elbows bent, and make 2 fists.
- Squeeze with all of your power and hold it for as long as possible.
- If it is difficult for you to connect to the enemy, try imagining them while you are squeezing your arms.
- Focus on your heartbeat and feel the attack that the enemy is sending you.
- Slowly dissolve the negative energy in the enemy's heart chakra by focusing on your heartbeat and the enemy's heart chakra.
- Continue to feel the enemy's energy being purified for as long as possible - the energy does not purify by itself - you have to feel it and continue to keep your awareness on it in order to do so.
- Now, if you feel the energy is not purified, and the enemy keeps attacking you, start the attack again from the beginning and repeat all the steps.

In order to stop the enemy completely from ever coming back, it is necessary to totally and completely purify all of the negative energy that they are storing.  It is also possible to attack them in such a way that it becomes impossible for them to psychically attack ever again. I call this psychic annihilation. Sometimes, when dealing with extremely negative beings, this is necessary.

It is possible to be attacked in a similar way in other points of your body. If you feel a psychic attack in another area of your body, like your sacral chakra for instance (in your abdomen) you can psychically attack back either by squezing your arms or squeezing your abdomen and sending the energy you generate to the enemy in that location. It is important to realize that if you feel an attack coming from a certain area of the body, the only way to stop it is to purify that particular area or chakra.  But for the most part attacks are usually located in the heart or solar plexus (the V at the bottom of your ribcage).  

OK. Now we will talk about the special rules. These are rules I made up to help people psychically fight better.

The first rule is: always fight with your total power. Do not be lazy or wimpy, or you will not complete the battle and the enemy will continue to harm and control you.

The second rule is: never give up. It is easy to win battles as long as you put all of your effort into it and don't quit halfway though.

The third rule is: do not psychically fight with people face to face. This is important because if people see what you are doing they may try to start a fight with you, or you may get in trouble for it. The only exception to this is when you are with a friend you are practicing with who you know will not hurt you.

There are more types of attacks that are dangerous. Some people are capable of controlling the spins of your chakras, corrupting the energy in your aura and using it to basically mess you up. It is rare but sometimes happens.

If you want to become a stronger psychic fighter from my experience the best thing you can do is meditate. This will definiely strengthen your aura, as well as give you defense and it may open up latent psychic abilites that you did not know you had.  Meditation is very simple, though sometimes it takes a lot of practice. I will list a few techniques here incase some of you are interested.  

Third eye: The third eye chakra is important for developing psychic powers.  To meditate on the 3rd eye is simple - put all of your awareness on your forehead, between your eyes. You will feel a weird feeling, like you are going crosseyed. After a while of doing it the point may start to burn. Do not worry, it is not bad, that is just how it feels. If you are having problems finding your 3rd eye, you can use a quartz crystal. Just point it at your forehead, about 1 centimeter away and hold it there. Some people may not feel anything at all, others will feel a magetic or burning sensation. You can also use 3D glasses. This only works with the red and blue 3D glasses. Put them on and do not take them off for a long time. Usually you will start to feel it in your forehead. It is not dangerous.  I have tried it with all different 3D glasses and I have found that the only type it works with are the red and blue ones. i dont't know how it works, just that it does.

Heart Chakra: The heart is very important in psychic warfare.  It is used to purify negative vibrations. Focusing on your heartbeat is one way to meditate on your heart chakra. Just keep focusing on your heartbeat for as long as you can. When I know that its working I will feel a very sweet feeling in my heart. You can also put all of your awareness on your heart. Awareness is the key to any meditation. Focusing, and trying to feel your heart from the inside will allow you to lock on to the heart chakra.

Other Chakras: Like with the other chakras, simply focusing your total awareness on whichever point for a continued period of time will bring energy to your chakra point.  It works with every chakra.  If this is too difficult for you, you can use a quartz crystal. Just hold the crystal about 1 cm away from the chakra and keep it there for a few minutes. If it is working you will feel a strange magnetism, or burning sensation in that point. Eventually, from continued practice, you will no longer need the crystal and will be able to meditate without it.

Psionic devices: Psionic devices are psychic mind controlled energy devices, usually made with quartz crystals. Thses devices can be used to help people, but they can also be very harmful when in the wrong hands. If you feel that you are being controlled by a device that you cannot psychically attack, the best rememdy is to use a crystal yourself. If you are being controlled by fear, place the crystal over your heart and hold it there. Think of the thing that caused you to be in fear, and when you feel the fear the crystal / psionic device will purify the negative energy causing it. A plain and simple quartz crystal will work, but a psionic device is much more powerful and faster.  The important thing to note is that it is extremely important to purify the device or crystal after doing this, because negative psionic devices harbor extreme negative energy and if this energy is retained in your crystal it will harm you. If you don't already know how, purifying crystals simply imvolves putting them into a saltwater solution, or sunlight. How long you do it depends on the level of negative energy in the crystal. Psionic devices can be used as mind control devices, and I have been a victim of this firsthand. Stopping the device from controlling you is the same as before - put the crystal or psionic device over your heart and hold it there until the bad feeling or message stops. Just like psychic attacks, it is possible to be controlled or attacked in other chakras besides your heart. If you feel this is happening to you the solution is to hold the crystal or psionic device over whatever area is being attacked, and let the crystal do its work. If you do not have access to crystals or psionic devices, I can be of service to you. Just email me for further information.

Thank you for reading this very long post! I hope it was worth it for you. If you have questions about things I have not mentioned or you want more information please post it here, or you can email me and I will be happy to respond. The only thing that I request is that you do not use any of this information for negative purposes (even though it is most likely possible that it cannot be used in that way). If you are facing psychic enemies that you cannot handle I may be able to help you. Just email me about it.

One more note: I am currently in the process of writing a book that contains what I've written here, and a lot of other information regarding things like meditation and crystals that is very helpful. It is a small book but very to the point and informative. It is not yet finished but if you would like a preview of it you may contact me and I will let you see it via email.