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OBE help

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Hey guys, I'm pretty new to the whole chakra, astral projection, and OBE thing. I've been buying/downloading some songs etc for the purpose of "cleansing" the chakras as it's called. So tonight I was trying to OBE, and I was right about there, but couldn't get it.

I had achieved sleep paralysis, I got to the vibration stage, and I could feel the astral body trying to leave the physical plane (IE twitching fingers, eye movements, etc) but I couldn't get it.

NOTE: On one site I looked to for help, it said you gotta control the vibrations, how do I do this? It said willpower and I was just kinda clueless. I was doing the rope technique if that is any help. BTW: When I'm doing the rope technique, should I imagine the rope just stops at the ceiling of the current room, or continues on through everything?   


You don't need to do any energy work or focus on any chakras to project. In fact, it is a waste of time. The fastest I have projected once was in less than two minutes. No joke! Also, you don't have to experience vibrations (although I experience them quite often). Vibrations come naturally (you don't have to induce them - I know Monroe once described a step kickstart them but you really don't need to do it).

The site you came across is wrong. You don't have to control the vibrations. I can testify to this because I have only played with them a few times. Other times I didn't and still succeeded in entering the Phase. Controlling vibrations is optional but not necessary. Using the rope technique can be useful but you don't imagine it. You expect it to be there and you go for it. Grab it. This movement is not imagined either. Just do it as though you are moving physically. Your body will not move by that stage because it is paralysed by REM atonia.

Here's a guide that I composed. Take it or leave it:


Thank you very much for the guide! I'm gonna use it tomorrow.


Cool! You're welcome. It's very effective. Good luck! 8-)