The Astral Pulse

Psychic and Paranormal => Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! => Topic started by: Hephaestus on July 11, 2003, 14:26:07

Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: Hephaestus on July 11, 2003, 14:26:07
So you arnt afraid that an extremely evil dark entity from a hell dimension will come into your bedroom when you're projecting, grab your silver cord and slice it open with its summoned astral sword and then grab you and suck you into the pit of its stomach where it will feed on you for an eternity causing you eternal pain and suffering as it digests your very being for ever.
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: Hephaestus on July 12, 2003, 04:43:33
Originally posted by timeless

Dear Hephaestus,

You would make an excellent horror story writer.  Have you considered this as a possible career?  Your words were vivid and viseral.[8D]  


LOL! [:D]
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: RiderGZ on July 12, 2003, 18:26:09
How would I be able to send my Negs to you?
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: RiderGZ on July 12, 2003, 18:40:58
You are right... Negs scare me
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: naturechick89 on July 12, 2003, 21:50:43
Would it be possible to take a neg from someoen so to speak so you can get rid of it for them? like if and how would they send it to you if you cant justt take not thinking of sending a neg to anyone, im thinking of seeing if someoen could send a neg to me no im not scared of them
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: Nay on July 12, 2003, 22:15:13
I think the more we talk and think about "negs" is how we give them 'life' soooooo... Booga, booga..there I have sent my non-existing negs to't yell at me later!

Nay. [;)]
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: naturechick89 on July 13, 2003, 06:46:09
hahaha maybe your right, but still im do u manage to have people send there negs to you and would u ever jsut take
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: Lasher on July 13, 2003, 07:32:14
Originally posted by naturechick89

hahaha maybe your right, but still im do u manage to have people send there negs to you and would u ever jsut take

Let's see now...  
You ordered the Bacon Cheese Burger with a Chocolate Shake...  
Did you want Negs with that?  [:D]

Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: Nay on July 13, 2003, 17:05:08
I am serious also, Naturechick...The person whom you want to take away this Neg from, should just STOP acknowleding it!  That is how you get rid of it..give it not another feeds on the fear...well, maybe feed is not the right word..Your thoughts make the neg's you understand?...Your thoughts create a world for the neg to exist..Without those thoughts it has no existence!!

Blaaaaah..sooo bad with words and explaining...sorry..[V]

Nay. [;)]
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: naturechick89 on July 14, 2003, 20:57:38
i dont wanna take a neg from anyone i jsut thoguht it was a very interesting concept, taking a neg from someone...
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: Goldenshadow on July 16, 2003, 01:58:07
Earn your negs like everyone else had to! Always wanting somethen for nothen. heh...
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: J-Man on July 20, 2003, 16:27:01
hey, is it possible to summon/encounter negs and send them to people you dont like? [}:)]

i dont think i would ever actually do it, but is it possible? could the neg actually mess with them in real life, or only when they AP (odds are they dont).
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: Frère on July 21, 2003, 18:26:27
I am attracted to the idea of taking a neg from someone but the best way to help someone with theyr negs, is not starting to fight them, but just helping the person not to give them what they search for: fear, and many other things I wont name not to spread despear in the minds of children. (and for nay too, who is still a bit afraid to think that they do exist hehehe[}:)])
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: Fenris on July 22, 2003, 22:10:45

The idea of taking a dangerous neg from someone, say an infant with the intent to protect or save a life is a noble action if you know the risks, and a respectable action if you are ignorant of the consequences.

The idea of taking any person's negs irrespective of the negs strength if you are aware of the risks is foolhardy stupidity. The proposal to take anyone's negs of any strength when you choose to be ignorant of the consequences is an act of egotistical masturbation, destined to meet a steep learning curve. My subjective reactions to an others equally subjective intent.

There are people who offload their negativity on others, and while it might be possible to give someone else your neg attachment(s) I don't think it is that simple. The neg had to go to the trouble of breaching your defenses, so unless you are a skilled psychic vampire who can breach the defenses of another person and offer them to your attached neg, or your neg has a good reason to leave why would it? However if the other person chooses to drop their defenses and accept the others neg , the neg can choose to attach to them at will. The influence the neg has over you will achieve full strength more rapidly because you have given away your defenses. If a person thinks unseen negative beings do not exist than this is their choice, but if a person thinks they are special and can't be harmed by them then I hope this does not cause them strife. A lack of sensitivity, good natural defenses, a wholesome life and good luck might lead someone aware of negs to think they are not affected by negs. I say why ruin your run of good luck or your 'blissful' ignorance by outright allowing something retched inside you and your natural defenses.

Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: fredhedd on July 23, 2003, 00:18:38
i dont have any negs but maybe i can get some, then you can buy them from me.  let me know which ones you think you'll be interested in most.  i'm sure we can work something out.
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: Frère on July 23, 2003, 05:51:41
beavis, did you understand, like I did, that you might lack sensitivety?
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: Person on July 24, 2003, 12:35:01
Just curious beavis.. have you had good experience conquering negs, or you havent had the chance to try yet and want to?  What have you experienced so far?
J-man: yes, once i was suddenly aware of something in my room pounding me with it's fists.. it didnt really hurt, but caught me quite off guard.. and i sensed it had to do with a girl in class that was jealous of me, who did have the background to send such a thing.
Nay: what are your thoughts on a living neg?  by that i mean a psychic vampire, someone who intentionally drains energy out of people to feel stronger.  havent you been around someone that just feels naturally draining?  if that's possible, why can't it happen when they're dead too?
Naturechick: i guess one would look at beavis's profile, maybe read a few more posts of his, and try to get a sense for where and who he is.  then when you have a connection, you'd still have to convince your local neg to bother, maybe tell it this guy has TONS of energy just going to waste [:)]  The problem is why would it stay?  Only two options.. banish or lock it away somehow, which im not sure is even possible, or beavis would have to talk to it and 'send it to the light' so it doesnt Want to come back, i suppose.
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: Nay on July 24, 2003, 15:33:14
(and for nay too, who is still a bit afraid to think that they do exist hehehe)
Hehehe frere..[:D] I never said I didn't think they existed..I'm just not going to give it a moments thought for it to exist [^] I have at the beginning of my OOB, experienced some Negs. I was actually ALMOST physically attack, but thank-goodness I got myself awake before it touched  And to this day on occasion "feel" something Neg lurking around, but I have NOO desire to egg it on! so I just go on about my business..Taa daa!!

Nay: what are your thoughts on a living neg? by that i mean a psychic vampire, someone who intentionally drains energy out of people to feel stronger. havent you been around someone that just feels naturally draining? if that's possible, why can't it happen when they're dead too?
Well, person... I laugh everytime I hear the "psychic vampire" thing..I wish there could be a different name for it..sounds so hokey..hehe.  Yeah, I have had people drain family is full of em!..I have learned thru the years how to not let it drain me..I don't feed into their little ego drama.  But Maaaaan have I let it happen to me on these very get upset and angry and then react..big no, can't be perfect all the time...wink,wink..

Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: Man Of Jade on July 26, 2003, 15:49:48
Hey beavis... I dont have any negs to send, but I'd be glad to send some preachers to you, they seem to have the same effect on me.[^]
Title: Send your negs to me
Post by: beavis on July 10, 2003, 01:00:58
I havent been able to talk to many things in the astral. If you have a misbehaving neg (or anybody interesting in astral), send them to me. Maybe it will get them away from you. I'm not afraid of them.