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Weird Halloween Experience

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Last night I had decided to spend quite a bit of time raising my energy and meditating in order to try and contact some of those spirits that like to come around here this time of the year.

After about an hour of energy raising and charging my chakras I felt a weird presence in my room. I asked who it was and she told me she was my Grandmother that passed away three years ago. She wanted me to give my mother a message, that she was sorry for not being able to say good bye to her properly due to her lung cancer. And that she was helping my mother to quite smoking so that what happened to her wouldn't happen to my mother. After that she helped me to remember all of the times I visited her. Christmas, playing baseball and basketball in the summer. Memories that I had forgotten instantly filled my mind and I could see them clear as day.

After this experience one of my old friends appeared in my room, we would always go trick or treating together when we were younger. I haven't talked to him for a couple of years but I always seem to have dreams with him in them. As we started talking he was confused why he was in energy form and he thought that he was dead. I told him that it was 2:30 in the morning and that he was dreaming. He laughed and we talked about old friends and work. Overall a very interesting experience.