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Bath treatment for Evil Eyes, and Magic

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Bath treatment for Evil Eyes(1), and Magic

This way of Treatment might be different from patient to patient, especially when it comes to the type of herbs used in it

We find sometimes that the effect of it is more on one patient then another, and perhaps(2) that other patient is effected more using one of our other techniques

These herbs are beneficial for the skin and harmless(3) , because it is natural and easily found and inexpensive. It is also easy to prepare.

The ingredients should be brought in quantity that is sufficient for seven days:

1. 7bottles (500ml each) of apple vinegar or any other natural Vinegar.

2. 7small cups of rose water read on it ruqia

3. 7cups of powdered Henna

4. 7cups of sea salt or Table Salt

5. 7small cups of scented powder (4)

6. 7tbsp of black or white powdered Musk

Fill the bath tub that already has the required water quantity with

1. Place only one bottle of vinegar (500 ml).

2. Place 1 cup of rose water read on it Ruqia.

3. Scatter the 1 Cup of henna and Mix.

4. Place the salt in some water separate from that of the bath and then when it melts place it in the bath again.

5. Place 1 small cup of scented powder in the bath tub and Mix.

6. Add 1 tbsp of Musk and Mix.

The bath tub is ready

Relax in the bath tub for 30 minutes and make sure the water doesn’t touch your face or hair. After that you can take shower and use any of shampoo and soaps

You have finished the first day

Note: Still you have the mix for remaining 6 days. So you have repeated the same process for 6 consecutive days.

Not advised for the pregnant, women in their menstrual cycle or anybody with wounds that didn’t heal (5)

May Allah SWT cure you

Written by Hesham A. Al Hashemi

Translated by Eng. Eman Al-Qasimi

Meanings: -

(1)  Evil Eyes -the power, superstitiously attributed to certain persons, of inflicting injury or bad luck by such a look.

(2)          Perhaps - maybe; possibly

(3)          Harmless - without injury; unhurt; unharmed.

(4) Scented Powder - Powder with Natural Fragrances.

(5)          Heal - to effect a cure

cpt. picard

.....What is this supposed to treat? How??


Its supposed to be a magick recipe.  Haven't seen it before though.

You could just sage smudge yourself and cleanse using personal power or candles.
be awesome.


Or... you could just stop thinking and believing that you're being attacked.  >_<


What is Musk?  Is it this stinky smell that they used to put in perfume?   :-(


Quote from: CFTraveler on April 13, 2010, 10:36:07
What is Musk?  Is it this stinky smell that they used to put in perfume?   :-(
