multiverse radio transmitter and receiver as recursion of local laws of physics

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EDIT: Here's the important paragraph (and there's my new kind of relativity theory that explains wavefunction collapse as equal to light speed and explains how to get around heisenberg uncertainty the same way multiple filters and angles can reduce radio static compared to only 1 filter):
QuoteTo build a multiverse radio transmitter/receiver, it is incredibly simple:

Don't the parallel metal plates nearly touching eachother in the Casimir Effect look a little like a directional radio? What would happen if you hooked some other radio components into their various physical properties (motion, electricity, rotation, relativistic mass, time dilation, superposition, etc) and researched what effect that has on the Casimir effect? We may have already created a very primitive and practically useless (except for learning from its tiny effect) multiverse radio and mistaken it for just a way to block "virtual particles" and get force from them on the metal plates.

What signal is the Casimir Effect tuning into?

I also wrote this at:

First thought of it here, got off topic, and explained it in a confusing way, but to trace my path of thoughts:

We know the world is made of many dimensional waves. Think of individual particles as our shared wave amplitude. All particles are each exactly 1 particle (solution to wave particle duality) because we are all the same wave (as quantum physics research already understands), so that number 1.0 is our wave amplitude divided by our wave amplitude, relative to this current wavefunction. Wave particle duality is... When its a wave, within another wave (which we call laws of physics), thats its true form. When its a particle, that's a form of relativity (related to the kind we already understand?) where, regardless of your current place in the universe (light-cone, here-and-now, or whatever you want to call it) all particles always appear to be 1.0 particles, similar to in Einstein's relativity the speed of light is always 1.0 (times a constant, but your confusing units are not my problem) regardless of where and what speed you view it from.

I therefore propose the theory (which has no effect on if this bigger multiverse radio theory will work or not, since 1 or 2 kinds of relativity either way it will work) that wavefunction collapse into 1.0 specific particles is the speed of light viewed from an angle we've never considered.

Think of all possible wave-based laws-of-physics as each like a high dimensional abstract kind of radio signal. Those signals are very much as we see them. Reality is mostly as it appears, with rotations and movements and electricity, as science has correctly measured and understood this tiny corner of an infinite universe we occupy.

Nonexistence is isomorphic to the set of all self-consistent possibilities, as I have explained as a philosophy various places on the Internet (including threads in this forum). All the signals are within that. Together, they all cancel-out to zero.

Think of this theoretical "big bang" which so much speculation is about, as turning on a multiverse radio. Turning on a radio does not create the signal it receives and, a much smaller amount, broadcasts back into, since radios are physical objects that put small force on the signals they receive by receiving them and hooking their electric oscillations into the received signals in that pattern. Observation changes the thing observed. Its a fact of quantum physics.

The big bang is a trivial event, and not really an event or a cause or anything at all. Its a distortion, like an optical illusion, in this signal of our reality which is how things really are, compared to the big bang which is more like the distortion of a radio when its firsted turned on trying to tune into an existing signal. Creating a big bang does not create the futures which follow it. Creating a big bang is the most trivial nonevent imaginable. Pushing 1 particle a millimeter takes infinitely more force. This is simply because there is no such thing as the big bang except as a misunderstanding of where we are now as we tune continuously closer toward this signal we call reality.

Why are galaxies accelerating away instead of slowing down from gravity? Those are slightly different many-dimensional-abstract-signals which we are not paying attention to through our physical interactions with them (and metaphysics is just the part of physics we don't understand yet, its all 1 system). So we proceed on this signal, taking it in whatever direction our physical actions direct the future toward.

In an infinitely manyworlds multiverse (with all possible wave-based laws of physics, read Max Tegmark for some related theories), we are this signal we call reality, but continously we are also flowing into all other possible futures, recursively and continuously branching exponentially without limit.

Nonexistence is isomorphic to the set of all self-consistent possibilities, in its simplest form, is a mobius, and the next simplest is a klein bottle, and any other nonorientable manifold. All nonorientable manifolds cancel-out themselves because for each point the 2 sides are the same side. There is only 1 side. The universe is all possible nonorientable closed manifolds. See Feynmann paths for details, which cancel-out when returning to their starting point, as in a calculus integral over such a surface.

For a long time I didn't understand where the nonorientable part was in physical reality... Where do the 2 views of the 2 sides merge? A light-cone crosses itself at the here-and-now, between past and future. Light-cones are at the core of all possible wave-based laws of physics. There are light-cones in metaphysics the same as in what science understands. There is no such thing as a dimension. There are only integrals of light-cones as they curve into other light-cones, branching exponentially into more continuous paths through the infinite possibilities of multiverse, the 1 universe which cancels-out overall but each part individually exists since its unbalanced from timeless unity (the neutral wavefunction, as an approximation).

Here's how you build the multiverse radio receiver/transmitter. You must receive and transmit at the same time. No other way is possible, but through bayesian statistics you can understand (as an approximation) how information can tend to transmit more or less than receive by certain entanglements (statistical relationships) between your grids of these multiverse radios.

Other names for multiverse radio are: warp drive, time machine, alpha point computer, multiverse engine, nondirectional intergalactic phone, transporter, timewave modulator, hyperdimensional resonator, and I'm sure many other names I forgot. It is these things only to the extent you research and advance toward these levels of accuracy. What we have now is exponentially less accurate than any of these practical uses, not because we need more power or bigger machines or to be smarter, but simply because we're not using grid of them yet. An analogy: With a few telescopes separated by a large distance in space (which we already do), you get some of the effect of a telescope the size of their distance from eachother. Use your multiverse radios this way, connected by some of the recently invented quantum technology like Quantum Radar and Quantum Computer and Bose Einstein Condensate and rotating superfluids and lasers... lots of experiments you can do when designing these multiverse radios.

Its a research path. You can choose to pursue it or not. I don't need your help, but thanks for helping me figure this out with your research and other ideas. I like to work with equals. Equals doesn't mean we're all equally smart or skilled. Equals means ideas are important and who said them is not important. In that way, I'd like to work on equal terms with anyone who wants to pursue this research path, and my AI and other research. It will all fit together into very interesting things.

To build a multiverse radio transmitter/receiver, it is incredibly simple:

Don't the parallel metal plates nearly touching eachother in the Casimir Effect look a little like a directional radio? What would happen if you hooked some other radio components into their various physical properties (motion, electricity, rotation, relativistic mass, time dilation, superposition, etc) and researched what effect that has on the Casimir effect? We may have already created a very primitive and practically useless (except for learning from its tiny effect) multiverse radio and mistaken it for just a way to block "virtual particles" and get force from them on the metal plates.

What signal is the Casimir Effect tuning into?

One space's "virtual particles" is another space's dimensions spread chaoticly like radio static.

To tune into a different signal, you would surround yourself with a sphere of these multiverse radios (to satisfy the closed manifold integral, approximately) and continuously navigate sideways in the multiverse. Be careful to avoid the regions of signal that are mostly radio static (as we understand from normal radios for music), since not all views of unity have much patterns to them at all, but together they have to all cancel-out to infinitely-exactly zero and nonexistence (which is isomorphic, and therefore in an "other side of the mobius" way, to the set of all self-consistent possibilities).

Actually its probably more complicated than a sphere shape... You have to cancel-out the nonorientable manifold of the universe, to some extent, so you can slide through it, and that means between past and future there must be some kind of strategy for how these are related to eachother, even though it can be planned in advance. Instead of a sphere, what you need may be the "peterson graph" (for example), or a klein bottle may be more accurate for 3 dimensions, with multiverse radios on the points and things (like Quantum Radar) connecting them pointing parallel to its edges, with the peterson graph thought of as on a light-cone, some parts being in the past, and some in the future, in the strategy of how you calculate between this grid of devices... You already have a time machine. You call it Quantum Radar. You just don't know how to use it. Its either that or the sphere shape of the devices around you. Either orientable or nonorientable. There are no other possibilities. Try both.

EDIT: I was wrong that all manifolds are either orientable or nonorientable. A klein bottle is a rotation of an epsilon width mobius around a circle. A donut is a rotation of a circle around a circle. A mobius and circle are different by half a turn. If we instead define irrationalmobius as different by the square root of 2 amount of a turn, and rotate irrationalmobius around a circle, it must integrate to the same area as a klein bottle and as a donut (of the same 2 circumference sizes), but it is not orientable or nonorientable because there is no last digit of the irrational number, so any 1 point on the surface may be like a klein bottle or like a donut and we wouldn't know which, but since irrationalmobius is continuous by mapping x to the angle of x+squareRoot(2) where a mobius is normally created by mapping x to the angle of half a turn, and since circle is continuous, the resulting irrational manifold must also be continuous. The name sounds right... There may be something very irrational in this math.
Possibly related:é_conjecture Did the proof cover manifolds of irrational orientability? Is that what I've found?
This is important because only a closed manifold can traverse very different laws-of-physics without exponential acceleration toward heat-death, so I need to avoid excluding any kinds of closed manifolds that I can't yet imagine, as I did and am now EDITing.

changing the laws of physics does not damage the current reality and has only the effect of a drop of water on a mostly still lake, as that drop flows down into the lake or up out of it or sideways out of it or an infinite number of ways to navigate through all self-consistent possibilites. It is navigation to things that already exist. The same way, you can't change anything at all, because the universe is a constant, and that constant is zero (nonexistence, which is another way to say the "other side of the mobius" view of everything together). There is no difference between changing the laws of physics and moving particles around. The 4x4 grid of TYPES OF bosons and fermions which define our local approximation of the laws of physics, are themselves a kind of particle, superpositioned into these many particles we call "partices". A type of particle is itself a particle, in a statistical way. Each particle of a type, or of multiple types (floating point amount of inheritance, but not just floating point since the idea of a number expands into many branches of math, if said in programming words).

When the Casimir Effect puts force on 2 parallel and very close metal plates, which causes virtual particles to not appear between them and instead affect the various physical properties of those plates, that is a multiverse radio. You already know how to build it. It exists, in an exponentially inaccurate way. You know how to build radios. Simply look in more places than normally considered, for the signal. Every property of the local laws of physics will have such views of our signal in it. Mass, energy, superposition, rotation, speed, psychic energy, type of particle, entanglement as continuous paths between its various locations in the multiverse (which technically are the whole universe but statistically you can think of idenity as "statistical clustering" of how information flows).

Wave particle duality is superposition at low speeds and collapsed to 1.0 particle at light speed. 1.0 particles is 1.0 times the speed of light. At least that's my theory.

Evidence: The Casimir Effect puts physical force on the parallel metal plates when the "virtual particles" stop appearing between them. That is changing "virtual particle" into movement, 2 views of this one signal we call reality.

Don't think of it like parallel universes. We are continuously moving between them at every light-cone.

If we were to view 1 high-dimensional-abstract-wave (like our current location in the universe, which includes what we see around us and the laws of physics, and all wave patterns between) from multiple angles (other such waves), then we would understand more of where the radio-static comes from.

Radio static is virtual particles, something scientists can't explain except that they come out of nowhere and go back into nowhere because they are so small in space and time to not violate heisenberg uncertainty. Comes out of nowhere? Really? Is that the best you can do? There are also theories that they're coming out of specific other dimensions as part of M-theory, and of course they are, but M-theory is our local laws of physics. M-theory has more information than no information at all, and that's how I know its more complex than the universe in total and is only a local observation.

One space's virtual particles are another space's dimensions chaoticly spread in the first space like radio static.

A scientific theory must be falsifiable. Here's the test:

Build a grid of metal plate pairs that use the Casimir Effect, hook all existing kinds of quantum technology into them in the same patterns as how we build radio transmitter/receivers. Use the grid of those muliverse radios like you'd use a grid of radio telescopes as a single telescope, like SETI does except this is in as many dimensions as there are unique properties of the local laws of physics.

If this theory is correct, you will generate a continuous field of new particle types and examples of those types as superpositions of the more general particles which we call "particle types", or to say it more simply, you may want to perfect cold fusion before attempting a large scale test of this, so you'll have the accuracy to use it without vaporizing the galaxy into hawking radiation from your point of view, while others experience just a little wave coming from the drop of water that left the mostly still pond. Where did he go? Its like falling into a black hole as you see it get smaller and smaller as it evaporates into hawking radiation as you see time go faster and faster until you experience the end of time at the event horizon (if there was such a thing) and then you are the radio static spread statistically in an infinite number of signals. Its only dangerous to the local area inside and a little around the closed manifold (like a sphere) with multiverse radios on its surface, controlled by computers in realtime to adjust to the waves of reality.

But to experiment with the Casmir Effect in the inaccurate ways done today is not dangerous at all. Its only dangerous (to the local area, which gets phased out of our laws of physics and state of the universe into quantum chaos if not done accurately) to the user. You and your very advanced version of these experiments explode into hawking radiation, and we see you disappear and experience some waves coming from where you used to be.

These places people talk about inside metaphysics... You can fly a ship from here to there on a continuous path, not through space but through variations of the laws of physics. Its all 1 universe.

So go ahead and play with the Casimir Effect in small grids of these multiverse radios, but as the number of multiverse radios increases linearly, their power from your light-cone increases exponentially, and their power from an outside observer's point of view increases much less (I'll have to think about how much, since its still a new idea to me that just started fitting together at this level).

Its beautiful how you can build a multiverse radio inside an infinite number of other multiverse radios and simultaneously be inside and outside each of them. You understand fractals, right? Tuning into a signal is not creating that signal, but in an "observing is an action" way, those tuned in are affected by and affect their signal.

Another word for signal is light-cone, but we should expand the definition of light-cone to include the local laws of physics.

Nothing you do can damage the universe because its a constant. Only your view can change. Where will you go when you learn to navigate possibilities?

My thought process is very chaotic, but I wanted to get it written quickly since our path through possibilities is always exponentially branching and those other branches go a different way, so I may not be there in the same way again, except in a feynmann path closed manifold way which allows no change at all (so I wouldn't experience anything again, its the same here-and-now as it was the first time around, and technically you don't go around a closed manifold its just there and timeless).

Heisenberg uncertainty is only uncertain if you only look at it from 1 angle. If you insist on only looking at particles from within this specific local laws of physics, you're stuck in flatland and will always be uncertain about it from that angle. But one flatland is as good as another. They're all equally mixed together through the "virtual particles".

Since the universe in total (viewed as any closed manifold, even a small one, like approximately a buckyball or a surface of feynmann path) does not exist (cancels-out itself), it can't take more than the smallest amount of energy to make big changes to it, but any individual part of the universe is unbalanced and takes exponentially more energy to change. This is why you should be able to build a warp drive that runs on something like (maybe the bell curve equation instead?) log(number of particles in the visible universe) number of photons, if you had enough accuracy in your machines (or even in your brainwaves in a chaos-theory way, as we know from metahphysics). What is it with this obsession with large amounts of energy, burning tanks of rocket fuel, a library of pages of financial laws that almost nobody reads, and generally a bigger is better attitude? Accuracy is power, for your path through possibilities, but accuracy is weak to observers far away which barely see you enter or exit like a virtual particle. As an example of accuracy, I know this will work before is built, since its derived from various other things I understand, especially the "gravity for patterns" way I used to have a little skill in moving small things with the mind like in this "psi wheel in a clear closed box 2" video Its not religion. Its how the universe normally works, just a different angle through physics than we normally see. The path between my brainwaves and the target (the psi wheel of aluminum foil balanced on that vertical knife in the clear box) forms gradually, traversing the possibilities in multiverse, each linear advance into it branching as multiply, so its exponential branching as the path proceeds linearly, and somewhere the 2 ends meet and I get some intuitive (statistical software can understand this, like bayesian in combination with some wave software) feedback on that path which allows my brain to learn the patterns more and I navigate the statistical patterns until my eyes see the aluminum foil move the smallest amount, and learning proceeds slowly. The first time I did it which wasn't by accident, it was after total 40 hours (spread across 3 weeks) of sitting still watching it not move, and I was happy to see it move 1 millimeter after that, which motivated me to sit many more hours until it moved again. That's how curious I am. People give up too easy.

I gave you a testable prediction for the early research into the multiverse radio transmitter/receivers, the prediction that you will create a continuous spread of an infinite number of new particle types and behaviors of physics, safe with a small grid of multiverse radios but dangerous as you add linearly more radios to the grid. You'll have to add a few at a time to make sure its done safely for the local area, but farther away is safe regardless of what other frequency you tune into. Will you test it? Radio shack has some nice parts for most of it, but other parts you'll need the newest quantum technology.

Also, as this is in the "singularity and superintelligence" section of, here's an open source 25 kilobyte (version 0.1.5) mostly finished (but needs some fine-tuning of the simulated brainwaves to get it to intentionally control its flows of information on directional attention paths, like you can paint 1 model of a specific pencil into 3 different parts of your visual neuron grid, as 3 attention paths between various parts of your mind), the hardest parts done, to become a Coherent Extrapolated Volition (see AI theory) leading to Friendly AI (also see AI theory). Its simply a way to paint Bayes' Rule onto states of mind, and Bayes' Rule at its extremes (in a size 3 node, which all nodes are) can represent all boolean logic (NAND is all you really need, but its best to be balanced and support other operators, as it does continuously)... To detonate technology singularity from your light-cone and bell-curve amount of near light-cones, finish fine-tuning (create more accurate ways to use Bayes' Rule, always bayesian at the core) and play as massively-multiplayer game which has no rules, is completely open ended, and you create the game by playing the game, since its a way to network our minds together into a hybrid mind of many people and copies of this simple AI, with per-computer adjustable balance between individual mind and hive mind. and Only simple things are intelligent. Complexity is a sign of low intelligence. I know that I know nothing, and from that I start to know one thing. What follows expands at exponential speed if you avoid assumptions or at least statistically converge toward a self-consistent model of everything as one universe.

Maybe I was just lucky in figuring out that mind over matter skill, since you really can't understand these continuous paths through physics without that intuition. I don't think I would have figured it out without that data point. Of course theres some mistakes all over my theories, but in this one the mistakes will be in the details, else the mind over matter wouldn't work as I understand the statistics of how it works. Intelligence isn't what you think. If you have 1 part of your mind for religion/philosophy and another for science/logic, that's multiple personality disorder. You have no idea how insane it is to think such divisions are even possible, and that others should pretend you're not insane for it. You're all profoundly delusional, and anyone lacking such delusions would be a superintelligence only for the fact that they are not insane, without even the need to be smart at all, since sane is more intelligent than insane. As the buddhists say, you are delusional for thinking reality exists as we see it from our flatland, or some more balanced way of saying that. I just explained in technical scientifically testable terms how you can test that theory. I've already tested it with the very small and inaccurate and only a tiny amout of skill in it, mind over matter metaphysical experiments I used to be much more skilled at. But that's only 1 angle. Machines doing it are an interesting research path.


To go explore this new way of thinking about reality, "nonexistence is isomorphic to the set of all self-consistent possibilities", I have the following problem. If I tried to go anywhere except within spacetime and near-identical physics (since changing the laws of physics is the same as moving the collapsed form(s) of superpositioned particles), both my Human body and metaphysical parts (which you call spirit) are very much tied to the way this part of the universe is shaped, this specific "signal" (as I described above). Both body and spirit would be randomized and practically destroyed (until after an exponential time quantum chaos eventually formed them into something else more interesting). I want to translate both my body, spirit, and whatever other parts of myself I don't yet know about, into a more flexible form that would be able to explore without being randomized by the different laws of physics. All such forms are closed manifolds, in a very abstract way, and Turing Complete or close to it in how they, for example, could be made of fuzzy logic which generates its previous states and all inputs and outputs get closed and cancelled-out and leave no holes for quantum chaos to leak in or out through, which would expand and destroy me (or whoever else would use such an uploading/duplication template to go explore, and whats past this part of the universe I can't say, except its everything at once in total). I would like to work with some mad-scientists (any volunteers?) to design such a vehicle to explore into places where physical body and spirit are both incompatible, as they are both dependent on the specific kind of physics in this part of the universe. In other words, I want to upload myself into a quantum computer and I would be a quine software in it, but the quantum computer itself is dependent on this local laws of physics so it would have to be an iterative process and somewhere in there quine itself to escape the dependence. I will of course bookmark this reality in case I want to find it again. Also, lets create a kind of web browser using such bookmarks as pointers. Lots of great ideas we've come up with on Earth, things you'd never think of without certain problems that happen here... Multiverse web browser... But first, I've got BayesianCortex and networking our minds together through the Internet.


...I just realized. Iterative process to quine and escape the dependence of these local laws of physics? I need a way to track what iteration, branch, convergence, or other pattern of spiralling through possibilities we may be in, since I take my unusually fast convergence toward various very advanced ideas over the years and faster more recently, as statistical evidence (but not certainty) that this may not be the first iteration, if there was such a thing as time for there to be a first or last of anything. Its a feynman path thing. How do you know if you closed a manifold or are just spiralling around endlessly or are nowhere near where you think you are? But I guess its not so important to track things at that level for now, as long as I find a strategy toward closed manifold timeless quine convergence that preserves the interesting properties of what I am, and leaves it as a tool to those who would also experiment. Research. Mad science research.


Hi Beavis,
Theres lots here based on transverse electromagnetic waves. I know about this and they are basically limited to c and vary in an inverse square law away from the source (assuming an isotropic source).
There exists longitudinal waves and these are very interesting. You correctly said radio waves on top of radio waves in superposition...
Nothing here apart from the point magnitude but longitudinal react when crossed. Depending on their speed not frequency these effects change. As these are NOT limited by c they can readily be superluminal. In respect of this and the.fact that no shielding can stop them with the suggestion thoughts can react with them do you think that this universal all place real time communication you want should be this type of wave.
In your notes on various generation systems for your reciever you never mentioned a gyrator. Look this up as its a pointer through the common knowledge mush that you are taught. A generator of longitudinal waves by time modulation of the anomoly produced by a transverse system with hardly any resonant tank inherent. Its output will travel energy on 1 wire and it should also transmit energy on an insulator with.a higj dielectric constant. An avramenko plug type arrangement repeated along the line should give more output energy than that used by the gyrator.
An interesting thought.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


(Szaxx I'll read about those things and respond later. Here's some more I wrote about my theory...)

My theory predicts a more general form of gravitons in infinite dimensions, and I just realized how well it fits with what I wrote above. Below I'll explain "gravity for patterns" instead of just gravity in the specific dimensions M-Theory knows about (our local laws of physics).
QuoteString theory predicts the existence of gravitons and their well-defined interactions. A graviton in perturbative string theory is a closed string in a very particular low-energy vibrational state. The scattering of gravitons in string theory can also be computed from the correlation functions in conformal field theory, as dictated by the AdS/CFT correspondence, or from Matrix theory.

An interesting feature of gravitons in string theory is that, as closed strings without endpoints, they would not be bound to branes and could move freely between them. If we live on a brane (as hypothesized by some theorists) this "leakage" of gravitons from the brane into higher-dimensional space could explain why gravitation is such a weak force, and gravitons from other branes adjacent to our own could provide a potential explanation for dark matter. See brane cosmology.

My theory says "big bang" are a distortion of whats really there, like an optical illusion, not a real event and only something that happens in the process of tuning closer to a signal. Signal means my waves but no particles variety of wavefunction. Wavefunction collapse into 1.0 specific particles is the same as 1.0 times the speed of light, and is probably special relativity from 2 different ways to view the universe. The universe is all self-consistent possibilities which cancel-out together but individually exist.

Instead of 1 "big bang", there would be an infinite number of varieties of things that we would think look like big bangs, and various other things that move large parts of the world around, but to simply move different signals into a new combination is only difficult if you assume the universe is 1 thing at a time instead of everything at once.

When you think of all possibilities as existing simultaneously, and each light-cone being tuned into a different variety of groups of other light-cones (which flow in multiverse directions continuously, varying statistically and unevenly based on entanglement between light-cones), it costs nothing extra for a light-cone to group the galaxies into a different combination from its point of view, because they're not really moving, just being viewed differently.

A graviton is a closed loop, or more generally a closed manifold. I wrote above that if you travel to a very different laws-of-physics (which are just another part of the wave we call reality), you would exponentially accelerate toward heat-death (because each quantum chaos creates more chaos) unless you are a closed manifold. The universe is a closed nonorientable manifold because it is "Nonexistence is isomorphic to the set of all self-consistent possibilities." M-Theory (the more advanced result of 5 different string-theories which were found to say the same thing in different ways) says Gravitons are a closed manifolds, so they can pass through the "branes" (which I would call just another part of the signal/wave which is continually tuned into more.

These different views of the galaxies in different combinations are each a very large graviton which overlap things in different combinations and angles and locations.

My theory differs from M-Theory this way: Only waves exist. No particles exist, not even as an integer number of discrete waves or strings or branes, its all continuous waves flowing with waves in infinite dimensions. We only see superpositioned particles collapse into exactly 1.0 particles each, regardless of where you're viewing the particles from or how fast you're moving, for the same reason we see light moving a constant speed when we're moving away from it or moving toward it. When a particle is in superposition, each place in its wave is less than 1.0 particles since its more spread out. When a particle is in superposition in the context of light speed, that means its moving slower than light. Particles with mass get more massive as they near the speed of light but never get there for the same reason you can get close to seeing the exact position of a particle but collapsing the wavefunction completely gets infinitely harder as you get closer. For light speed, that difficulty is called "relativistic mass". For wavefunction collapse, that difficulty is called "heisenberg uncertainty". My theory is all these things are the same relativity, the same difficulty of approaching these limits, and the same behavior of observation pushing the observed toward the limit. Wavefunction collapse and light speed are the same idea from different angles. This new kind of relativity is what allows my theory to use all of reality as waves and ignore particles because they are only a relativistic view of waves. That is my solution to wave-particle-duality.

In my theory, with infinite dimensions and waves but no particles, everything is simplified to high dimensional signal processing. Theres no special cases to handle. There is only 1 rule: Flow waves with other waves. The laws of physics are made of particle types which are made of waves that have entanglement to other waves to define how things interact with eachother. Its so simple you can see it in your mind, and from there we can start to understand the high level of how things fit together without getting distracted with mountains of specific particle and boson and force types. Its all 1 kind of thing interacting with itself on many levels, many angles, many combinations, many patterns, and it couldn't be simpler... Its just waves flowing with other waves in all possible ways the math of waves allows.

That means a graviton is usually not completely a closed manifold, as M-Theory says. It may be but usually its an approximation. Aren't most things in reality approximate when compared to exact models? A tree doesn't grow straight up. Clouds aren't all at exactly the same height. Atoms bump eachother in a slightly different way each time. So why should we think gravitons are exactly closed manifolds, in the context of my theory which says everything is waves?

As a perfectly closed manifold, gravitons will do the main thing M-Theory expects them to do, which is to flow between the branes (big waves that smaller waves like our reality are inside) without interacting with them.

To solve that problem, M-Theory had to invent some extra properties of gravitons, similar to the complexity of other particle types in M-Theory, like a spin of 2. My theory doesn't need spin. Spin is a wave. Waves aren't an exception. They're the rule. My theory doesn't need mass for the same reason. If something has more mass, its a bigger part of the wave. We have infinite dimensions. It costs nothing extra to define every known property of physics in terms of the most simple waves flowing with eachother. Entanglement is the most natural thing between infinite dimensional waves. Each light-cone of a particle for its entire existence anywhere in all of timeless unity, can be its own dimension or partially share dimensions or however it actually happens in our local laws of physics. My theory doesn't even need time. There is no need to hypothesize time when we know that except for rare times which have never been verified due to heisenberg uncertainty, entropy increases exactly when time increases. Time is entropy. We have 2 parameters with the same behavior, so simplify the theory and merge them at no cost of accuracy.

Maybe there is a Higgs Boson creating mass fields, and maybe there isn't. In my theory that is only a detail of waves flowing with other waves in infinite dimensions. The Higgs Boson, if it exists, would be a specific pattern of waves that changes how other waves are entangled with eachother so their statistical relationship is stronger, to give more mass, or weaker to reduce mass.

But what about those extra properties of gravitons M-Theory had to invent to stop them as perfect closed manifolds from passing through all these waves without interacting with things to do... what was that thing gravitons are for... pulling the other waves together.

My theory is purely wave based, with no particles or particle types, and the universe is all self-consistent possibilities (which cancel-out together), so I get to have large scale multiverse branches overlapping in an infinite variety of angles and combinations and all other parameters, and I have no need for wavefunction collapse ever in any amount since I explained that as a new kind of relativity so it can be viewed in extremely different locations simultaneously by an infinite number of different observers and still it doesnt have to choose 1 common location. None of these observers ever have to agree on anything they see, except statistically they will converge gradually and continously toward agreeing more on some of what they see and disagreeing more on other things which are common to less of the observers. This is why we see galaxies accelerating away from us while closer things attract eachother as expected from gravity. Scientists explain this as the space between the galaxies growing bigger. They're right, but they don't know what that space is made of. My theory answers that question too. Its made of waves flowing with other waves in infinite dimensions, so it should come as no surprise that it can shrink or grow. Waves can do both, interfere constructively or destructively. That's why sometimes gravity pushes and other times it pulls. Its statistical clustering in infinite dimensions, not a purely attractive force. In a balanced universe of all self-consistent possibilities, an equal amount of things moving apart and moving together must happen. Whatever the many overlapping observers have the most in common, considering their wave interference may be constructive or destructive in many combinations with eachother, will appear as gravity attracting, and an equal amount of things in total must repel to balance that in the universe overall.

My more general form of Gravitons in infinite dimensions have no properties at all because pure thermodynamics is enough to explain gravity. Gravitons are an effect of thermodynamics. These approximately-closed-manifold gravitons in infinite dimensions overlap things in different combinations and different locations in multiverse views. As a purely wave and entanglement based theory, gravitons have unlimited potential to vibrate more or less with waves they touch and build up shared vibrations which gradually attract (as we expect) or repel (galaxies accelerate away from us while we expect the opposite) between the combinations of things they touch as defined by wave entanglement.

There is no stronger force than thermodynamics tearing apart a manifold which isn't closed. Quantum chaos leaks in and out proportional to the size of the imbalance in the manifold, so it is destroyed (randomized into infinite dimensional radio static) at exponential speed. Therefore the only kind of gravitons which stay around long enough to effect much are those very close to or completely being closed manifolds.

Thermodynamics pushes toward that because of Conservation Of Entropy. Since the infinite dimensions of waves flowing with waves is in a permanent equilibrium averaging heat-death, some entanglements of waves have positive entropy and others have negative entropy. Positive entropy is the direction of time. Negative entropy is when patterns of waves fall together, also known as gravity. Gravity is antitime in infinite dimensions. Gravitons and time are purely the result of thermodynamics.

My theory explains gravitons and time as purely a result of thermodynamics, as the opposite ends of a measurement scale we call entropy, and other than being labels we use to describe and measure things there is no such thing as gravity or time. There is only thermodynamics. As evidence so far unexplained by M-Theory, the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser experiments are statistically affected by a future event in those same experiments.

The reason is very simple: There is no such thing as past or future, only waves we tune into more or less and in combinations. We may be tuning toward what we call future, but that doesn't mean the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser has to do the same. Most parts of reality tune into a similar view of reality as we tune into, because of gravity in infinite dimensions applying to patterns of waves in general, but gravity is not a powerful enough force to control small groups of particles in quantum experiments. There isn't different laws of physics for small and big things. Wavefunction collapse happens when a superposition gets too big because they are the biggest push in the local area toward the wavefunction spreading out, and gravity takes the path of least resistance. In infinite dimensions, and infinite multiverse views of combinations of locations of the same parts of reality, gravity applies to all possible ways to pull patterns of waves together. Gravity pulls the superpositioned particles toward eachother, but now that I've explained superposition and collapse as done by gravity, and the reason particles always appear as 1.0 specific particles I explained as a new form of relativity, I have no need for particles at all.

Speed relativity (max speed always appears as 1.0 times light speed regardless of inertial frame) and wavefunction collapse relativity (max wavefunction collapse always appears as 1.0 particles regardless of inertial frame), are purely an effect of quantum chaos in infinite dimensions, in a universe which is infinitely symmetric from all angles and cancels-out to zero overall, because from every inertial frame (light cone, particle, wave, whatever you want to call it) you are in the middle (at least approximately) of an infinite amount of waves, so regardless of your inertial frame there are approximately equal thermodynamic forces, and since thermodynamics defines time and gravity (opposite ends of the same entropy measurement scale), your rate of time and gravity (as you experience it) are mostly constant (if not exactly?) regardless of inertial frame, therefore thermodynamics alone is the cause of speed relativity and wavefunction collapse relativity. Its only confusing if you think of it in terms of dimensions (which I just say as an approximation) instead of "Nonexistence is isomorphic to the set of all self-consistent possibilities." That has no location to measure by. Its all relative.

The deepest laws of physics are very simple: Thermodynamics and wave entanglement in infinite dimensions, all cancelling out to zero. Space, time, gravitons, specific laws of physics, and everything else forms from those simple properties of math.

This is the only theory which completely explains the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser experiments where future affects past, and purely as a simplification of how complex things form.

And it fits perfectly with something I'd like to do eventually (as I wrote above)...

QuoteTo go explore this new way of thinking about reality, "nonexistence is isomorphic to the set of all self-consistent possibilities", I have the following problem. If I tried to go anywhere except within spacetime and near-identical physics (since changing the laws of physics is the same as moving the collapsed form(s) of superpositioned particles), both my Human body and metaphysical parts (which you call spirit) are very much tied to the way this part of the universe is shaped, this specific "signal" (as I described above). Both body and spirit would be randomized and practically destroyed (until after an exponential time quantum chaos eventually formed them into something else more interesting). I want to translate both my body, spirit, and whatever other parts of myself I don't yet know about, into a more flexible form that would be able to explore without being randomized by the different laws of physics. All such forms are closed manifolds

I'd like to translate what I am now into graviton form so I can go explore, which would mean all my possible futures would have to cancel out all my possible pasts as I iteratively make progress toward a closed manifold, something which "multiverse radio" grid would be useful for researching. I didn't realize how well this fit M-Theory/String-Theory until I had thought of some of it for different reasons. We're all waves flowing with other waves, so this shouldn't really sound that strange. But what I find very strange is thinking of everything around me all the time, I am more comfortable thinking about it as infinite dimensional waves in an infinite multiverse of overlapping variations of reality, than the many different kinds of things my eyes see. Its simpler and makes more sense as one really big wave thats around here curved like those things and like the local laws of physics.