The Astral Pulse

Metaphysics => Welcome to Quantum Physics! => Topic started by: Rakkso on April 29, 2014, 06:34:59

Title: Electromagnetic Waves Thought Transmission
Post by: Rakkso on April 29, 2014, 06:34:59
Hello Pulse, first a headliner.
Mind Control & MK-ULTRA
Within the recondite and hidden files of the internet I came across this article. (
QuoteDuring 1966, Delgado announced that his findings supported 'the distasteful conclusion that motion, emotion and behavior can be directed by electrical forces'. He added that 'humans can be controlled like robots by push buttons'. Funded by the Office of Naval Research, Delgado looked forward to a future when society could be 'psychocivilised'. Despite the miniaturization of implants, the next major advance forward was microwaves.

By placing a volunteer (?? ??) in an electromagnetic field, Dr Ross Adey of the University of California, made a startling discovery. Using specific radio waves, Adey was able to influence his subjects' brainwaves.

Another scientist, Allen Frey, took this research a step further. Frey found he could remotely induce sleep in his subjects by subjecting them to electromagnetic waves. He also learned he could produce acoustic noises - booming, buzzing and hissing, directly inside a volunteer's (?? ??) head. Developing on Frey's earlier work, Joseph Sharp, a doctor at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, was able to transmit spoken words via pulsed microwaves. Sitting inside an electromagnetic field, Sharp clearly heard and understood words transmitted to him by a colleague. For the medical profession this was a major breakthrough, and would be of immense benefit to the deaf.

However, the US military and intelligence community were quick to capitalize on these new discoveries. Secret research programms on electromagnetics have never been made available under the Freedom of Information Act.

After reading this, me, being a knowledge junkie searched Google with "Electromagnetics Secrets" with these results ( (
I then searched the internet for the "New Tesla Electromagnetics and the Secrets of Electrical Free Energy" and there found only one website whose PDF link was broken, nor an e-book available other than "Comments on the New Tesla Electromagnetics and the Secrets of Electrical Free Energy" ( (
Funny how secretly this things are kept from common folks.

However in reading both articles I found what I, IMHO from a 20 year old engineering student kid, believe to be a not so specifically explained but a scientific explanation to why we cannot fathom the immense wider reality as it is.
QuoteMultiple-valued basic dimensional functions are either not permitted or severely discouraged in the present theory For one thing, integrals of multiple valued derivative functions have the annoying habit of "blowing up" and yielding erroneous answers, or none at all. And we certainly do not allow multiple types of time! This leads to the absurdity of the present interpretation of relativity which permits only a single observer (and a single observation) at a time. So if one believes as "absurd" a thing as the fact that more than one person can observe an apple at the same time, the present physics fails. However, the acceptance of such a simple proposition as multiple simultaneous observation leads to a physics so bizarre and incredible that most Western physicists have been unable to tolerate it, much less examine its consequences.

And how we ACCESS IT unknowingly every day no matter where we are, trough AP, OoBE, Phasing, etc.
QuoteIn the physics that emerges from multiple simultaneous observation, all possibilities are real and physical. There are an infinite number of worlds, orthogonal to one another, and each world is continually splitting into additional such "worlds" at a stupendous rate. Nonetheless, this physics was worked out by Everett for his doctoral thesis in 1956, and the thesis was published in 1957. (See Hugh Everett, III, The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics: A Fundamental Exposition, with papers by J. A. Wheeler, B.S. DeWitt, L. N. Cooper and D. Van Vechten, and N. Graham; eds. Bryce S. Dewitt and Neill Graham, Princeton Series in Physics, Princeton University Press, 1973.) Even though it is bizarre, Everett's physics is entirely consistent with all the present experimental basis of physics. The present electromagnetic theory is constructed for only a single "world" or universe -- or "level." The expanded theory, on the other hand, contains multiply nested levels of virtual state charge -- and these levels are identically the same as orthogonal universes, or "hyperframes." Multiple kinds -- and values -- of time also exist. The new concept differs from Everett's, however, in that the orthogonal universes intercommunicate in the virtual state. That is, an observable in one universe is always a virtual quantity in each of the other universes. Thus one can have multi-level "continuities" and "discontinuities" simultaneously, without logical conflict. It is precisely these levels of charge -- these levels of scalar vacuum -- that lace together the discontinuous quanta generated by the interaction of vector light with mass.

He explains that atoms and/or vacuum particles are masless and instead have a Constant Quantum Mechanical Flux of endless Potential energy.
QuoteThe Quantum Mechanical Vacuum: First we need some definitions. We start by assuming the quantum mechanical vacuum.1 Empty "spacetime" is filled with an incredibly intense flux of virtual particles. It is a plenum, not an emptiness. We shall be interested only in the fantastic flux of virtual photons, for we are discussing electromagnetics.

To conclude, what could be the most effective method to enhance our latent Electromagnetic energy, besides perhaps meditation and such or devices designed by us humans to enhance brainwave. And if so, could you get genuinely to the point where you could create that Electromagnetic field only with your Will and do many many sorts of things with the mind of anyone inside it?
(I don't ask this for a Mind controlling thing but for the opportunity of} having a basic concrete idea about how Mental Communication could take place in the Physical reality).
Thank you for reading. :-)
Title: Re: Electromagnetic Waves Thought Transmission
Post by: Rakkso on September 25, 2014, 06:05:44
Quote from: Rakkso on April 29, 2014, 06:34:59
To conclude, what could be the most effective method to enhance our latent Electromagnetic energy, besides perhaps meditation and such or devices designed by us humans to enhance brainwave. And if so, could you get genuinely to the point where you could create that Electromagnetic field only with your Will and do many many sorts of things with the mind of anyone inside it?
(I don't ask this for a Mind controlling thing but for the opportunity of} having a basic concrete idea about how Mental Communication could take place in the Physical reality).
Thank you for reading. :-)

I have come to find an answer to this question posted months back, here is the link to it, enjoy. (