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We are ALL Vibration

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Everything vibrates at its core fundamental level. If you were to take a microscope and put it to a rotting log of wood or the gravel on a race track, you will see that there is vibration. Nothing is completely solid.

This bit of information is revolutionary, because that means that nothing in existence stands still. Vibration occurs throughout nature. And YOU are part of nature. This means that whatever frequency you vibrate at is what you are going to get back in life. In essence, the world is your mirror. Improve the frequency at which you vibrate and you will get THAT in life.

What are ways in which you can become more Vibrant?

Meditation, Exercise, Good Nutrition, Success Programming, and Visualization are all great ways to increase your vibration and align yourself with what you WANT in life.

Which techniques have YOU been using?  :-)


Interesting point, what kind of vibration are you talking about?
A simple crystal of sugar vibrates at any frequency you expose it to mechanically.
It becomes resonant at a frequency across the planes of it's edges and it may have 3 differing frequencies in its cuboid shape. Then there's the NMR ( nuclear magnetic resonance) of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen.
These are changeable depending upon the environmental ambient field they are in.
It also will have an odic or life force frequency too.

A person is far more complex than a sugar crystal so can you be more specific.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: powerpath6 on August 09, 2014, 16:48:24
Everything vibrates at its core fundamental level. If you were to take a microscope and put it to a rotting log of wood or the gravel on a race track, you will see that there is vibration. Nothing is completely solid.

We are no thing, stillness, light of mind, ONEness, self awareness, consciousness.
The void state experience is a testimony to this absolute state of being.

Yes, all perceived things do not have any solidity at all.
All perceived things are thought-imaged projections of your imagination.
The act of thinking seemingly polarises the light, simulating the spiral motion which simulates your thought-imaged bodies,
and mental world which you believe to be real (in the objective, solid sense).

While the experience is real (in the context of sensory engagement intensity), you the body-perSONA is likewise not real in the objective solid sense.

Download high resolution image here:

Walter & Lao Russell explains:
Consciousness is all that is. You, self, soul, light is real.
The Universe is a thought-wave Universe of your Mind idea, like a Cinema simulating your imagination.;msg349942#msg349942

Point of Interest: 
Media and holographic technology can already simulate virtual worlds engaging your sense of sight, sound, touch.

Taste simulator lets you sample virtual food

We are spirit, expressing what we will.
We act out perSONAs on our stage of iMAGEination.
We are both the dreamer & the dream.
I think therefore I am.
I am consciousness & potentiality


String theory acctually postulates that all fundamental particles (quarks) are vibrating strings.  It's a huge simplification, but the characteristics of that vibration determine the nature of the particle (what it is and what properties it has).

There's a book called The Elegant Universe that tries to explain String theory in layman's terms. It only requires highschool physics to understand it. Wikipedia has extensive info on this as well, but it might get a bit complicated.

This vibration has nothing to do with waves or any kind of newtonian phenomenon.
My humble OBE and LD diary: