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the beginning of the universe(must read!)

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I never spoke about astral projection in what I spoke of earlier, what I was referring to is completely different experience, you don't "leave" your body in it. 


So why is time an illusion then? If you don't leave your body and the experience only counts for YOU and only you, why is time an illusion?

James S


If you are being open minded as you say, then you won't need to be so critical of other people's ideas and accuse them of being brainwashed.
Please keep your arguments a little less hostile.

As we are in the Quantum Physics forum, I feel it fair enough to point out that physicists have also shown that time is actually only something that we percieve. Call that illusion if you like, but it's still only a perception. It has been experimentally proven that people can react to stimuli either instantaneously or even before the event. There have been a number of different test done that show, particularly on a sub atomic level that time as we perceive it is non-existent. In some cases, particles have actually appeared to move backwards in time.

On a sub atomic level, where we're dealing with more energy than matter, time is irrelevant, but on the atomic / molecular level, when we're dealing with dense matter, it is relevant.
We perceive time as a necessary part of this high density low vibration plane we exist in.
As I've seen quoted: "Time is God's way of stopping everything from happening at once."



James S

Quote from: Sharpe on December 24, 2006, 18:47:09
In other words: I'm right.

Why? Do you find it necessary to be right?
You have a perception that is based upon your belief system. If that belief system works for you and servers you well then that's good. Don't however discount the possibility that others have experiences that differ from yours, experiences that are the basis of their belief systems which serve them well and work for them.

Just remember to be adaptable. When we allow our belief systems to become a rigid set of "right and wrong" rules, we stop learning and growing.


Yes I know about different maps and realities of everyone else, why do I need to be right? Neccesarily, I don't need to be right, but what I do want to know is the truth that has been tested by professionals. This brings me one step closer to understanding how the universe works.

EDIT: I don't need to hold back my true feelings and words just to pose as a wise person.


due to all the commets on this forum im changing my website, i'll tell you when im done with it. right now it's in constrution. please don't go there.


Quote from: b12145 on January 06, 2007, 19:50:07
due to all the commets on this forum im changing my website, i'll tell you when im done with it. right now it's in constrution. please don't go there.

I won't go until it is ready. I look forward to the new website!  :-)


Quote from: Sharpe on December 25, 2006, 07:53:29
Neccesarily, I don't need to be right, but what I do want to know is the truth that has been tested by professionals. This brings me one step closer to understanding how the universe works.

I understand your need for a credible source, not to mention sufficient evidence. However I think we shoudln't ignore how we got to where we are. When it was proposed the earth was the centre of the universe, the 'professionals' said it was blasphemy. Yes, our experimentation is a lot more accurate and reliable these days but there is still room for error.

It is important to realize that if we stick to what we know, to what we have evidence and credible sources to prove, we will never advance. IMO, things exist that we haven't even begun to concieve.

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


Goober I too like your avatar, looks like something Alex Grey has done, a fantastic occult graphic artist. Here is a link to one of his shorts, think you'll like it.

Give me a Sharpe mind and I will take it to places never known before. If we all lived on the same plane of existence there would be no need for time all would be equal and placid. If this were the case I am quite sure we would bore each other out of existence, nothing new, no progress, and nothing to talk about. As some state we are shadows of g-d, then g-d must be learning also, but then the paradox of g-d is everything at all times and all knowing, then what are we. Are we the source, the shadow or the intermediate believing that the shadows on the wall are really ourselves?

This discussion reminds me of discussing the "Allegory of the Cave" by Plato, what is the real you, and how one forms a belief system.
No one with a closed mind will ever know the truth stay inquisitive and end the inquisition. "You should see the world from the eyes of the dead."-NECROMANCER


i don't who you are but Necromancer you speak the truth

and i'll be ready for the negative emotions and commets you have.
please check out the 2012 section(must read)