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What are the spiritual implications of quantum entanglement

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Anyone know much about QE? It's been something communicated to me lately.


Einstein called it spooky action at a distance . It is said that all the atoms are connected from the big bang .          Do you think it has any thing to do with a.p.?    desert rat


Quote from: desert-rat on March 12, 2013, 12:19:08
Einstein called it spooky action at a distance . It is said that all the atoms are connected from the big bang .          Do you think it has any thing to do with a.p.?    desert rat

To me, it explains why we aren't actually leaving our bodies while phasing. We are connected to everything so there is no where to go. This connection is due to a brief entanglement and so one can no longer be understood without considering the other. There is no hope for me to flesh this idea out any further than that or else it will sound even more like the newer String theory.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


If distance isn't a limitation in this yet it is physically, it then stinks of multidimensional networking.
Thats too much for 99%+ of the worlds population to even comprehend.
Essentially we are everything instantaneously and this in itself transcends time.
Now think about advanced astral travels ( label used).
If you have read or better experienced this it becomes far clearer to understand.
How it works is a mathematical problem for professors and the like.
How you get there doesn't matter, its getting there that counts. :wink:
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Very true Szaxx.

I don't think that physical quantum physics applies to the nonphysical. It is merely a representation... like pixels in a simulation. The actual information of the location of earth to the location of sirius is in physical terms bound by constrained physical interaction and has distance and time.

The information however has no actual distance and therefore no time. It is just data.. information. Nonphysically this is just accessed.


Lots can be learned from a greater understanding of transverse waves and longitudinal waves. The difference in transmission is excessive and 'c' bears no or little limitations when studied enthusiastically.
There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Szaxx, I was trying to put that into words earlier! The way you said it certainly made more sense.
Take to the sky, feeling so alive! Past the clouds to the Milky Way, share our secrets with the starry brigade. The stars surround us like a million fireflies. For once I see infinity... it's in your eyes.



It is true that if you measure one entangled particle it determines the possible outcomes of measurements on the other particle in the pair. that's not the case with everything you do to the particle. When you rotate one particle it does not rotate the other. Entanglement is about correlations between measurements, not the absolute states. There is a lot of math involved lol...

As far as we know, that's all it is. I think there is a lot more to it. Unfortunately, I am not smart enough to figure out what it is...





Quote from: CFTraveler on December 17, 2013, 14:08:09
All I can say is... Sudoku.

Ha ha, my favorite game. It keeps the mind strong!  :-)

I have a Sudoku Extreme game book at my Christmas Kiosk right now for the times the mall is slow at nights.  :-D


So you understand when I bring it up in a convo about entanglement.  The implicate order, how knowing how one 'space' works out helps find out what happens to the other spaces that are 'entangled' with each other.


Quote from: CFTraveler on December 17, 2013, 18:07:01
So you understand when I bring it up in a convo about entanglement.  The implicate order, how knowing how one 'space' works out helps find out what happens to the other spaces that are 'entangled' with each other.
I understand completely. I have been in a very unique kind of school in my Dream State for the last 3 months now. I have been shown many things. I would love to share, but I wouldn't even know where to start.

Just last night I relived a recurring lesson. I said I was going to wake up and record it, but failed to. That means I will see it again.

What I am learning right now is coming through either in quests or "downloads" of sorts. I have left my path up totally to whomever (higher self or other) is guiding me at the current time.

I enjoy my experiences/quests in the NPR, because even though I am not a Physics Major/Professor etc., I can still be shown the same thing in a way I can understand. My answers, (though I haven't even asked a question), come in the way of quests and adventures. Many times it takes days until I can finally understand what the meaning of a Journey was all about. Other times I am still left in the dark to what was being shown or said.

Every night I say to myself mentally "By my act of will, I RELEASE my focus over my physical body. PLEASE TAKE ME to your desired destination. SHOW ME what I need TO SEE. PLEASE TEACH ME what I need TO LEARN. I am CONSCIOUSLY AWARE in NPR (I used to say my Dreams, but realize they are the same destination), KNOWING that I am there. Because of this KNOWING I LEARN FROM and ENJOY the adventures. I also retain full MEMORY RECALL of them.

All of those capitalized words I see as fading into the darkness before my eyes.

I know there is many here that think this is a waste of time, but to each their own. I am experiencing things EVERY NIGHT. Possibly that may show them that it's not a waste of time.  :wink:

I have also heard from others here that we shouldn't leave an "open" intent. That we should direct our own experiences. I know that I couldn't possibly have created any intent to see the things that I have seen and been shown.  These things are so far "out of the box", that even my wildest imagination couldn't have come up with them."

Quantum Entanglement being used as a scientific theory is right on. Everything is connected. Our thoughts and most of all our consciousness.  :-)




Take the perspective that the brain, as an organ, has been able to slow time down as evolution has occurred.
Things smaller than us may very well see a faster 'frame rate' of time.

Things faster then the speed of light(the changes in the spin of the particles that are QE) very well may be perceiving time in a completely different manner then us.

I think these are important considerations.



Here is a "poor quality" video that delves into this question even further. I say "poor quality", not because of the information, but because of the video quality in general. It is loaded with tons of historical facts and great interviews with famous quotes.

Although I could do without the background musical accompaniment.   :-P