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Illuminati - an attempt at definition

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Six  spirit with long white Merlin style beards and ancient bodies appeared to my group in meditation on Friday . After presenting in this uniform they became a group of mixed gender and races .They did not appear to have a skin colour .

They called themselves the Grey Ones the Illuminati , which sparked my curiosity on the correct definition of this order . They told us they were an order which sounded like os scar ay . We were told this meant the ones who remove the blocks the distractions that impede our progress .
The leader appeared the 7th one and removed a core image of fear and worthlessness from us spiritually .

Now initial attempts at researching this group led to a mirage of strange conspiracy theories and wierd unbelievable  websites . But this is what I found on the internet that came in line with what we were told about them by themselves .   It is from various sources online "

1.Defined - Illuminati, Greek illumination, name given to those who submitted to Christian baptism. Those who were baptized were called "illuminati" or "illuminated ones" by the Ante-Nicene clergy, on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had an enlightened understanding.

2.Defined -Illuminati -From Wikipedia .. the name of many groups, modern and historical, real and fictitious, verified and alleged.

3. term - illuminati came to be used more expansively for many enthusiasts of Enlightenment, not limited to followers of Emmanuel Swedenborg.

4.Origins-Since Illuminati literally means 'enlightened ones' in Latin, it is natural that several unrelated historical groups have identified themselves as Illuminati. Often, this was due to claims of possessing gnostic texts or other arcane information not generally available.The designation illuminati was also in use from the 15th century,  who claimed that the illuminating light came, ...secret source,  from within, the result of exalted consciousness, or "enlightenment".

5. Others :
Alumbrados-  a mystical 16th-century Spanish sect, were among the societies that subsequently adopted the name illuminati.
..... 1492 traced them to a Gnostic origin,  views were promoted  through influences from Italy.   Inquisition in 1511, (persecuted for ) claiming to hold colloquies with Jesus and the Virgin Mary; many (were )victims  of the Inquisition

IlluminĂ©s of France-...from Seville in 1623,  known as Gurinets, ...and in Britain as 'French Prophets', an offshoot of the Camisards.

Rosicrucians- from 1422, claimed to combine with the mysteries of alchemy the possession of esoteric principles of religion.  Paris 1825.claimed heritage from the Knights Templar.

Martinists-title Illuminati in 1754 ...and to  Russian Martinists, 1790
both were occultist cabalists and allegorists, absorbing eclectic ideas from Jakob Boehme and Emanuel Swedenborg.

Bavarian Illuminati-short-lived  freethinkers,radical offshoot of the Enlightenment, "Perfectibilists" 1776 called  the Order of the Illuminati,
..many influential intellectuals ... counted themselves as members drawn primarily from Masons

Scotch Knight; Relations with masonic lodges were established at Munich and Freising in 1780.order in most countries of Europe, such as Goethe and Herder, and even for the reigning dukes of Gotha and Weimar.  downfall was effected by an edict of the Bavarian government in 1785.

involving the Knights Templars, the Rosicrucians, the Jacobins and the Illuminati. Thomas Jefferson claimed they intended to spread information and the principles of true morality. He attributed the secrecy of the Illuminati to what he called "the tyranny of a despot and priests".....

A small belief movement believes the Illuminati are a group of aliens that hold humanity on strings and control everything.

-Illuminati was founded on a mixture of Masonic secrets (Luciferic Doctrine), Islamic Mysticism (Sufism), and Jesuit mental discipline (Hatha Yoga). A unique and dangerous element was it's scientific use of the drug, hashish, to produce an "illuminated" state of mind--derived directly through the Knights Templar's association with the Order of the Assassins (circa 1050 AD).

6. symbol -pyramid and the third  eye on the back of the USA dollar bill ---spread  ideas of the Enlightenment ...incorporated by the leaders of both the French and American revolutions, and in a sense, these Enlightenment notions were indeed subversive to the established social order, although they were hardly a secret conspiracy.
.... United States' seal  never  a Masonic or Illuminati symbol. Its design  submitted by Pierre Du Simitiere to the committee of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams. Of the four, only Franklin was a Freemason, but his ideas for design were not accepted by the committee. The all-seeing eye was a classical symbol of the time,

7 "belief in Atlantis and the subsequent migration of priestly kings after the destruction of the continent. This body of 'enlightened humans' settled in the Nile delta, and passed their knowledge to the Ancient Egyptians. Who in turn, kept these secrets safe, only to be revealed to initiates of the mystery schools. This is why Masonry is so rife with Egyptian symbolism.

8. "A very important aspect of the work of the secret societies has always been the ultimate unification of the world religions.

9. The mystical beliefs ... based on the Hermetic maxim 'As above-so below' which teaches that the natural world is a material reflection of the spiritual. It forms the esoteric basis for the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries, Gnosticism, Esoteric Christianity, the Cabbala, the Hermetic tradition, alchemy and societies such as the Templars, Freemasons and Rosicrucians. The occult doctrines of geomancy, alchemy, astrology and sexual magic taught by these secret societies were used as symbolic metaphors illustrating the progression of the individual from material darkness to the spiritual light of understanding."

10  eventually leads the initiate into a belief system ... to carry on the 'Great Work' or 'The Plan'... to become 'Illumined'.

11. Alice Bailey From Bethlehem to Calvary "Wise Men, the ancients believe, were a separate race, and to be born into this race it was necessary to develop the mind to a state of enlightened intelligence ... It is this larger and coming race that will someday inherit the earth ... the Golden Age will come again."

12 Henry Wilson Coil, Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia, 1961
"Unable in Catholic Bavaria to achieve this utopian goal by direct means, Weishaupt determined to work from within an existing organization: the Masonic order...., with the help of a Masonic bookseller, Johann Bode, the order branched out through Southern Germany and Austria, and down into France and Northern Italy, intellectuals, such as Goethe, Schiller, Mozart, and Herder were attracted."
-David Icke, another pundit of the Illuminati, got messages from alien "Illuminati-reptilians"


I welcome information that is not based upon conspiracy , fear and negativity .
Love . Light  and Laughter
Aunt Clair
