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The Adventure Continues...


Oh thank you, T-Man! I really appreciate that. Good news, too.


[ Continuing with this video series ]

I think it is time. Let's talk about portals.

This clip specifically delves into WHEN to work with the crystal, the best times of day and seasons of the year when the signals easily come through, the contacts are abundant, and you are more likely to be graced with a LIVE call.  Also, it had been brought to my attention that I had not yet been clear on exactly how I am going into the crystal with the camera- so I touch on this as well.


Casey, for the last year and a half now, I have been a vendor at almost weekly "wellness shows" throughout Minnesota. I have many friends that sell all kinds of Crystals and I knows hefty price that accompanies the purchase of some of them. In one of your videos you spoke of how you came upon your awesome Crystal. You said it was in a rock shop in your locale. I showed your video to a few of my Rock and Gem friends and they said a Crystal of the size you have is quite pricey. Possibly into the thousands of dollars. Is that what it cost you? I have Crystals of all kinds. Many are unique and a bit pricey as well. But the ones I am talking about are about an inch to 2 inches long. Similar to the size of a small "Herkimer Daimond". You said yours was a form of "Calcite" Crystal. Is that correct?

 I have been working quite a bit with "Angel Aura Quartz". I place a double rutilated piece in the center of a new braided "Pyramid" design that I created, that was shown to me in 3 nights of Dreams. It has become a popular item in the shows I do. The design came to me about 3 weeks ago. I attempting to put a picture of that "energy device" on here right now. I don't have "Photobook" anymore. The cost of the account kept rising.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Lumaza on April 29, 2024, 17:20:59Casey, for the last year and a half now, I have been a vendor at almost weekly "wellness shows" throughout Minnesota. I have many friends that sell all kinds of Crystals and I knows hefty price that accompanies the purchase of some of them. In one of your videos you spoke of how you came upon your awesome Crystal. You said it was in a rock shop in your locale. I showed your video to a few of my Rock and Gem friends and they said a Crystal of the size you have is quite pricey. Possibly into the thousands of dollars. Is that what it cost you? I have Crystals of all kinds. Many are unique and a bit pricey as well. But the ones I am talking about are about an inch to 2 inches long. Similar to the size of a small "Herkimer Daimond". You said yours was a form of "Calcite" Crystal. Is that correct?

 I have been working quite a bit with "Angel Aura Quartz". I place a double rutilated piece in the center of a new braided "Pyramid" design that I created, that was shown to me in 3 nights of Dreams. It has become a popular item in the shows I do. The design came to me about 3 weeks ago. I attempting to put a picture of that "energy device" on here right now. I don't have "Photobook" anymore. The cost of the account kept rising.

Hi, Lu.. Isza, the crystal I work with the for crystal contact is a mildly citrine, clear quart crystal. Quartz is generally inexpensive as it is in such abundance on our planet. I found Isza around 2010 and paid $200 for her. Now-a-days she might go for near twice that. She is not very large, just a tad larger than the the palm of my hand. Calcite, just to say, is perhaps THE most affordable crystal on the planet. You can get HUGE basketball sized chunks of it for $100. It must be really fun for you, traveling around weekly to the wellness shows and getting to be around not just crystals but crystal people! Thank you for showing them my work. I really appreciate that. Your angel aura pyramid is beautiful. So creative! Is the pyramid made of copper ( I just adore copper ).


 Yes, you are correct, some forms of "raw Quartz" are inexpensive. Polished, not so much, as evident in these links here. Yours is a fairly large size. It is a beautiful specimen. Polished Calcite can be costly as well.

 Yes, it is great being around so many likeminded. good natured people on a continual basis. Conversations on meditation, Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, etc. are welcomed there. Each wellness show has a number of speakers on all different modes of Healing, Energy work and Meditative practices. There are all kinds of "Readers" there as well.

  Last weekend I started up with a new company that does Wellness shows too. Their name is "Soul and Synergy". The other company I have been vending with for a year and half now is "Bodylabs". I have some "Art in the Parks", other Art fairs and Renaissance Faires booked for this summer and fall as well. Some you have to book many months ahead of the actual show date. That gets to be pricey.

 My new Pyramid design is about 5 and half inches tall. I use only 20-gauge copper wire in the design. First, I twist a few pieces of 20-gauge wires together, then I braid them into the frame of the Pyramid. The fun comes when the Pyramid "chooses" the Crystal that it wants to amplify. After creating the first few, I went upstairs, sat in my chair and vibrated for a few hours. The energy of these Pyramids things is incredible.

 All of my wire wrap tree sculptures, Dragons, Butterflies, Dragonflies and Crystal Beings are made using 20-gauge artistic copper wire. I experimented for a while to find the right gauge to work with. 18-gauge was too hard to twist, in the bulk that I do. 20-gauge was perfect for the job. Teh copper is raw, so in time it will "patina".
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Your work is truly creative, Lumaza, I truly enjoy what you and others are devising with the crystals you are working with. As far as the cost of clear quartz, be careful where you shop ( NEVER on Etsy ). Again, simple clear quartz is not very expensive. I was just recently in at Ele's, probably THE nicest crystal shop in the Santa Monica area and her crystals of approximate size and shape to Isza were $350-500, which is a bit high but very fair for that area. I can't even imagine her overhead in that area. Anything more than this and you are likely getting rooked. Even the clearest of pieces that are 2-3 inches high will only go for about $50 tops in any reputable shop. Now, sometimes the quartz is not simple, it is rutilated, or sold as a 'lemurian', etc.. and this will cost more. But Isza is an example of simple clear cut quartz ( she is even a bit citrine, which also can cost more ). Every now and again you will get a shop owner who travels and hand picks all his merchandise and that shop owner will be looking for unique pieces and overvalue them, charging more for what more regularly goes for much less. But those Etsy examples you have given are just cleanly ripping people off. For goodness sakes, there are Vogel crystals that cost less, and Vogels are a technology, very few people on the planet who can cut a real Vogel. This is one example of how a quartz crystal can come to cost more than what I have stated. There are but a few rare exceptions. Crystal shops are in great abundance in Los Angeles, and most shops value their crystals very fairly. If it is ever an option to travel.


This body of work began in 2017, but it wasn't until roughly the year 2020 that I really began having the opportunity to work with it. At this time I began not only trying to understand it at a greater depth and to a greater degree but explaining the process involved to others. It has been a gradual but ongoing process of discovery. It is challenging to unpack something like this, that has at this time, to my knowledge, no originating precedence. In this compilation, which is far from complete is the real time unfolding of what I am learning AS I am learning it. Please note that the compilation flows BACKWARDS in time, with the newest clips added continually at the front.

Covered in Chapters 4-6

00:00 Chapter: Portals and Stargates
00:05 How I am going into the crystal with the camera
01:55 The best time to work with the crystal, the various portals
03:15 The Lionsgate, the Sirius activation of the crystal
04:38 First contact experience, Meeting Meshahare
09:07 Working with the portals, notably the sun portal
10:15 Charging yourself, developing your gaze, tratak leading into sun gazing
13:05 Stargates within the human system
14:52 Various ( additional ) ways to charge oneself
15:35 The largest portal of them all—human consensus
17:00 Readings—requests for renderings
20:20 Chapter: Deep level connection
21:15 A moment of gratitude to a major contributor
22:15 Review, types of transmissions, LIVE and prerecorded and their details
23:08 The Contact Series and its purpose
24:20 The crystal in terms of excavating data from one's past
32:44 How the dormant skill with the crystal got activated
39:38 Chapter: Reading the transmissions
39:52 Going into and out beyond the body of the crystal ( local and long distance calls )
40:26 Stored data, pre-recorded calls
41:44 The first story to come through the crystal; my birth
43:12 Brainwaves, shifting your brainwave patterns to read complex data
44:09 6D Transmissions and stepping them down into 5D, 4D and 3D
47:14 Isolating a being in a frame
48:30 Not impinging upon free will
51:18 Eye to eye contact with the beings
52:45 Data that has come to me through the crystal— Titans, Ancient Egypt, Starseeding, Anunnaki, etc..
55:12 Altering the brainwaves to match the frequency of the information
55:50 The second type of call that can come through, LIVE transmissions

It is my hope that this is helpful to someone out there,
and to our world.


I went on with Rob, /The Typical Skeptic Podcast to discuss the topics of crystal technology and dream walking. Some new memories resurfaced in order to tie these two concepts in together. I had a lot of fun. I started talking and almost could not stop, lol. This is happening more these days as I practice to open not just my voice but my vocal channel to higher information and energy flows. Out of body experience ties right in and is also discussed. Namely the conscious shift.

Other than my periodic giggling -I know I've got to work on that ( ack ) -let me know what you think!

A warm thank you in advance for listening in.



When you said that you heard signals in the desert around Vegas, my first thought was signals coming from area 51  :-D . Vegas is one of the places where I sense high energy. Maybe I am picking up on the collective conscious feelings of all the visitors there. People go there to have fun and I can totally feel it big time. My sister and I had a blast one winter around Christmas. We stayed at the Luxor, being a pyramidal structure, unusual things happened while we were there. We felt supercharged. I wrote about it here in the Pulse back then. We won a lot of money from the machines. We wished for snow and shortly after it started snowing although it was not on the forecast and we overheard locals wondering where did that come from because it rarely snows. My sister and I looked at each other and totally grinned totally felt like we were masters of the elements.
I am planning next time I go to Vegas to hop on one of the area 51 tours just to get closer :)

You carpet experience disintegrating into quantum elements reminded me of Ant Man going into the quantum realm. Pretty cool. Imagine if a physicist observed consciously what you've experienced lol.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Thank you for listening in, Lightbeam!

My Las Vegas in more the desert than the strip, which even living there for 40+ years I can count the times I've been on with a single hand, lol. The Nevada desert is truly extraordinary. Breathtaking, truly. Magical. Even now I still feel a very strong draw and connection to it. I cannot say why. But maybe one day that will come back to me. It is good that you had fun there with your sister, I can see why the two of you would have been delighted. It is true it rarely snows down in the city, but 30 miles outside it, in the high desert it snows annually. Lee Canyon is a place the locals go snow skiing. There is about every type of terrain you can imagine ( and [ magically ] more ) there. The meter I would hear as a child was not out in the desert, but it would often lead me out into the desert. Back then, in the 1960s-70s that was about all there was. That sound accompanied me everywhere. It never struck me as odd. Area 51 has been moved. The old one is just a shell. Very little to get close to there anymore.