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higher self

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How do you know they aren't already helping?
Higher self is a bit of a mystery to me. The times I've most neede the help have been the ones i've least thought I need it.
You can't force your higher self. And some things you need to work out yourself.




I think that if you are trying your best,When you can do no more on your own.This is when your higher self helps you. I feel as though our higher selves are a piece of  god.So are we as well.But that is where the true power lies.From the messages ive been sent in my dreams.Its easy for me to think of it in this way.


lucid dancer

What is your higher self? I've heard this term used before, and I'm still puzzled by it.  What comes to mind is that there's an original soul, split in two.  One half is living in the physical world, and the other is in the astral.  I guess there could be many theories.  Is it a seperate being?


I listened to Deepak Chopra's book "The Higher Self" on cassette. It seemed to be saying that the higher self is the mind between thoughts. That is why I asked about the gap between thoughts in another thread. The confusion I had was thinking that thoughts and awareness are the same.


just listen. ask a question, then do nothing but listen. the answer will come, but will be gentle and hard to "hear". meditation clears out random thoughts that do get in the way of hearing. clear out doubt, expectation, and awareness of time. then just listen. it may be intuition, it may be overriding focus, it may be sudden knowledge or ideas being in your mind: whatever it is, you will hear it when you do nothing but listen.

i don't understand this higher self thing. i think it is just the connection of our self to things as of yet unknown that people attribute to a Higher Self. intuition, sudden understanding (insight, knowledge), increased focus on something, conversations with oneself; all of these can, and have been, attributed to a higher and more enlightened being that "is us but isn't". i think that such things are the result of us using different abilities without training, knowledge, or experience, and then just saying that they all come from some place we don't understand (the higher self).

but this is all just opinion and theory and thinking. who can say for sure?


Secret of Secrets


i find it hard to beleive that the higher self is a seperate consiouss being which acts as your gaurdian angel.   i think its  our true  individuality, lost in the recesses of the mind.  with true individuality comes true emotion,  thats why it "feels" so real/ righeous etc
  its intuition imo,  its  the universal truth within us all which guides us when we need it,  but in this day and age we are all wrapped up in appeasing others and lying and cheating to be succesfull....
i dont like the thought that our minds are not our own,  and that another being is tracking and following our every living moment....  Is it not true that we only use 2% of our brains....


i thought we only use 10% of our brains?


Secret of Secrets


It might be 10%,im not really sure.,More on the higher self thing.We forget that our higher self is really are sub-concious.It always slips my mind as well.Without it we would not be here right now.Its always active.

I dont know if you guys have ever seen the hemi-sync catologue.Their are catscans picks of a normal person.And one who has travelled through obes' and listened to the stuff they sell.Their is a huge difference.But I dont know it could be all for marketing purposes?I think by doing obes' and other spiritual things we start working with more parts of our higher self.(sub-concious)

Right now our minds are like a fear factory.All are beliefs are clogging everything,and all those silly rules.All those standards for everything.Get rid of those and you will be one with your higher self.

It makes sense to me." border=0>



The 10% thing is an urban myth, according to a lot of people. (i think the myth started a long time ago - when we thought that a certain type of brain activity was all that the brain was used for - but now that we recognize all the different things that our brain does we can see that we use basically the whole thing.)

Higher self - I use that term sometimes. I don't really know what I mean by it, heh. I think that we are connected to something greater and beyond ourselves. Maybe God, maybe something else.  I think something sustains us and gives us life.  I guess I think that we can look beyond the limits of our own thoughts for guidance. I also use other terms for it. Moen calls it his disc. Monroe called it his I/there. Some people call it God. Some people call it a guardian angel.  I think it is just a term to evoke the idea of another external source of help.

About the space between thoughts- That is interesting about Deepak's comments. A friend of mine yesterday mentioned meditating on the silence between thoughts. I think that is a good way to put it! I think that when we focus on the silence inside, we sometimes have great insight. I recently had a falling out with a friend and it was eating me up. I kept trying to tackle the problem with my conscious thoughts, "What am I going to do? how am I going to handle this? Etc" But when I meditated and found a quiet space I was able to simply let the matter go, because something in that quiet space allowed me to realize that that was all I could really do, anyway.



What I read to explain the 10% statistic on brain usage (and I have also heard 1%) is that the areas of the brain are very specialized and that individual brain functions are not spread out very far. I also read that there is less specialization in the brains of women than in men, meaning that more of the brain is in use at any one time. When posting this elsewhere I was accused of insulting women, so to clarify this is actually a good thing. Specialization can be a good thing, but it is also the reason why we have so many people with Ph.D.s and M.D.s who should not be allowed to boil water or cross a street without a keeper.


on a maybe interesting side note, when i was pondering something recently, i started hearing myself talking to myself and analysing everything that i was thinking about (actually this happens quite often). it wasn't some higher self, or god, but when i tracked down where the analysing was coming from i realized it was my brain.

for some reason, it seems that the mind and the brain really are two different things; when i tried to carry on a conversation with my brain, it couldn't do anything but analyze what i was saying and come up with a response based on some sort of processing it was doing (i could feel the processing going on, but i couldn't completely determine what was being processed).

i don't know if this adds anything to the discussion, but hey, information is information.


Secret of Secrets


something that happened to me also,this morning I woke up around 3:30 am.I had a thought in my mind.I forget what it was.But with it there was a sentence in my head.I could actually see it like writen words inside my mind.

I started to read it off.Like reading out of a book.And I noticed what I was doing and It made me stop and think.Than it was gone.Higher self?

This is a good reason to get myself that notebook." border=0>I read the catch basket concept a while back.Had trouble understanding it.But maybe its something like this.How to reap the fruits.I dont know if you have read it in the front page.Its really interesting.



Hello group!  Here's my (hopefully quick) 2 cents worth on the Higher Self...

This is also a term I use all the time.  It is something I emphatically believe in, and have experienced.  In a nutshell:  (IMO):

The Higher Self is actually "you", but it is the "you" from a more advanced perspective (time-wise).  Imagine if you will, that you could go back in time (in this present lifeline), and have a talk with yourself when you were 10 years old.  Since I am now 47, I have lived this child's life up until now... and I *know* the mistakes, successes, and experiences this child is on the road to having.  I have "Ultimate Wisdom" where this child is concerned, because this child is "me"!  But what do I say to this child?  Please think about this, @ some depth, now.

We need to make mistakes.  That is how we learn.  We need to be hurt, both physically and emotionally.  Our experiences, both good and bad, are what shape our very personalities.  They make us strong, and compassionate.  Of course there *are* areas of blatant misdirection, which we would "try" to guide our young "selves" into correcting,...yes?  But would we listen?  And furthermore, those very "mistakes" have shaped us, as well.  If they did not, we wouldn't "now" recognize them as mistakes at all !  Now think about this.... as "Higher Selves" to our 10 year old counterpart, we must be VERY careful about influencing them to any great degree!  Why?  Because by our very own influences upon this 10 year old.... we would be altering our OWN "present" condition!  Past, present, and future... are changed simultaneously!  The "selves" work together on the road to experience.  So while allowing our 10 year old self to grow, learn, experience, and make mistakes.... what is it that we can *really* do for this child of us?  We can attempt to "connect" with him/her.  Attempt to comfort.  Attempt to show peace, understanding, compassion, and LOVE!  Attempt to make him/her *feel* that we are ONE!  

Now isn't this the same thing we experience,... when we "connect" to the beyond?  To our Higher Selves? When we pray?  When we meditate?  When we gain intuition, and insight?  For it really is, "insight"!  It is insight, and connection, from ourselves... but it is a Higher Self, which already knows the road we are about to travel.... and can only give us love, and understanding.

Now it *does* get just a "tad" more complicated... when you consider that any Higher Self you may be in contact with..... ALSO has a Higher Self above them!  And on, and on,... ad infinatum!  

Consider also, that physical time itself is NOT linear!  "Linear time" is only percieved by us that way, to keep us from experiencing everything all at once in this universe,.... which is the way that it actually happens!  The past, present, and future... are all happening NOW!  Each moment of consciousness contains within it, EVERY possible moment of consciousness that ever was, or will be!  Therefore, your Higher Self (at *any* level) is always there for you, and quite conscious and aware of your present conditions, ambitions, wants, needs, and desires.  He/She also knows.... what is best for you!  And it really doesn't matter what your current beliefs are.  Your H.S. knows, and has experienced, your own outcome.  On the upper levels, your H.S. is aware of ALL of your past, present, and future lives and incarnations, as well.  

And if we delve high enough.... we learn that we are all actually (1) entity, with lives and experiences broken down into singularities and divisions of "selves" which have the ability to experience and enjoy life from a unique and solitary perspective (to keep the experience from happening all at once!)... called,.... the human soul.  The human life.  The human experience!  But LIFE itself... is all one!  And at the highest levels of Higher Self, we reach the "Creator"... which is *merely* the culmination of All emotion and experience which ever was, is, and shall be.... happening all at once (in the twinkling of an eye).... eternally, for time has no beginning, nor end.  It is all happening,....  just,.....  now.  

But when you multiply the consciousness of the Higher Realms of H.S., the enormous amounts of experiences and emotions become,...well,... just a bit more than the singular Human experience can imagine.  Hence,... while the love and emotion become infinite, alas... the trade-off is the inability to directly communicate with any *singular* soul, in a manner in which that soul could comprehend.  All that can be the assurance of compassion, and LOVE!  (Which is all we need, of this Highest of Higher Selves!)  Or indeed,... all we could understand!  So where then, does this leave us as singular human beings, experiencing *this* life?  

Since the "Creator" has no means in which to directly communicate with us as individuals, (aside from the experience of His creation itself, and of emotions).... it becomes "our" problem, indeed!  "Seek, and ye shall find"... is the cornerstone upon which we should all begin building our personal towers to experiencing our "one-ness" with our shared Creator.  We are all on different paths, according to our *own* personal future roads to our Higher Selves.  We are all at different stages, and have different needs.  Different purposes.  So "individually", we should seek out that *highest* of our Higher Selves, of which we have the ability to communicate with and understand!  We have to communicate "up", as it were.... because that is the only way in which our "future", or Higher Selves,... can connect with us.  It is a one-way street..... but *only* if we choose to turn into that lane.  And then,... only as high, and as much, as we are individually capable of understanding and/or connecting.

Every possibility (down to the tinniest re-arrangement of atoms) that was/ is/ or will be plausible, is happening NOW!  Every one.  With every *thought*, or *deed*, you are actually changing and shaping your past, present, and future.  Not metaphorically....but *Actually*!  All of your lives (plural) experiences are altered within every breath and emotion and deed/thought of your present condition!  Second, by second!  You can (and do) alter that 10 year old's experience, with your own personal choices.  But since we are only capable of experiencing the conscious NOW.... we are never aware of the changes we have made in our own lives.  (There *are* exceptions, which I've experienced.)  Because, by altering the 10 year old's experience with our current thoughts/deeds... our memory naturally follows, and we *think* this is the way it has always been.  Guess what?  It never is!  As per the Higher Self, and the way in which we connect, alter, and experience that self....

As above,... so below.

(Sorry group... for rambling on like this!  Sheesh!  I just *knew* I couldn't keep it short!)  Hahahahaha!



At 10 years old I was already growing further and further  away from my higher self.I know you just used that as an example.But the world is not really getting any better. It starts happening in even younger years.Even before 5 kids are influenced away from their selves.sad,sad thing.

Great post!And I didnt mind the lenght at all." border=0>



hello to the people :D

i have been requesting help of my higher self  before i train now but to no avail,  ive tried asking out loud,  thinking,  meditating  but nothing so far (apart from a brief encouter i mentioned a while back)  
Am i taking my higher self for granted assuming theyll help me??  i think they think i still have much to learn  (excuse cliche)