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I wanted to bring up the topic of judgement because I observe more and more that people who judge with great passion bring upon themselves the very thing they have been judging to experience it themselves and look at things from a different perspective.
Two close friends of mine are experiencing this very thing and I can clearly see the pattern. Ever since I have known them they have judged with strong passion something that according their interpretation (and the church as a whole for the most part) of the bible is a big sin. Recently identical events within both of their families have unfolded that exact thing which they had a very strong opinion about and it is now a part of their lives. They were brough down to their knees feeling absolutely crushed and confused. They were forced to soften that strong view and turn the judgement into love. I tried to console them by broadening their view of God using the terminology they are used to. And I am saying that because I have different approaches of communication with different people depending on who they are. People that are very religious I dont use words like energy, dimensions, meditation, etc. I use terms that are familiar to them but at the end the message has the same meaning. One of them told me that since we talked she felt more at peace and understanding.

So, in conclusion, let's examine if there is anything each of us criticizes and judges something to a point of great emotional involvement. Let's ask ourselves why do we not understand that everything that exists has to exist and it has its reasons. Often the reasons are for learning purposes, to create tools for many to develop strength, bravery, compassion, etc. And if something does not resonate with who we think we are, let it become just that, observation, but not emotional attachment, because that attachment whether being fear, hatred, criticism, etc is being formed within our own energy field and it will present us with opportunities to be placed in the shoes of the very thing we dislike so we can understand the other side. The best thing to do is to acknowledge that we are observing something that does not resonate with who we are, but we understand that for these involved it is necessary, they have chosen it and they will walk their paths. But it doesn't have to impact us, we just let it go and focus on things that raise our passions for things that resonate with who we desire to be, so we can walk our paths undisturbed. And again, we may appear that we share the same space and time with 8 billion people, but this is an illusion. Different versions of reality overlap, and each point of consciousness is shifted to their own personal version of reality that corresponds to their own vibration, although we perceive on the surface being in the same "place". And these shifts happen constantly as we change.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Hi LightBeam!

I think this is another one of those "things many of us are experiencing right now."

I really think there are lessons learned en masse. I am being acknowledged now by my Spirit Guide/Friend :14.

And that's crazy... The TV just played the same commercial back to back like a glitch.

This game. It can be simplified. We would all benefit asking ourselves daily... Love or Fear. Kindness or Hatred.

Which path am I choosing?

Ultimately, it is affirming of what a monk shared with me as being the time we find ourselves in. He said, we're in the middle of a mini-era and the opportunity presently is to grow closer towards our ideal.

Just want to share something that really helped me, and seems to be in line with the thoughts flowing through your mind- and so many other minds at this time(mine included).

I really like what you said here, "different versions of reality overlap" I had the thought moments ago of concentric circles and the flower of life...

I am blown away, and grateful for these *shared* realizations.

Mistaking The World We've Made For The Real World
--George Saunders

QuoteThe instant we wake the story begins: "Here I am. In my bed. Hard worker, good dad, decent husband, a guy who always tries his best. Jeez, my back hurts. Probably from the stupid gym."

And just like that, with our thoughts, the world gets made.

Or, anyway, a world gets made.

This world-making via thinking is natural, sane, Darwinian: we do it to survive. Is there harm in it? Well, yes, because we think in the same way that we hear or see: within a narrow, survival-enhancing range. We don't see or hear all that might be seen or heard but only that which is helpful for us to see and hear. Our thoughts are similarly restricted and have a similarly narrow purpose: to help the thinker thrive.

All of this limited thinking has an unfortunate by-product: ego. Who is trying to survive? "I" am. The mind takes a vast unitary wholeness (the universe), selects one tiny segment of it (me), and starts narrating from that point of view. Just like that, that entity (George!) becomes real, and he is (surprise, surprise) located at the exact center of the universe, and everything is happening in his movie, so to speak; it is all, somehow, both for and about him. In this way, moral judgment arises: what is good for George is... good. What is bad for him is bad. (The bear is neither good nor bad until, looking hungry, it starts walking toward George.)

So, in every instant, a delusional gulf gets created between things as we think they are and things as they actually are. Off we go, mistaking the world we've made with our thoughts for the real world. Evil and dysfunction (or at least obnoxiousness) occur in proportion to how solidly a person believes that (their) projections are correct and energetically acts upon them.


Nice observation. I will only add this. We are all judges without gavels.
Remember, You came here to this physical earth to experience it in its physical form. NPR will always be there.