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animal Guides

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I was doing a meditation yesterday afternoon and began having this little visions of animals

an eagle,
whale and owl appeared to me.

I've been told the eagle plays a big part in my life and I have been reading what these mean on a few animal guide sites.

was just wondering does anyone else know what their animal guides are.. any unusual ones.


Doesn't a being need to have a developed brain to act as a teacher?
Tá mo chroí istigh ionat


typical irish sarcasm :roll:


Hi Sunn

I have experienced a fox also.

A dragonfly.  That was a pleasant experience.

And I've been a cat during an OBE.  Interesting sensations, zooming across the ground, at a very low level.  :lol:

We all find nonsenses to believe in; it's part of being alive.


I've seen an owl, an eagle and another bird in one symbolic dream-
I've seen a family of ravens welcoming me to the family, and
I've been a dog in one of the coolest dream's I've had.


Quote from: SelskiHi Sunn

I have experienced a fox also.

A dragonfly.  That was a pleasant experience.

And I've been a cat during an OBE.  Interesting sensations, zooming across the ground, at a very low level.  :lol:


woah i experienced a dragon fly too!

what does that mean?


I have had experiences in nonphysical places with bears, jaguars, cougars, wolf, and one of my more memorable experiences swimming with dolphins.
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


The horse  - I have had very many and vivid experiences with horses,acting as guides (in OBE, lucid dreams) and I've had some dreams where I am a horse myself.

The wolf - also an important guide of mine. I associate myself with wolves, and what is interesting, they (and all the dogs I have ever met) act very friendly towards me in the real life, too.
~Our name is Eternity~

On my way to the infinite universe of Light and Unity.


During a meditation a short while back, a very vivid jaguar perched on a mountain.
"What lies before us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us...." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

A Souls Fury

Quote from: SelskiHi Sunn

I have experienced a fox also.

A dragonfly.  That was a pleasant experience.

And I've been a cat during an OBE.  Interesting sensations, zooming across the ground, at a very low level.  :lol:


That sounds cool.. I love the zooming sensations. I think it would be cool experiencing the Cat.. the prowl, the acrobatic smooth refined reflexes... yep cool experience Sarah.

Frequency is Everything


Quote from: atomvywoah i experienced a dragon fly too!

what does that mean?

Hi atomvy

I'm not sure it means anything.  Perhaps it does?  I don't know much about the meanings of animal guides.  But this particular dragonfly led me to a place where I learnt something.  Without the dragonfly, I may not have gone that way.  

Dragonflies are beautiful aren't they?  Such amazing colours.


We all find nonsenses to believe in; it's part of being alive.


Quote from: A Souls FuryI love the zooming sensations. I think it would be cool experiencing the Cat.. the prowl, the acrobatic smooth refined reflexes... yep cool experience Sarah.

Hi A Souls Fury

It was very memorable.  Actually, reading this thread again has made me realise that since I've had a break from meditating (tut tut), I've been 'human' during my OBEs.  

I've recently begun meditating again - so hopefully I'll be in the company of our animal friends again.  I tend to have an affinity with our tiny creatures - the slugs, ants, beetles and so on.  I'd love to experience life from their perspective.  :grin:

We all find nonsenses to believe in; it's part of being alive.


I have a lot of experiences where cats are aggressive towards me  :shock: I usually have to grab them tightly and stop them attacking me. What does this mean :grin:. I have had experiences where they aren't too :smile:.

I've also had experiences where I was a wolf living with a mate and puppies in a strange tent like structure, and an interesting lucid dream where I lived in a castle and bred/trained dragons.

Intrestingly, my only encounter with something I could call a neg had the form of a cat. THis was about 10 years ago, and i was exploring ruins OBE. I saw a cat and picked it up to stroke. ALmost immediately it went for my neck, my vision faded and the cat seemed to start growing (Sucking energy?). It's shape changed to that of a blob attached to my neck, growing insize down towards the floor as it fed.


Quote from: MisterJingoI have a lot of experiences where cats are aggressive towards me

One of my most memorable OBEs was when I floated the length of my street.  As I got to the top I noticed a cat on the ground looking up at me.  I looked down at it.  I contemplated saying "boo!" but didn't.  The cat leapt into the air (about 5 ft) and took a mighty swipe at me with its outstretched claw.  

I managed to get out of its way (just), but the sheer 'shock' of this unexpected event zapped me back.

I wonder whether the cat picked on my initial intention to scare it by saying boo, and it retaliated by making me jump instead??!!!   :lol:

We all find nonsenses to believe in; it's part of being alive.


I recently had a quick thought - what exactly are our animal guides? Maybe they are like guardian angels from their own animal paradise?  :grin:
~Our name is Eternity~

On my way to the infinite universe of Light and Unity.