The Astral Pulse

Spiritual Evolution => Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! => Topic started by: jub jub on June 07, 2006, 10:54:13

Title: Soul Groups
Post by: jub jub on June 07, 2006, 10:54:13
I was thinking about soul groups because of something I read in a book and had a thought that I would like to get some opinions on.

Suppose that our soul is not a singularity but is actually made up of a group of souls within our family. For instance, my particular "soul group" actually consists of my mother,father,wife and children. The purpose of this would be to resolve conflict within myself and to learn what it's like to experience both sides of relationships.

Seems kind of strange, but I think it makes sense at the same time. When I die I pass over and review my conflicts and gain further understanding as to the human condition.

The biggest difference with what I'm suggesting and the "soul group" theory is that one soul actually occupies different bodies at the same time.
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Sunn on June 08, 2006, 07:45:18
did u read it in that book celestian prophecy or something?
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: jub jub on June 08, 2006, 08:06:01
Quote from: Sunndid u read it in that book celestian prophecy or something?

"The Secret of the Soul" by William Buhlman
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Vilkate on June 08, 2006, 08:41:17
Upon this I can tell an ancient Latvian legend about how people (i.e., their souls) were created.

After the creation of the Universe the Father of Gods decided to make people.  He gathered all the apples from the sacred apple-tree, cut each of them into half, and then threw these pieces all over the Earth, and they became people. Thus, each of us is just half of the soul God created and is to find the other part of his/hers soul.
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: El-Bortukali on June 09, 2006, 20:19:51
How to get rid of soul groups? and the fabled'we are all connected' ?
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Nay on June 09, 2006, 20:59:49
I believe this totally.  I believe that right now all the people that I interact with, especially on a regular basis, we agreed that we were going to either, agree, or disagree to learn different 'lessons', if you will.  In fact, I believe as a group we keep incarnating to help each other to grow and learn.

This week while we were camping at this beautiful lake, my kids and I were walking down to the site and came across another mom with her kids..all five of them.. :shock:  Anyhoo, this little girl of no more than three saw me from across the play ground and immediately started for me, smiling and saying "hey"!  Like she just found me again.  She kept a coming and then grabbed me around the knees and gave me a very big hug.  :smile:  Crazy little girl, you say?  Nope...   Old soul I know from many lives together, I say. :grin:

Haven't any of you met someone, anyone, for just..let's say, ten minutes, and felt an instant connection?  That 'knowing' feeling?  In my book, that is someone whom you've incarnated with in some other life, and you agreed to a little "Hello" to help you along the way...give you a boost in this life. :grin:
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Beth on June 09, 2006, 22:45:00
From 13th century Kabbalah (not the Hollywood version):

In the name of Joseph ben Samuel: "How will the soul be, which came in two or three bodies? And he quoted them saying that the soul multiplies into several parts, just as the candle makes several sparks, and serves in all the bodies."

According to Gershom Scholem, "It was in this sense that some people said that the soul becomes pregnant, as it were, reproducing itself in the sparks radiating from it. This concept yielded a new meaning for the term sod ha-ibbur, literally, "the mystery of pregnancy."

Late 13th century:
"Know that the soul is never reincarnated alone, save in the case, Heaven forbid, of a totally wicked soul, whose body had never done a single good deed--then does his soul come back to transmigrate [alone]. But as for the middling person (the average person) whose body has performed many commandments, his situation is thus: sparks of his soul remain behind [in Paradise] in accordance with the commandments he has performed; but the other parts enter into transmigration. This portion of his soul then comes mixed with the soul of a different reincarnate, who is in the same situation as he, or with [several] transmigrating souls, as mentioned.

There is another one that I can't find at the moment, but it was pretty cool as well -- it went something like this:

If upon ascension a soul lacks but one or two things that must be accomplished before living in Paradise forever, he can reincarnate those sparks that are in need of completion with another primary soul that has that same need. When that need is met for them both, then the spark of the secondary must repose until the primary leaves the physical and they then ascend together.

Anyway, I find the different theories of reincarnation fascinating.

For those that are interested, I excerpted these things from:

On The Mystical Shape of the Godhead,
by Gershom Scholem, a Kabbalah  scholar who is no longer with us.

The book is wonderful with chapters on Good and Evil, The Feminine Element in Divinity, The Transmigration of Souls, and the past chapter is...drum roll please...The Concept of the Astral Body!!

Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Nay on June 10, 2006, 00:34:56
Those quotes are beautiful Beth, but I would enjoy hearing something from your own library.   :smile:
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: El-Bortukali on June 10, 2006, 08:46:17
funny how hitler came down with alot of buddies.
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Nay on June 10, 2006, 09:17:15
Yeah he did.  Many wonderful souls were so selfless that they decided to go through such a horrific thing.    Well, horrific thing to us now, here.  But when you are on the 'other-side' it makes so much sense and is understood while not in this physical body, it almost becomes a beautiful thing to see souls working together for the ulitmate good.

Those people not only learned many lessons for themselves, but they also did it out of love for others, so we could learn from  it too.   I thank those people who chose such hard lives, to help me learn without having to go through it myself.  I believe when a soul chooses such hard lessons, they advance, for lack of a better term, a lot faster than us folks that choose to just skate through this life without learning anything.  What a waste of time.  If I'm going to come to this hell on earth, you can damn well bet, I'm going back with lessons under my belt.

I know I've learned from every abuse that was acted out against me.  Maybe not at the time it was happening, but I learned and grew from it sooner or later, and I am the person I am today because of it.  And I actually have them to thank for it.  

A thought about Hitler.. Don't get me wrong.  His soul, IMO, was far from God's light to begin with and he has many, many, lives to live before he feels the light.  But he has a role in the grand scheme of things.  It took me many years to actually feel the words I'm speaking now.  I do not hate hitler the person, I hate the actions.. but they were necessary.  And I give my love to those who chose such a fate in that incarnation.
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: El-Bortukali on June 10, 2006, 11:25:11
Quote from: NayYeah he did.  Many wonderful souls were so selfless that they decided to go through such a horrific thing.    Well, horrific thing to us now, here.  But when you are on the 'other-side' it makes so much sense and is understood while not in this physical body, it almost becomes a beautiful thing to see souls working together for the ultimate good.

Those people not only learned many lessons for themselves, but they also did it out of love for others, so we could learn from  it too.   I thank those people who chose such hard lives, to help me learn without having to go through it myself.  I believe when a soul chooses such hard lessons, they advance, for lack of a better term, a lot faster than us folks that choose to just skate through this life without learning anything.  What a waste of time.  If I'm going to come to this hell on earth, you can damn well bet, I'm going back with lessons under my belt.

I know I've learned from every abuse that was acted out against me.  Maybe not at the time it was happening, but I learned and grew from it sooner or later, and I am the person I am today because of it.  And I actually have them to thank for it.  

A thought about Hitler.. Don't get me wrong.  His soul, IMO, was far from God's light to begin with and he has many, many, lives to live before he feels the light.  But he has a role in the grand scheme of things.  It took me many years to actually feel the words I'm speaking now.  I do not hate Hitler the person, I hate the actions.. but they were necessary.  And I give my love to those who chose such a fate in that incarnation.

is it possible to make our soul go so far away from god's light that it ends up dying?(the soul) ?

Hm, maybe by that actions i  lower  my soul vibrations and when  i reach a certain level i cease existing.

IAh! I have my next incarnation chosen!
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Nay on June 10, 2006, 11:49:21
LOL.. *shakes head*  Whatever you want, oh dark one.

It's getting really sad to see so many with the same attitude.  Why so negative?  Isn't even a small part of your existence, worth half a smile?

Do you have no friends?  Do you have parents that beat you?  Do you have a mate that beats you?  Are you so hideously scarred that people run from you?  Are you missing a limb?  Are you dying of Cancer?  Are you hungry right now because you have no food?  Are you going to have to sleep outside tonight in a cardboard box because you have no home?  Are you having to use a old computer?  Are you having to play stupid old video games because you can't afford them?  Are you being harrassed at work?  Do you work?  Are you being beat up at school?  Do the teachers treat you like shite?

Title: Soul Groups
Post by: El-Bortukali on June 10, 2006, 12:04:09
Quote from: NayLOL.. *shakes head*  Whatever you want, oh dark one.

It's getting really sad to see so many with the same attitude.  Why so negative?  Isn't even a small part of your existence, worth half a smile?

Do you have no friends?  Do you have parents that beat you?  Do you have a mate that beats you?  Are you so hideously scarred that people run from you?  Are you missing a limb?  Are you dying of Cancer?  Are you hungry right now because you have no food?  Are you going to have to sleep outside tonight in a cardboard box because you have no home?  Are you having to use a old computer?  Are you having to play stupid old video games because you can't afford them?  Are you being harassed at work?  Do you work?  Are you being beat up at school?  Do the teachers treat you like shite?



I'm not negative lol

Yes  i do have friends.

Until they stop serving their purpose,that is.

my parents have never beaten me,No.

I resent that though.

No, I don't have a girlfriend or a boyfriend. they have no utility to me  :grin:

Scarred? I'm quite cute, so they say :razz:

I have all of my limbs,and i don't have cancer, or any other disease. never had one. Not even an headache ;o

I have plenty of food.

I have 2 houses.

Nah, just bought a new computer. capable of playing  all the games.

Unfourtony, i was never beaten at school or treated badly  by my teachers  :sad:

I'mm just not interested in Immortality.

The most beautiful thing about this world is that everything ends.

Everything has a   purpose.

Now, immortality. it has no beginning and no ending.

And I'm not interested in god, wouldn't mind having his power,but  i can't so...

To spend eternity as a Little mass off energy? not my thing,sorry.

And the chance of being incarnated as a female? NO THANK YOU

yeah,yeah, i know, i might have had female lives before, but i don't remember :lol:

I'm quite happy with my life, that's why i don't want anymore.

I'm getting really annoyed at the continuous lectures of how ' we are all connected,we are all one,god loves us'

I don't want love. I don't want Oneness, i don't care about anyone but me :grin:

I remember this book , don't remember
There was god, and god only let the best specimens of the human race live after death.

and he chose this math teacher, one of the best, and this guy had it all, a beautiful wife, a daughter, recognition etc etc, but he, as i didn't wish for immortality.

Nor did this god. he got fe up with immortality so he recruited the most brilliant minds of mankind to come up to a solution.

he wanted to die.

Life is overreacted, is not really that big of a deal.

of course, if the specimen is by any chance a DA vinci,Stephen hawking's,Alexander III, etc, now that's worth living.

but for the great majority life is always the same.

Not really worth all the trouble we have with it.

Anyway, is there any  possibly truth to my previous statement, about going away from god's light equals spiritual death?

thanks for the attention.
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Vilkate on June 10, 2006, 12:11:14
Nevertheless, I love you, Bortukali.  :hug:
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Nay on June 10, 2006, 12:13:43
Alrighty then.

So you're a self absorbed dill-hole?  You own two houses?  I thought you were younger than 20... :confused:  Well, to me you seem negative.. but eh, that's me.  I feel a bit sorry for the 'friends' you use and discard when they've served their purpose.  Bet you really don't have many..
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: El-Bortukali on June 10, 2006, 12:14:07
I love you too honey.

if i saw the utility of loving you  ;o

but thanks for that sweet post :)

I'm 22.

i got one when my grandfather died and another when my grandmother of the other side of the family died.

the part above is for the user who posted before you,nay.

but since we're having an hippie moment, i love you too nay :lol:

Depends on the situation

if i gain something by becoming friends with the person, i do it.
fter getting what i want from the person, i get rid of her or him.

Nah, i keep some friends, i keep this girl, I'm conducting an experience on her, I'm trying to find out  the amount of time and effort it takes me to make her fall in love with me. at least she thinks i have feelings for her,as a friend,and maybe something more.

I just see  her as a lab experience :D

of course  i play a whole different role as a person, the type that cares about her, etc etc

It's all in the name of science.

but really, i don't see myself as negative.

i have never beaten anyone, stole or anything like that.

I see myself as Neutral.

Neither good, neither bad.

Perfection IMO :D

I'm sorry for not being full of love for mankind, I'm not a Jesus Christ.

he's a great man. i have huge respect for great males.

See how i don't deserve immortality? :grin:
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Vilkate on June 10, 2006, 12:19:15
Let's make a nice and loving drum circle tonight!  :grouphug:
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: El-Bortukali on June 10, 2006, 12:20:17
American Native Style! always wanted to do one of those..
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Nay on June 10, 2006, 12:38:57
I used to go to drum circles all the time.  

Hippy  good one.   I'm not trying to change how you use people, El..  Just making conversation. :grin:
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: El-Bortukali on June 10, 2006, 12:43:49
It's ok nay, I enjoy speaking with you :D

if anyone sees my question, feel free to reply, any idea is welcomed :D
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Beth on June 10, 2006, 12:45:12
Quote from: NayThose quotes are beautiful Beth, but I would enjoy hearing something from your own library.   :smile:

Fair enough Nay. What DO I think...hmmmm...what makes "me" -- "ME"... :question:

First, I ran across a saying last night, which I feel is absolutely TRUE and very well worded:

I am a spiritual being having a phyiscal experience, rather than a physical being seeking a spiritual experience.

There is a vast difference between these two approaches...and whether that is the case for all, I cannot say, but it is certainly the case for me.

I don't have a whole system worked out in full detail, but with all of my experiences combined, phyiscal, intuitive, intellectual and astral, I can definately say that 'I knew before coming in', what I was coming in to do. I also knew what the condition of the world would be (to a certain extent) within which I was going to have to try to accomplish the things I was here to accomplish.

Then, at some very early point -- the moment of birth? -- a benevolent shake of my memory occurred and I was made to forget most all of the details of my future experiences here.

I received the first vivid clue to 'my origination' -- my true self -- when I was ten years old, which was the 'first piece' in place for "the puzzle" that was to become "my life." Other experiences occurred as time went on, and from all of these, I am where I am at this time in "solving this puzzle."

And I am sure, for me anyway, that it is a puzzle of a serious magnitude! :shock:

I sometimes wonder, "What WAS I THINKING when agreed with this brilliant plan?"   :yikes2:


Then, in those moments of full lucidity, of both my goals and the world that I live in, I imagine that before birth I looked to this world and saw the way that it was, and I wanted to try and help make things better. When I look at my life 'here' -- from my place of origination 'there' -- I am able to draw the confidence and determination that I need.

However, sometimes my ambition, self-confidence and determination can take a serious dive. When I feel this self-defeat, I then turn the control over to a higher guidance :notworthy: -- you know -- the ones that have access to all of the details of "The Brilliant Plan"  :wink:  

I have already encountered what I am quite sure is "me" -- probably a more evolved aspect of "me" -- many times on this very challenging journey. So I like the theory of the metaphorical "sparks" in that, "part of me is here" and "part of me is there -- acting as my 'higher self'."

I have also come in contact with 'others' -- more affectionately known as "they" ... who are my true family 'there'. These are the ones that have access to "The Plan."

Because my incarnation did not come with a step-by-step manual of "The Plan," I must follow the directions I possess at any given time. Sometimes I think "my higher self" has a great deal of fun at my expense  :roll:  :wink: but I can ususally figure out that these things are only intended to lighten things up for me, or to provide me with yet another directional clue!

I have a natural inclination to take my responsibilities very seriously, and to work hard to make them successful -- I think this is the Aries of my birth sign. Within this drive, I also have a very sensitive side that can bring my Aries to a screeching halt -- which is probably the cusp of Aries and Pieces that my moon is in. While somewhere on this forum I usually make a post most everyday, here in the city that I live, I can go many days without personally interacting with anyone other than the people that I work with, or the grocery store clerk -- this is my Cancer ascending sign moving in and out of the sand.

So yes, I think that our astrological signs can be a big help to us in understanding 'why we are the way we are'. Not as a predictor of future events necessarily, but of the natural tendencies to which we will always lean. Astrological analysis can help us "to know ourselves" as we have manifested ourselves in this incarnation. I also think that the negative tendencies in our charts should not be used as "excuses for bad behavior," rather as life lessons for us to overcome. Direct experience with the bad is a very good tool for choosing the good.

I do have a strong sense that 'my family here' was also designed specifically for my work here -- and not always as a loving support system from my physical aspect, but when I take a closer look, whatever they give me, is what I actually 'need'.

In other words, some of my family members are not my friends, and while it is hurtful at times, I know that this is more to give me what I need, than it is to take anything away from me. I have learned a lot from my family, and there is no doubt in my mind that as jug jug suggests, they are a part of me in more ways than blood. Whether they are actually sparks of "ME" I cannot say, but I do have a sense that they are an agreed upon part of the bigger scheme of my life. With this, I assume it is the same for them and their lives through relationship with me.

Regarding other people that I have come into contact with, whether nice or not nice, they have usually been a great help in my journey as well, whether it seemed to be the case at the time -- or not!  :shock: And again, I help others on their journey as well.

The same holds true on the astral, although I am still trying to figure all of that out. I definately have what I would call, 'more close relationships' with the people I have encountered in the astral, than I do here in the physical -- the love I have for them is so spiritually visceral, that from time to time I really miss them. Occasionally I will be given the opportunity to visit briefly with them, which recharges me for the next period of time that I must journey without lucidly being aware of their presence.

Because my particular 'brilliant plan' here is a really a big one, and a tough one (compared to other people that I know that are living very different lives) I need all of these influences to help me accomplish what I am here to accomplish, but more importantly, I need to "pay attention" to these things as constantly as my 'humanity' will allow.

I am not afraid of death, because I know that I will finally be going "home." Not to some perfect paradise necessarily, but to that which is truly familiar and from which I originated. But as I said, most all of my life I have felt that I am 'away from home' which has led to feeling homesick at various times throughout my life. "Where" "home" is exactly, I cannot say. Unlike some people that have drawn conclusions in these matters, I only have what knowledge I have, and refuse to attach myself to some theory that I cannot verify for myself.

While I am certainly driven by my intuition, vis-a-vis my experiences with others, I am the type of human that has "to know." In other words, I am primarily driven by my intellect and I do not have to 'feel' something that I cannot eventually 'know' as well. If I feel something strong enough, I can 'know it' and it is up to me to possess it intellectually as well.  If it cannot be 'known' it is empty of meaning. In other words, to me, "faith without knowledge" is illusion and self-deception.

As to the 'physical world' and its 'soul', well I think that it is a combination of all of the souls that inhabit it at any one given time. Sometimes I get a lucid moment when it I can see that the 'bad guys' are really the 'good guys' -- and who our mortal inclination would label the 'good guys' are indeed the 'bad'. With contemplation, this is a very fascinating aspect of our existence that I think stems from our tendency to think of ourselves "as physical beings" rather than "as spiritual beings." Thinking that this world is the end all be all, everything is turned upside down, or rather --  downside up!!

For example, I may actually be considered as a 'bad guy' to some people because they think I am trying to pull the comfortable rug out from under them, but I would like to think that some day they will see me as a 'good guy' instead. (I will post a parable after this post to explain better what I mean...)

I know in my heart that I intend 'no harm to anyone' -- my conscience eats away at me whenever I do -- however, I am also right in the middle of something where this is unavoidable. Metaphorically speaking, sometimes the band-aid must be ripped off -- which can be quite painful -- in order for the wound to get the air it needs to heal.

So, what makes "me" "ME" it is a pretty complex puzzle, but I am always driven to contemplate "who" and "what" I really am!!  This is certainly not a complete accounting of my totality, and I always reserve the right to alter my opinion! In my experience so far, "I do know" that I must keep my heart and head in "my true home" and work within this world from that point of reference -- which is most definately a very big challenge at times~

Title: Soul Groups
Post by: El-Bortukali on June 10, 2006, 12:49:12
That was an awesome Post, Beth,  really enjoyed that.

Thanks :exclamation:
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Beth on June 10, 2006, 14:15:15
I wrote:
QuoteFor example, I may actually be considered as a 'bad guy' to some people because they think I am trying to pull the comfortable rug out from under them, but I would like to think that some day they will see me as a 'good guy' instead. (I will post a parable after this post to explain better what I mean...)
Here is the parable:

There was once a little bird in winter
Singing from a snowy branch
As the temp grew colder and the wind grew bolder
Little bird fell to the frozen ground

In shivering despair the little bird could not sing
Until a cow came along in a plod.
Whether by chance or design the cow did resign and
Bequeathed the little bird with a patty

Shew! The little bird thought as it smelled its demise
How dare she do such a thing!
But as the heat from the patty warmed its wings
The little bird found it could once again sing!

Now along comes the fox -- that life sometimes will bring
And hearing that little bird sing,
He followed his nature and dug the bird out
Bringing freedom to the bird once again.

"OH THANK YOU" the little bird chirped to the fox
"I thought I would perish in there!"
"Well, you are certainly welcome" said the fox as he drooled
And then gobbled the bird UP then and there!

The moral of this story is:

Everyone that sh*ts on you is not necessarily your enemy -- and
Everyone that digs you out is not necessarily your friend!

~Beth :grin:

p.s. I just looked at the clock while writing this and it is 1:11 (cst) :wink:
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Nay on June 10, 2006, 17:00:43
Very nice Beth.  I can very much relate to your thoughts on this. :grin:

I've been blessed to see several aspects of 'me' as well.  As to you being seen as the bad guy.. nah, I don't really see that.  I know that you are very well versed and that can be very intimidating, to say the least.   :lol:  

I'm pretty comfortable with my beliefs.. they have changed, of course, but as a whole, I'm good.

Thanks again, Beth.   :smile:
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: jub jub on June 11, 2006, 16:11:12
Quote from: NayI believe this totally.

Haven't any of you met someone, anyone, for just..let's say, ten minutes, and felt an instant connection?  That 'knowing' feeling?  In my book, that is someone whom you've incarnated with in some other life, and you agreed to a little "Hello" to help you along the way...give you a boost in this life. :grin:

Do I know you?  :lol:

I thought this thread was dead. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with these notions. I often wonder if I read these ideas at one time and just forgot about them just to remember later on and think it was an original idea. :scratchy:

I often meet people that I feel an instant connection with. I know in my heart of hearts that we have a connection that transcends the physical.
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: jub jub on June 11, 2006, 16:33:10
Quote from: Beth

Everyone that sh*ts on you is not necessarily your enemy -- and
Everyone that digs you out is not necessarily your friend!

~Beth :grin:

p.s. I just looked at the clock while writing this and it is 1:11 (cst) :wink:

I love it!
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Nay on June 12, 2006, 10:21:53
QuoteDo I know you?  :lol:
:lol:  I don't know, do you feel a connection to me, or is that just heartburn?  

This belief rang true the first I read/heard about it, years ago.   I don't think there are any more original ideas..  :smile:
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: jub jub on June 12, 2006, 20:14:55
Quote from: Nay
QuoteDo I know you?  :lol:
:lol:  I don't know, do you feel a connection to me, or is that just heartburn?  

This belief rang true the first I read/heard about it, years ago.   I don't think there are any more original ideas..  :smile:

Heartburn? Na, I don't think so. Maybe because your close by. I live in Warner Robins so I'm probably right down the road from you.  :grin:

BTW, could you give me the name of your book. I'd like to check it out!
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: Nay on June 13, 2006, 09:42:37
QuoteBTW, could you give me the name of your book. I'd like to check it out!
:lol:  I do not have a book.  Goodness, I couldn't even begin to think I could write a book to tell others what to do.  IMO, there are way too many people out there right now, selling their.......wisdom.  :roll:  

That is just a saying.. "my book", as in my head, heart and soul.  :grin:
Title: Soul Groups
Post by: jub jub on June 13, 2006, 10:32:58
Quote from: Nay
QuoteBTW, could you give me the name of your book. I'd like to check it out!
:lol:  I do not have a book.  Goodness, I couldn't even begin to think I could write a book to tell others what to do.  IMO, there are way too many people out there right now, selling their.......wisdom.  :roll:  

That is just a saying.. "my book", as in my head, heart and soul.  :grin:

Sounds like that would make a good title for one! :reading:  :reading: