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The Ego and HS, spiritual game ?

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Made O pHI

This is just my way of looking at life, its made it sooo much more enjoyable
I'm beginning to really see the fun within all this positive and negative stuff. We all have read that there is no positive and negative, of course this is true, but it's hard to see how people can think this if you keep attracting situations that don't bring you joy. You have to look deep down within to actually find the true reason and joy of how this can be so.

If you begin to look at yourself as having 3 consciousnesses it gets a little easier (from my perspective)
Your Higher Self > You > Your Ego.
Your in the middle of this duality consciousness game still trying to learn and remember how to be.
The Higher Self and The Ego are still you because they have been created by you, in a sense. So you must understand that these other 2 'consciousness' are you.

Your Higher Self aka God
Wants what's best for you, but won't get in the way of your ego. It will attract everything your ego wants, in order to help you. It holds all the knowledge of the universe and the power to attract situations, events, and your addictions to you.
Your Ego aka Lucifer
Also wants what's best for you but won't hesitate to use force, so it over shadows your HS because we are unaware of what's really happening on the inside. This is where all the conditioning and things we learned due to society and our culture, and all of our addictions are held waiting for you to begin this spiritual path so all this can be used to help us learn and remember.
An old soul that's been here since the beginning trying to remember the way of how to be. You know there's no positive or negative but have just forgotten because we choose to come back to Earth where we knew we would lose connection with God but all for the sake of enjoyment and learning.

Now we can look at our Ego as being some type of monster or villain that's trying to control us and make us live by it's standards, but this will only cause tension and resistance and increase the likely hood of the opposite thing we want to be attracted to us. Or we can look at it as another consciousness that's here to play this little game with us and help us, which will then cause the tension and resistance to dissolve. We can look at our Higher Self as some higher power that's trying to help abolish this Ego and turn you into some Higher Being. Or we can look at our Higher Self as another consciousness that's here, along with The Ego, to help us learn and remember and enjoy The Game of LIFE and help change The Ego. (I do believe this is why they made a board game called 'The Game of LIFE') Our Ego and Higher Self will work together, the HS attracting our addictions that our Ego has and of course our Ego will tempt us to fall back into these addictions, hoping you won't but at the same time wanting its desires to be meet.

I found that once I began seeing it this way the duality consciousness of good and bad within me has begun to fade every so quickly and I see The Higher Self and The Ego working together in this game to help me grow and succeed.

Just the other night I had a dream with my Ego controlling me and my HS as a female that brought up sex (I'm a little addicted to sex) and they were both playing and working together. After this female brought up sex, I'd try talking her into having sex with me but my Ego would distort my words and try keeping me from my attempts. This female would just sit there and laugh, how dare she bring up sex and then continuously say no and laugh ! Lol. I found all this quite amusing when I woke up.

Has anyone else thought of it this way ?

Like I always say, this post isn't made to make anyone believe I am right or what I'm saying is true. But it resonates with me, and I find my life to be enjoyable, fun, and amusing now. Just think if you were God, you know everything, before it even happens. Wouldn't you get tired and bored with yourself ? What would you do to solve this problem ? The most logical thing would be to set up a game, with many dimensional levels where you can do different things. Once you choose to play this game you forget how to be God, and you must learn and remember everything throughout these levels. Each level becomes more of a challenge, with makes it even more fun. Hmmm...This sounds so much like a video game, I wonder who invented video games and where they got this idea. Ohh wait, that was God too ! :-D

Best regards, all comments appreciated in advance !
"Do not allow yourselves to be disheartened by any failure
as long as you have done your best."
~Mother Teresa


Makes perfect sense to me. The ego isn't "evil" or anything, but something to be transformed through will, intent, feeling, & action in accordance with the higher self. It's connecting to that higher self that makes it seem so difficult and lets the ego take control of our lives.

I read a book a while back called "The Spiritual Man" and was written in the early 1900's by a man in a chinese prison who was there for practicing Christianity. His interpretation of things (using christian concepts) were very similar to what you wrote: God (HS) is untouchable/unknowable from our physical perspective. Everything physical he called "of the flesh", which is Lucifer's illusion of reality and beckons the ego. It's up to us to find the "Christ" in us through intent, thinking, willing, and feeling, as it's the only connection between our fallen selves (of the flesh) and God.

In a more practical aspect it's broken down to Physical (lucifer), Astral (christ), Spirit (god). It can simply be the difference between acting from impulses coming your lower astral body versus higher astral.


Very interesting perspective Made O pHI.  Reminds me of some of the material I read in The Flower of Life - awesome book by the way.  I've read volume 1 and half way thru volume 2.  Thank you so much for the links to these.  Especially the part about the duality of consciousness and all of us playing a role in this "Luciferian Experiment".  I can relate a lot of what you said to what's going on in my life now as well as in my experiences in the astral.  Good post.

Made O pHI

Glad to hear you enjoyed the books !
"Do not allow yourselves to be disheartened by any failure
as long as you have done your best."
~Mother Teresa