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Open Eyed Meditation (OEM)

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I stumbled apoun this accidentally while laying on my bed with the light on staring at nothing in particular for a period of 15m. In that period I observed the lights seem to dim and brighten, scenery seem to distort and move. I also recieved auditory distortions and waves of energy and happiness. Further research into this lead me to OEM. Something about connecting with your 'oversoul' and 'future self'.
      A quick search on the forums showed nothing of OEM though I didn't dig too far.
      Does anyone have any experience with this phenomenon? I'm looking to find some reputable knowledge from a reputable source (Astral Pulse Forums) and any experiences one has had with OEM.

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There are various examples of open eyed meditations and in particular relating to astral projection, one such example is where you place a beloved object across from you and you then focus completely on that object until you project.  It's no different than any other projection method though as it provides you with a focus, which you focus on to the exclusion of everything else until you project (aka: consciously fall asleep).

Most people actually end up doing this quite by accident, if you've ever fallen asleep while watching tv or reading a book and you find yourself "seeing through your eyelids"... that's an example of an OEM.  Just unaware.


Thanks for the reply. I will experiment with this further as an 'exit technique'. I've haven't had much success via close eyed meditation although I can reach deep meditational states. Haven't been able to 'cross over'.
      The thing about the 'oversoul', what's that all about?
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The best I can suggest is to not fight against the process... simply allow it to happen.
Your only job is to focus on your chosen item until only it and you exist.